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1.Apply (for) /ə'plai/: xin việc, ứng cử
2. Celebration(n) /, seli’breiʃn/: sự kỷ niệm, lễ kỷ niệm
3. Community (n)/kə'mju:nəti/:cộng đồng
4. Cultural exchange(np): sự trao đổi văn hóa
5. Current (a) /'kʌrənt/: hiện hành, đang lưu hành
6. Eye-opening(a) /'ai,əʊpəning/: mở mang tầm mắt
7. Honour (n) /'ɒnə[r]/ danh dự
→ have the honour of something: được vinh dự, được đặc huệ (làm cái gì đó)
8. Issue (n)/'isju:/ vấn đề = problem
9. Leadership skill(np) /li:dəʃip skil /: kĩ năng lãnh đạo
10. Live-stream (v) phát sóng trực tiếp
11. Politics (n) /'pɒlitiks/ chính trị
12. Promote (v) /prə'məʊt/ thúc đẩy, khuyến mại, quảng bá
13. Proposal(n) /prəpəʊzl/ sự đề nghị
→ propose(v): đề xuất
14. Qualify(v) /'kwplifai/: đủ tiêu chuẩn, đủ khả năng
15. Region (n) /'ri:dʒən/ : vùng, miền = area (n)
→ regional/ri:dʒənl/ (adj.) (thuộc) khu vực, vùng
→ in the region of: vào khoảng
16. Relation(n) /ri'leiʃn/: mối quan hệ; mối liên quan
17. Representative(n) /repri'zentətiv/: người đại diện
18. Strengthen (v) /'streŋꝊn/: củng cố; tăng cường
19. Support(v) /səpͻ:t/ ủng hộ = upheld (v)
20. Volunteer (v,n) /,vɒlən'tiə[r]/ :tình nguyện, tình nguyện viên
21. Youth (n) /ju:Ꝋ/ : tuổi trẻ, tuổi thanh niên, tuổi niên thiếu
→ the days of youth: thời niên thiếu
22. Interference / ɪntǝ fiǝrǝns/ (n.) sự can thiệp
23. Maintain /mein'tein/ (v.) duy trì
24 Principle /prɪnsǝpl/ (n.) nguyên tắc
25. Scholarship/'skvləʃɪp/ (n.) học bổng
26. Solidarity/splı'dærǝti/ (n.) sự đoàn kết
27. Stability /stə'biləti/ (n.) sự ổn định
28. Internal /ɪn'tᴣ:nl/ (adj.), ở trong, bên trong
29. Motto /'mɒtəo/ (n.) khẩu hiệu, phương châm
30. Official /ə'fiʃl/ (adj.) chính thức
31. Sponsor/'spɒnsə (n)/ (n.) nhà tài trợ
32. Vision /'vɪʒn/ (n.) tầm nhìn
33. Conference /'kɒnfərəns/ (n.) hội nghị
34. Constitution / kɒnstrɪ'tju:ʃn/ (n.) hiến pháp
35. Dispute /dɪ' spju:t/ (n.) cuộc tranh luận, cuộc tranh chấp
36. Bloc /blɒk/ (n.) khối
37. Graceful /'greɪsfl/ (adj.) duyên dáng, yêu kiều
Trang 1
1. Subject of a sentence
Ex: Reading the story of Kieu is interesting.
2. Complement of to Be after Subject of Thing + To Be 3. After Prepositions
Ex: My hobby is fishing.
Ex: She is interested in learning English.
4. After some verbs: Verbs + Gerund
Admit, avoid appreciate, defer / delay /postpone/ put off, deny, detest/ dislike, discuss,
consider, enjoy, escape, finish, give up/ quit, imagine, keep, not mind, miss, practise,
suggest, prevent, can't help, can't stand/ can't bear, resit, resist, cease ....etc.

I always avoid making noise in class. I don't mind doing a lot of homework.
Have you finished writing the report? He can't stand working ten hours a day.
Anne practised playing the piano at an early age When did you give up smoking, Bill ?

Approve of, argue about, complain about, concentrate on, depend on, decide on, feel like, forget
about, Look forward to, insist on, keep on, object to, plan on, rely on, succeed in, think about,
worry about.....

I'm interested in listening to music on the Many overweight people try to lose weight
radio. by going on a diet.
He's bored with staying at home day after day. Don't forget to turn off the gas before going
Some people are afraid of driving in rush out


Accustomed to afraid of, ashamed of, capable of, bored with,disappointed in / with, fond
of, hopeful of, intent on, interested in, opposed to, proud of, responsible for, sorry about,
successful in, surprised at, tired from, tired of, worried about, be used to.....

Police soon get accustomed to arresting criminals. The driver was intent on passing the
Are you capable of completing the work within an other car.
hour? The treasurer is responsible for keeping
Eli Whitney is famous for inventing the cotton gin the books
7. After some Verbs + Object Combinations
Ex: We saw the thief entering the house.
Or He spent five hours doing his task.
8. In some other structures:
It's no good / use, there is no point, what's the point of, what about, be worth, be busy, look
forward to, be used to be accustomed to get used to, can't help, can't bear, can't stand .....
It is no use saying that I am used to getting up early.

Trang 2
1. Subject of the sentence
Ex: To help her is my duty.
2. Verbs + to -Infinitive
Agree, afford, appear, arrange, attempt, ask, choose, decide, demand, expect, fail, happen,,
hope, learn, manage, offer, plan, pretend, promise, refuse, seem, threaten, want, wish,
would like, intend, tend claim, desire, hope, hesitate ...etc.

I decide to study engineering at University We can't afford to build a new house.

She's expecting to get a reply from the Bob refused to lend me his car.
company. You manage to get some tickets for the pop
Do you agree to join us for the holiday? concert on Saturday.
Mary learned to swim when she was young

3. Verbs + O + to - xninitive
Want, ask, tell, request, order, beg, remind, invite, advise, warn, promise encourage
He tells me to send this letter.
The teacher encouraged Lan to join English club.

4. Be/ look/ seem/ feel + ADJECTIVE + TO infinitive:

Afraid, ashamed, considerate, disappointed, eager, foolish, fortunate, happy, lucky,
pleased, proud,, ready, sorry, surprised, angry, prepared, glad, proud

I'm afraid to drive alone at night. Citizens ought to feel lucky to be able to vote.
Were you disappointed not to win the race? He was not at all surprised to hear the news.
The actress seems eager to go on stage. I'm looking for someone qualified to type a
The parents are proud to have a healthy child. thesis.
The party is ready to serve.
I'm glad to see you again.
5. After the verb TO BE
Ex: We are to pass the next exam.
My purpose is to win the next English competition.

6. After Noun (Infinitive of Purpose): TO IN ORDER TO / SO AS TO + V(bare infinitive)

Ex: There are lots of things to do today.
Ex: He studies hard so as to pass the entrance examination.

1. After modal verbs: can, may, must, …..
EX: I must go home now.
2. After had better, would rather, do nothing but.
EX: He did nothing but complain about his life.
You'd better stay at home today.

Trang 3
3. Make + 0 + V(bare-inf.)
EX: The clowns made them laugh a lot last night.


 Without changing in meaning: Start, begin, continue, intend, like, love, hate, prefer

It began to rain when I went to school. It began raining when I went to school
When did you start learning English? When did you start to learn English?
It began raining heavily. or It began to rain heavily.
Does Pam continue writing to you? Does Pam continue to write to you?
He intended making a film for children He intended to make a film for children.


Stop doing st He stopped smoking three years ago. (He doesn't smoke any more
Stop to do st He stopped to smoke a cigarette. (He stopped working in order to
try doing st You should try taking these tablets, ( try = thöû )
try to do st You should try to study harder. (try = coá gaéng)
forget/ remember I remember sending a postcard to my parents yesterday.
doing st
He remembers meeting you when he was in France. (He met you).
forget/remember to Don't forget to wash the dishes.
do st Remember to sent me a letter when you arrive in Ho Chi Minh city. (
you will send.)
regret doing st She regretted not coming your birthday party. So she felt bored
regret to do st I regret to inform you that you've failed your exam.
need to do st You need to practise English every day. (= You have to practise English
every day).
need doing st =need Your shirt needs washing. It smells. (= Your shirt needs to be washed).
to be done
go on doing = to The teacher introduced herself and went on to explain the course.
continue doing st
go on to do The teacher told everyone to be quiet, but they just went on talking.
like doing I like fishing
like to do I like to do my job well.

Trang 4
➤ would like + to- inf; feel like + V-ing = wish for

I permit you to go out. I permit going out

 See, smell, notice, observe, taste, feel, overhear, hear, watch + 0 + Verb: the whole
 See, smell, notice, observe, taste, feel, overhear, hear, watch + 0 + Verb ing: action is
I saw someone get into Tom's house yesterday.
She heard him playing guitar. It's really great, but she must go away.

