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S158 Diabetes Care Volume 47, Supplement 1, January 2024

9. Pharmacologic Approaches to American Diabetes Association

Professional Practice Committee*

Glycemic Treatment: Standards

of Care in Diabetes—2024

Diabetes Care 2024;47(Suppl. 1):S158–S178 |


The American Diabetes Association (ADA) “Standards of Care in Diabetes” in-

cludes the ADA’s current clinical practice recommendations and is intended to
provide the components of diabetes care, general treatment goals and guide-
lines, and tools to evaluate quality of care. Members of the ADA Professional
Practice Committee, an interprofessional expert committee, are responsible for
updating the Standards of Care annually, or more frequently as warranted. For a
detailed description of ADA standards, statements, and reports, as well as the
evidence-grading system for ADA’s clinical practice recommendations and a full
list of Professional Practice Committee members, please refer to Introduction

and Methodology. Readers who wish to comment on the Standards of Care are
invited to do so at


9.1 Treat most adults with type 1 diabetes with continuous subcutaneous in-
sulin infusion or multiple daily doses of prandial (injected or inhaled) and

basal insulin. A
9.2 For most adults with type 1 diabetes, insulin analogs (or inhaled insulin)
are preferred over injectable human insulins to minimize hypoglycemia risk. A
9.3 Early use of continuous glucose monitoring is recommended for adults

with type 1 diabetes to improve glycemic outcomes and quality of life and
minimize hypoglycemia. B
9.4 Automated insulin delivery systems should be considered for all adults

with type 1 diabetes. A *A complete list of members of the American

9.5 To improve glycemic outcomes and quality of life and minimize hypoglyce- Diabetes Association Professional Practice Committee
mia risk, most adults with type 1 diabetes should receive education on how can be found at

to match mealtime insulin doses to carbohydrate intake and, additionally, to Duality of interest information for each author is
available at
fat and protein intake. They should also be taught how to modify the insulin
dose (correction dose) based on concurrent glycemia, glycemic trends (if Suggested citation: American Diabetes Association
Professional Practice Committee. 9. Pharmacologic
available), sick-day management, and anticipated physical activity. B
approaches to glycemic treatment: Standards of
9.6 Glucagon should be prescribed for all individuals taking insulin or at high Care in Diabetes—2024. Diabetes Care 2024;47
risk for hypoglycemia. Family, caregivers, school personnel, and others provid- (Suppl. 1):S158–S178
ing support to these individuals should know its location and be educated on
© 2023 by the American Diabetes Association.
how to administer it. Glucagon preparations that do not require reconstitu- Readers may use this article as long as the
tion are preferred. E work is properly cited, the use is educational
9.7 Insulin treatment plan and insulin-taking behavior should be reevaluated at and not for profit, and the work is not altered.
regular intervals (e.g., every 3–6 months) and adjusted to incorporate specific More information is available at https://www Pharmacologic Approaches to Glycemic Treatment S159

factors that impact choice of treat- plasma concentrations and activity pro- (15). Use of CSII is associated with im-
ment and ensure achievement of in- files than NPH insulin; rapid-acting analogs provement in quality of life, particularly in
dividualized glycemic goals. E (RAA) have a quicker onset and peak and areas related to fear of hypoglycemia and
shorter duration of action than regular hu- diabetes distress, compared with multiple
man insulin. In people with type 1 diabe- daily injections of insulin (16,17). How-
Insulin Therapy tes, treatment with analog insulins is ever, there is no consensus to guide the

Insulin treatment is essential for individu- associated with less hypoglycemia and choice of injection or pump therapy in a
als with type 1 diabetes because the weight gain as well as lower A1C com- given individual, and research to guide

hallmark of type 1 diabetes is absent or pared with injectable human insulins this decision-making is needed (4). Inte-
near-absent b-cell function. In addition (5–7). More recently, two injectable ultra- gration of continuous glucose monitoring

to hyperglycemia, insulinopenia can con- rapid-acting analog (URAA) insulin formu- (CGM) into the treatment plan soon after

tribute to other metabolic disturbances lations were developed to accelerate ab- diagnosis improves glycemic outcomes,
like hypertriglyceridemia and ketoacido- sorption and provide more activity in the decreases hypoglycemic events, and im-
sis as well as tissue catabolism that can first portion of their profile compared with proves quality of life for individuals with

be life threatening. Severe metabolic de- the other RAA (8,9). Inhaled human insulin type 1 diabetes (18–23). Its use is now
compensation can be, and was, mostly has a rapid peak and shortened duration considered standard of care for most peo-
prevented with once- or twice-daily in- of action compared with RAA (10) (see ple with type 1 diabetes (4) (see Section 7,
jections for the six or seven decades af- “Diabetes Technology”). Reduction of noc-

ter the discovery of insulin. Over the PHARMACOLOGIC THERAPY FOR ADULTS WITH TYPE 2 turnal hypoglycemia in individuals with
past four decades, evidence has accumu- DIABETES).These newer formulations may type 1 diabetes using insulin pumps with
lated supporting more intensive insulin cause less hypoglycemia, while improving CGM is improved by automatic suspension

replacement, using multiple daily injec- postprandial glucose excursions and ad- of insulin delivery at a preset glucose level,
tions of insulin or continuous subcutane- ministration flexibility (in relation to pran- with further improvements when using de-
ous administration through an insulin
pump, as providing the best combination
of effectiveness and safety for people
dial intake), compared with RAA (10–12).
In addition, longer-acting basal analogs
vices with predictive low glucose insulin
delivery suspension (24,25).
(U-300 glargine or degludec) may confer a Automated insulin delivery (AID) systems
with type 1 diabetes. lower hypoglycemia risk compared with are safe and effective for people with type
The Diabetes Control and Complications U-100 glargine in individuals with type 1 1 diabetes. Randomized controlled trials
Trial (DCCT) demonstrated that intensive diabetes (13,14). and real-world studies have demonstrated
therapy with multiple daily injections or

Despite the advantages of insulin ana- the ability of commercially available sys-
continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion logs in individuals with type 1 diabetes, tems to improve achievement of glycemic
(CSII) reduced A1C and was associated the expense and/or intensity of treat- goals while reducing the risk of hypoglyce-
with improved long-term outcomes (1–3). ment required for their use may be pro- mia (26–31). Data are emerging on the

The study was carried out with short-acting hibitive. There are multiple approaches safety and effectiveness of do-it-yourself

(regular) and intermediate-acting (NPH) to insulin treatment. The central precept systems (32,33). Evidence suggests that an
human insulins. In this landmark trial, in the management of type 1 diabetes is AID hybrid closed-loop system is superior
lower A1C with intensive control (7%) led that some form of insulin be given in a to AID sensor-augmented pump therapy
to 50% reductions in microvascular com- defined treatment plan tailored to the for increased percentage of time in range

plications over 6 years of treatment. How- individual to prevent diabetic ketoacido- and reduction of hypoglycemia (34,35).
ever, intensive therapy was associated sis (DKA) and minimize clinically relevant Intensive insulin management using a
with a higher rate of severe hypoglycemia hypoglycemia while achieving the indi- version of CSII and CGM should be consid-
than conventional treatment (62 com- vidual’s glycemic goals. The impact of the ered in individuals with type 1 diabetes
pared with 19 episodes per 100 patient-

introductionofinterchangeablebiosimilars whenever feasible. AID systems are pre-

years of therapy) (1). Follow-up of partici- and unbranded versions of some analog ferred and should be considered for indi-
pants from the DCCT demonstrated fewer products as well as current and upcoming viduals with type 1 diabetes who are
macrovascular and microvascular compli-

price reductions on insulin access need to capable of using the device safely (either
cations in the group that received intensive be evaluated. Reassessment of insulin- by themselves or with a caregiver) to im-
treatment. Achieving intensive glycemic taking behavior and adjustment of treat- prove time in range and reduce A1C and

goals during the active treatment period of ment plans to account for specific factors, hypoglycemia (26,28–31,36–42). When
the study had a beneficial impact over the including cost, that impact choice of treat- choosing among insulin delivery systems,
20 years after the active treatment compo- ment is recommended at regular intervals individual preferences, cost, insulin type,
nent of the study ended (1–3). (every3–6months). dosing plan, and self-management capabil-
Insulin replacement plans typically con- Most studies comparing multiple daily ities should be considered. See Section 7,
sist of basal insulin, mealtime insulin, and injections with CSII have been relatively “Diabetes Technology,” for a full discussion
correction insulin (4). Basal insulin includes small and of short duration. A systematic of insulin delivery devices.
NPH insulin, long-acting insulin analogs, review and meta-analysis concluded that In general, individuals with type 1 dia-
and continuous delivery of rapid-acting in- CSII via pump therapy has modest advan- betes require approximately 30–50% of
sulin via an insulin pump. Basal insulin tages for lowering A1C ( 0.30% [95% CI their daily insulin as basal and the re-
analogs have longer duration of action 0.58 to 0.02]) and for reducing severe mainder as prandial (43). This proportion
with flatter, more constant and consistent hypoglycemia rates in children and adults is dependent on a number of factors,
S160 Pharmacologic Approaches to Glycemic Treatment Diabetes Care Volume 47, Supplement 1, January 2024

