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Energy presents in the form of pressure, velocity, and elevation in fluids with no
energy exchange due to viscous dissipation, heat transfer, or shaft work (pump or
some other device). The relationship among these three forms of energy was first
stated by Daniel Bernoulli (1700-1782), based upon the conservation of energy
principle.Bernoulli’s theorem states that sum of pressure head, velocity head and
gravitational potential head remains constant along a streamline of a steady,
incompressible, irrotational and non-viscous flow with no other energy exchange due
to heat or external work. This is the energy equation and is based on the law of
conservation of energy.

The fluid flow must be steady state, incompressible, irrotational, non-viscous and
laminar in order to use Bernoulli's theorem. Heat transfer and workdone should be
zero in flow. The Bernoulli's equation for flow in a duct/channel in a section is given

where P is the static pressure, V is the velocity of flow, Z is the elevation head.
(Note: For horizontal duct/channel the elevation head is same for different sections.)

The above equation is valid for ideal fluid, when we are working with real fluid the
losses (i.e. due to viscosity, friction, openings in duct, bending’s in duct, heat transfer
etc.) need to be taken in account for the equation to validate.


 To calculate Total Energy at different points of venturimeter.

 To plot the graph between Total Energy, Pressure Energy, Velocity
Energy with respect to Distance.

About Setup :
The present experimental set-up for Bernoulli's Theorem is self-contained re
circulating unit It accomplishes this through the use of sump tank, overhead tank
(constant head tank) and a centrifugal pump for water circulation. The test section,
made up of material perspex, having a varying cross-section with converging and
diverging portions is provided. The water flow in the test section is regulated through
the use of control and bypass valves. Piezometer tubes are fitted on this test tubes at
various test points. The inlet of the test-section is connected to the overhead tank. The
discharge through the test-section can be measured with the help of the measuring
tank and a stop-watch. A rough 2D fig of the actual setup is shown here with all the
components labelled.

The following precautions should be taken while handling the above mentioned setup.

 Switch off the apparatus if power supply is less than 200 volts or
more than 230 volts.
 Always use clean water.
 Keep apparatus free from dust.
 To avoid unnecessary clogging of components run the pump at least
once in fortnight.
 While performing experiment always maintain the water in overhead
 After experiment is complete drain the apparatus and Switch Off the
power supply
 Avoid parallax error while noting down the reading from tubes.

1. Hydraullics bench
2. Bernoulli s apparatus test equipment
3. A stopwatch for timing the flow measurement


1. Always wear PPE

2. Ask practice safety measure in the workshop
3. Ask permission to use any equipment
4. Report any damage or loss that occurs to the supervisor
5. Cleaning work areas
6. Keeping designated walking areas clear of debris
7. Restoring equipment and tools after job is complete


1. First of all, make sure that all on/Off switches given on the panel / setup are at
OFF position.
2. Now close all the valve V1 to V5.
3. Fill the Sump tank with water.
4. Open by pass valve V2.
5. Now turn ON the main power supply to the setup and consequently turn ON the
6. Partially close by pass valve V2, so as to fill overhead tank and wait until
overflow occurs in overhead Tank.
7. Control the flow of water through test section with the help of control valve V1
provided at the end of test section.
8. Make sure that the water level is maintained in overhead tank i.e. overflow is still
occurring. If not partially close the valve V2.
9. Measure flow rate with the help of measuring tank provided in setup and a stop
10. Measure pressure head (i.e. height of water level in tubes) by piezometer tubes.
11. Repeat steps 7 to 10 for different flow rates.
12. Once the Experiment is completed turn off the Pump.
13. Turn OFF the power supply and drain the water from all the tanks with the help of
drain valves (V3, V4, V5).


1. Click the Power On button.

2. To take readings, we have to change the flow rate. To change flow rate drag the
slider appearing on the bottom of the screen.
3. Alter the height of the slider to change the flow rate. The flow rate(Q) is displayed
just below the simulation diagram.
4. The water level corresponding to each tube is shown in the simulation and the
each height is shown below the diagram.
5. The water levels can be recorded by clicking on the "save" button. You can take
as many readings as you want.
6. To access the readings you have taken, click on the "show observation table"
7. Press on "export to excel" button to download the observation table and use it for
further calcuations.