Exercise 1: Choose the correct answer.
1. I do not have enough money _______ this book.
A. buy B. to buy C. buying D. bought
2. It is no use _______to school if you ______ to work hard.
A. going / do not ready C. going / are not ready
B. to go / do not ready D. go / are not ready
3. They spent all day ________ and ______ on the beach.
A. to swim/sunbathing C. swimming/ to sunbathe
B. to swim/ to sunbathe D. swimming/sunbathing
4. We were made ________ all the cleaning in the house.
A. to do B. do C. doing D. done
5. We regret ______ you that you have exceeded your overdraft facility.
A. to inform B. informing C. to tell to D. telling
6. Why don't you try ______the key anti-clockwise?
A. to turn B. on turning C. turning D. turn
7. We don't allow ___________in the classrooms.
A. that students smoke B. smoke C. students to smoke D. to smoking
8. I really must ______on with my work now.
A. to get B. getting C. get D. to getting
9. Why don't you do what you're told, instead of _______ such a song and dance about it?
A. to make B making C. made D. make
10. I rashly posted the parcel without ______it.
A. weighing B. weigh C. weighed D. to weigh
11. Can you please _________me a little about yourself?
A. to tell B. telling C. tell D. going to tell
12. How can you waste all that money on ________?
A. gamble B. to gamble C. gambling D. the gamble
13. "My watch is broken." "Why don't you _______?
Trang 5
A. have it repair B. have it repairing C. have it for repair D. have it repaired
14. Yesterday we did nothing but ________
A. talking B. talked C. talk D. had talked
15. Instead of ______ a new car, she'll have her old one_______
A. to buy/repaired B. buying / to repair
C. buying / be repaired D. buying / repaired
16. I tried ________ the bus, but I missed it.
A. catching B. to catch C. catch D. catch up
17. I'm sorry I haven't got any money _______ you. Why don't you try______ Peter?
A. to lend / to ask B. lending / asking C. to lend / asking D. lending / to ask
18. After _______ asleep, I saw a strange person at the foot of the bed.
A. fall B. falling C. fell D. fallen
19. After all this time, John should take the bull by the horns and ask Mary______ him.
A. to marry B. marry C. marrying D. married
20. He told me _________early.
A. to try to come B. to try coming C. try to come D. try coming

Exercise 2. Gerund or Infinitive - Fill in the correct form.

1. They are likely __________ up at any time. (show)
2. The man denied _________the crime. (commit)
3. Their memories of __________ in Africa will stay with them forever. (travel)
4. He has always been afraid of __________ (fly)
5. ___________is good for your health. (swim)
6. Would you mind __________ me the sugar. (pass)
7. She promised __________ the report as soon as possible. (read)
8. I had a hard time __________ the situation to my husband. (explain)
9. She had some problems __________ without glasses. (read)
10. Paul gave up __________ five years ago. (smoke)
11. Most teachers insist on their pupils __________ (do) the homework.
12. She has often made me __________ (cry).
13. I expect __________(hear) from you by Monday.
14. It's no use __________ (pretend) ____ (like) her food.
15. How old were you when you learnt __________ (drive)?
16. I don't mind __________(walk) home but I'd rather ______(get) a taxi.
17. I can't make a decision. I keep __________ (change) my mind. (fall)
18. We had to keep him from __________ off the cliff.
19. He had made his decision and refused __________ (change) his mind.
20. It was a good holiday. I enjoyed __________(be) by the sea.
21. Do you feel like (go). __________to the theatre on Friday?
22. I spent a lot of time (make) __________ a birthday cake for him.
23. He agreed (see). __________ me at ten o'clock
24. They promised (read) __________ my report today
25. I suggest (pay) __________ by check, it's safer than cash
26. He offered (make) __________ dinner for us.
Trang 6
27. He put off (see) __________ her until very late in the afternoon.
28. I refused (pay) __________ for the repairs.
29. I've finished (read) __________ that book at last!
30. We decided (go)__________to the cinema instead
31. I enjoyed the play. The (act) __________ was very good.
32. I love going to her class, her (teach) __________ is never boring.
33. He's my favourite writer, his (write) __________ is wonderful.
34. His (complain). __________ is getting on my nerves. He's never happy.
35. They have terrible debts. Their (spend) __________ is out of control
36. It's a very fit team. Their (train)__________ is very intensive.
37. I can still remember (visit) __________ my grandparents fifty years ago.
38. Please, remember (feed) __________ the dog while I'm away
39. I'll never forget (see) __________ that van Gogh exhibition in New York
40. Don't forget (post) __________ my letters, please.
41. I regret (lend) __________ him the money. He never paid it back
42. We regret (inform) _________you that your application has been refused.
43. I'll just finish (clean) __________ the kitchen then I'll stop.
44. She suggested (have) __________ dinner at her house.
45. She doesn't mind (do) __________ the boring jobs.
46. He keeps (ask) __________ me to go out with him.
47. He has given up (smoke) __________
48. He's very good at (get) __________ me to do what he wants
49. He insisted on (be) __________ refunded immediately.
50. He failed. He's very bad at (do)____ exams.

1. to show 2. Committing 3. Traveling 4. Flying 5. Swimming 6. passing 7. to read 8. Explaining
9. Reading 10. smoking 11. doing. 12. Cry 13. to hear 14. pretending/ to like 15. to drive 16. waking/
get 17. changing 18. Falling 19. to change 20. being 21 - going; 22 - making; 23 - to see; 24 - to
read; 25 - paying; 26- to make; 27 - seeing; 28 - to pay; 29 - reading; 30 - to go; 31 - acting; 32 -
teaching;33 - writing; 34 - complain; 35 - spending; 36 - training; 37 - visiting; 38 - to feed; 39 -
seeing; 40 - to post; 41 - lending; 42 - to inform; 43 - cleaning; 44 - having; 45 - doing; 46 -
asking;47 - smoking; 48 - getting; 49 - being; 50 - doing;
Exercise 3: Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting.
1. I'm sure he is incapable of run a mile in four minutes.
2. Good friendship should be based on mutual understand.
3. I dislike being talk about everywhere.
4. We're looking forward to see you again.
5. They voluntarily spent their vacations to teach illiterate people to read and write.
Trang 7
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other
three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. stable B. maintain C. scholarship D. dominate
2. A. hold B. offer C. bloc D. solidarity
3. A. participates B. athletes C. dominates D. activities
4. A. avoided B. recommended C. permitted D. practiced
5. A. promote B. confusion C. focus D. association
6. A. athlete B. capital C. stalk D. talent
7. A. emblem B. member C. regret D. theme
8. A. August B. gerund C. purpose D. suggest
9. A. dream B. mean C. peace D. steady
10.A. consist B. disable C. suggest D. vision

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position
of primary stress in each of the following questions.
1. A. maintain B. charter C. finish D. practice
2. A. solidarity B. cooperation C. representative D. nationality
3. A. celebrate B. integrate C. qualify D. consider
4. A. promote B. enjoy C. involve D. realize
5. A. remember B. understand C. imagine D. encourage
6. A. assistance B. confidence C. relation D. proposal
7. A. celebration B. behaviour C. stability D. relationship
8. A. support B. depict C. promote D. purchase
9. A. leadership B. maintainance C. principle D. agreement
10. A. competition B. contribution C. interference D. stability

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
1. Now can I please get on with the job, without any more interference from you?
A. approval B. intervention C. limitation D. postponement
2. The emblem of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations was designed basing on rice - the
most important crop for the Southeast Asian people.
A. banner B. logo C. motto D. slogan
3. Your starting salary is £23,000 per annum and will be reviewed annually.
A every day B. every month C. every week D. every year
4. In Thailand, it's against the law to litter on the pavement. If you are caught, you can be fined up
to $2000 Baht.
A evil B. illegal C. immoral D. cruel
5 The beautiful sights in Sa Pa, Mui Ne and Ha Noi all contribute to the country's magic charm.
A. beauty B. fame C. imatation D. value
6. ASEAN organised different projects and activities to integrate its members.