including but not limited to carbohydrate management can be effective and should to individuals may differ based on cover-
consumption, age, pregnancy status, and be offered to most individuals (54–59). Ed- age and cost, however those that do not
puberty stage (4,44–48). Total daily insulin ucation regarding adjustment of prandial require reconstitution are preferred for
requirements can be estimated based on insulin dose for glycemic trends should be ease of administration (65,66). Clinicians
weight, with typical doses ranging from provided to individuals who are using CGM should routinely review the individual’s ac-
0.4 to 1.0 units/kg/day. Higher amounts alone or an AID system (60–63). Further ad- cess to glucagon, as appropriate glucagon

may be required during puberty, menses, justment of prandial insulin doses for nutri- prescribing is low (67,68). See Section 6,
and medical illness. The American Diabe- “Glycemic Goals and Hypoglycemia,”

tional intake of protein and fat, in addition
tes Association/JDRF Type 1 Diabetes to carbohydrates, is recommended but may for additional information on hypoglycemia
Sourcebook notes 0.5 units/kg/day as a be more feasible for individuals using CSII and glucagon in individuals with diabetes.

typical starting dose in adults with type 1 than for those using multiple daily injections The 2021 ADA/European Association for

diabetes who are metabolically stable, (56). With some AID systems, use of a sim- the Study of Diabetes (EASD) consensus re-
with approximately one-half administered plified meal announcement method may port on the management of type 1 diabe-
as prandial insulin given to manage blood

be an alternative for prandial insulin dosing tes in adults summarizes different insulin
glucose after meals and the remaining (31,64) (see Section 5, “Facilitating Positive plans and glucose monitoring strategies in
portion as basal insulin to manage glyce-
Health Behaviors and Well-being to Im- individuals with type 1 diabetes (Fig. 9.1
mia in the periods between meal absorp-
prove Health Outcomes,” and Section 7, and Table 9.1) (4).

tion (49). Starting doses and those soon
“Diabetes Technology”).
after diagnosis may be higher, if an individ-
Due to the risk of hypoglycemia with Insulin Administration Technique
ual presents with ketoacidosis, or lower
insulin treatment, all individuals with Ensuring that individuals and/or caregivers
(0.2–0.6 units/kg), particularly in young

type 1 diabetes should be prescribed glu- understand correct insulin administration
children and those with continued endoge-
cagon. Individuals with type 1 diabetes technique is important to optimize glyce-
nous insulin production (during the partial
remission phase or “honeymoon period,”
or in people who present with type 1 dia-
and/or those in close contact with indi-
viduals with type 1 diabetes should be
educated on the use and administration
mic management and insulin use safety.
Thus, it is important that insulin be deliv-
ered into the proper tissue in the correct
betes in adulthood) (49–52). This guideline
provides detailed information on intensifi- of the individual’s prescribed glucagon way. Recommendations have been pub-
cation of therapy to meet individualized product. The glucagon product available lished elsewhere outlining best practices
needs. In addition, the American Diabetes
Association (ADA) position statement “Type 1

Representative relative attributes of insulin delivery

Diabetes Management Through the Life approaches in people with type 1 diabetes1
Span” provides a thorough overview of
type 1 diabetes treatment (53).

Greater flexibility Lower risk of

Typical multidose treatment plans for Injected insulin plans Higher costs

individuals with type 1 diabetes combine
premeal use of prandial insulins with a MDI with LAA + RAA or URAA

longer-acting formulation. The long-acting

Less-preferred, alternative injected insulin plans
basal dose is titrated to regulate overnight

and fasting glucose. Postprandial glucose

MDI with NPH + RAA or URAA
excursions are best managed by a well-
timed injection or inhalation of prandial
MDI with NPH + short-acting (regular) insulin
insulin. Prandial insulin should ideally be

administered prior to meal consumption; Two daily injections with NPH + short-acting (regular)
insulin or premixed
however, the optimal time to administer
varies based on the pharmacokinetics of

the formulation (regular, RAA, or inhaled),

Lower risk of
the premeal blood glucose level, and carbo- Continuous insulin infusion plans Greater flexibility
Higher costs
hydrate consumption. Recommendations

for prandial insulin dose administration Automated Insulin delivery systems

should therefore be individualized. Physio-

Insulin pump with threshold/
logic insulin secretion varies with glycemia, predictive low-glucose suspend
meal size, meal composition, and tissue de-
mands for glucose. To approach this vari- Insulin pump therapy without automation

ability in people using insulin treatment,

strategies have evolved to adjust prandial Figure 9.1—Choices of insulin plans in people with type 1 diabetes. Continuous glucose moni-
doses based on predicted needs.Thus, edu- toring improves outcomes with injected or infused insulin and is superior to blood glucose
monitoring. Inhaled insulin may be used in place of injectable prandial insulin in the U.S. 1The
cation on how to adjust prandial insulin to number of plus signs (1) is an estimate of relative association of the plan with increased flexi-
account for nutritional intake and the cor- bility, lower risk of hypoglycemia, and higher costs between the considered plans. LAA, long-
rection dose based on premeal glucose acting insulin analog; MDI, multiple daily injections; RAA, rapid-acting insulin analog; URAA,
levels, anticipated activity, and sick-day ultra-rapid-acting insulin analog. Adapted from Holt et al. (4). Pharmacologic Approaches to Glycemic Treatment S161

for insulin administration (69). Proper insu- with frequent and unexplained hypoglyce- administration device use and injection
lin administration technique includes injec- mia. Risk for IM insulin delivery is technique, are key components of a com-
tion or infusion (for CSII or AID systems) increased in younger, leaner individuals prehensive diabetes medical evaluation
into appropriate body areas, injection or when injecting into the limbs rather than and treatment plan. Proper insulin injec-
infusion site rotation, appropriate care truncal sites (abdomen and buttocks) and tion or infusion technique may lead to
of injection or infusion sites to avoid when using longer needles. Recent evi- more effective use of this therapy and, as

infection or other complications, and dence supports the use of short needles such, holds the potential for improved

avoidance of intramuscular (IM) insulin (e.g., 4-mm pen needles) as effective and clinical outcomes.
delivery. Selection of method of admin- well tolerated when compared with lon-
istration (vial and syringe, insulin pen, ger needles, including a study performed Noninsulin Treatments for Type 1

connected insulin pens/devices, or in- in adults with obesity (70). Diabetes

sulin pumps) will depend on a variety Injection or infusion site rotation is Injectable and oral glucose-lowering med-
of individual-specific factors and needs, additionally necessary to avoid lipohy- ications have been studied for their effi-

cost and coverage, and individual prefer- pertrophy, an accumulation of subcuta- cacy as adjunct to insulin treatment of
ences. Reassessment of the appropriate neous fat in response to the adipogenic type 1 diabetes. Pramlintide is based on
administration technique via whichever actions of insulin at a site of multiple the naturally occurring b-cell peptide
method is used should be completed dur- injections. Lipohypertrophy appears as amylin and is approved for use in adults

ing routine follow-up. soft, smooth raised areas several centi- with type 1 diabetes. Clinical trials have
Exogenously delivered insulin should meters in breadth and can contribute to demonstrated a modest reduction in A1C
be injected into subcutaneous tissue, not erratic insulin absorption, increased gly- (0.3–0.4%) and modest weight loss

intramuscularly. Recommended sites for cemic variability, and unexplained hypo- (1 kg) with pramlintide (71). Similar results
insulin administration include the abdo- glycemic episodes. People treated with have been reported for several agents
men, thigh, buttock, and upper arm. Insu-
lin absorption from IM sites differs from
that in subcutaneous sites and is also
insulin and/or caregivers should receive
education about proper injection or infu-
sion site rotation and how to recognize
currently approved only for the treatment
of type 2 diabetes. The addition of met-
formin in adults with type 1 diabetes was
influenced by the activity of the muscle. and avoid areas of lipohypertrophy. As associated with small reductions in body
Inadvertent IM injection can lead to un- noted in Table 4.1, examination of insulin weight, insulin dose, and lipid levels but
predictable insulin absorption and vari- injection sites for the presence of lipohy- did not sustainably improve A1C (72,73).

able effects on glucose and is associated pertrophy, as well as assessment of The largest clinical trials of glucagon-like

Simplified overview of indications for β -cell replacement therapy in people with type 1 diabetes

Severe metabolic complications

Hypoglycemia unawareness
Severe diabetic chronic kidney disease
(GFR <30 mL mln−1 [1.73 m]−2)

Incapacitating problems with exogenous insulin therapy

Failure of insulin-based management to prevent acute

Impaired kidney function Intact/stable kidney function


Living donor kidney Simultaneous transplantation


Balancing surgical risk, metabolic need, and the choice of the individual with diabetes

Simultaneous Pancreas Islet

Pancreas after Islet after Simultaneous
pancreas and transplantation transplantation
kidney kidney islet and kidney
kidney alone alone

Figure 9.2—Simplified overview of indications for b-cell replacement therapy in people with type 1 diabetes. The two main forms of b-cell replace-
ment therapy are whole-pancreas transplantation or islet cell transplantation. b-Cell replacement therapy can be combined with kidney transplan-
tation if the individual has end-stage renal disease, which may be performed simultaneously or after kidney transplantation. All decisions about
transplantation must balance the surgical risk, metabolic need, and the choice of the individual with diabetes. GFR, glomerular filtration rate.
Reprinted from Holt et al. (4).

