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Modellschularbeit Englisch, 5.



Selbsteinschätzungsbogen für Schülerinnen und Schüler zur

Vorbereitung auf die Schularbeit

Ich kann…. noch ausreichend gut

…über Sport schreiben.

…über Bildung und Lernen sprechen.

…verschiedene Tätigkeiten benennen.

…Menschen beschreiben.

…informelle Briefe verfassen.

…Menschen, Ereignisse und Begriffe näher definieren.

…Ähnlichkeiten und Unterschiede beschreiben.

…Sätze miteinander verbinden.

I can…. not yet sufficiently well

…write about sports.

…talk about learning and education.

…name various activities.

…describe people.

…write informal letters.

…define people, events, and activities.

…compare and contrast.

…use various ways to link sentences.

Modellschularbeit Englisch, 5. Klasse

Reading (Gewichtung: 1/3)

Task 1
Read the text and questions below then choose the correct option, A, B, C or D.
Going Green
How green are you? Being green used to mean that you were young and inexperienced. Now
people who call themselves green seem to think that they know better than the rest of us. But
just how wise are these new Greens? How well do their ideas work in practice?
Take the example of what happened this week to Donna Challice, mother of three, from
Exeter. She was actually taken to court by her local council for not recycling her rubbish. She
was charged with putting food in the green recycling bin which is intended for cans, paper,
plastic and glass. She faced a fine of up to £1,000 and the court case cost much more than
What a waste of the Court’s time and money. The reality is that recycling household rubbish is
a waste of all our time. It takes hours and makes very little difference to the planet. Only 5%
of our waste is made up of household rubbish, while a massive 60% is agricultural and
industrial. Why doesn’t the council do something about that first!
And it isn’t only local government that is anxious to be green. We are surrounded by green
thinkers. Have those people who refuse to accept nuclear energy thought about what
renewable energy means? They say that 20% of our energy has to come from renewable
sources such as wind and solar power. Can you imagine what our countryside will look like?
There will be forests of giant wind turbines and nothing in the fields except oilseed rape to
make bio-fuel. There is no real alternative to using more nuclear energy, so why don’t we
focus on building new safer nuclear plants?

Q1 The expression ‘being green’ Q4 From the article we learn that

A has changed meaning over the years. A there is 5% more industrial than
B describes a person who knows many things. agricultural waste.
C is only used for young people. B agriculture produces more waste than
D refers to people who are creative. industry.
Q2 We learn that Donna Challice C the majority of waste does not come
A recycles everything she can. from households.
B puts food in the wrong bin. D 60% of household waste is taken away
C has to pay £1,000 a year for recycling. by councils.
D only recycles glass and plastic. Q5 What does the writer say about nuclear
Q3 According to the writer, recycling household energy?
rubbish A ‘Green thinkers’ do not like it.
A is difficult. B It is safer than other energies.
B is a good use of our time. C It produces 20% more energy than
C is ineffective. other sources.
D makes a big difference. D It makes the countryside look ugly.

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5

Quelle: Premium Test Master B1, Pearson Longman, Progress Test 3

Modellschularbeit Englisch, 5. Klasse

Task 2
Read the text about Meera Syal. First decide whether the statements (6-13) are true (T)
or false (F) and put a cross (x) in the correct box. Then identify the sentence in the text
which supports your decision. Write the first four words of this sentence in the space
provided. There may be more than one correct answer; write down only one. The first
one (0) has been done for you.