Trang 8
A. combine B. socialize C. separate D. upgrade
7. The major shortcoming of ASEAN as an organisation is the inability to go through many
declarations, agreements, and instruments that they have proliferated over the years.
A. advantage B. benefit C. drawback D. achievement
8. We have achieved considerable results in the economic field, such as high economic growth,
stability and significant poverty alleviation over the past few years.
A. protection B. development C.prevention D. reduction
9. After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1989, the 13th National Congress of the Communist
Party of Viet Nam adopted a resolution to have 'more friends and fewer enemies'.
A. breakdown B. adopt C. perform D. alleviate
10. He had dominated racing this year with six victories in seven starts.
A. overcrowded B. overreacted C. overwhelmed D. overshadowed
11. It's often hard to find the right time to approach someone about a delicate issue, as well as being
difficult to say the words you need to say.
A. sensitive B. significant C. unconscious D. supportive
12. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations, or ASEAN, was established on 8 August 1967 in
Bangkok, Thailand, with Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand, joining hands
A. basically B. firstly C. finally D. eventually
13. Thailand has dominated in most of the recent ASEAN GAMES in the region, winning the
biggest numbers of gold medals.
A. has been the most successful C. has been the most dedicated
B. has been the least successful D. has been the least dynamic
(“dominate” là động từ, mang nghĩa “bá chủ, thống trị”, hoặc “most successful”, “thành công
14. In making policy city, officials depend on over fifty citizen advisory boards and commissions
for citizen input.
A. depend on B. rely on C. impact on D. thank for
("rely on ST” hoặc “depend on ST” mang nghĩa “dựa vào cái gì”)
15. Most Vietnamese students know what the red colour on their national flag stands for.
A. targets B. symbolizes C. purposes D. performs
(“stand for” hoặc “symbolize” mang nghĩa “mang tính biểu tượng, biểu trưng cái gì”)
16. Mainstream economists argue that the purpose of the policy is to promote economic efficiency.
A. eventuate B. stabilize C. boost D. activiate
(“promote” hoặc “boost” mang nghĩa “làm cho cái gì tăng lên, tốt lên”)
17. Negotiation is among a few effective ways to resolve any dispute.
A. respect B. advantage C. improvement D. disagreement
("dispute” hoặc “disagreement” mang nghĩa “sự bất đồng quan điểm”)
18. In order to avoid sunburn, many people wear protecting clothes when they go out.
A. continue B. discourage C. facilitate D. block
19. Tet in Vietnam marks the beginning of spring and, for agrarian people who depend on the
lunar calendar to manage their crops, the start of the year.
A. traditional ones B. minority people C. farmers D. old people
20. The Vietnamese government has passed laws to protect wildlife from coomercial trade.
Trang 9
A. enforced B. enabled C. ensured D. enacted
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
1. Our survey also found that 75 per cent of those quizzed knew three or more of their neighbours.
A. interviewed B. insisted C. replied D. examined
2. Viet Nam and Laos will closely cooperate to strengthen the solidarity of ASEAN and enhance
the vital role of the group in regional security structure.
A. agreement B. cooperation C. separation D. friendship
3. Her graceful performance of this traditional art form in the evening session was a real source of
A. stunning B. effortless C. inelegant D. complex
4. Viet Nam is famous for World Heritage Sites like Ha Long Bay and Hoi An Ancient Town.
A. availuable B. popular C. well-known D. unknown
5. The country's continued prosperity is dependent on the opportunities and achievements of all
its residents.
A. poverty B. inflation C. insecurity D. wealth
6. The colour white symbolises a lot of things, and one is that it represents purity and innocence.
A. cleanness B. immorality C. honesty D. guiltlessness
7. All countries are obliged to maintain stability and peace in the world, because instability brings
undesired effects.
A. uncertain B. predictable C. negative D. positive
8. Many people afraid that the victory of US president-elect Donald Trump might affect stability
in Asia, more specifically in the ASEAN region.
A. failure B. insecurity C. strength D. weakness
9. The 28th and 29th ASEAN Summits opened in Vientiane, Laos, late on Tuesday on the theme
of "Turning Vision into Reality for a Dynamic ASEAN Community".
A. energetic B. inactive C. innovative D. productive
10. Amanita argued that Indonesia would continue to play a role in maintaining peace and
promoting democratisation in ASEAN.
A. upholding B. lessening C. preserving D. upholding
11. Southeast Asian regionalism served to enable the member-states to focus primarily on their
domestic affairs.
A. international B. internal C. local D. national
12. The Prince William made a brief working visit to Viet Nam from 17th - 18th November 2016,
attending the IWT Conference which was hosted in Ha Noi.
A. lasting B. public C. minuscule D. secret
13. After hundreds of rejections by the employers, I decided that I need to do something about my
A. denial B. approval C. refusal D. rebuttal
14. In Viet Nam, Adverse weather conditions in the summer made it difficult to play the game.
A. favorable B. imperishable C. congenial D. severe
15. I have just received my first job offer after having been unemployed for two years in Vietnam.
A. got B. gained C. rejected D. acquired
16. People in Singapore are launching a campaign to promote awareness of environmental issues.
Trang 10
A. encourage B. publicize C. hinder D. strengthen
17. This speedy and secure service of transferring money within Asean countries can be useful.
A. slow B. rapid C. careful D. hurried
18. The Indonesian government is being widely criticized in the media for falling to limit air
A. attracted B. praised C. blamed D. approved
19. After the marriage, Ruth decided to settle permanently In Jakarta, Indonesia.
A. sustainably B. constantly C. temporarily D. regularly
20 He had never experienced such discourtesy towards the president as it occurred at the annual
meeting in May in Malaysia.
A. rudeness B. measurement C. encouragement D. politeness

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
1. ASEAN includes ten member states, but may get bigger because other countries have applied to
join the _______
A. bloc B. group C. gang D. troop
2. The _________ is a legal agreement among the ten ASEAN member states.
A. charter B. motto C. policy D. principle
3. The Japanese Government ________20 scholarships for international students coming from
ASEAN member countries to study in Japan.
A. affords B. demands C. offers D. provides
4. The 28th and 29th ASEAN Summits will be_______ at the National Convention Centre under
the Chairmanship of Lao PDR.
A. carried B. conducted C. held D. taken place
5. The ASEAN charter entered into ______after ten members signed it.
A. performance B. force C. influence D. impact
6. Each deputy should be _____for one ASEAN community council, supported by a team of
competent and able lawyers.
A. blamed B. incapable C. in charge D. responsible
7. Vietnamese athletes compete regionally and internationally and ______ high ranks in many
A. hold B. keep C. mark D. achieve
8. Not all the winners will receive great prizes, but nobody leaves_____
A. blank-handed B. clear-handed C. empty-handed D. white-handed
9. With a population of over 237 million people, Indonesia is the world's fourth most ________
A. popular B. popularly C. populous D. unpopular
10. Do you _______that Vietnam national football team will be the strongest one in the Asean
region in the future?
A. believe B. involve C. promise D. offer
11. I think the teacher was ________with my speech.
A. appreciated B. involved C. measured D. satisfied
12. Over the past decade, Viet Nam-ASEAN _______ have been growing fast in all areas,
particularly in politics and the economy.
Trang 11
A. relates B. relatives C. relations D. relationships
13. Lao PDR stands _________ Lao People's Democratic Republic.
A. by B. for C. on D. with
14. ASEAN _______of ten Southeast Asian countries, namely: Brunei. Cambodia, Indonesia,
Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Viet Nam.
A. consists B. contains C. includes D. involves
15. The member states will act in accordance ______ the law to set out in various ASEAN
A. for B. of C. to D. with
16. The 28th and 29th ASEAN Summits will focus ______ efforts to build the ASEAN
A. at B. for C. in D. on
17. As an ASEAN member, Vietnam has actively participated in the group's programs and has also
created new _______and cooperation mechanisms.
A. initiatives B. initiates C. initiations D. initiators
("initiative” mang nghĩa “một chiến dịch, một kế hoạch”)
18. The population of ASEAN is more than 600 million people, _______ about 8% of the world's
A. counting on B. setting for C. accounting for D. making of
(account for” mang nghĩa “chiếm bao nhiêu "%")
19. The ASEAN gross domestic product grew __________4.6% to reach US$ 2.57 trillion in 2015.
A. on B. by C. in D. with
(grow by ...%" là tăng trưởng được bao nhiêu %)
20. The government hopes their program will help new immigrants _____ well in the community.
A. enter B. immerse C. exchange D. integrate
(integrate” mang nghĩa “hòa nhập”)
21. Many Vietnamese volunteer organizations have been______ to give help and support
to disadvantaged children in the area.
A. laid out B. looked on C. set up D. got by
("set up”, “found”, “establish” đều mang nghĩa “thành lập”)
22. It came as no surprise that Thailand ended the latest SEA Games at the top of medals _______
A. host B. standing C. participating D. earning
("standing” mang nghĩa danh sách thứ hạng)
23. The children would love to join the exchange program where they can_______ themselves in
different traditional and cultural activities.
A. immerse B. dip C. imply D. obtain
("immerse in ST” mang nghĩa “đắm chìm trong cái gì”)
24. It is important that Young Vietnamese people be taught the importance of _______ the national
A. preserving B. reversing C. reserving D. conserving
("preserve” mang nghĩa “bảo tồn, duy trì”, so sánh với “conserve” mang nghĩa “sử dụng tiết
kiệm hoặc bảo vệ”)
25. Vietnam, along with China, stands out as a rare _______ story among transition economies.
A. successful B. successive C. success D. succeeding
Trang 12
("success story" mang nghĩa “câu chuyện về sự thành công”, “successful” được dùng khi bản
thân nó là thành công, ví dụ “a successful book” hoặc “a successful actor")
26. There is a ______ shortage of food in the disaster-stricken areas of ASEAN.
A. deep B. critical C. erratic D. strong
(critical" sẽ đi với “shortage”, mang nghĩa “thiếu thốn trầm trọng”)
27. Young Vietnamese people are supposed to ______ themselves in several voluntary social
A. promote B. involve C. serve D. participate
("involve themselves in ..” mang nghĩa “tham gia hoạt động gì”)
28. ASEAN always attempts to _______ adequate support to victims of natural disasters in the
A. conduct B. involve C. present D. administer
("present adequate support" mang nghĩa
29. All period_______ were asked to list all the members of ASEAN that they could think of in a
A. participates B. participations C. participants D. participating
“cung cấp đủ sự hỗ trợ”, tương tự từ "offer")
30. We will create a stable, prosperous and highly ________ ASEAN Economic community.
A. compete compete B. competition C. competitor D. competitive
31. Unfortunately, the solution to this problem is neither simple nor ______
A. economy B. economic C. economical D. economicany
32. The members meet once a week to develop and adopt proposals on new _____ and legislation.
A. policy B. politic C. political D. politician
33. The children in Viet nam grew up with deep ______ for their parents and older people.
A. respect B. respecting C. respectful D. respectability
34. Viet Nam is a member of many international ________
A. businesses B. communities C. programmes D. organisations
35. Viet Nam has also become more attractive to foreign _____
A. investors B. invest C.investment D. investor
36. Joining the WTO has helped Viet Nam _______ its economic growth.
A. provide B. promote C. prevent D. predict
37. Through ________ activities, Viet Nam has helped achieve peace in the global community.
A. interesting B. peacekeeping C. exciting D. influencing
38. Vietnam needs to improve the quality of goods and services so that we can _____ new
global markets.
A. enter B. entering C. to enter D. enters
39. Viet Nam ________ foreign investors in various parts of the economy.
A. expresses B. welcomes C. hesitates D. promotes
40. Since Viet Nam became a member of the WTO, it has gained numerous_______ benefits.
A. economic B. politic C. individual D. universal
41. The ASEAN Security Community (ASC) aims to ensure that countries in the region live at ____
with one another and in a democratic and harmonious environment.
A. Peace B. Peaceful C. Peacefully D. Peaceable