Table 9.1—Examples of subcutaneous insulin treatment plans

Plans Timing and distribution Advantages Disadvantages Adjusting doses
Plans that more closely mimic normal insulin secretion
Insulin pump therapy (also
mBasal delivery of URAA or RAA; Can adjust basal rates for varying Most expensive plan. Mealtime insulin: if carbohydrate
including AID systems: hybrid generally 30–50% of TDD. insulin sensitivity by time of day, Must continuously wear one or more counting is accurate, change ICR if
closed-loop, low-glucose Mealtime and correction: URAA or for exercise, and for sick days. devices. glucose after meal consistently out
suspend, CGM-augmented RAA by bolus based on ICR and/or Flexibility in meal timing and Risk of rapid development of ketosis of target.
open-loop, BGM-augmented ISF and target glucose, with content. or DKA with interruption of insulin Correction insulin: adjust ISF and/or
open-loop) premeal insulin 15 min Pump can deliver insulin in delivery. target glucose if correction does
before eating. increments of fractions of units. Potential reactions to adhesives and not consistently bring glucose into
Potential for integration with CGM site infections. range.
for AID systems. Most technically complex approach Basal rates: adjust based on
Pharmacologic Approaches to Glycemic Treatment

TIR % highest and TBR % lowest (harder for people with lower overnight, fasting or daytime
with: hybrid closed-loop > low- numeracy or literacy skills). glucose outside of activity of
glucose suspend > CGM- URAA/RAA bolus.
augmented open-loop > BGM-
augmented open-loop.
MDI: LAA 1 flexible doses of URAA LAA once daily (insulin detemir or
i Can use pens for all components. At least four daily injections. Mealtime insulin: if carbohydrate
or RAA at meals insulin glargine may require twice- Flexibility in meal timing and Most costly insulins. counting is accurate, change ICR if
daily dosing); generally 30–50% of content. Smallest increment of insulin is glucose after meal consistently out
TDD. Insulin analogs cause less 1 unit (0.5 unit with some pens). of target.
Mealtime and correction: URAA or hypoglycemia than human insulins. LAAs may not cover strong dawn Correction insulin: adjust ISF and/or
RAA based on ICR and/or ISF and phenomenon (rise in glucose in target glucose if correction does
target glucose. early morning hours) as well as not consistently bring glucose into
pump therapy. range.
LAA: based on overnight or fasting
glucose or daytime glucose
outside of activity time course, or
A URAA or RAA injections.
MDI plans with less flexibility
Four injections daily with fixed Pre-breakfast: RAA 20% of TDD. May be feasible if unable to Shorter duration RAA may lead to Pre-breakfast RAA: based on BGM
doses of N and RAA Pre-lunch: RAA 10% of TDD. carbohydrate count. basal deficit during day; may need after breakfast or before lunch.
Pre-dinner: RAA 10% of TDD. All meals have RAA coverage. twice-daily N. Pre-lunch RAA: based on BGM after
Bedtime: N 50% of TDD. N is less expensive than LAAs. Greater risk of nocturnal lunch or before dinner.
hypoglycemia with N. Pre-dinner RAA: based on BGM after
Requires relatively consistent dinner or at bedtime.
mealtimes and carbohydrate Evening N: based on fasting or
intake. overnight BGM.
Continued on p. S163
t io
Diabetes Care Volume 47, Supplement 1, January 2024

Table 9.1—Continued
Plans Timing and distribution Advantages Disadvantages Adjusting doses

Four injections daily with fixed Pre-breakfast: R 20% of TDD. May be feasible if unable to Greater risk of nocturnal Pre-breakfast R: based on BGM after
doses of N and R Pre-lunch: R 10% of TDD. carbohydrate count. hypoglycemia with N. breakfast or before lunch.
Pre-dinner: R 10% of TDD. R can be dosed based on ICR and Greater risk of delayed post-meal Pre-lunch R: based on BGM after
Bedtime: N 50% of TDD. correction. hypoglycemia with R. lunch or before dinner.
All meals have R coverage. Requires relatively consistent Pre-dinner R: based on BGM after
Least expensive insulins. mealtimes and carbohydrate dinner or at bedtime.
intake. Evening N: based on fasting or
R must be injected at least 30 min overnight BGM.
before meal for better effect.
Plans with fewer daily injections
Three injections daily: N 1 R or Pre-breakfast: N  40% TDD 1 R or Morning insulins can be mixed in one Greater risk of nocturnal Morning N: based on pre-dinner
N 1 RAA RAA 15% TDD. syringe. hypoglycemia with N than LAAs. BGM.
Pre-dinner: R or RAA 15% TDD. May be appropriate for those who Greater risk of delayed post-meal Morning R: based on pre-lunch BGM.
Bedtime: N  30% TDD. cannot take injection in middle of hypoglycemia with R than RAAs. Morning RAA: based on post-
i day. Requires relatively consistent breakfast or pre-lunch BGM.
Morning N covers lunch to some mealtimes and carbohydrate Pre-dinner R: based on bedtime
extent. intake. BGM.
Same advantages of RAAs over R. Coverage of post-lunch glucose often Pre-dinner RAA: based on post-
Least (N 1 R) or less expensive suboptimal. dinner or bedtime BGM.
insulins than MDI with analogs. R must be injected at least 30 min Evening N: based on fasting BGM.
before meal for better effect.
Twice-daily “split-mixed”: N 1 R or Pre-breakfast: N  40% TDD 1 R or Least number of injections for people Risk of hypoglycemia in afternoon or Morning N: based on pre-dinner
N 1 RAA RAA 15% TDD. with strong preference for this. middle of night from N. BGM.
Pre-dinner: N  30% TDD 1 R or Insulins can be mixed in one syringe. Fixed mealtimes and meal content. Morning R: based on pre-lunch BGM.
Coverage of post-lunch glucose often Morning RAA: based on post-
RAA 15% TDD.
Least (N 1 R) or less (N 1 RAA)
expensive insulins vs. analogs. suboptimal. breakfast or pre-lunch BGM.
Eliminates need for doses during the Difficult to reach targets for blood Evening R: based on bedtime BGM.
day. glucose without hypoglycemia. Evening RAA: based on post-dinner
or bedtime BGM.
Evening N: based on fasting BGM.

AID, automated insulin delivery; BGM, blood glucose monitoring; CGM, continuous glucose monitoring; ICR, insulin-to-carbohydrate ratio; ISF, insulin sensitivity factor; LAA, long-acting analog; MDI, mul-
tiple daily injections; N, NPH insulin; R, short-acting (regular) insulin; RAA, rapid-acting analog; TBR, time below range; TDD, total daily insulin dose; TIR, time in range; URAA, ultra-rapid-acting analog.
Adapted from Holt et al. (4).
Pharmacologic Approaches to Glycemic Treatment

S164 Pharmacologic Approaches to Glycemic Treatment Diabetes Care Volume 47, Supplement 1, January 2024

peptide 1 receptor agonists (GLP-1 RAs) following kidney transplantation, or for 9.13 Medication plan and medication-
in type 1 diabetes have been conducted those with recurrent ketoacidosis or se- taking behavior should be reevaluated at
with liraglutide 1.8 mg daily, and results vere hypoglycemia despite intensive gly- regular intervals (e.g., every 3–6 months)
showed modest A1C reductions (0.4%), cemic management (83). In much of the and adjusted as needed to incorporate
decreases in weight (5 kg), and reduc- world, allogenic islet transplantation is specific factors that impact choice of
tions in insulin doses (74,75). Similarly, regulated as an organ transplant. How- treatment (Fig. 4.1 and Table 9.2). E

sodium–glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT2) ever, in the U.S., allogenic islet transplan- 9.14 Early combination therapy can
inhibitors have been studied in clinical tri- tation is regulated as a cell therapy, and

be considered in adults with type 2
als in people with type 1 diabetes, and the first such allogeneic islet cell therapy, diabetes at treatment initiation to
results showed improvements in A1C, re- donislecel-jujn, was approved in 2023. shorten time to attainment of indi-

duced body weight, and improved blood Donislecel is indicated for the treatment vidualized treatment goals. A

pressure (76); however, SGLT2 inhibitor of adults with type 1 diabetes who are 9.15 In adults with type 2 diabetes
use in type 1 diabetes was associated with unable to approach their A1C goal be- without cardiovascular and/or kidney
an increased rate of DKA. The SGLT1/2 in- cause of current repeated episodes of

disease, pharmacologic agents should
hibitor sotagliflozin has been studied in severe hypoglycemia despite intensive address both the individualized glyce-
clinical trials in people with type 1 diabe- diabetes management and education. mic and weight goals (Fig. 9.3). A
tes, and results showed improvements in The 2021 ADA/EASD consensus report 9.16 In adults with type 2 diabetes

