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- As you can see in the table, it shows the connection between the profile of
participants. The age, sex, and highest educational attainment. When it comes to level of
Entrepreneurial Knowledge of the Residents in Sitio Escalon, specifically focusing on the
three aspects like openness to novelty, value creation, and effective communication.
Understanding each of these aspects, might help people in sitio Escalon to improve their
way of thinking when it comes to business. By doing these researchers will become a big
help for the people by introducing the innovative thinking. By acknowledging all of these
connections, there is a thing called proposed action plan that can be customized to
address or help the specific needs and preferences of the residents, encourage a more
effective entrepreneurial ecosystem within Sitio Escalon.
- So the technique or strategy that researcher used, to collect, analyze and interpret
data in order to answer questions is descriptive-correlational, and a survey
- In this study, there are one-hundred twenty (120) respondents. Randomly selected
residents in Sitio IOM Escalon, Brgy. Cagniog, Surigao City. So, the researcher used a
method called stratified sampling, dividing the population inti distinct strata based on
their age, sex, and highest educational attainment. This stratified approach is chosen as
it involves categorizing the entire population into different strata before proceeding with
the sampling process.
- the researcher used this type of method to make it easier for the researcher to get the
data. Such as age, sex and educational attainment. And also because the researcher have
120 respondents, so it make it faster we used the stratified sampling method and also
because it enhances the representativeness and precision of the sample, making the
research findings more robust and applicable to the broader population.
- So, the researcher used a survey questionnaire as an instrument that will be validated
and approved by the research adviser. Every questionnaire has a list of general questions
that had to be addressed throughout the process. The proponents will assist the
respondents when answering the questionnaire to ensure all of the survey items will be
Researcher used survey questionnaire because it allows researcher to gather data from
large number of respondents efficiently. And respondents can remain anonymous, which
can encourage them to provide honest answer, especially on sensitive topics. It is cost -
effective compare to other methods such as interviews or focus groups.

- To conduct the survey the researcher, send the letters asking permission from the
dean. That includes the validation of the expert, permission of the authorities to conduct
the research such as the barangay captain of brgy. Cagniog, Surigao city, and approve
letter from the participants.
- The researcher distributed the questionnaires and retrieved right after the participants
answered the questionnaire. The accomplished questionnaires were gathered, tabulated
and statistically computed for data interpretation and discussion.
- Frequency and Simple Percentage. These tools are used in determine the profile of the
participants as stated in problem number one of the statements of the problem.
- Mean and Standard Deviation - These tools was used to describe the level of
entrepreneurial knowledge of the respondents cited in problem two.
-Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). This tool was used to determine the significant difference
on the level of entrepreneurial knowledge of the residents of Brgy. Escalon when they
are grouped according to their profile cited in Problem 3.
As shown in table 3, Being open to change and adaptable to evolving market conditions
or emerging trends (M = 3.29, SD = 0.81), which has the highest mean. It has a verbal
interpretation of Strongly Agree and qualitatively described as Very Much Observed. This
implies that the residents of Sitio Escalon in Brgy. Cagniog, Surigao City, highly value
adaptability in entrepreneurship.
On the other hand, valuing continuous learning and seeking knowledge from various
sources to enhance entrepreneurial skills (M = 2.93, SD = 0.84), which has the lowest
mean. It has a verbal interpretation of Agree and qualitatively described as Observed.
The average mean score for all statements in the study was 3.09, falling within the
"Agree" and “Observe”. This indicates an overall agreement among respondents
regarding the importance of various aspects of entrepreneurial knowledge. The average
score suggests a generally positive attitude towards entrepreneurship among the


It can be gleaned in table 4, Establishing pricing strategies based on the perceived value
of products or services, ensuring fairness and competitiveness (M = 3.24, SD = 0.77),
which has the highest mean. It has a verbal interpretation of Agree and qualitatively
described as Observed. This implies that the residents recognize the importance of
strategic pricing in entrepreneurship. Strategic pricing involves setting prices based on
the perceived value of products or services to customers.
On the other hand, integrating sustainable practices into business operations to create
long-term value for the environment and community (M = 2.89, SD = 0.98), which has
the lowest mean. It has a verbal interpretation of Agree and qualitatively described as
The average mean score for all statements related to value creation in the study was
3.01, falling within the "Agree" category. This indicates an overall agreement among
respondents regarding the importance of various aspects of value creation in
It can be seen in table 5, effectively negotiating terms, prices, or agreements while
maintaining positive relationships. (M = 3.18, SD = 0.82), which has the highest mean. It
has a verbal interpretation of Agree and qualitatively described as Observed. This implies
that the residents recognize the importance of negotiation skills in business
On the other hand, having the capacity to understand and relate to the emotions and
perspectives of others, particularly customers (M = 2.76, SD = 1.04), which has the
lowest mean. It has a verbal interpretation of Agree and qualitatively described as
Observed. This implies that promoting empathy training and awareness could improve
residents' ability to connect with customers and meet their needs effectively, thus
enhancing entrepreneurial success.
The average mean score for all statements related to effective communication in the
study was 2.98, falling within the "Agree" and “Observed”. This indicates an overall
agreement among respondents regarding the importance of various aspects of effective
communication in entrepreneurship. the average score suggests a generally positive
attitude towards effective communication among the residents. By providing training
and support in empathetic communication and other essential communication skills,
stakeholders can empower residents to build stronger relationships, enhance customer
satisfaction, and drive business growth.

The study on entrepreneurial knowledge in Sitio Escalon, Brgy. Cagniog, Surigao City,
revealed several notable findings. Firstly, the demographic profile indicated a
predominance of respondents aged 21-25, with equal representation of male and
female participants and a majority holding high school-level education
the highest mean scores were observed in areas such as openness to change and
adaptable market behavior, and negotiating skills,
whereas continuous learning and sustainable business practices received lower scores.
the overall average mean score across all statements fell within the "Agree" category.

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