Trang 13
42. ASEAN's aims include the acceleration of economic growth, ______ progress, cultural
development among its members, and the promotion of regional peace.
A. Society B. Social C. Socially D. Socialize
43. A combined gross domestic_______ of the member countries of ASEAN has grown at an
average rate of around 6% per year.
A. Produce B. Productivity C. Production D. Product
44. To build on the field of political and security cooperation, ______ ASEAN Leaders have agreed
to establish the Security Community (ASC).
A. A B. An C. The D. Ø
45. On July 28, 1995, Vietnam became __________ seventh member of ASEAN.
A. A B. An C. The D. Ø
46. ASEAN has ________ population of 575.5 million.
A. A B. An C. The D. Ø
47. The population of ASEAN accounts ________ about, 8.7% of the world's population.
A. Of B. For C. In D. From
48.Laos and Myanmar were admitted _________ ASEAN in 1997.
A. for B. of C. to D. in
49. ASEAN also try to solve the problems of ethnic tensions which might lead _____ scivil war.
A. Into B. Away C. Off D. To
50. One of ASEAN's objectives is to help people think about peace and ______ and do something
about it.
A. origin B. justice C. statistics D. record
51. There are plenty of industrial ________ established in the area, which also makes the
government worried about pollution.
A. series B. goods C. enterprises D. relationships
52. Free ________ area is a designated group of countries that have agreed to eliminate tariffs,
quotas, and preferences on most goods among them.
A. trade B. cultural C. stable D. adopted
53. The ASEAN Investment Area aims to enhance the competitiveness of the region for attracting
direct investment which flows into and within ASEAN.
A. produce B. combine C. found D. improve
54. ASEAN has _______ a community of Southeast Asian nations at peace with one another and
at peace with the world.
A. joined B. estimated C. established D. solved
55. ASEAN helps to _______ regional cooperation in Southeast Asia in the spirit of equality and
A. invest B. promote C. admit D. invent
56. Rice is the _______ exported product of Vietnam.
A. main B. free C. average D. rural
57. The Vietnamese bank will conduct an_____investigation in the next two weeks.
A. external B. internal C. local D. national
58. The organization's aim is to _____ the cultural ties between Vietnam and Asea countries
A. discourage B. publicize C. hinder D. strengthen

Trang 14
59. There has been a lot of discussion about _________ of grades in higher education recently in
A. poverty B. inflation C. insecurity D. wealth
60. The election for the ______ of the council within Asean countries will take place on Tuesday.
A. leadership B. maintainance C. principle D. agreement

1. She apologised ___________waiting so long.
A. for keeping me B. for me C. for me keeping D. to me for
2. Her mother prevented her _______ going out tonight.
A. about B. against C. at D. from
3. She insisted _________talking to her lawyer.
A. in B. for C.on D. of
4. He is not good ________ aths. He is incapable ________ mcalculating.
A. at of B. for - of C.on - for D. on- of
5. It is no use _________ a girl that she doesn't need to lose any weight.
A. convince B. convincing C. to convince D. to convincing
6. I have much homework that I ought ________
A. do B. to doing C. doing D. to do
7. She did a funny little curtsy which Josh and Silver couldn't help _____ at.
A. laugh B. laughing C. to laugh D. to laughing
8. We are looking forward _______ out at the weekend.
A. go. B. going C. to go D. to going
9. You should give up _________your sister.
A. being bullied D. bullied C. bullying D. to bully
10. She is used _______ to loud music.
A. listen B. bullied C. to listen D. to listening
11. I'm in a difficult position. What do you advise me ________?
A. do B. doing C. to do D. to doing
12. It's a nice day. Does anyone fancy __________ for the party.
A. having gone B. going C. to go D. went
13. I wwish that dog would stop_____ It's driving me mad.
A. bark B. barking C. being barked D. to bark
14. He never says anything that is worth ______ to.
A. listen B. listening C. to listen D. to listening
15. Carol's parents always encouraged her ________ hard at school.
A. being studied B. study C. studying D. to study
16. They promised _______me ________ for a walk?
A. to help prepare B. to help/preparing C. helping/preparing D. helping/to prepare
17. She is afraid of the dentist, so she always puts off ______ till the last possible moment.
A. to go B. going C. go D. gone
("put off doing ST" mang nghĩa “trì hoãn việc gì”, tương tự với từ “postpone”)
18. I don't regret _________ her what I thought, even if it upsets her.
A. tell B. to tell C. to have told D. telling
Trang 15
("regret doing ST” mang nghĩa “hối hận một việc gì đã làm, so sánh với "regret to tell/inform
... mang nghĩa “rất lấy làm tiếc phải ..”)
19. I simply couldn't resist ________ you to tell you the good news!
A. phoning B. to phone C. phone D. phoned
(-resist doing ST” mang nghĩa “cưỡng lại được việc gì”)
20. They were expected _______ back by eleven.
A. being B. been C. have D. to be
("to be expected to V-inf” mang nghĩa được dự đoán sẽ làm gì”)
21. We'll get Robert _________ it.
A. delivers B. delivering C. to deliver D. deliver
("get SB to do ST” là thể nhờ vả, tương tự với cấu trúc “have SB do ST")
22. Let's not waste time ________ about this.
A. argue B. arguing C. having argued D. to have argued
("waste time doing ST” mang nghĩa “tốn thời gian làm việc gì”)
23. I went to the airport __________ to meet her, but she didn't arrive.
A. expecting B. to expect C. to be expected D. to have expected
(rút gọn mệnh đề cùng chủ ngữ, ở dạng chủ động nên còn lại V-ing)
24. _____ that I would be late for school, I took a taxi instead of a bus.
A. Thinking B. Thought C. To think D. To be thinking
(tương tự câu 19)
25. I tried _________ her flowers but it didn't have any effect.
A. to send B. sending C. sent D. to be sent
(“try doing ST” mang nghĩa “thử làm việc gì”, so sánh với “try to do ST” mang nghĩa "cố
gắng làm việc gì”)
26. I insist on _______ this small present as a token of my appreciation.
A. your accepting B. you to accept C. yours accepting D. you accept
("insist on doing ST” mang nghĩa “nằng nặc, khăng khăng làm việc gì”)
27. Susan hoped __________ to Terry's party.
A. for being invited B. to be invited C. she will be invited D. being invited
(hope to do ST", mang nghĩa "hi vọng được làm việc gì”)
28. The universe is supposed _________ all the time.
A. to expand B. expanding C. to be expanding D. to have expanded
(to be supposed to do ST”, mang nghĩa “được cho là phải làm gì”, tuy nhiên chú ý cụm “all
the time”, nên phải chia dạng tiếp diễn là “be expanding")
29. You should avoid _______ to the downtown area during the rush hour.
A. traveling B. to travel C. traveled D. to traveling
("avoid doing ST” mang nghĩa “tránh làm việc gì”)
30. I greatly regret ______those boots when they were so cheap.
A. not having bought B. not to have bought C. not to buy D. didn't buy
("regret (not) doing ST” mang nghĩa “hối hận đã (không) làm việc gì”; để ý ngữ cảnh sẽ thấy
cần phải dùng quá khứ phân từ “not having bought")
31. He is very skillful at _______ animal noises.
A. being made B. to make C. made D. making
Trang 16
(be skillful at doing ST” mang nghĩa "rất thành thạo việc gì”)
32. Some people are against children _______ to school before they are six.
A. being sent B. to send C. to be sent D. having been sent
(“to be against ST/doing ST" mang nghĩa “phản đối việc gì”, ở đây cần phải chia bị động do
ngữ cảnh và phù hợp cấu trúc nên chọn “being sent")
33. Who is responsible ________ the garbage - the husband of the wife?
A. to take out B. for take out C. for taking out D. with taking out
34. "It's difficult to make money as an artist."
-"Have you considered ________ a course in business for artists ?"
A. to take B. about taking C. your taking D. taking
35. _______ a foreign language well is a long process.
A. Learn B. Learning C. To learning D. Having learned
36. What do you enjoy ________ in your free time?
A. doing B. do C. to do D. done
37.She was worried about _________by thieves.
A. being robbed B. robbing C. being rob D. be robbing
38." Why have you decided to go back to school"
-"I'm tired ______ as a secretary."
A. for work B. to work C. of working D. about working
39." How do you like American food?"
-"Well, it's not bad. Now I ______hamburgers.
A. used to eat B. am used to eat C. used to eating D. am used to eating
40. We insisted ______by the manager.
A. to be seen B. to see C. on being seen D. on seeing
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the
following questions.
1. The ten stalks of padi represent the hope for an ASEAN comprising all the ten countries in
Southeast Asia bound together in friendly and solidarity.
2. ASEAN was found in Bangkok, Thailand on 8 August 1967 when the five founding members
signed the ASEAN Declaration.
3. You can congratulate yourself about having done an excellent job.
4. Peter apologized for break the vase.
5.Being influenced by Chinese, European, Indian, and Malay cultures, Indonesia is a wide diverse
nation with over 300 ethnic groups.

