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BMS College of Engineering, Bangalore-560019

(Autonomous Institute, Affiliated to VTU, Belgaum)
December 2014/January 2015 Semester End Main Examinations

Course: Intellectual Property Rights Duration: 3 hours

Course code: 11BT7DEIPR Max Marks: 100
Date: 19.12.2014
Instructions : Answer any five full questions choosing one from each unit.

1. a) Explain the constitutional aspects of intellectual property with respect to India. 10
b) Explain the criteria for patentability with suitable examples. 10
2 a) Explain the Paris convention (1883) and Madrid agreement (1891) 08
b) Give a brief account on Patent Co-operation Treaty. 06
c) Discuss the Rome convention (1961) 06
3. a) What is compulsory license? Explain. 08
b) What are the benefits of patent grants with respect to patentee, society and govt. 12
4. a) What are the moral issues in patenting of Biotechnology inventions? Explain 12
with any 2 suitable case studies.
b) A New drug substance was produced by bio-catalytic process, wherein catalysis 8
was performed by using microorganism, which was isolated from soil .Can we
get a patent for microorganism? Substantiate your answer with reasons
5. a) Explain with the help of a case study the concept of novelty and inventive step 10
in BT for its application as a patent.
b) With the help of a case study explain the patent laws related to pharma sectors. 10
6. a) Describe the salient features of UPOV 10
b) Write a short note on: bio-prospecting and biopyracy 10
7. a) Discuss the need and benefits of plant variety protection under IPR 10
b) Write a note on: traditional knowledge at WTO and traditional knowledge 10


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