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Test 1. True or False. Write T if the statement is true and write F if it is false.

___ 1. Come near an animal while it is eating.

___ 2. When crossing the road, check if there are vehicle coming your way.
___ 3. Enter your school bus hurriedly and push the one on your front.
___ 4. Be careful when going up and down the stairs.
___ 5. Play with matches.
___ 6. Stay away from unfamiliar animals.
___ 7. Go near your pet when it has given birth.
___ 8. Do not disturb your pet when its sleeping.
___ 9. Tease your pet by pulling its tail or ears.
___ 10. Use the pedestrian lane when crossing.
___ 11. Sit at the back and do not wear seatbelt when you’re in the car.
___ 12. Always wear your seatbelt.
___ 13. When riding a bus, stick your hand or head out of the window.
___ 15. Stay away from hot objects.
___ 16. Do not throw peelings and other garbage into the trash can.
___ 17. Pick up your toys after playing with them.

Test II. Identification. Underline your answer.

1. the boy stays (under, over) the umbrella. 4. She leaps (under, over) the puddle.

2. The girls jump (on, off) the bed. 5. The ball is ( outside, inside) the box.

3. The boy jumps (through, behind) the hoop.

Choose the preposition inside the box.

1|ISISF—MAPEH1:4Q Reviewer C O M P I L E D BY U M M Z A K I Y YA H A .
Test III. Shade your answer

slow smooth

Fast jerky
slow smooth



Fast jerky
slow smooth

Test IV. Shade your answer

crawl stretch crawl twist

Jump Dodge
Jump Dodge

stretch sway
Run Walk
3. 13.
fall jump
Hop Jump
Raise skip
Raise Run
5. 14.
Crawl Leap
6. bend leap
Creep Gallop
7. Creep Gallop
Raise Sway
8. Raise Swing

Twist Leap turn leap

9. 18.

2|ISISF—MAPEH1:4Q Reviewer C O M P I L E D BY U M M Z A K I Y YA H A .
Test V. Find out which one moves in high, medium, or low level. Write H for High level, M for medium level, L for low
level in each box.

3|ISISF—MAPEH1:4Q Reviewer C O M P I L E D BY U M M Z A K I Y YA H A .

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