6. I'm delighted hearing that you have made much progress in your study.
Trang 17
7.The MPAC is intended allowing the AEC and enhance ASEAN's inner integration with the help
of improved infrastructure development.
8. I warned them not climb the mountain in such bad weather.
9.John is having a clown birthday party. The clown is appearing. He always loves watching the
clown. He is looking happy
10. He could not decide whether to get a job or studying.
11. Not everybody prefers study abroad to studying in his or her home country.
12. from Viet Nam who wish applying for the ASEAN scholarship must be approved by the
Ministry of Education and Training.
13.ASEAN aims at promoting eonomic growth, regional peace as well as provide opportunities for
its members.
14. Soon after becoming a member, Viet Nam signed the Treaty on the Southeast Asian Nuclear-
Weapon-Free Zone and being one of the founding members of the ASEAN Regional Forum.
15. I have been listening to your speech, but I am doubting what you are saying. I don't feel that it
is a good idea.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct response to each of the following exchanges.
1. Mike and Joe are talking about transport in the future within the Asean region.
- Mike: "Do you think there will be pilotless planes?”.
- Joe:”_______”
A. I'm afraid I can't.
B. What for? There are quite a few around.
C. Why not? There have been cars without drivers.
D. I'm glad you like it.
2. Jack and Jill are talking about the trip.
-Jack: "I'm going to take a five-day trip to Japan."
-Jill: “____________”
A. No, of course not. B. Have a good time. C. The same to you. D. Yes, let's.
3. "I will pick you up around 7:30 in front of the Asean Museum. The movie starts at
8:00." _______”
Trang 18
A. No, you don't C. I don't like waiting.
B. OK. See you then. D. Thanks, no big deal.
4. Jane is talking to Billy about the Asean meeting.
-Jane: "Is everybody happy with the decision?".
-Billy: “______________”
A. That sounds like fun. C. No, have you?
B. Yes, it is certainly. D. Not really.
5. Clara and Phil are discussing women and men in Asean's society.
- Clara: "As I see it, women often drive more carefully than men."
- Phil: “______________”
A. Yes, please B. Absolutely C. What nonsense D . Never mind
6. An old gentleman, who is not sure where to go for the summer holiday, is asking a travel agent
for advice. Select the most suitable response to fill in the blank.
- Gentleman: "Can you recommend any places for this summer holiday to Vietnam?”
- Agent: “________”
A. Yes, please go to other agencies.
B. A package tour to the Phu Quoc Island would be perfect, Sir.
C. I don't think you could afford a tour to Singapore, sir.
D. No, you cannot recommend any places.
7. Jane and John are talking about the speech contest next week.
- Jane: "Will Ann enter for the speech contest about Asean culture?"
- John: " ____________”
A. Possibly not B. Not possibly C. Not possible D. Possible not
8. Two students Peter and Anny are talking about Vietnamese women's role.
- Peter: "In my opinion, women in rural areas in Vietnam would not go to work."
- Anny: “_______________”
A. Yes, I don't agree B. What nonsense! C. Yes, I do D. Yes, it was ever
9. Lan and Sam are talking about the wonders of Asean countries.
- Lan: "Would you say Angkor Wat is one of the greatest man-made wonders in Combodia?"
- Sam: “______________”
A. That's the least I could do.
B. Do you think so, too?
C. There's no doubt about that.
D. It was created by ancient Chinese people, wasn't it?
10. Two friends Diana and Anne are talking about their friend Bob's new Asean hairstyle.
- Diana: "Bob looks so impressive with his new hairstyle, Anne."
-Anne: " _____________”
A. Thank you so much C. Yes, he looks so different
B. You can't believe it! D. Fine. I guess
11. Tom and Mary are talking after the conference.
Tom: "I'm awfully sorry I can't go with you."
Mary: “______________”? Haven't you agreed?"
A. Why do you think B. How come (Làm thế nào giờ)
C. What is it D. Why don't you
Trang 19
12. Joe and Matt met at a friend coming from Malaysia in a farewell party.
Joe: "I thought you were too tired"
Matt: “_____________”I've decided to go. I feel I owe it to him."
A. More of the same B. All the more
C. One and the same D. All the same (All the same: dẫu sao, tuy nhiên)
13. John was late for a meeting with Jane. He's now apologizing to Jane for the incident.
John: "I'm so sorry I was late."
Jane: " ____________”
A. Little wonder you do! C. Don't sweat over it!
B. Forget about it! D. No offense intended!
A.Không lạ gì khi bạn đến trễ! (no/little/small wonder: hèn gì, chẳng lạ gì)
B.Quên nó đi!
C.Không hề gì! (No sweat, Don’t sweat over it: không sao, không hè gì)
D.Tôi không có gì ý đâu! (Được sử dụng khi bạn không có chủ ý làm ai đó buồn hay giận dữ
bởi điều bạn đang nói, thực hiện.)
14. Tom and Josh are discussing their summer vacation plan.
Tom: " ___________”
Josh: "I don't think that's a good idea because it will be costly and strenuous."
A. Is it wise to climb Mount Fuji when we are in Japan this summer?
B. What if we climb Mount Fuji when we are in Japan this summer?
C. How come will we climb Mount Fuji when we are in Japan this summer?
D. Why don't we climb Mount Fuji when we are in Japan this summer?
15. A man is talking to Alex when he is on holiday in Hong Kong.
The man: "You haven't lived here long, have you?"
Alex: “______________
A. Yes, I have just moved here C. Yes, just a few days
B. No, only three months D. No, I live here for a long time