A1C and body weight (77); however, sota- on the management of type 1 diabetes who have not achieved their individual-
gliflozin use was associated with an eight- in adults offers a simplified overview of ized glycemic goals, selection of subse-
fold increase in DKA compared with indications for b-cell replacement ther- quent glucose-lowering agents should
apy in people with type 1 diabetes (Fig.

placebo (78). The studies that led to the take into consideration the individual-
approved indication for heart failure (HF) 9.2) (4). ized glycemic and weight goals as well
excluded individuals with type 1 diabetes es as the presence of other metabolic co-
or a history of DKA (79,80). See section PRE- PHARMACOLOGIC THERAPY FOR morbidities and the risk of hypoglyce-
Section 10, “Cardiovascular Disease and 9.17 In adults with type 2 diabetes
Risk Management,” for information on risk Recommendations who have not achieved their individu-
mitigation with the use of SGLT inhibitors 9.8 Healthy lifestyle behaviors, dia- alized weight goals, additional weight
in those with type 1 diabetes. The risks betes self-management education management interventions (e.g.,

and benefits of adjunctive agents continue and support, avoidance of therapeutic intensification of lifestyle modifica-
to be evaluated, with consensus statements inertia, and social determinants of health tions, structured weight management
providing guidance on patient selection should be considered in the glucose- programs, pharmacologic agents, or
and precautions (81). lowering management of type 2 dia- metabolic surgery, as appropriate) are

betes. A recommended. A

There are currently no approved thera-

pies for preservation of C-peptide or de- 9.9 A person-centered shared decision- 9.18 In adults with type 2 diabetes
laying the progression of clinical type 1 making approach should guide the and established or high risk of ath-
diabetes. Higher C-peptide levels have choice of pharmacologic agents for erosclerotic cardiovascular disease,
been associated with better A1C, lower adults with type 2 diabetes. Consider heart failure (HF), and/or chronic

risk of retinopathy, lower risk of nephropa- the effects on cardiovascular and re- kidney disease (CKD), the treatment
thy, and lower risk of severe hypoglycemia nal comorbidities; effectiveness; hypo- plan should include agent(s) that re-
(82). Several therapies, including verapamil glycemia risk; impact on weight, cost duce cardiovascular and kidney disease
and monoclonal antibodies, are currently and access; risk for adverse reactions risk (e.g., sodium–glucose cotransporter

under active investigation. and tolerability; and individual prefer- 2 inhibitor [SGLT2] and/or glucagon-like
ences (Fig. 9.3 and Table 9.2). E peptide 1 receptor agonist [GLP-1 RA])
SURGICAL TREATMENT FOR TYPE 1 9.10 The glucose-lowering treatment (Fig. 9.3, Table 9.2, Table 10.3B, and

DIABETES plan should consider approaches that Table 10.3C) for glycemic management
support weight management goals and comprehensive cardiovascular risk
Pancreas and Islet Transplantation
(Fig. 9.3 and Table 9.2) for adults with reduction, independent of A1C and in

Successful pancreas and islet transplanta-

type 2 diabetes. A consideration of person-specific factors
tion can normalize glucose levels and miti-
9.11 For adults with type 2 diabetes, (Fig. 9.3) (see Section 10, “Cardiovascular
gate microvascular complications of type 1
use pharmacological strategies that pro- Disease and Risk Management,” for de-
diabetes. However, people receiving these
vide sufficient effectiveness to achieve tails on cardiovascular risk reduction rec-
treatments require lifelong immunosup-
and maintain the intended treatment ommendations). A
pression to prevent graft rejection and/or
goals. A 9.19 In adults with type 2 diabetes
recurrence of autoimmune islet destruc-
9.12 Treatment modification (inten- who have HF (with either reduced
tion. Given the potential adverse effects
sification or deintensification) for or preserved ejection fraction), an
of immunosuppressive therapy, pancreas
adults not meeting individualized SGLT2 inhibitor is recommended, for
transplantation should be reserved for
treatment goals should not be de- glycemic management and prevention
people with type 1 diabetes undergoing
layed. A of HF hospitalizations (see Section 10,
simultaneous kidney transplantation, Pharmacologic Approaches to Glycemic Treatment S165

“Cardiovascular Disease and Risk starting insulin therapy in adults with profiles of medications, complexity of the
Management,” for details on cardio- type 2 diabetes, reassess the need medication plan and the individual’s ca-
vascular risk reduction recommenda- for and/or dose of glucose-lowering pacity to implement it given their specific
tions). A agents with higher hypoglycemia risk situation and context, and the access, cost,
9.20 In adults with type 2 diabetes (i.e., sulfonylureas and meglitinides). A and availability of medication. Lifestyle
9.27 Monitor for signs of overbasaliza- modifications and health behaviors that

who have CKD (with confirmed esti-
mated glomerular filtration rate [eGFR] tion during insulin therapy, such as basal improve health (see Section 5, “Facilitating

of 20–60 mL/min per 1.73 m2 and/or dose exceeding 0.5 units/kg/day, Positive Health Behaviors and Well-being
albuminuria), an SGLT2 inhibitor should significant bedtime-to-morning or post- to Improve Health Outcomes”) should be
be used for minimizing progression of prandial-to-preprandial glucose differ- emphasized along with any pharmacologic

CKD, reduction in cardiovascular events, ential, occurrences of hypoglycemia therapy. Section 13, “Older Adults,” and

and reduction in hospitalizations for HF (aware or unaware), and high glycemic Section 14, “Children and Adolescents,”
(Fig. 9.3); however, the glycemic bene- variability. When overbasalization is sus- have recommendations specific for older
fits of SGLT2 inhibitors are reduced at adults and for children and adolescents

pected, a thorough reevaluation should
eGFR <45 mL/min per 1.73 m2 (see occur promptly to further tailor therapy with type 2 diabetes, respectively. Sec-
Section 11, “Chronic Kidney Disease and to the individual’s needs. E tion 10, “Cardiovascular Disease and Risk
Risk Management” for details on renal 9.28 Routinely assess all people with Management,” and Section 11, “Chronic

risk reduction recommendations). A diabetes for financial obstacles that Kidney Disease and Risk Management,”
9.21 In adults with type 2 diabetes could impede their diabetes manage- have recommendations for the use of
and advanced CKD (eGFR <30 mL/min ment. Clinicians, members of the dia- glucose-lowering drugs in the manage-
per 1.73 m2), a GLP-1 RA is preferred

betes care team, and social services ment of cardiovascular disease and kid-
for glycemic management due to lower professionals should work collabora- ney disease, respectively.
risk of hypoglycemia and for cardiovas- es
tively, as appropriate and feasible, to
cular event reduction. B support these individuals by imple- Choice of Glucose-Lowering Therapy
9.22 In adults with type 2 diabetes, menting strategies to reduce costs, Healthy lifestyle behaviors, diabetes self-
initiation of insulin should be consid- thereby improving their access to management, education, and support,
ered regardless of background glucose- evidence-based care. E avoidance of clinical inertia, and social de-
lowering therapy or disease stage if 9.29 In adults with diabetes and cost- terminants of health should be considered
there is evidence of ongoing catabolism related barriers, consider use of lower- in the glucose-lowering management of

(e.g., unexpected weight loss), if symp- cost medications for glycemic manage- type 2 diabetes. Pharmacologic therapy
toms of hyperglycemia are present, or ment (i.e., metformin, sulfonylureas, should be guided by person-centered
when A1C or blood glucose levels are very thiazolidinediones, and human insulin) treatment factors, including comorbidities
high (i.e., A1C >10% [>86 mmol/mol] and treatment goals and preferences.

within the context of their risks for hy-

or blood glucose $300 mg/dL

poglycemia, weight gain, cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy should be started at the

[$16.7 mmol/L]). E and kidney events, and other adverse time type 2 diabetes is diagnosed unless
9.23 In adults with type 2 diabetes, a effects. E there are contraindications. Pharmaco-
GLP-1 RA, including a dual glucose- logic approaches that provide the efficacy
dependent insulinotropic polypeptide to achieve treatment goals should be con-

