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Tahfidz Graduation & Khotmil Quran: Cultivating Quranic Excellence

Created by: Ivan Baihaqi Pramana Student of Unit Senior High GIS 2 Serpong

Celebrating the culmination of devotion and spiritual journey, Tahfidz Graduation and Khotmil Quran
event lit up Senior High GIS 2 Serpong on 25 & 26 April, unfolding within the sacred halls of Masjid
Ulil Albab. Beginning with an auspicious opening ceremony, the atmosphere was one of reverence
and anticipation. Participants were immersed in the beauty of Quranic recitations, enlightened by
insightful BIMOLI talks and bonded through spirited games.

As dusk fell on the first day, the event was further uplifted by an evening motivational session led by
Bunda Lia Armaliani. The following day marked the culmination of the event with Tahfidz graduation,
Khatmul Quran, symbolic recitations, captivating performances and the prestigious certificate for the
esteemed Cravenix. Beyond the awards, the event aimed to inculcate a deep Quranic memorisation
culture, promote holistic development and align individuals with teachings of the Quran.

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