Choose the suitable word for each answer
average, at, diverse, total, estimated, own
ASEAN has a population of 575.5 million, accounting for about 8.7% of the world's population.
Its (1)________area is 4,464,322 square kilometres. It is a region of diverse cultures, and people
in some countries such as the Philippines, Brunei, Malaysia and Singapore speak English besides
their (2)________ languages. According to the statistics recorded in 2007, ASEAN had a combined
gross domestic product of about US$ 1282 billion. This combined GDP grew at an
(3) ________rate of around 6% per year from 2003 to 2007. The economies of the member
countries are (4)______although its major products include electronic goods, oil and wood. The
Governments of ASEAN countries have paid special attention to trade. In 2006, the ASEAN region
had a total trade of US$ 1405 billion. It has been (5)______ area would be established in the region
by 2020. The ASEAN leaders have also adopted the ASEAN Vision 2020, which is aimed
(6)_______ forging closer economic integration within the region. The Hanoi Plan of Action,
adopted in 1998, serves as the first in a series of planned actions leading up to the realization of the
ASEAN Vision.
Trang 20
1. total 2 own 3 average 4 diverse 5 estimated 6 at

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or
phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Reading 1
Asia's economic, political and cultural importance is growing at a never-before seen rate. Take
China, for example: In terms of purchasing power, China is now the largest (1)_________ of the
world, having recently (2) ________ over the crown from the long time leader United States.
Understanding the fundamental structural changes in the global economy and having studiedabroad
in Asia is a huge asset on your (3) ________when competing for jobs.
Although the increasing importance of the continent, many international with experience
incompanies are expanding to Asia and need (4) ________with experience in Asian markets and
culture. To get a (5) ________of the action and business ideas flowing from Asia, visit Asia-Pacific
Economic Cooperation's (APEC) website.
1. A. economic B. economical C. economically D. economy
2. A. came B. passed C. kicked D. taken
3. A. summary B. profile C. resume D. requirement
4. A. employees B. employers C. employment D. unemployment
5. A. glance B. glimpse C. look D. view

Reading 2
One of the most important variables behind the miracle of the speed of growth and recovery in
the Asian economies is the (1) ________ from a very early (2) ________members of their given
societies as (3) ________of education. The competition for top schools and universities starts The
point of education in Asia is to equip people to become productive as equip the students with the
skills and mentality to be (4) ________to successfully compete against the masses of other
applicants. Asian students and schools receive continuously top marks in international rankings.
This has been directly (5) ________in the success stories of several Asian countries.
1. A. quality B. qualification C. quantity D. quantification
2. A. age B. period C. semester D. year
3. A. far B. long C. much D. well
4. A. able B. capable C. disable D. unable
5. A. allowed B. influenced C. provided D. reflected

Reading 3
Vietnam is a (1) _______developing country that in the last 34 years has had to recuperate from
the ravages of war. Substantial progress was achieved from 1986 to 1997 in moving forward from
an extremely low level of development and significantly reducing poverty.
Since 2001, Vietnamese authorities have reaffirmed their (2) _______and international
(3) _______to economic liberalization They have moved to implement the structural reforms
needed to modernize the economy and to produce more competitive, export-driven industries.
Vietnam's membership in the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) and entry (4) _______ force of
the US-Vietnam Bilateral Trade Agreement in December 2001 have led to even more rapid changes
in Vietnam's trade and economic regime. Vietnam's exports to the US doubled in 2002 and again
Trang 21
in 2003. Vietnam joined the WTO (World Trade Organization) in January 2007, following over a
decade long (5) _______.This should provide an important boost to the economy and should help
to ensure the continuation of liberalizing reforms.

1. A. dense-populated populating B. densely-populated C. dense-populating D. densely

(cụm tính từ, "densely” là trạng từ, mang nghĩa “dày đặc”, “populated” là tính từ, mang
nghĩa “có dân cur")
2. A. commitment B. promise C. determination D. assurance
(commitment” mang nghĩa “trách nhiệm, sự trung thành với nhiệm vụ”, đi với từ “reaffirm”
ở trước, mang nghĩa “khẳng định lại”)
3. A. Incorporation B. integration C. combination D. inclusion
(“international integration” mang nghĩa “sự thống nhất mang tính quốc tế)
4. A. in B. on C. into D. of
(entry into ST" mang nghĩa “sự gia nhập")
5. A. negotiating process B. negotiable process
C. negotiation process D. negotiated process
(danh từ ghép, từ “negotiation” mang nghĩa “sự thương lượng” và “process” mang nghĩa
“quá trình”)

Reading 4
Thailand's most celebrated festival is the Songkran Festival. It starts on April 13 and lasts
between three to ten days, depending on where you are in Thailand. The word Songkran is from
Sanskrit, meaning the beginning of a new solar year.
The festival begins on April 13 and everyone is awakened at dawn to the sound of firecrackers
used to drive away evil spirits. This is the day when everything is scrupulously cleaned from the
self, clothes, Buddha images, to houses, shops and streets in preparation for the New Year.
April 14 is the day between the old year and the new year. It is customary not to quarrel or use
harsh words on one another. The morning is spent shopping and preparing food for the following
day, while the afternoon is reserved for visiting a temple in the neighborhood. It is imperative that
they carry a fistful of sand with them to compensate for the dirt that they have carried away from
the temple during their visits throughout the year. The sand is then sculpted into stupa-shaped piles.
April 15 marks the New Year's Day called Wan Phya Wan. It is a day of great importance. It is
customary to visit the temple early in the morning to take food to the monks, as a form of merit
making and later in the afternoon to return to place small banners, known as Thung, on the top of
the stupas built the day before.
After that, visits to family and relatives are carried out. The gifts during the visit include areca
nuts, clove leaves, turmeric water and acacia oil. Family members ask for forgiveness from their
respected elders for any wrong doings they may have committed throughout the year and to receive
their blessings for the year to come. At the end of this ceremony, a little water is sprinkled onto the
hands and heads of the old people as a blessing and then quite a lot is thrown at the rest of the
family in anticipation of the water wars that are to follow.

1. According to the passage, the Songkran Festival

A. varies in length across the areas in Thailand
Trang 22
C. marks the beginning of a new lunar year
B. is celebrated when everyone is awakened
D. takes place mainly on April 13
(chú ý đoạn 1, "It starts on April 13 and lasts between three to ten days, depending on where
you are in Thailand")
2. The word "scrupulously" in the passage is closest in meaning to
A. carefully B. honestly C. frankly D. completely
("scrupulously", "meticulously” hoặc “carefully” đều mang nghĩa "một cách cẩn thận")
(harsh” hoặc “unkind” mang nghĩa “khắc nghiệt, không tử tế")
3. Why do people have to carry a fistful of sand with them when visiting the temple?
A. To drive away the evil spirit
C. To make up for the dirt brought away
B. To remind them to avoid quarreling
D. To help make the stupa-shaped piles there
(chú ý đoạn 3, "It is imperative that they carry a fistful of sand with them to compensate for
the dirt that they have carried away from the temple during their visits throughout the
4. According to the passage, when do people bring food to the monks at the temple?
A. On the first day of the festival C. On the third day of the festival
B. On the second day of the festival D. On the fourth day of the festival
(chú ý đoạn 2 “The festival begins on April 13” và đoạn 4 “April 15 marks the New Year's
Day ... customary to visit the temple early in the morning to take food to the monks")
5. What often happens at the visits to family and relatives?
A. The elders tell the other family members the wrong doings they made.
B. The elders have a lot of water thrown at them as a blessing.
C. The water wars take place before the blessing exchange.
D. The wrong doings of family members are confessed to the elders.
(chú ý đoạn 5, "Family members ask for forgiveness from their respected elders for any
wrong doings they may have committed throughout the year")

Reading 5
The 22nd Southeast Asian Games were held in Viet Nam from the 5th to 13th December, 2003.
Although it was the first time Viet Nam hosted such a big sports event, the Games were a great
success. The Games really became a festival that impressed sports enthusiasts with its spirit:
solidarity, co-operation for peace and development.
Athletes from 11 participating countries competed in 32 sports, and 444 gold medals were won.
Some teams such as table tennis, badminton, karate, volleyball, basketball and wrestling were
composed of top competitors in the region. Many Games records were close to international levels.
Viet Nam won 158 gold medals to finish at the top of the Southeast Asian Games medal standings.
Thailand ranked second with 90 golds, and Indonesia was third with only 55 golds. Singapore and
Viet Nam were the two nations which had participants who were presented with the Most
Outstanding Athlete titles in the Swimming and Shooting events. The Vietnamese Women's
Football team successfully defended the SEA Games title. Viet Nam and Thailand played in the
Men's Football Final. The Thai Team won the gold medal. In other sports such as karate, athletics,
Trang 23
bodybuilding and wushu, the young and energetic Vietnamese athletes performed excellently and
won a lot of gold medals.
Viet Nam's first place finish was not surprising. Firstly, to prepare for the 22nd SEA Games,
Viet Nam carried out an intensive programme for its athletes, which included training in facilities,
both home and abroad. Secondly, with the strong support of their countrymen, the Vietnamese
athletes competed in high spirits. The country's success has proved that Viet Nam can organise
sporting events on an international level. A plan has been proposed for Viet Nam to host the Asia
Sports Games at some point in the future.