The ADA/EASD consensus report “Man-

(GIP) and GLP-1 RA, is preferred to in- sidered, such as metformin or other agents,
agement of Hyperglycemia in Type 2 Dia-
sulin (Fig. 9.4). A including combination therapy, that pro-
betes, 2022” (84) recommends a holistic,
9.24 If insulin is used, combination vide adequate efficacy to achieve and
multifaceted, person-centered approach
therapy with a GLP-1 RA, including a maintain treatment goals (84). In adults
accounting for the complexity of managing

dual GIP and GLP-1 RA, is recom- with type 2 diabetes and established/high
type 2 diabetes and its complications across
mended for greater glycemic effective- risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular dis-
the life span. Person-specific factors that af-
ness as well as beneficial effects on ease (ASCVD), HF, and/or chronic kidney

fect choice of treatment include individu-

weight and hypoglycemia risk for adults disease (CKD), the treatment plan should
alized glycemic goals (see Section 6,
with type 2 diabetes. Insulin dosing
“Glycemic Goals and Hypoglycemia”), in- include agents that reduce cardiovascular
should be reassessed upon addition or and kidney disease risk (see Fig. 9.3, Table

dividualized weight goals, the individual’s

dose escalation of a GLP-1 RA or dual 9.2, Section 10, “Cardiovascular Disease and
risk for hypoglycemia, and the individual’s
GIP and GLP-1 RA. A Risk Management,” and Section 11, “Chronic
history of or risk factors for cardiovascular,
9.25 In adults with type 2 diabetes, Kidney Disease and Risk Management”). In
kidney, liver, and other comorbidities and
glucose-lowering agents may be contin-
complications of diabetes (see Section 4, general, higher-efficacy approaches have
ued upon initiation of insulin therapy
“Comprehensive Medical Evaluation and greater likelihood of achieving glycemic
(unless contraindicated or not tolerated)
Assessment of Comorbidities,” Section goals, with the following considered to
for ongoing glycemic and metabolic
10, “Cardiovascular Disease and Risk have very high efficacy for glucose lower-
benefits (i.e., weight, cardiometabolic,
Management,” and Section 11 “Chronic ing: the GLP-1 RAs dulaglutide (high dose)
or kidney benefits). A
Kidney Disease and Risk Management”). and semaglutide, the dual glucose-depend-
9.26 To minimize the risk of hypogly-
In addition, treatment decisions must con- ent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) and
cemia and treatment burden when
sider the tolerability and side effect GLP-1 RA tirzepatide, insulin, combination

Pharmacologic Approaches to Glycemic Treatment

i ab
A ss
Figure 9.3—Use of glucose-lowering medications in the management of type 2 diabetes. ACEi, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor; ACR, albumin-to-creatinine ratio; ARB, angiotensin receptor blocker; ASCVD, atherosclerotic cardio-
vascular disease; CGM, continuous glucose monitoring; CKD, chronic kidney disease; CV, cardiovascular; CVD, cardiovascular disease; CVOT, cardiovascular outcomes trial; DPP-4i, dipeptidyl peptidase 4 inhibitor; eGFR, estimated glomerular
filtration rate; GLP-1 RA, glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor agonist; HF, heart failure; HFpEF, heart failure with preserved ejection fraction; HFrEF, heart failure with reduced ejection fraction; HHF, hospitalization for heart failure; MACE, major
adverse cardiovascular events; MI, myocardial infarction; SDOH, social determinants of health; SGLT2i, sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitor; T2D, type 2 diabetes; TZD, thiazolidinedione. Adapted from Davies et al. (84).
Diabetes Care Volume 47, Supplement 1, January 2024

Table 9.2—Medications for lowering glucose, summary of characteristics

i ab
A ss
CV, cardiovascular; CVOT, cardiovascular outcomes trial; DKA, diabetic ketoacidosis; DKD, diabetic kidney disease; DPP-4, dipeptidyl peptidase 4; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; GI, gas-
trointestinal; GIP, glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide; GLP-1 RA, glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor agonist; HF, heart failure; NASH, nonalcoholic steatohepatitis; MACE, major adverse car-
diovascular events; SGLT2, sodium–glucose cotransporter 2; SQ, subcutaneous; T2DM, type 2 diabetes mellitus. *For agent-specific dosing recommendations, please refer to manufacturers’
Pharmacologic Approaches to Glycemic Treatment

prescribing information. 1Tsapas et al. (104). 2Tsapas et al. (152). Adapted from Davies et al. (84).
S168 Pharmacologic Approaches to Glycemic Treatment Diabetes Care Volume 47, Supplement 1, January 2024

oral therapy, and combination injectable in individuals treated with metformin for (DPP-4) inhibitor vildagliptin—is superior
therapy. Weight management is a distinct an extended period of time. to sequential addition of medications for
treatment goal, along with glycemic man- When A1C is $1.5% above the indi- extending primary and secondary failure
agement, in individuals with type 2 dia- vidualized glycemic goal (see Section 6, (100). Initial combination therapy should
betes, as it has multifaceted benefits, in- “Glycemic Goals and Hypoglycemia,” for be considered in people presenting with
cluding improved glycemic management, appropriate goals), many individuals will A1C levels 1.5–2.0% above goal. Finally,

reduction in hepatic steatosis, and im- require dual-combination therapy or a incorporation of high-glycemic-efficacy
provement in cardiovascular risk factors more potent glucose-lowering agent to therapies or therapies for cardiovascular

(84–86). The glucose-lowering treatment achieve and maintain their goal A1C level and kidney disease risk reduction (e.g.,
plan should therefore consider approaches (84,94) (Fig. 9.3 and Table 9.2). Insulin has GLP-1 RAs, dual GIP and GLP-1 RA, and

that support weight management goals, the advantage of being effective where SGLT2 inhibitors) may allow for weaning of

with semaglutide and tirzepatide cur- other agents are not and should be consid- the current medication plan, particularly of
rently having the highest weight loss effi- ered as part of any combination medica- agents that may increase the risk of hypo-
cacy among agents approved for glycemic tion plan when hyperglycemia is severe, glycemia and weight gain. Thus, treatment

management (Fig. 9.3 and Table 9.2) especially if catabolic features (weight loss, intensification may not necessarily follow a
(84,87,88). Additional weight manage- hypertriglyceridemia, ketosis) are present. pure sequential addition of therapy but in-
ment approaches, alone or in combina- It is common practice to initiate insulin stead reflect a tailoring of the medication

tion, should be used if needed to achieve therapy for people who present with plan in alignment with person-centered
individual goals (i.e., intensive behavioral blood glucose levels $300 mg/dL ($16.7 treatment goals and pursuit of multifaceted
management programs, weight loss phar- mmol/L) or A1C >10% (>86 mmol/mol) treatment goals (Fig. 9.3).
macotherapies, or metabolic surgery). Treatment intensification, deintensifica-

or if the individual has symptoms of hyper-
See Section 8, “Obesity and Weight glycemia (i.e., polyuria or polydipsia) or ev- tion, or modification—as appropriate—for
Management,” for approaches to achieve idence of catabolism (unexpected weight people not meeting individualized treat-
weight management goals.
Metformin is effective and safe, is in-
loss) (Fig. 9.4). As glucose toxicity resolves,
simplifying the medication plan and/or
ment goals should not be delayed. Shared
decision-making is important in discussions
expensive and widely available, and may regarding treatment change. The choice
changing to noninsulin agents is often pos-
reduce risk of cardiovascular events and of medication added to initial therapy is
sible. However, there is evidence that peo-
death (89). Metformin is available in an based on the clinical characteristics of the
ple with poorly managed hyperglycemia
immediate-release form for twice-daily individual and their preferences and goals
associated with type 2 diabetes can also

dosing or as an extended-release form for care. Important clinical characteristics

be effectively treated with a sulfonylurea,
that can be given once daily. Compared include the presence of overweight or obe-
GLP-1 RA, or dual GIP and GLP-1 RA
with sulfonylureas, metformin as first- sity, established ASCVD or indicators of
(87,88,95). GLP-1 RAs and tirzepatide have
line therapy has beneficial effects on high ASCVD risk, HF, CKD, obesity, nonalco-
additional benefits over insulin and sulfo-

A1C, is weight neutral, does not cause holic fatty liver disease or nonalcoholic

nylureas, specifically lower risk for hypogly-

hypoglycemia, and reduces cardiovascu- steatohepatitis, hypoglycemia, and risk for
lar mortality (90). cemia (both) and favorable weight (both), specific adverse drug effects, as well as
The principal side effects of metformin cardiovascular (GLP-1 RAs), and kidney safety, tolerability, accessibility, usability,
are gastrointestinal intolerance due to (GLP-1 RAs) end points. and cost. Results from comparative effec-

bloating, abdominal discomfort, and diar- tiveness meta-analyses suggest that each
rhea; these can be mitigated by gradual Combination Therapy new class of oral noninsulin agents added
dose titration and/or using extended- Because type 2 diabetes is a progressive to initial therapy with metformin gener-
release formulation. The drug is cleared disease in many individuals, maintenance ally lowers A1C approximately 0.7–1.0%
by renal filtration, and very high circulat- of glycemic goals often requires combina-

