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:Exit Exam

For the first time, NASA successfully launches and lands its reusable spacecraft,
the space shuttle. The shuttle can be used to launch, retrieve, and repair satellites
and can serve as a laboratory for physical experiments. While extremely
successful, the shuttle program will suffer a disaster in 1986 when the shuttle
.Challenger explodes after takeoff, killing all on board
Dr. Robert Jar Vik implants a permanent artificial heart, the Jar Vik 7, into Dr.
Barney Clark. The heart, powered by an extremely compressor, keeps Clark
.alive for 112 days

:The word 'fabricated' means -1

a. patent
b. real
c. prosthetic
d. artificial
f. c + d

.The space shuttle can't fix satellites -2

a. T
b. F

:The spacecraft that was successfully launched -3

a. satellites
b. space shuttle
d. laboratory

NASA successfully launches spacecraft but the shuttle will result on a -4

.catastrophe in 1986
a. T
b. F
:''The closest meaning for the word 'takeoff -5
a. launch
b. land
c. explode
.d. repair

:The word that was mentioned in the text 'retrieve' means -6

a. get back
b. implant
c. permanent
d. all above

.The explosion was the reason of the disaster of the shuttle-7

a. T
b. F

:The shuttle can be used to-8

a. launch satellites
b. recapture satellites
c. fix satellites
d. All above

The artificial heart that was invented by Dr. Robert keeps the patient alive for -9
.a long time
a. T
b. F

.NASA is always successful in launching and landing its reusable spacecrafts -10
a. T
b. F
They ______________ her and trusted her for years .1
a. know
b. had known
c. knew
d. known
.Every morning she ______________ up early and gets ready for work .2
a. is waking
b. has woken
c. had woken
d. wakes
.People ______________ walk on grass .3
a. couldn't
b. needn't
c. mustn't
d. may not
?you speak any foreign languages ______________ .4
a. can't
b. should
c. couldn't
d. can
.World war I and World War II took place ______________ the 20th century .5
a. on
b. in
c. at
d. into
They built this temple 3,000 years ago. This must ______________ a great .6
a. not have been
b. was
c. has been
d. have been

.I wanted to go to the park, ______________ my mother refused .7

a. but
b. or
c. so
d. and
Change the active voice in to passive voice: I will clean the house every .8
.Saturday. The house ______________ by me every Saturday
a. cleaned
b. will cleaned
c. will be cleaned
d. None of the above
.This must not happen again, ______________ you will be dismissed .9
a. or
b. but
c. and
d. so
.If A is equal to B and B is equal to C, ______________ A is equal to C .10
a. than
b. then
c. so
d. none of the above

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