1. It can be inferred from the passage that ________

A. Viet Nam can organise sporting events better than other countries
B. Viet Nam had already planned for the next Sea Games in the future
C. Viet Nam prepared its athletes well for the 22nd SEA Games
D. Viet Nam protected its first place in SEA Games competition
2. The word "title" in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ________
A. power B. label C. headline D. trophy
3. According to the passage, what is NOT true about the 22nd Southeast Asian Games?
A. There were 11 countries participating in.
B. Many athletes had broken the world records.
C. Indonesia ranked higher than Singapore.
D. Vietnamese Women's Football team won gold medal.
4. The word "intensive” in paragraph 3 has OPPOSITE meaning to
A. delicate B. flexible C. sensitive D. vigorous
5. What is the writer's main purpose in writing this passage?
A. To explain the reasons why 22nd Sea Games was organised in Viet Nam.
B. To express the writer's love and how much he is proud of the country's success.
C. To introduce top competitors in the region and their ranking in the Games.
D. To show Vietnamese's ability in organising international sporting events.
Read the passage and circle the best answer A, B, C, or D.
Singapore was one of the five original member countries that founded ASEAN in 1967. Since
its independence in 1965, Singapore has become one of the world's most prosperous countries, with
per capita GDP equalling that of the leading nations of Western Europe. Singapore is highly ranked
for its economic competitiveness, and it was the world's most competitive country from 1997 to
1999 as ranked by the World Economic Forum.
Singapore's strategic location at the entrance to the Strait of Malacca has helped it to become
one of the most important shipping centres in Asia. The Port of Singapore, the world's busiest in
terms of shipping tonnage, is a key component of Singapore's prosperity and economic health.
Singapore is a leader in manufacturing of computer components, petroleum refining, and business
Singapore has made an impressive recovery after the Asian financial crisis of 1997-1998. The
government is currently restructuring the economy by promoting higher-value-added activities in
line with a “knowledge- based" economy, and by opening up protected sectors such as financial
services to increase overall efficiency. Various bilateral free-trade agreements are also being
negotiated to improve market access and encourage foreign investment inflows.
Trang 24
1. Since when has Singapore become one of the world's most prosperous countries?
A. 1965 B. 1967 C. 1997 D. 1999
2. What does the word "it" in the first paragraph refer to?
A. ASEAN B. GDP C. Singapore D. the World Economic Forum
3. What is the important component of Singapore's prosperity and economic health?
A. Singapore's strategic location B. the Strait of Malacca
C. Singapore's shipping D. the Port of Singapore
4. In what areas is Singapore leading?
A. manufacturing of computer components B. petroleum refining
C. business services D. A, B, and C
5. What happened in the period of 1997-1998?
A. Singapore made an impressive recovery.
B. The Asian financial crisis took place.
C. The Singaporean government promoted higher-value-added activities.
D. The Singaporean government opened up financial services.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to
each of the questions.
When Malaysia takes the ASEAN chair next year, it will face a huge challenge. Too few of us
know enough about this grouping we call the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. We do not
know what it means to be a part of ASEAN and why it is important to us. At the same time, pressure
is mounting to reinvent ASEAN to make it more people-centric and less government-centric. The
Heat speaks to Global Movement of Moderates CEO Saifuddin Abdullah on why ASEAN should
mean more to us than just acronyms. ASEAN people do not feel like they are a part of the
community of Southeast Asian nations. This statement, backed up by survey findings, is pretty
bizarre, and extremely hurtful too, considering that ASEAN is 47 years old today. "Interview 10
persons on the street and you would perhaps get only one of them who knows about ASEAN," says
Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah. This CEO of Global Movement of Moderates (GMM) is not running
down ASEAN; he's confronting the truth as it impacts the project he has been entrusted with. Here's
more, in 2012, the ASEAN Secretariat conducted a survey that showed only 34% of Malaysians
had heard of the ASEAN community. This compares with 96% of Laotians. Malaysia chairs
ASEAN next year, and GMM is a member of the national steering committee organising the
ASEAN People's Forum (APF), a platform designed to bridge the gap between governments and
civil society. Never heard of it? You're forgiven.
The APF actually started off life in the 1990s, except it was called the ASEAN People's
Assembly (APA). It was held back to back with the ASEAN Summit, which is held twice a year.
The APA is the forum where 10 leaders of government engage with 10 leaders of civil society in a
half-hour meeting. "It was going well until one year when the chairman decided not to hold the
APA, so it was discontinued until 2005 when Malaysia took the chairmanship of ASEAN again
and founded the ASEAN People's Forum (APF)," Saifuddin explains. In a perfect world, forums
such as the APF or its predecessor APA would have worked perfectly to bridge the gap between
government and civil society.
Question 1: According to the passage, in 1990s, APF was called _____
A. ASEAN People's Assembly C. Civil Society Organisations
B. ASEAN People's Forum D. Global Movement of Moderates
Trang 25
Đáp án: A
Thông tin: The APF actually started off life in the 1990s, except it was called the ASEAN People's
Assembly (APA).
Dịch: APF thực sự bắt đầu vào những năm 1990, ngoại trừ nó được gọi là Hội đồng Nhân dân
Question 2: The word "acronyms" in paragraph 1 probably means _________
A. abbreviations B. antonyms C. enlargements D. synonyms
Đáp án: A
Acronym = abbreviation (từ viết tắt)
Question 3: The phrase "backed up" in paragraph 2 has similar meaning to ____
A. concluded B. introduced C. proved D. supported
Đáp án: D
Backed up = supported (được ủng hộ)
Question 4: According to the passage, Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah was CEO of _______
Đáp án: D
Thông tin: ........says Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah. This CEO of Global Movement of Moderates
(GMM) is not running down ASEAN.
Dịch: Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah nói. CEO của Global Movement of Moderates (GMM) sẽ không
điều hành ASEAN.
Question 5: Which of the following statements is NOT true about the APF according to the
A. APF consists of 20 leaders. C. APF is reorganised in 2005.
B. APF is held every two years. D. APF lasts for 30 minutes.
Đáp án: B
Read the passage and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).
As the 21st century dawns, ASEAN is embracing a new vision of itself as "a concert of Southeast
Asian nations, living in peace, stability and prosperity, bonded together in partnership in dynamic
development and in a community of caring societies".
The ASEAN region stretches across three time zones and incorporates a key part of Asia's
continental landmass and several archipelagos. Economically, it belongs to the developing world,
but some of its member countries have joined the world's top 20 most competitive economies. Its
population of about 600 million constitutes a huge, increasingly middle-class market, half the size
of China's. One of every ten persons in the world today is a Southeast Asian. Besides its economic
importance and the natural resources, its marine territories are believed to hold. Southeast Asia is
also of global strategic importance. It is the bridge between the Indian and Pacific Oceans. It has
some of the busiest sea-lanes in the world. The oil tankers and freighters that pass daily through
these sea-lanes strengthen Japan's status as an industrial power.
1. Living in peace, stability and prosperity' is part of ASEAN's new vision
2. All the ASEAN nations belong to the developing world.
3. China's market is as large as ASEAN's.
4. ASEAN's population makes up 10% of the world population.
5. The ASEAN region is very rich in natural resources, sea products and others.
Trang 26
6. Every day there are big passenger ships and freighters passing through the sea-lanes.
7. Japan is considered as an industrial country.