(8–11 mmol/mol); if a GLP-1 RA or the

ing levels (e.g., as a result of overdose or tion therapy. Traditional recommendations dual GIP and GLP-1 RA is added, a 1
acute renal failure) have been associated have been to use stepwise addition of to $2% lowering in A1C is expected
medications to metformin to maintain goal (87,101,102) (Fig. 9.3 and Table 9.2).

with lactic acidosis. However, the occur-

rence of this complication is now known A1C. The advantage of this is to provide a For people with type 2 diabetes and
to be very rare, and metformin may be clear assessment of the positive and nega- established ASCVD or indicators of high

safely used in people with estimated glo- tive effects of new drugs and reduce po- ASCVD risk, HF, or CKD, an SGLT2 inhibi-
merular filtration rate $30 mL/min/1.73 m2 tential side effects and expense (96). tor and/or GLP-1 RA with demonstrated
(91). A randomized trial confirmed previ- However, there are data to support initial cardiovascular benefit (see Table 9.2,
ous observations that metformin use is combination therapy for more rapid attain- Table 10.3B, and Table 10.3C) is recom-
associated with vitamin B12 deficiency ment of glycemic goals (97,98) and later mended as part of the glucose-lowering
and worsening of symptoms of neuropa- combination therapy for longer durability plan independent of A1C, independent
thy (92). This is compatible with a report of glycemic effect (99). The VERIFY (Vilda- of metformin use, and in consideration
from the Diabetes Prevention Program gliptin Efficacy in combination with met- of person-specific factors (Fig. 9.3). Indi-
Outcomes Study (DPPOS) suggesting peri- formin For earlY treatment of type 2 viduals with these comorbidities already
odic testing of vitamin B12 levels (93) diabetes) trial demonstrated that initial achieving their individualized glycemic
(see Section 3, “Prevention or Delay of combination therapy—in this case of met- goals with other medications may bene-
Diabetes and Associated Comorbidities”) formin and the dipeptidyl peptidase 4 fit from switching to these preferred Pharmacologic Approaches to Glycemic Treatment S169

medications, if possible, to reduce risk of hypoglycemia and beneficial effects with an SGLT2 inhibitor or GLP-1 RA; see
of ASCVD, HF, and/or CKD in addition to on body weight compared with insulin, Section 10, “Cardiovascular Disease and
achieving glycemic goals (see Section albeit with greater gastrointestinal side Risk Management,” for details. Partici-
10, “Cardiovascular Disease and Risk effects. Thus, trial results support high pants enrolled in many of the cardiovas-
Management” and Section 11, “Chronic potency GLP-1 RAs and dual GIP and cular outcomes trials had A1C $6.5%
Kidney Disease and Risk Management”). GLP-1 RA as the preferred options for ($48 mmol/mol), with more than 70%

This is particularly important as SGLT2 individuals requiring the potency of an taking metformin at baseline, with analy-
inhibitors and GLP-1 RA are associated ses indicating benefit with or without met-

injectable therapy for glucose manage-
with lower risk of hypoglycemia and in- ment (Fig. 9.4). In individuals who are in- formin (84). Thus, a practical extension of
dividuals with ASCVD, HF, and CKD ex- tensified to insulin therapy, combination these results to clinical practice is to use

perience heightened hypoglycemia risk. therapy with a GLP-1 RA or a dual GIP these medications preferentially in people

For people without established ASCVD, and GLP-1 RA has been shown to have with type 2 diabetes and established
indicators of high ASCVD risk, HF, or CKD, greater efficacy and durability of glycemic ASCVD or indicators of high ASCVD risk.
medication choice is guided by efficacy in treatment effect, as well as weight and For these individuals, incorporating one

support of individualized glycemic and hypoglycemia benefit, than treatment in- of the SGLT2 inhibitors and/or GLP-1 RAs
weight management goals, avoidance of tensification with insulin alone (84,114). that have been demonstrated to have
side effects (particularly hypoglycemia However, cost and tolerability issues are cardiovascular disease benefit is rec-
ommended (see Fig. 9.3, Table 9.2, and

and weight gain), cost/access, and individ- important considerations in GLP-1 RA and
ual preferences (103). A systematic review dual GIP and GLP-1 RA use. Section 10, “Cardiovascular Disease
and network meta-analysis suggests that Costs for diabetes medications have in- and Risk Management”). Emerging data
the greatest reductions in A1C level are suggest that use of both classes of drugs

creased dramatically over the past two
with insulin plans, specific GLP-1 RAs decades, and an increasing proportion is will provide additional cardiovascular and
(particularly semaglutide), and tirzepatide now passed on to people with diabetes kidney outcomes benefit; thus, combina-
(87,88,104). In all cases, treatment plans
need to be continuously reviewed for effi-
and their families (115). Table 9.3 provides
cost information for currently approved
tion therapy with an SGLT2 inhibitor and a
GLP-1 RA may be considered to provide
cacy, side effects, and burden (Table 9.2). the complementary outcomes benefits as-
noninsulin therapies. Of note, prices listed
In some instances, the individual will re- sociated with these classes of medication
are average wholesale prices (AWP) (116)
quire medication reduction or discontinu- (121). In cardiovascular outcomes trials,
and National Average Drug Acquisition
ation. Common reasons for this include empagliflozin, canagliflozin, dapagliflozin,
Costs (NADAC) (117), separate measures

ineffectiveness, hypoglycemia, intolerable liraglutide, semaglutide, and dulaglutide all

to allow for a comparison of drug prices,
side effects, new contraindications, ex- had beneficial effects on indices of CKD,
but do not account for discounts, rebates,
pense, or a change in glycemic goals (e.g., while dedicated renal outcomes studies
or other price adjustments often involved
in response to development of comorbid- have demonstrated benefit of specific
in prescription sales that affect the actual

ities or changes in treatment goals). Section SGLT2 inhibitors. See Section 11, “Chronic

cost incurred by the individual. Medication

13, “Older Adults,” has a full discussion of Kidney Disease and Risk Management,”
treatment considerations in older adults, in costs can be a major source of stress for
for discussion of how CKD may impact
whom changes of glycemic goals and de- people with diabetes and contribute to treatment choices. Additional large ran-
escalation of therapy are common. worse medication-taking behavior (118); domized trials of other agents in these
cost-reducing strategies may improve medi-

The need for the greater potency of classes are ongoing.

injectable medications is common, par- cation-taking behavior in some cases (119). Individuals at low risk for ASCVD may
ticularly in people with a longer dura- Although caps on costs are starting to occur benefit from GLP-1 RA therapy to reduce
tion of diabetes. The addition of basal for insulin products, no such caps exist for their risk of future ASCVD events, although
diabetes durable medical equipment or for

insulin, either human NPH or one of the the evidence is currently limited. The Gly-
long-acting insulin analogs, to oral agent noninsulin medications. It is therefore es- cemia Reduction Approaches in Type 2
medication plans is a well-established sential to screen all people with diabetes Diabetes: A Comparative Effectiveness
for financial concerns and cost-related bar-

approach that is effective for many indi- Study (GRADE), which was designed to
viduals. In addition, evidence supports riers to care and to engage members of the examine the comparative effectiveness of
the utility of GLP-1 RAs in people not at- health care team—including pharmacists, insulin glargine U-100, glimepiride, liraglu-

taining their glycemic goals. While most certified diabetes care and education spe- tide, and sitagliptin in individuals with
GLP-1 RAs are injectable, an oral formu- cialists, social workers, community health short duration of diabetes with respect to
lation of semaglutide is commercially workers, community paramedics, and achieving and maintaining glycemic con-
available (105). In trials comparing the others—to identify cost-saving opportuni- trol, found that individuals treated with
addition of an injectable GLP-1 RA, dual ties for medications, diabetes durable liraglutide had a slightly lower risk of car-
GIP and GLP-1 RA, or insulin in people medical equipment, and glucagon (120). diovascular disease compared with individ-
needing further glucose lowering, glyce- uals receiving the other three treatments
mic efficacies of injectable GLP-1 RA Cardiovascular Outcomes Trials (hazard ratio 0.7 [95% CI 0.6–0.9]), al-
and dual GIP and GLP-1 RA were similar There are now multiple large randomized though no significant differences were
to or greater than that of basal insulin controlled trials reporting statistically sig- found for major adverse cardiovascular
(106–113). GLP-1 RAs and dual GIP and nificant reductions in cardiovascular events events, hospitalization for HF, or cardiovas-
GLP-1 RA in these trials had a lower risk in adults with type 2 diabetes treated cular death (122).
S170 Pharmacologic Approaches to Glycemic Treatment Diabetes Care Volume 47, Supplement 1, January 2024

