Sample Gross

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RIF SLA Received in formalin, specimen labeled as “______”

RSE Representative section embedded

ATE All tissues embedded
CSS Cut section shows
SSS Serial section shows
GALLBLADDER Received in formalin tan to grayish, soft gallbladder measuring __ x __ x __ cm. Cut section
shows greenish velvety mucosa with gallbladder wall measuring ___ cm.
* Likewise noted are three dark green to black green to black easily crushed stones, the
largest measuring 0.4 x 0.4 x 0.3 cm. No stones isolated nor submitted
* with noted area of perforation located at the neck measuring __cm in widest diameter 1.5
cm from the margin of resection.
APPENDIX Received in formalin, specimen labeled as “appendix” consists of one (1) piece tan brown,
tubular measuring __ cm in length and __ cm in diameter with prominent blood vessels,
purulent exudates and peri-appendiceal fat measuring __ x __ x __ cm. Cut section shows
dilated lumen with brown fecal material. No point of rupture noted.
PLACENTA “Placenta”, consisting of a single disc placenta measuring __X__X__ cm with an
eccentrically/centrally attached umbilical cord measuring ___ cm long. The fetal side is
greenish, dull, opaque while the maternal side shows complete cotyledon. Serial section of
the placenta shows reddish brown, meaty tissues with no areas of infarct nor hemorrhage.
Cut section of the umbilical cord shows three (3) blood vessels.
FALLOPIAN TUBES “right and left fallopian tubes”, consisting of two (2) segments of tan, rubbery, tubular
fallopian tubes complete with fimbriae each measuring __ cm in length and __ cm in
diameter and __ cm in length and __ cm in diameter. Cut section shows slit like
unremarkable lumen.
* The latter has a paratubal cyst at the fimbriated end measuring ___ cm in its widest
diameter. Cut section of the paratubal cyst shows cystic space filled with serous clear fluid.
HERNIAL SAC “Hernial sac”, consisting of yellow to yellow brown, soft tissue measuring 3D
* dark brown rubbery irregular tissue measuring 3d. CSS dark brown rubbery tissue.
UTERUS “Uterus with myoma, Cervix, Right and Left Fallopian Tubes”, consisting of brown, firm,
globular, previously opened uterus measuring 23.0 x 25.0 x 16.0 cm.
The uterine cervix measures __X__X__ cm.
The endocervical canal measures __cm long.
There is a submucosal, tan, firm mass measuring __ x __ x __ cm.
The endometrial cavity measures __ cm long and __ cm from cornu to cornu
The endometrial lining is __cm.
The anterior and posterior myometrium measures __ and __ cm in widest diameter

*Likewise seen are multiple myoma, subserous, submucous and intramural. The largest
myoma located submucosal measures 4.8 x 4.3 x 1.5cm. Cut section of the mass shows tan-
white, solid surface with whorled like trabeculations.

The right fallopian tube is brown, rubbery, tubular, with fimbriae measuring 8.0 x 1.0 cm.
The left fallopian tube is brown, rubbery, tubular with fimbriae measuring 8.2 x 1.0 cm.

Representative section embedded labeled as follows:

A. Mass – 2 cassettes.
B. Endometrium – 1 cassette.
C. Cervix – 1 cassette.
D. Right Fallopian Tube – 1 cassette.
E. Left Fallopian Tube – 1 cassette.
CORE NEEDLE BIOPSY Received in formalin, specimen labeled as “breast tissue, right”, consisting of five (5)
BREAST cores of tan-white to brown, soft to rubbery tissues each measuring
ENDOMETRIAL Received in formalin, specimen labeled as “endometrial biopsy”, consisting of
CURETTINGS multiple strips/fragments of dark brown to black soft tissue, all together measuring
2.5 x 1.5 x 0.6 cm. ***ALL TISSUE EMBEDDED
PRODUCTS OF “Products of conception” consisting of multiple fragments dark gray brown, irregularly
CONCEPTION shaped, rubbery tissue measuring 5 x 4.5 x 2.6 cm. Cut section shows dark brown
hemorrhagic tissue.
PLAQUE consisting of a tan, cylindrical shaped, rubbery tissue measuring 0.7 x 0.3 x0.1 cm
with an attached ellipse of skin.
BREAST Received in formalin specimen labeled as “breast left”, consisting of yellow fatty tissue,
measuring __x __ x__cm, with attached ellipse of skin measuring __ x __ cm.

The nipple is dark brown and protruding, measuring __ x __cm, and is surrounded by dark
brown areola measuring __ x__cm.

Likewise seen is a previous incision measuring__ cm seen at the lower inner quadrant and is
located __ cm from the nipple.

Serial section of the breast shows a tan, firm mass with irregular borders measuring __ x __ x
__cm located at the lower inner quadrant and behind the nipple areola complex.

The mass is seen __cm from the deep line of resection, __cm from the lateral margin, __cm
from the medial margin, __cm from the superior margin, __cm from the inferior margin. There
were ___ axillary lymph nodes isolated. The largest measuring __ cm in widest diameter.

Representative section embedded labeled as follows:

A. Mass – 14 cassettes.
B. Nipple – 1 cassette.
C. Axillary lymph nodes – 8 cassettes.
D. Deep line of resection – 1 cassette.
S. Superior margin – 1 cassette.
I. Inferior margin – 1 cassette.
L. Lateral margin – 1 cassette.
M. Medial margin – 1 cassette.

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