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Q:) Given the Indian education system dataset, Generate bar charts in
Power Bi.

The above fig. shows the charts of various indexes in Indian education
The Indian education system is vast and diverse, reflecting the
country's cultural, linguistic, and regional diversity. It consists of
various stages, including preschool, primary education, secondary
education, higher secondary education, and tertiary education. With
the help of the data given in the dataset we can assume various
factors that affect the Indian education system and also the state-wise
distribution of different attributes of an education system such as
literacy rate, gender parity index, dropout ratio etc.
1. What are the literacy rates across different states/UTs in India?
● Chart: Bar chart with 'State/UT' on the X-axis and 'Literacy Rate (%)'
on the Y-axis.

The literacy rate is a measure of the percentage of the population

aged 7 years and above who can read and write with understanding in
any language. It is an important indicator of a country's educational
development and socio-economic progress.
By carefully analyzing the above chart we can determine that,
 Kerala has the highest literacy rate among all the states in India
 Mizoram has the second highest literacy rate in India.
 While Jharkhand stands as the second last in the matter of
literacy rate in India.
 And, Bihar is the state with the lowest literacy rate in all of state
in India.
2. How does the gross enrollment ratio vary across states?
● Chart: Bar chart with 'State/UT' on the X-axis and 'Gross Enrollment
Ratio' on the Y-axis.

The Gross Enrollment Ratio (GER) is a statistical measure used in the

field of education to determine the number of students enrolled in a
particular level of education (such as primary, secondary, or tertiary)
expressed as a percentage of the total population eligible to enroll in
that level of education.
By carefully analyzing the above chart we can determine that,
 Kerala has the highest GER among all the states in India
 Mizoram has the second highest GER rate in India.
 While Arunachal Pradesh stands as the second last in the matter
of GER in India.
 And, Bihar is the state with the lowest GER in all of state in India.
3. What is the distribution of expenditure on education across states?

Chart: Bar chart with 'State/UT' on the X-axis and 'Expenditure on

Education (in Crores INR)' on the Y-axis.
The expenditure on education refers to the amount of money spent by
governments, private institutions, households, and other stakeholders
on various aspects of education, including infrastructure
development, teacher salaries, student welfare programs, educational
materials, and research activities. This expenditure is crucial for the
functioning and improvement of the education system and is often
seen as an investment in human capital and economic development.
By carefully analyzing the above chart we can determine that,
 Kerala has the highest expenditure on education among all the
states in India
 Maharashtra has the second highest expenditure on education
rate in India.
 While Sikkim stands as the second last in the matter of
expenditure on education in India.
 And, Goa is the state with the lowest expenditure on education
in all of state in India.
4. What is the gender parity index across different states?
● Chart: Bar chart with 'State/UT' on the X-axis and 'Gender Parity
Index' on the Y-axis.

The Gender Parity Index (GPI) is a statistical measure used to assess

gender disparities in education. It compares the ratio of female to
male enrollment or achievement rates in education, typically at
primary, secondary, and tertiary levels. The GPI is calculated by
dividing the enrollment or achievement rate of females by that of
By carefully analyzing the above chart we can determine that,
 Kerala has the highest gender parity index among all the states
in India
 Mizoram has the second highest gender parity index in India.
 While Jharkhand stands as the second last in the matter of
gender parity index in India.
 And, Bihar is the state with the lowest gender parity index in all
of state in India.
5. How do dropout rates vary across different states?
● Chart: Bar chart with 'State/UT' on the X-axis and 'Dropout Rate (%)'
on the Y-axis.

The dropout ratio, also known as the school dropout rate, is a

measure used in education to quantify the percentage of students
who leave school before completing a particular level of education. It
is an essential metric for assessing the effectiveness of educational
systems and identifying potential areas for improvement. The dropout
ratio is typically calculated by comparing the number of students who
leave school to the total number of students enrolled at the beginning
of a specific period.
By carefully analyzing the above chart we can determine that,
 Bihar has the highest dropout ratio among all the states in India
 Rajasthan has the second highest gender dropout ratio in India.
 While Mizoram stands as the second last in the matter of
dropout ratio in India.
 And, Kerala is the state with the lowest dropout ratio in all of
state in India.
6. What is the teacher-student ratio across different states?
● Chart: Bar chart with 'State/UT' on the X-axis and 'Teacher-Student
Ratio' on the Y-axis.

The teacher-student ratio is a metric used in education to assess the

number of students for each teacher in a given educational setting. It
is an important indicator of the level of personalized attention and
support that students receive from teachers. A lower teacher-student
ratio generally indicates smaller class sizes and potentially more
individualized instruction, which can have positive effects on student
learning outcomes.
By carefully analyzing the above chart we can determine that,
 Bihar has the highest teacher-student ratio among all the states
in India
 Uttar Pradesh has the second highest gender teacher-student
ratio in India.
 While Goa has the second least in the matter of teacher-student
ratio in India.
 And, Kerala is the state with the lowest teacher-student ratio in
all of state in India.
7. What is the overall education scenario in each state considering
multiple parameters?
● Chart: Stacked bar chart with 'State/UT' on the X-axis and all
parameters (Literacy Rate, GER, Expenditure, Gender Parity Index,
Dropout Rate, Teacher-Student Ratio) represented by different bars.

In the above chart we can see that the x-axis holds the State/UT field
against the remaining fields on the y-axis.
This chart shows that the state that is doing most well in term of
overall education system is Kerela and the state that is in bad state in
terms of education system is Bihar.

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