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lime Allowed • Three Hours Maximum Marks : 300


44 as es
Each question is printed both in Hindi and in English.
Answers must be written in the medium specified in the

67 ses
46 cl ss
Admission Certificate issued to you, which must be stated clearly
18 ers la

on the cover of the answer-book in the space provided for the

purpose. No marks will be given for the answers written in a
98 nk r's C

medium other than that specified in the Admission Certificate.

Candidates should attempt Question Nos. I and S which
are compulsory, and any three of the remaining questions
.ra e
w k

selecting at least one question from each Section.


Assume suitable data if considered necessary and indicate

the same clearly.

All questions carry equal marks.

Important : Whenever a Question is being attempted, all its

parts/sub-parts must be attempted contiguously. This means


that before moving on to the next Question to be attempted,

candidates must finish attempting all parts/sub-parts of the
previous Question attempted. This is to be strictly followed.
Pages left blank in the answer-book are to be clearly struck
out in ink. Any answers that follow pages left blank may
not be given credit.
&rug- : EN <- ("frit < 97q.-1-12( fr11:6—
yi53 LTT t 1
Write short notes (each in about 150 words) explaining
the following :— 12x5=60
(a) Dominant coalition in organisations and its
(b) Path Goal Theory of Leadership.
(c) Self-Managed teams.
(d) Importance of Personnel Ratios in a bureaucratic

44 as es

67 ses
46 cl ss
(e) Humanistic Perspective for Employee Management.
18 ers la

2. (a) A large municipal corporation intends to design

98 nk r's C

a network of citizen service centres with the

objective of enhancing citizen satisfaction. Advise
the Commissioner, with justification, about how
.ra e
w k

the following elements should be considered while


designing the centres : Boundary Spanning Roles,

Geographic Dispersion, Decision Making,

Formalization and Flexibility. 30

(b) Discuss how can "culture of safety" be built and

sustained in an organisation dealing with hazardous


chemicals ? 30
3. (a) "Organisation is not a single entity but a managed
configuration of different parts.- Discuss
the relevance of the statement using the frame-
work of organisation structure proposed by
Mintzberg. 30

2 (Contd.)

1. fka T7z *fa 4f4r ft-L-ErkEff

150 '41c -1- A") WtT4 12x5=60

016-1 # 5141-4t 4f p9- w*Thi TF69T I

- mit truN-Tr la-q-rcurcr
4416- 1

(4)(Q11 TITTt 4 *rF4* 3T-924-d 4-16c1 I


44 as es
67 ses
46 cl ss
(3 ) 917W1 M31 eft clq,1 1011 s * r-TEr 4
18 ers la

Th-s-m- t i t i Rt Tar mg , d- cl
98 nk r's C

I 3T-9-4 319-Ma
ct) c1I6 trir ITh+ cr;) WET 4 (oa
*4 *-9- mnr Turin mnt 7-r4—frtifi iJ( ci1s1q-1
.ra e
w nk

9-1 4161, d-2.4 c-11(411eicii



(31) fddtfrirmerr4f**4 -cr*iHniod 4 (id(-lit (€H4-4

-9-*Fr t(a "TITC37 chrl #-Er'" fkf4T au

‘Tir ? 30

(3 ) 44116-1 RFTT 31-MA TIMT 9-6Ti

urn? 't (-tir-WEIT4 P, I" w4Fraa
€1(-c4.-n- Tr ctz,H
11-5 vr4firwm t1 4-MI I 30

3 (Contd.)
(b) Miles and Snow had classified organisations into
four types depending on the strategy of each
organisation. What should be the features of the
corresponding organisational design ? 30

4. (a) The CEO of an autonomous organisation wants to

introduce Management by Objective system in the
organisation. What should be the steps for
implementation and precautions that the CEO

44 as es
should keep in mind ? 30
(b) In the Information Technology sector, virtual project

67 ses
46 cl ss
management is a common buzzword. Explain the
18 ers la

concept and discuss how can such a project be

98 nk r's C

executed well ? 30

.ra e
w nk

Write short notes (each in about 150 words) explaining


the following :— 12x5=60


(a) Cost of Company Approach to Compensation is

grossly misleading.

(b) Principles of Adult Learning.


(c) Bipartite and Tripartite Approach to Labour

(d) Reliability of Recruitment Tests.
(e) Provisions in ID Act 1947 related to workmen
during closure of industrial establishments.