Meera Syal
Recently, Meera Syal was named as the most influential black or Asian woman in Britain by
Good Housekeeping Magazine. Born in Wolverhampton in 1962, soon after her parents
arrived in the West Midlands from Delhi, she was the only Punjabi girl in the village and she
was desperate to fit in. She often tells interviewers that she used to really want to be blonde
and called Sharon. She was far from happy with who she was. Yet today she is one of the
best-loved actresses and writers in Britain.
Her parents had expected she might become a doctor or a pharmacist. But Meera was
determined to follow her own path. When she was just eighteen, her mother developed cancer
and was given six months to live. Luckily she survived, but the experience left Meera even
more determined to make the most of life. Meera studied Drama and English at university but,
oddly, didn’t actually do much acting, saying that she wasn’t picked for the good parts. When
she finished her first degree, she decided to write a play for herself to take to the Edinburgh
Festival. The play, One of Us, won a national award that same year.
Her big breakthrough came in 1996 when she teamed up with friends to write and perform in
the hit comedy show, Goodness Gracious Me, which laughed at both Indian traditions and
British prejudice. That same year she published her first novel, Anita and Me, based on her
childhood. Amazingly, both won awards and Meera became famous twice over. The following
year she was awarded an MBE by the Queen.
Since then she has written another best-selling novel and both of her novels have been turned
into films.


0 Meera Syal was born in Delhi.

Q6 She used to wish she had lighter coloured hair.

Q7 She was very happy when she was a child.

Q8 She always wanted to be a doctor.

Q9 Her mother died when Meera was 18.

Q10 Meera did a lot of acting at university.

Q11 The play she wrote for the Edinburgh Festival was very successful.

Q12 She acted in Goodness Gracious Me.

Q13 Meera has won prizes for a novel and a show.

Modellschularbeit Englisch, 5. Klasse

T F First four words

0 x Born in Wolverhampton in …









Quelle: Premium Test Master B1, Pearson Longman, exit test adapted

Task 3
You are going to read a story about four friends. Eight sentences have been removed
from the text. Choose from the sentences (A - I) the one which fits each gap (14-20).
There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. Write your answers in the
boxes after the text. There is one example at the beginning (0).

‘Being wet got us a train ban’

Jo Talbot and her three friends, all 13, but you’re too wet to get on.’ (Q16) _____
expected the summer holiday to end with a We were really fed up as we watched all
bang — not a ban ... the other passengers pull away, warm and
‘My three friends Jo Cole, Sara, Nicola dry. I couldn’t believe they’d all avoided the
and I all live in a small village outside rain, and got the feeling we were being
Southampton. Last August we took the picked on because we were kids. (Q17)
train into the city to go shopping for clothes ____
one last time before starting the new term. We sat around freezing cold, until the next
We got into Southampton at about 10 am. train came along but strangely, we had no
(0) _____ No-one wanted the summer problem getting on that one. (Q18) _____
holidays to end, but it was as good a way When I told my mum what had happened
as any to give them a send-off. she was storming mad, and rang up South
(Q14) _____ We weren’t far from the West Trains to ask them if they’d have
station when the sky went black and there treated an adult the same way. (Q19)
was a huge clap of thunder. We all _____ Customer services rang back later
shrieked and ran for cover, but the rain to say that the guard had been taken off
came down so hard it was like standing in duty while the company held an
a power shower. investigation.
Modellschularbeit Englisch, 5. Klasse

(Q15) _____ When we got to the station a It may not sound that bad, but the whole
train was waiting to leave, so I asked a thing really spoiled our day. (Q20) _____’
guard if it was the one going to our local
station. He looked at us and said, ‘It is —
Just Seventeen
A. We’d have been happy to stand if they were worried we’d wreck the seats, but now we had
to wait half an hour without even enough money for a cup of tea.
B. All my mates’ mums wrote to the train company, asking if the same thing would have
happened late at night, when we might have been put in real danger.
C. We were only caught in it for a minute but we were drenched – and were only wearing
flimsy T-shirts and sweatshirts.
D. My friends and I were too shocked to argue, so we just let the train leave the station.
E. One thing is for sure, though, we’re all taking umbrellas next time we go shopping.
F. Eventually we wandered back to catch the 2 pm train home.
G. We’d just got on the motorway when the car began to make a loud cracking noise.
H. On the journey back, I could hardly stop shaking with cold, and when I got back home I got
straight into the bath to warm up.
I. We tramped around the shops buying loads of stuff and then went for a burger.