Insulin Therapy postprandial glucose differential (e.g., treatment (including glucose monitoring
Many adults with type 2 diabetes even- bedtime-to-morning glucose differential supplies [strips or sensors], administration
tually require and benefit from insulin $50 mg/dL [$2.8 mmol/L]), hypoglyce- tools [pen needles, syringes, and insulin
therapy (Fig. 9.4). See the section INSULIN mia (aware or unaware), and high vari- pumps], ketone testing supplies, and glu-
ADMINISTRATION TECHNIQUE, above, for guid- ability. Indication of overbasalization cagon). Therefore, routine assessment of
ance on how to administer insulin safely should prompt reevaluation to further in- financial obstacles that may impact diabe-

and effectively. The progressive nature dividualize therapy (129). tes management is an important compo-
of type 2 diabetes should be regularly The cost of insulin has been rising nent of effective care of people with

and objectively explained to individuals steadily over the past two decades, at a diabetes. Collaboration between mem-
with diabetes, and clinicians should pace severalfold that of other medical bers of the health care team and with so-

avoid using insulin as a threat or de- expenditures. This expense contributes cial service professionals to identify and

scribing it as a sign of personal failure significant burden to people with diabe- implement cost reduction strategies to
or punishment. Rather, the utility and tes, as insulin has become a growing support and improve access to evidence-
importance of insulin to maintain glyce- “out-of-pocket” cost for people with di- based care is important (120,130).

mic control once progression of the dis- abetes, and direct costs contribute to
ease overcomes the effect of other decrease in medication-taking behavior Prandial Insulin
agents should be emphasized. Educat- (130). As of January 2023, the cost of Many individuals with type 2 diabetes

ing and involving people with diabetes individual insulins was capped for en- require doses of insulin before meals, in
in insulin management is beneficial. For rollees in Medicare Part D plans (131), addition to basal insulin, to reach glyce-
example, instruction of individuals with and at least 20 states and the District of mic goals. If an individual is not already
type 2 diabetes initiating insulin in self- Columbia have also capped insulin costs being treated with a GLP-1 RA or dual

titration of insulin doses based on glu- for enrollees in state-sponsored plans GIP and GLP-1 RA, a GLP-1 RA (either as
cose monitoring improves glycemic and, in select states, for those without an individual product or in a fixed-ratio
management (123). Comprehensive ed-
ucation regarding blood glucose moni-
toring, nutrition, and the avoidance and
insurance. In 2023, the three major U.S.
insulin manufacturers also announced
combination with a basal insulin prod-
uct) or dual GIP and GLP-1 RA should be
plans to reduce insulin prices; some considered prior to prandial insulin to
appropriate treatment of hypoglycemia plans go into effect in January 2024, further address prandial control and to
are critically important in any individual and another has already occurred. The minimize the risks of hypoglycemia and
using insulin. summary of the cost of insulin products weight gain associated with insulin ther-
in Table 9.4 provides a comparison but

apy (84,114). For individuals who ad-

Basal Insulin is not reflective of the Medicare or vance to prandial insulin, a prandial
Basal insulin alone is the most convenient state-level caps or the recent manufac- insulin dose of 4 units or 10% of the
initial insulin treatment and can be added turer price reductions. However, the in- amount of basal insulin at the largest

to metformin and other noninsulin inject- formation in Table 9.4 reflects how the meal or the meal with the greatest

ables for individuals with type 2 diabetes. approval of unbranded versions (insulin postprandial excursion is a safe estimate
Starting doses can be estimated based on aspart, lispro, degludec, glargine U-100, for initiating therapy. The prandial insu-
body weight (0.1–0.2 units/kg/day) and and some premixed products), follow- lin plan can then be intensified based
the degree of hyperglycemia, with indi- on products (insulin lispro and glargine), on individual needs (Fig. 9.4). Individu-

vidualized titration over days to weeks as and interchangeable biosimilars (insulin als with type 2 diabetes are generally
needed. The principal action of basal insu- glargine) have led to lower costs com- more insulin resistant than those with
lin is to restrain hepatic glucose produc- pared with other products. For some in- type 1 diabetes, require higher daily
tion and limit hyperglycemia overnight dividuals with type 2 diabetes (e.g., doses (1 unit/kg), and have lower
and between meals (124,125). Attain-

individuals with relaxed A1C goals, low rates of hypoglycemia (133). Titration
ment of fasting glucose goals can be rates of hypoglycemia, and prominent can be based on home self-monitored
achieved with human NPH insulin or a insulin resistance as well as those with blood glucose or CGM. When significant

long-acting insulin analog. In clinical trials, cost concerns), human insulin (NPH and additions to the prandial insulin dose
long-acting basal analogs (U-100 glargine regular) may be the appropriate choice are made, particularly with the evening
or detemir) have been demonstrated to of therapy, and clinicians should be fa- meal, consideration should be given to

reduce the risk of level 2 hypoglycemia and miliar with its use (132). Human regular decreasing basal insulin. Meta-analyses
nocturnal hypoglycemia compared with insulin, NPH, and 70/30 NPH/regular of trials comparing rapid-acting insulin
NPH insulin (126). Longer-acting basal ana- products can be purchased for consider- analogs with human regular insulin in
logs (U-300 glargine or degludec) convey a ably less than the AWP and NADAC prices type 2 diabetes have not reported im-
lower nocturnal hypoglycemia risk com- listed in Table 9.4 at select pharmacies. It portant differences in A1C or hypoglyce-
pared with U-100 glargine (127,128). Clini- is important to note that although these mia (134,135).
cians should be aware of the potential caps, price reductions, use of unbranded
for overbasalization with insulin therapy. or biosimilar versions of analogs, or use Concentrated Insulins
Clinical signals that may prompt evalua- of human insulins may impact the cost Several concentrated insulin prepara-
tion of overbasalization include basal of insulin products, there are no caps on tions are currently available. U-500 reg-
dose greater than 0.5 units/kg, high the costs of the other tools individuals ular insulin is, by definition, five times
bedtime-to-morning or preprandial-to- with diabetes need for monitoring or more concentrated than U-100 regular Pharmacologic Approaches to Glycemic Treatment S171

t io
A ss
i ab

1. Consider insulin as the first injectable if evidence of ongoing catabolism is present, symptoms of hyperglycemia are present, when A1C or blood glucose levels are very high (i.e., A1C >10%
[>86 mmol/mol] or blood glucose ≥300 mg/dL [≥16.7 mmol/L]), or when a diagnosis of type 1 diabetes is a possibility.
2. When selecting GLP-1 RAs, consider individual preference, A1C lowering, weight-lowering effect, or frequency of injection. If CVO is present. consider GLP-1 RA with proven CVO benefit. Oral or
injectable GLP-1 RAs are appropriate.
3. For people on GLP-1 RA and basal Insulin combination, consider use of a flxed-ratio combination product (IDegLira or iGlarLixi).
4. Consider switching from evening NPH to a basal analog if the individual develops hypoglycemia and/or frequently forgets to administer NPH in the evening and would be better managed
wtth an A.M. dose of a long-acting basal Insulin.
5. If adding prandial insulin to NPH, consider initiation of a self-mixed or premixed insulin plan to decrease the number of injections required.

Figure 9.4—Intensifying to injectable therapies in type 2 diabetes. DSMES, diabetes self-management education and support; FPG, fasting plasma
glucose; GLP-1 RA, glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor agonist; dual GIP and GLP-1 RA, dual glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide and glucagon-
like peptide 1 receptor agonist; max, maximum; PPG, postprandial glucose. Adapted from Davies et al. (151).
S172 Pharmacologic Approaches to Glycemic Treatment Diabetes Care Volume 47, Supplement 1, January 2024

Table 9.3—Median monthly (30-day) AWP and NADAC of maximum approved daily dose of noninsulin glucose-lowering
agents in the U.S.
Dosage strength/ Median AWP Median NADAC Maximum approved
Class Compound(s) product (if applicable) (min, max)* (min, max)* daily dose†
Biguanides  Metformin 500 mg (ER) $89 ($45, $6,719) $5 2,000 mg
850 mg (IR) $108 ($5, $189) $2 2,550 mg

1,000 mg (IR) $87 ($3, $144) $2 2,000 mg
1,000 mg (ER) $1,884 ($242, $7,214) $31 ($31, $226) 2,000 mg

500 mg (Sol) $405 ($405, $739) $535 2,000 mg
Sulfonylureas (2nd  Glimepiride 4 mg $73 ($72, $198) $3 8 mg

generation) 10 mg (IR) $72 ($67, $91) $6 40 mg
10 mg (XL/ER) $48 ($46, $48) $10 20 mg