4 (Contd.)
(4) '4-(44- '-€4V 4 41-r3t A lAcAch TET167 aR
MTEIR "A( 77 7M-Tel qIiiTa FOAT
ft i tHqc-Lf 3T5-17-416- a9 *Mir lc
S41 1-1Thg-4 ? 30

4. (31) 1.;ch tc1ILI-c-M14) tiro-f =PI -TT 31-f'a-Prit 3ifiwfr 3144

1-F 4 T4--Ths-4-
2 4-01-RtclIf cbt9- T T-116c11 ft i
31ThTh-Ter Thf 13-1TI1 IT cfg mt4 4m-1-4- kf1
4-F414147ff 474-4 § m--44 33 4 f ? 30

44 as es
(-) TFTr 'A 4 -4-242-: 4-ft4-4-ffr 4-474 44.5

67 ses
46 cl ss
ki1J-Hrq q,s1H4Hid vwq- ft i T€1MTh TT 41 our
18 ers la

(4-1[=,e. 4te-
4 'AWN-FT 4R4T
98 nk r's C

Hmdr ft ? 30
.ra e
w nk

5. t-M9.1'
dFtem €J-Nlla FACI-LIPIO

150 V 4) 12x5=60

(31) ufkff4R rf1 t)-4T-turil

( A 4414 4 ,4c1

(4) ILI(-1, 43r-cq itlaFii I


(4) 547 TE-40 1 -4-er4 424 f;14444- th--

4-R -rcr
(q) 4df 1Jt 1:4-744-4)(44r1
(4) 31-e-47
- T2.1179-1" Th'3f Tr-H-7ft ti4 '1K -c11-1
4-N-1444, 1947 *1 q[I'tTrq

6. (a) Mobile phone based learning is the way forward
for organisations. Do you agree/disagree ? Why ?
(b) CEO of a manufacturing company made the
following comment to the HR Head. "If we are
investing time and resources in skill training for
our production workers, we should get to know
the benefits". How will Donald Kirkpatrik's theory
help to answer the question ? 30

7. (a) Design a socialisation and induction programme

44 as es
for the newly recruited General Manager for a
medium enterprise with two manufacturing units.

67 ses
46 cl ss
Why should a person at that level have a formal
18 ers la

programme ? 30
98 nk r's C

(b) Is the concept of employee welfare redundant

when it comes to the new generation of employees
(Gen Y) ? Explain. 30
.ra e

8. (a) Increasing number of organisations are taking up

w nk

the environmental agenda. In that context the


concept of 'Green HR' has been doing the rounds.


In your opinion what will be the features, benefits

and drawbacks of this concept ? 30
(b) Collective Agreements in the Indian Banking

Industry are finalized at the national level by the


representative Trade Union (in spite of multiple

unions across different banks) and the association
of management. In the context of enhanced
competition should individual banks be allowed
independence in collective bargaining ? Justify your
opinion. 30

6 (Contd.)
6. (3T) 1+,143m4R-4 31-ft*4-
' 614 44164 m4 31-r4 mer
3frT 16111 g I 1:ri 3TI9 7r4 ti64-1 /3797:M t ?
k-qff 30
• ThTivilTh
- -TErt 4kt stfaurFlar 31-ru-mre 4
4[64- n yggq met c#161 ft —"ER 54-r 311T - 30-11q1
2>TW fti-4 vft-rffu-r 4 ntr -44 4-4-m-4
fd14414 me <g g, g-4 9-r34 al 1I1111a
tht -rIg-k" I 6€1 ;79- WErt7 Pr,- A t
kiopat t? 30

44 as es
7. (31) .1,11 -Trall'f 317TR fit t fkl:rcit 9-

67 ses
46 cl ss
4-151M(1-ET 4141D4noi 4-24 mR1 -Erift--zr
18 ers la

m4-444 mr) muttc-4-r m4D-4- do fki-m4-

-44-4 * f 3444-Thm m-pfm-4- mr) 34-454m-4-r
98 nk r's C

kt4 g 30
m 9;4 cm4L11,4 met st-mu-R-0-4 %-tri € WIT4 3r9T-q-91 ?r
.ra e

wader g 4-0-141rn4 met arradt g ? 30

w k

8. (30 trErfq-cuT trtf-fgt ml 314-4-r4 -44-4-4'r wmrr

A--6--Jt 7-r Ter g I evqtf 1. L6-ita vicr-kithET9-

met araarcurr e1 ii41( 16 Tel- g I 371:1*

Tfr urrorr <) idslanlk , 7q- 3Fairr cH4r t, Tcrtsz

? 30

(4) -91-1'4-f4ftTa PATr f-14 (F4-Faw-4 44,11 9,1-4

M 374-mr) 424 447-ET M Tris-,nrc r t4(
4( 9--ra---4'p-r 41*4 3-Z11Tr f-FP:Lfcg-T 65<11
f4- d-F2-4 fM-24 Ai kr4,g. 9f4,g.f * crie 4, our
*1 €111-111) en11,-41 I fiR
31-4,41:4 tr 414t mrig4 TA-n-r4 611 4 3444 44
er aft mern. 4r 30

Serial No. F—DTN—M—DPBB

II Ind t0I I


Trlf% 300

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44 as es
dcH u41' Pran 1W-<4 .414 w-es7 fum-r to

67 ses
46 cl ss
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18 ers la

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i $71---7 . °IT aft- d-Rgif PIMA TT arPeThlfr3 Aift armor
98 nk r's C

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vriq- ,,i<wr 1 3rIT 5 3jaaf g i vim? 99--17 a 4wi-2-)-w zap
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riwT # tart y 2-0 4,1 Rngt <nr-i
wrz- t ear- 41- 2 INT n<1. aim- 9-
<19501 I

Note : English version of the Instructions is printed on

the front cover of this question paper

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