0 Q14 Q15 Q16 Q17 Q18 Q19 Q20

Quelle:, Reading Task 19

Modellschularbeit Englisch, 5. Klasse

Listening (Gewichtung: 1/3)

Task 1
You will hear people talking in five different situations. For questions 1-5 choose the
best answer (A,B or C)
Q1 You hear a woman talking. What did she watch on TV last night?
A a soap opera
B a game show
C a chat show

Q2 You hear a man talking. What is his job?

A reporter
B police officer
C cameraman

Q3 You hear a woman being interviewed on radio. What does she say?
A She doesn’t know why she is so famous.
B She has had many different jobs in the media.
C She has been front-page news several times.

Q4 You hear a discussion on the radio. What is the man’s opinion of TV?
A TV caused damage to your eyes.
B Being a couch potato is healthy.
C It’s better not to watch so much TV.

Q5 You hear a TV presenter talking about her job. How does she feel about TV presenting?
A It can be too demanding at times.
B You need to be good-looking to do it.
C It can be more than just introducing people.

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5

Quelle: Laser B1+, Macmillan, Unit Test 5

Modellschularbeit Englisch, 5. Klasse

Task 2
Listen to part of a radio programme talking about a TV show called Make me a
Supermodel. Then complete the sentences below with NO MORE THAN TWO words.
Q6 Jen Hunter was the __________________ winner of the show.
Q7 The judges thought she was too __________________ .
Q8 Marianne Berglund is __________________ from a medical point of view.
Q9 Franny Kingston is head of a __________________ agency.
Q10 Rachel Hunter comes from __________________ .
Q11 Franny says it’s difficult for older models to compete with __________________ .
Q12 US size 0 is the same as UK size __________________ .
Q13 Franny says there are many different __________________ types today.
Q14 Most UK shops today offer up to size __________________.
Q15 She also says being overweight is risky for a person’s __________________.
Premium Test Master B1, Pearson Longman, Exit Test

Task 3
You will hear five different people talking about their hobby. For speakers 1-5 choose
from the list (A-F) the reason why they do their hobby. Use the letter only once. There is
one extra letter which you should not use.

A It will help me get a well-paid job.

B It stops me forgetting special times.
C It teaches me to think carefully before doing something.
D It is a good way to meet people.
E It makes me a better student.
F It is a creative thing to do.

Q16 Speaker 1
Q17 Speaker 2
Q18 Speaker 3
Q19 Speaker 4
Q20 Speaker 5

Quelle: Laser B1+, Macmillan, Unit Test 3

Modellschularbeit Englisch, 5. Klasse

Language (Gewichtung: 1/3)

Task 1
Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first using no more
than three words including the word in bold print

1) A famous rock star used to live in this house.

That’s ………………………………………………….. a famous rock star used to live.
2) This email was sent to me yesterday.
This is the email …………………………………. to me yesterday.
3) If a person steals things, he is a thief.
A thief is ……………………………………………….. steals thing.
4) I am having my birthday party on the 15th.
The 15th is the …………………................................ I am having my birthday party.
5) I’m afraid I cannot remember the name of the author of the book.
I’m afraid the book is by an author........................……………………………. I can’t remember.

Für den Schularbeitsleitfaden erstellt.

Task 2
Compare and contrast: Complete the sentences below. Choose and circle the correct
answer for each one.
6) We didn’t enjoy the concert [far much as / the most as / as much as] we thought we would.
7) The older my father gets, [the most / the least / the less] he cares what others think of him.
8) Our hotel room was beautiful, but the view from the balcony was [so / even / more] better.
9) The weather at the weekend was [more / much / far much] better than expected.
10) The more he put into his job, [the most / the much / the more] he got out of it.
11) My sister’s new house is huge – it’s twice as [larger than / more large / large as] mine.
12) The winning runner was five times [faster / the fastest than / faster than] the one that came
13) Henry felt [little / a little / lot] better after he took a break and had a glass of water.
14) For many, it’s [far more / a little / considerably] important to be happy and healthy, than
15) Denise felt [considerably happier / considerably happy / considerably happier than] after
hearing that she could retake the exam.

