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8-Parts of Speech
There are 8 Parts of speech
• 1. Noun
• 2. Pronoun
• 3. Adjective
• 4. Verb
• 5. Adverb
• 6. Preposition
• 7. Conjunction
• 8. Interjection
Noun is a naming word .
• 1. Noun: It is the name of things, animals, people: like: Teacher, pencil,
tree or dog
• It can also be ideas or abstract things: Like idea, happiness, time, wealth
1. Teacher (person)
2. Pencil, a car (thing)
3. Tree, (living thing)
4. Dog, cow, goat (animal)
5. Idea, time (concept)
6. Happiness, sorrow (emotion)
7.Wealth (abstract state)

5. Pronoun: pronouns replace or represent nouns. For example

I,We,You, He, She. It and they are pronouns.
They represent different people. You use pronoun to avoid repeating
the same words or referring to something that’s obvious what you
For example. How was the weather there?
Give me two please. Two refers to quantity of something that has
already been mentioned.
Examples of Pronouns
1. I am going to the store to buy some groceries.
2. She called to confirm the meeting time.
3. He forgot his umbrella, so they shared theirs.
4. We enjoyed the movie, but they found it boring.
5. You should take an umbrella with you.
6. It was raining heavily, so they decided to stay indoors.
7.They walked to the park and played on the swings.
8. She was excited because she received an invitation.
9. He baked cookies and shared them with us.
10. I can't believe how fast it is growing.
• 3. Adjectives: adjectives describe nouns. For example red, big, tall, metal or
beautiful. More Examples:
• The red apple is on the kitchen counter.
• He lives in a small house by the river.
• She wore a beautiful dress to the party.
• The tasty pizza arrived in 30 minutes.
• The green leaves rustled in the wind.
• The friendly dog wagged its tail.
• The noisy construction site disrupted the neighborhood.
• The cozy blanket kept me warm on the cold night.
• The old library is filled with rare books.
• She looked happy as she received the award.
2. Verb: verbs can be actions like do, fly, speak or run
• Verbs can also describe states: Like be, love, believe or understand
• Action Verbs:
• Run
• Fly
• Speak
• Dance
• Jump
• Write
• Cook
• Read
• Swim
• Sing
• State Verbs:
• Be
• Love
• Believe
• Understand
• Like
• Hate
• Know
• Want
• Own
• Remember
• 4. Adverbs: adverbs describe verbs meaning they describe how
someone does something. For Example quickly, angrily, loudly or well
• Adverbs can also describe adjectives, other adverbs or even whole
sentences. For example “very” is an adverb which can describe an
adjective.- very slow or another adverb – very slowly.
• Sometimes adverbs add information to the whole sentence.”
unfortunately, they missed the train and were late to their own
• Sometimes, I wish I’d made different choices in life.
• Adjective describe nouns/adverb describe everything else.
More Examples:
Example's of Adverb
1.She smiled happily after receiving the news.
2.He spoke quietly during the meeting.
3.They arrived early for the concert.
4.She answered the question quickly.
5.The car stopped abruptly at the red light.
6.He ate his dinner slowly to savor the flavors.
7.She worked hard to complete the project on time.
8.He listens to music loudly in his room.
9.They spoke softly so as not to disturb others.
10.She looked at the painting admiringly at the art gallery.
6. Preposition: prepositions usually go before a noun or noun
phrase. “What’s their job?” prepositions can do two things: First, they
can add an idea of time. place, or movement to a noun. For example,
on Wednesday, in the corner, towards the door. Secondly, a preposition
can connect other words to a noun, or a pronoun.
• For example think about the word, “depend on”. The preposition on
connects the verb depend to the object of the verb.
• For example: it depends on the cost. Usually the noun and the noun
phrase go after the proposition. However, sometimes the proposition
can link to a noun or a pronoun earlier in the sentence.
Example of Preposition
1.The cat is sitting on the windowsill.
2.I placed my keys beside the front door.
3.The backpack is under the table.
4.She's waiting for her friend at the bus stop.
5.The cup is in the cupboard.
6.The ball rolled across the field.
7.The picture hangs above the fireplace.
8.They're meeting in the park.
9.I found the missing sock between the couch cushions.
10.The book is located behind the bookshelf.
7. Conjunctions: Conjunction can link two things. A conjunction can
connect two words: I like cake and ice cream.
• A conjunction can connect two phrases: Do you want to go now or
wait till the afternoon.
• Conjunction can also be used to connect two clauses: Although I have
been trying to learn for years, I am still bad at drawing.
Examples of Conjunctions
1. I want both the chocolate and the vanilla ice cream.
2. He not only passed the test but also aced it.
3. Whether you like it or not, we have to go.
4. I like both pizza and pasta.
5. She neither called nor texted me.
6. He studied hard so that he could excel in the exam.
7. I enjoy both reading novels and watching movies.
8. She wanted to go to the concert, but her friend couldn't make it.
9. You can have the cake or the ice cream for dessert.
10. I'll either take the bus or walk to work.
8. Interjection: Interjections are normally not the part of the
sentence. Interjections are the words or phrases which show how you
feel. For example, Vow!, Ah, crap!, No way!
• Wow, that's an amazing sunset!
• Ouch! I accidentally bumped my knee.
• Hey, could you pass me the salt, please?
• Oh no, I forgot to turn off the oven.
• Well, I didn't expect that to happen.
• Ah, I finally found my lost keys!
• Yikes! That was a close call.
• Hurray! We won the game!
• Ugh, this traffic is so frustrating.
• Oh dear, I spilled my coffee on the carpet.

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