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Time: Reading- 5 minutes, Writing- 40 minutes

Read the case notes below and complete the writing task which follows:
Mandy Rones is a 5 -year -old boy who is the son of one of your newly referred patients in the
community mental health centre where you are a mental health case manager.
Date of birth: 16 May 2007
Place of Birth: Sydney Children Hospital , Sydney
School Year: kindergarten
Religion & ethnicity: Catholic & both parents Australian born Hungarian
Mother’s name: Ayma Elizen
Mother’s community admission date: 17 June 2012
Diagnosis: Mother v- Major depression with psychotic features.
Son-? Early onset separation anxiety disorder.
Family/Psychosocial :
• Ayma suffered PND- depressed since 2012
• She sometimes hears voice calling her and sees ‘men' running
around her house- nil serious psychosis in functional terms.
• Recently 1st psych admission for 6/52 after high lethality DSH
• Mandy psychological status ok until and DSH and Hospitalization;
after this +++ signs of separation anxiety.
• Father is self-employed and works long hours 7/7, Rarely sees
Mandy & Dismissive of Mandy's Emotional states, ‘ He’ like a
bloody girl now’! he told us.
Mandy loves soccer and playing with his dog , ’Roger’ Eczema
Serous otitis media- required grommets ‘ at 17 months
Hearing NAD now.

Medication: Nil meds.

Case management care and progress:
Ayma New to our area( from Parramatta ) & referred to us
Post D/C from Walsgrave MH inpatient unit 2/52 ago.
• We will provide her with long term MH case management.
• Mandy 1) cries and panics whenever Mum leaves his sight
2)Socially withdrawn & refusing to attend kindergarten 3) |
insomnia & nightmare 4)preoccupied with Mums daily activities &
that she might leave him again.
• This greatly pressure on Ayma when her MH is already fragile
• Father, Rones, uninterested in meeting in person or discussing
problems in details.
• Mandy attended initial assessment with Ayma and separation
anxiety behaviour very obvious.

Referral plan:
• Referral to early childhood mental health team for assessment and
management of Mandy's early onset separation anxiety disorder.
• Request joint meeting with case manager and Ayma.

You are the Case Manager caring for Mandy’s depressed mother, but due to his psychological
issues need to write a referral for him to Jacob Dylan, Clinical Psychologist, on the Walsgrave
Early Childhood Mental Health Team at Walsgrave Hospital.
In your answer:
• Expand the relevant notes into complete sentences.
• Do not use note from.
• Use letter format.

The body of the letter should be approximately 180-200 words.

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