We had demonstrated the

Bernoulli’s Theorem and
from the result we had
that when the diameter of
the cross section smaller,
there were increasing in
velocities along
the distribution tube. The
smallest cross section
(which is cross section C)
gave huge pressure
difference and had the
highest velocities. The
results had shown that larger
pressure difference
gave out the most speed of
fluid flow. Furthermore
through the experiment, we
had observed
as fluid flow through the
venturi meter, the head is
higher at the narrower tube
and vice versa.
The narrower tube leads to
high velocities and low
The volumetric flow
rates are calculated for
each trial. The speed of
water was
controlled by using valve
and times taken are recorded
as the volumetric tank
reached 3L.
Every trial had different
volumetric flow rate as to
manipulate the result of the
velocities and
the calculated volumetric
flow rates were substituted
into the continuity equation
to determine
the velocities. From the
calculation, the highest
volumetric flow rates
gave the highest
In order to determine the
velocities of each cross
section, two different
equation were
used; by using Bernoulli’s
Equation (ViB) and by using
continuity equation (ViC).
From the
calculations we observed
that all of calculated ViB had
highest value compared to
ViC . The
continuity equation is the
conservation of mass on a
steady flow process through
a control
volume. With uniform
density of water, the
velocity is equal to
volumetric flow rate over
ViC took area of cross
section into consideration,
which when area increase
velocity decrease.
ViC is directly proportional
to area.
Whereas the Bernoulli’s
equation is when an
increment in the speed
of the fluid
simultaneously with a drop
in pressure and the pressure
increases when the pipe
opens out and
the fluid stagnate. Thus,
pressure would decreases
when the velocity increases.
This equation
took pressure difference
into consideration. As we
discussed about both
equations, both
equations were suitable to
be used to calculate the
velocities. However, there
some parameters
needed to be considered like
pressure difference and area.
We also had calculated the
difference between ViB and
ViC (ViB - ViC ), to show that
value of ViB are greater than
ViC. As we calculated, there
was one negative value
which was
should not happen. This
may be because of parallax
error during taking the
reading and air
bubble trapped inside the
We had demonstrated the Bernoulli’s Theorem and from the result we had
calculated that when the diameter of the cross section smaller, there were increasing
in velocities along the distribution tube. The smallest cross section (which is cross
section C) gave huge pressure difference and had the highest velocities. The results
had shown that larger pressure difference out the most speed of fluid flow.
Furthermore through the experiment, we had observed as fluid flow through the
venturi meter, the head is higher at the narrower tube and vice versa. The narrower
tube leads to high velocities and low pressure.
The volumetric flow rates are calculated for each trial. The speed
of water was controlled by using valve and times taken are recorded as the
volumetric tank reached 3L. Every trial had different volumetric flow rate as to
manipulate the result of the velocities and
the calculated volumetric flow rates were substituted into the continuity equation to
determine the velocities. From the calculation, the highest volumetric flow
rates gave the highest velocities.

In order to determine the velocities of each cross section, two different equation were
used; by using Bernoulli’s Equation (ViB) and by using continuity equation (ViC).
From the calculations we observed that all of calculated ViB had highest value
compared to ViC . The continuity equation is the conservation of mass on a steady
flow process through a control volume. With uniform density of water, the velocity is
equal to volumetric flow rate over area. ViC took area of cross section into
consideration, which when area increase velocity decrease.
ViC is directly proportional to area.

Whereas the Bernoulli’s equation is when an increment in the speed

of the fluidsimultaneously with a drop in pressure and the pressure increases when
the pipe opens out and the fluid stagnate. Thus, pressure would decreases when the
velocity increases. This equation took pressure difference into consideration. As
we discussed about both equations, both equations were suitable to be used to
calculate the velocities. However, there some parameters needed to be considered like
pressure difference and area.
We also had calculated the difference between ViB and ViC (ViB - ViC ), to show
that the value of ViB are greater than ViC. As we calculated, there was one negative
value which was should not happen. This may be because of parallax error during
taking the reading and air bubble trapped inside the tube


This experiment can conclude that, a Venturi meter can be used to determine the flow
rate in the pipelines and the velocity change that occurring due flow rate addition to
the discharge coefficient of a Venturi meter in each test using a Bernoulli Equation .



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