 Glyburide 6 mg (micronized) $54 ($48, $71) $12 12 mg
5 mg $82 ($63, $432) $8 20 mg

Thiazolidinedione  Pioglitazone 45 mg $348 ($7, $349) $4 45 mg
a-Glucosidase inhibitors  Acarbose 100 mg $106 ($104, $378) $27 300 mg
 Miglitol 100 mg $294 ($241, $346) NA 300 mg

Meglitinides  Nateglinide 120 mg $155 $27 360 mg
 Repaglinide 2 mg $878 ($58, $897) $31 16 mg
DPP-4 inhibitors  Alogliptin 25 mg $234 $161 25 mg
 Linagliptin 5 mg $630 $504 5 mg

 Saxagliptin 5 mg $524 $466 5 mg
 Sitagliptin 100 mg $657 $525 100 mg
SGLT2 inhibitors 

es 300 mg
10 mg
25 mg
300 mg
10 mg
25 mg
 Ertugliflozin 15 mg $408 $328 15 mg
GLP-1 RAs  Dulaglutide 4.5 mg pen $1,117 $895 4.5 mg‡
 Exenatide 10 mg pen $964 $771 20 mg

2 mg pen $990 $793 2 mg‡

(extended release)
 Liraglutide 1.8 mg pen $1,340 $1,072 1.8 mg
 Semaglutide 1 mg pen $1,123 $903 2 mg‡
14 mg (tablet) $1,097 ($1,070, $1,123) $899 14 mg

Dual GIP and GLP-1  Tirzepatide 15 mg pen $1,228 $982 15 mg‡

receptor agonist
Bile acid sequestrant  Colesevelam 625 mg tabs $711 ($674, $712) $64 3.75 g
3.75 g suspension $674 ($673, $675) $130 3.75 g

Dopamine-2 agonist  Bromocriptine 0.8 mg $1,200 $965 4.8 mg

Amylin mimetic  Pramlintide 120 mg pen $2,866 NA 120 mg/injection§

AWP, average wholesale price; DPP-4, dipeptidyl peptidase 4; ER and XL, extended release; GIP, glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide;
GLP-1 RA, glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor agonist; IR, immediate release; max, maximum; min, minimum; NA, data not available; NADAC,

National Average Drug Acquisition Cost; SGLT2, sodium–glucose cotransporter 2. AWP and NADAC prices as of July 2023. *Calculated for
30-day supply (AWP [116] or NADAC [117] unit price × number of doses required to provide maximum approved daily dose × 30 days); me-
dian AWP or NADAC listed alone when only one product and/or price. †Used to calculate median AWP and NADAC (min, max); generic prices
used, if available commercially. Prices for bexagliflozin were not available at the time of this update. ‡Administered once weekly. §AWP and

NADAC calculated based on 120 mg three times daily.


insulin. U-500 regular insulin has distinct U-100 formulations, respectively, and al- convenient (fewer injections to achieve
pharmacokinetics with similar onset but a low higher doses of basal insulin adminis- target dose) and comfortable (less volume
delayed, blunted, and prolonged peak ef- tration per volume used. U-300 glargine to inject target dose and/or less injection
fect and longer duration of action com- has a longer duration of action than effort) for individuals and may improve
pared with U-100 regular insulin; thus, it U-100 glargine but modestly lower effi- treatment plan engagement in those with
has characteristics more like a premixed cacy per unit administered (138–140). insulin resistance who require large doses
intermediate-acting (NPH) and regular in- The U-200 formulations of insulin deglu- of insulin. While U-500 regular insulin is
sulin product and can be used as two or dec, insulin lispro, and insulin lispro-aabc available in both prefilled pens and vials,
three daily injections (136,137). U-300 have similar pharmacokinetics to their other concentrated insulins are avail-
glargine and U-200 degludec are three U-100 counterparts (141–143). These able only in prefilled pens to minimize
and two times as concentrated as their concentrated preparations may be more the risk of dosing errors. If U-500 Pharmacologic Approaches to Glycemic Treatment S173

Table 9.4—Median cost of insulin products in the U.S. calculated as AWP and NADAC per 1,000 units of specified dosage
Median AWP Median
Insulins Compounds Dosage form/product (min, max)* NADAC*
Rapid-acting  Aspart U-100 vial $174† $139†
U-100 cartridge $215† $172†

U-100 prefilled pen $224† $179†
 Aspart (“faster acting product”) U-100 vial $347 $277

U-100 cartridge $430 $344
U-100 prefilled pen $447 $357
 Glulisine U-100 vial $341 $273

U-100 prefilled pen $439 $351
 Inhaled insulin

Inhalation cartridges $1,503 NA
 Lispro U-100 vial $30† $24†
U-100 cartridge $408 $326
U-100 prefilled pen $127† $102†

U-200 prefilled pen $424 $339
 Lispro-aabc U-100 vial $330 $261
U-100 prefilled pen $424 $339
U-200 prefilled pen $424 $338

 Lispro follow-on product U-100 vial $118 $94
U-100 prefilled pen $151 $121
Short-acting  Human regular U-100 vial $172 ($165, $178)‡ $137 ($132, $142)‡
U-100 prefilled pen $208 $166

Intermediate-acting  Human NPH U-100 vial $172 ($165, $178)‡ $137 ($132, $143)‡
U-100 prefilled pen $208 ($208, $377) $234 ($166, $303)
Concentrated human
regular insulin
 U-500 human regular insulin U-500 vial
U-500 prefilled pen
Long-acting  Detemir U-100 vial; U-100 prefilled pen $370 $295
U-100 vial $142† $327
U-100 prefilled pen $142† $114†
U-200 prefilled pen $85† $113†
 Glargine U-100 vial; U-100 prefilled pen $136† $109†

U-300 prefilled pen $363 $290

 Glargine biosimilar/ U-100 prefilled pen $190 ($74, $323) $95†
follow-on products U-100 vial $118† $95†
Premixed insulin products  Aspart 70/30 U-100 vial $180† $145†

U-100 prefilled pen $224† $179†


 Lispro 50/50 U-100 vial $342 $274

U-100 prefilled pen $424 $341
 Lispro 75/25 U-100 vial $342 $274
U-100 prefilled pen $127† $102†
 NPH/regular 70/30 U-100 vial $172 ($165, $178)‡ $138 ($132, $143)‡

U-100 prefilled pen $208 ($208, $377) $234 ($166, $302)

Premixed insulin/GLP-1  Degludec/liraglutide 100/3.6 mg prefilled pen $991 $795
RA products  Glargine/lixisenatide 100/33 mg prefilled pen $679 $543
AWP, average wholesale price; GLP-1 RA, glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor agonist; NA, data not available; NADAC, National Average Drug Ac-
quisition Cost. AWP (116) and NADAC (117) prices as of July 2023. *AWP or NADAC calculated as in Table 9.3. †Unbranded product prices

used when available. ‡AWP and NADAC data presented do not include vials of regular human insulin and NPH available at Walmart for ap-
proximately $25/vial; median listed alone when only one product and/or price.

regular insulin vials are prescribed, the and fixed basal and bolus settings) and reductions compared with the RAA insulin

prescription should be accompanied by bolus-only insulin patch pump. In addition, aspart over 24 weeks (144–146). Use of in-
a prescription for U-500 syringes to prandial or correction insulin doses may be haled insulin may result in a decline in lung
minimize the risk of dosing errors. administered using inhaled human insulin. function (reduced forced expiratory volume
Inhaled insulin is available as monomers of in 1 second [FEV1]). Inhaled insulin is contra-
Alternative Insulin Routes regular human insulin; studies in individuals indicated in individuals with chronic lung
Insulin is primarily administered via sub- with type 1 diabetes suggest that inhaled disease, such as asthma and chronic ob-
cutaneous injection or infusion. Adminis- insulin has pharmacokinetics similar to RAA structive pulmonary disease, and is not rec-
tration devices provide some additional (7). Studies comparing inhaled insulin with ommended in individuals who smoke or
variation in the subcutaneous delivery injectable insulin have demonstrated its who recently stopped smoking. All individu-
beyond vial versus insulin pen. Those de- faster onset and shorter duration compared als require spirometry (FEV1) testing to
vices include continuous insulin pumps with the RAA insulin lispro, as well as clini- identify potential lung disease prior to and
(programmable basal and bolus settings cally meaningful A1C reductions and weight after starting inhaled insulin therapy.
S174 Pharmacologic Approaches to Glycemic Treatment Diabetes Care Volume 47, Supplement 1, January 2024

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cations of need for other therapy) and ered. Once a basal-bolus insulin plan is ini- type 1 diabetes: a randomized 24-week trial.
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vancing to combination injectable ther- adjustments made in both mealtime and 11. Russell-Jones D, Bode BW, De Block C, et al.
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