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Our character design should refer to the style of Disney’s “Hercules” without the caricature

features. Style should be more serious compared to the “Hercules”

We would like the outline to refer to Greek column style details. At the same time, we want the
designers to have their freedom to propose us original ideas/styles.

Target Audience:
The target audience is gamers, especially the rogue-like card gamers.

Design Objectives:
Profile view of a realistic 2D illustration of Odysseus, resembling Sean Bean's portrayal in the movie
Troy. (Similar angle from game design screenshot is attached in the file)
Pay meticulous attention to detail, ensuring accuracy in facial features, physique, and costume design.
Odysseus should be middle aged (some whites among his hair and beard), wily looking (not like a
criminal, he is a good hero but with tricks). Not too muscular but masculine design.
Incorporate relevant armor design consistent with the period and Odysseus’ status as a legendary Greek
Depict Odysseus holding a Greek Bow (not composite bow) and a quiver of arrows on his back. Dressed
in light leather armor with leather armor skirt, leather boots and leather gloves. No helmet, just a dagger
and additional items on his belt (your choice of items). Spesifically a leather shoulder pad (one sided
on his right shoulder) which resembles an owl (head).
Ensure the design is versatile and suitable for various applications, including 2d Spine animation.
End-product should be prepared for Spine animation.

Design Requirements:
Same requirements of the previous sample. We enjoyed your design of Akhilleus so please make a
coherent Odysseus. Your style will be the style of the whole game design.
Background design relevant to the character design is a plus.

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