Quelle: Lifestyle Test Master Upper Intermediate, Pearson Longman, Unit Test 5a (adaptiert)
Modellschularbeit Englisch, 5. Klasse

Task 3
Read the text about the author of the Harry Potter series. Some words are missing from
the text. Choose the correct answer (A, B, or C) for each gap (16-27) in the text. Write
your answers in the boxes after the text.The first one (0) has been done for you.

J K Rowling
J K Rowling, (0) ___ first name is actually Joanne, is one of the world’s most successful
writers. She is the author of the Harry Potter books, (16) ___ have sold over 400 million copies
worldwide. (17) ___ numbers published in the Sunday Times Rich list, Rowling is one of the
few writers (18) ___ a fortune of more than a billion dollars.
Rowling was born in England on 31 July 1965 and went to school in the west of the country.
She studied French and Classics at Exeter University, (19) ___ in Paris for a year as part of
her course. After her degree she worked as a secretary in London. Then, from 1991 to 1994
she lived in Porto, Portugal, (20) ___ she taught English as a foreign language. While she was
in Portugal she met and married a Portuguese journalist. In 1993 they had a daughter (21) __
they named after Jessica Mitford, the author (22) ___ . Rowling got a divorce later that year.
In December 194, Rowling moved to Edinburgh, (23) ___ unable to find work, and lived on
state benefits. (24) ___ without a job, Rowling had plenty of time for writing, and it was in
Edinburgh that she started to write the Harry Potter books.
Rowling’s first book was Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, (25) ___ in 1997. It soon
became popular and Rowling went on to write six more Harry Potter books. The last book,
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, sold eleven million copies on its first day out, (26) ___ is
a world record. She then published a book for grown-ups. Now she is writing a new book, but
(27) ___ it is about, nobody knows.

0 A who her B that’s C whose

16 A which B that C that they

Which is
17 A Basing on B C Based on
basing on
who she whose
18 A to have earned B C
has having
19 A lived B who lived C living

20 A in which B that C where

21 A whose B who C which

most admire Rowling
22 A B most C
Rowling admired her
23 A where she was B who was C that she was

24 A To be B Being C Been

25 A published B to publish C publishing

26 A that B which it C which

27 A which B what C that

Modellschularbeit Englisch, 5. Klasse

0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

Quelle: My Grammar Lab B1/B2, Pearson Longman, S. 235 adaptiert

Task 4
Read the text about a basketball game. Some words are missing from the text (28 – 34).
Complete the text using one word in the spaces provided. The first one (0) has been
done for you.
Ursula, the (0) ___ of our basketball team, had not played (28) __ a long time because she
had been injured. But she came back (29) ___ time for the last match of the season.
We were playing against the best team in the league, last year’s (30) ___ and were about to
(31) __ up 30 minutes into the game because the (32) ___ was already 30:6 when she finally
came in to play and changed our luck.
In the end we (33) ___ our opponents 62:60!

Write your answers here:

0 captain







für den Schularbeitsleitfaden erstellt

Modellschularbeit Englisch, 5. Klasse

Task 5:
Some words are missing from the following sentences. Use the words in brackets to
form the missing word (35 - 41). Write your answers in the spaces provided. The first
one (0) has been done for you.

0) She is a very ___ (talent) musician.

34) He left school without a ___ (qualify).

35) In ___(conclude), I have to report that the team lost because they missed a number of

36) My ski ___ (instruct) was very friendly.

37) We had to ___ (memory) a lot of rules and words for the test.

38) His ___ (brave) was impressive and unexpected.

39) Scientists believe the ___ (mind) development of teenagers to be different from that of

40) Unfortunately, the answer is ___ (correct), so you do not get the point.

0 talented 37

34 38

35 39

36 40

für den Schularbeitsleitfaden erstellt

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