1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. F 6. F 7. T

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the
following questions.
1. I said that she should see a doctor.
A. I advised her seeing a doctor. C. I advised her to see a doctor.
B. I advised her should see a doctor. D. I advised to see a doctor.
2. Ireland doesn't allow people to smoke in bars.
A. Ireland doesn't enjoy smoking in bars.
B. Ireland hates smoking in bars.
C. Smoking in bars is banned in Ireland.
D. You should not smoke in bars in Ireland.
3. Working on the computer is not what she feels like.
A. She doesn't feel like work on the computer.
B. She doesn't feel like working on the computer.
C. She doesn't feel like to work on the computer.
D. She doesn't feel like to working on the computer.
4. California doesn't permit people to fish without a fishing license.
A. California can't stand fishing without a fishing license.
B. California doesn't allow fishing without a fishing license.
C. California doesn't encourage fishing without a fishing license.
D. California doesn't mind fishing without a fishing license.
5. "Why don't we go for a walk?" Mary said.
A. Mary advised to go for a walk. C. Mary suggested going for a walk.
B. Mary asked going for a walk. D. Mary would like going for a walk.
6. I regret missing the opening ceremony of the ASEANGAMES last night.
A. I wish I could miss the opening ceremony of the ASEAN GAMES last night.
B. I wish I did not miss opening ceremony of the ASEAN GAMES last night.
C. I wish to miss opening ceremony of the ASEAN GAMES last night.
D. I wish I had not missed opening ceremony of the ASEAN GAMES last night.
7. Lucy is excited about meeting her new pen pal from Thailand.
A. Lucy can't wait to meet her new pen pal from Thailand.
B. Lucy is waiting to meet her new pen pal from Thailand.
C. Lucy is excited that her new pen pal from Thailand is waiting for her.
D. Lucy can't bear meeting her new pen pal from Thailand.
(cấu trúc "can't wait to do ST", được dùng khi diễn tả sự phấn khích, hay “to be excited to
do ST")
8. Our group managed to deliver a presentation on ASEAN yesterday.
A. Our group found a manager to deliver a presentation on ASEAN yesterday.
B. Our group succeeded in delivering a presentation on ASEAN yesterday.
Trang 27
C. A presentation on ASEAN was delivered to the manager of our group yesterday.
D. The delivery of our presentation on ASEAN was managed yesterday.
(“manage to do ST" hoặc "succeed in doing ST” mang nghĩa “thành công làm việc gì”)
9. Perhaps Vietnam will defeat Thailand in the football final of the ASEAN game.
A. Vietnam must defeat Thailand in the football final of the ASEAN game.
B. Vietnam may probably defeat Thailand in the football final of the ASEAN game.
C. Vietnam should have defeated Thailand in the football final of the ASEAN game.
D. Vietnam can't have defeated Thailand in the football final of the ASEAN game.
10. It is unnecessary to apply for a visa to enter Singapore.
A. There is no point in applying for a visa to enter Singapore.
B. It's hopeless to apply for a visa to enter Singapore.
C. You should not have to apply for a visa to enter Singapore.
D. You don't need to apply for a visa to enter Singapore.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
1. Shall we go for a ride?
A. What about going for a ride? B. What about go for a ride?
C. What about to go for a ride? D. What about to going for a ride?
2. Why don't we go to the cinema for a change?
A. I suggest going to the cinema for a change.
B. I suggest go to the cinema for a change.
C. I suggest not going to the cinema for a change.
D. I suggest to go to the cinema for a change.
3. Please don't play music so loudly.
A. Would you mind playing your music so loudly?
B. Would you mind not play your music so loudly?
C. Would you mind not to play your music so loudly?
D. Would you mind not playing your music so loudly?
4. Shall we invite our friends to the party on Sunday?
A. Do you consider to invite our friends to the party on Sunday?
B. Do you consider inviting our friends to the party on Sunday?
C. Do you consider invite our friends to the party on Sunday?
D. Do you consider to inviting our friends to the party on Sunday?
5. Let's get together next Saturday.
A. How about get together next Saturday?
B. How about let getting together next Saturday?
C. How about getting together next Saturday?
D. How about let get together next Saturday?
6. My younger sister doesn't often get up early in the morning.
A. My younger sister used to get up early in the morning.
B. My younger sister is used to get up early in the morning.
C. My younger sister isn't used to getting up early in the morning.
D. My younger sister used to getting up early in the morning.
7. It takes us 20 minutes to cycle from home to school.
Trang 28
A. It is 20 minutes for us cycling from home to school.
B. We spend 20 minutes to cycle from home to school.
C. It spends 20 minutes to cycle from home to school.
D. We spend 20 minutes cycling from home to school.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences
in the following questions.
1. Everyone was all so afraid. Nobody dared to speak anything.
A. Everyone was too afraid to dare to speak anything
B. Everyone was afraid enough to not to speak anything.
C. Everyone was such afraid that nobody speak anything.
D. Nobody was not afraid enough to dare to speak anything.
2. I thought I should ask the doctor about going on a diet. I went to the surgery.
A. Having been on a diet, I went to the surgery.
B. I went to the surgery, so I asked the doctor about going on a diet.
C. I asked the doctor about going on a diet, so I went to the surgery.
D. I went to the surgery in order to ask about going on a diet.
3. I had to lose some weight. I went on a strict diet.
A. I had to lose some weight after I went on a strict diet.
B. I went on a strict diet in order to lose some weight.
C. I had to lose some weight before I went on a strict diet.
D. I had to lose some weight even when I went on a strict diet.
4. People want to keep fit. Many people take up sports.
A. Many people take up sports so as to keep fit.
B. Many people want to keep fit so as to take up sports.
C. Many people want to keep fit in order to take up sports.
D. Although people want to keep fit, they take up sports.
5. I want to stay healthy. I try to eat lots of fruit.
A. Although I try to eat lots of fruit, I stay healthy.
B. I stay healthy though I eat lots of fruit.
C. I try to eat lots of fruit in order to stay healthy.
D. I eat lots of fruit, but I stay healthy.
6. I didn't want to catch a cold. I wore a warm coat and a scarf.
A. I wore a warm coat and a scarf though I didn't want to catch a cold.
B. I wore a warm coat and a scarf, so I didn't want to catch a cold.
C. I wore a warm coat and a scarf, but I didn't want to catch a cold.
D. I wore a warm coat and a scarf in order not to catch a cold.
7. Michelle likes travelling to Vietnam very much. She made a lot of friends while travelling there.
A. Michelle likes travelling to Vietnam very much because she wants to make a lot of friends
while travelling there.
B. Michelle really likes travelling to Vietnam where she made a lot of friends while
C. Michelle likes travelling to Vietnam very much, but she made a lot of friends while travelling

Trang 29
D. Michelle likes travelling to Vietnam very much in spite of making a lot of friends while
travelling there.
8. The students look forward to participating in the activities. They are arranged by the ASEAN
volunteer program.
A. The students look forward to arranging the activities together with the ASEAN volunteer
B. The students look forward to participating in the activities arranged by the ASEAN
volunteer program.
C. The students, arranged by the ASEAN volunteer program, look forward to participating in
the activities.
D. The students look forward to participating in ASEAN volunteer program that arrange the
Reorder the words to make complete sentences.
1.doesn't / Trying/to/make/people/laugh / sometimes / work.
Trying to make people laugh sometimes doesn't work.
2. like / Saturday. /on/ doesn't / getting / Joe / early/up
→ Joe doesn't like getting up early on Saturday.
3. much/big/was / Giving/our / candy / mistake. / babies / so far
→ Giving babies so much candy was our big mistake. seeing/joys/in/greatest/day/after / work. / at /hard/is/life/love/a/of / One
→One of my greatest joys in life is seeing my love after a hard day at work. / great / pop/to/my/way / spirits. / Listening / lift
→ Listening to pop music is a great way to lift my sprits
6.recommends/to/hotels/Linda / reserving / before / travelling / places. /new
→ Linda recommends reserving hotels before travelling to new places.
7.losing/short-term /on/money/Her / his / risks / father / investment.
→Her father risks losing his money on short-term investment.
8.but / helping / me / truth. / should / don't / tell / I / mind / the/she/her
→ I don't mind helping her but she should tell me the truth.

Complete the second sentences so that the meaning is similar to the first.
1.I was surprised I passed the exam.
→ I didn't _____________________
→I didn't expect to pass the exam.
2.Did you manage to get hold of the CD?
Trang 30
→Did you manage _____________________
→Did you succeed in getting hold of the CD.
3.I don't read newspapers any more.
→I've prefer ________________________
→ I've given up reading newspapers.
4.I'd prefer not to go out tonight.
→ I'd rather _________________________
→I'd rather not go out tonight
5.My father said I could use his car.
→My father allowed ________________________
→My father allowed me to use his car.
6.He can't walk very well.
→ He has difficulty _________________________
→He has difficulty walking/ in walking.
7.Don't stop him doing what he wants.
→ Let him ________________________________
→Let him do what he wants.
8. He looks older when he wears glasses.
→ Glasses make ___________________________
→Glasses make him look older.
9. They said I was a cheat.
→ I was accused _________________________
→I was accused of being a cheat / of cheating
10.At first I didn't like to apply for the job but Sarah persuaded me.
→ Sarah persuaded _________________________
→Sarah persuaded me to apply for the job.
11."It was really kind of you to help me." Mary said to you.
→ Mary thanked me. _________________________
→Mary thanked me fö helping her
12."I'll drive you to the airport.” John said to Linda.
→ John insisted _________________________
→John insisted on driving linda to the airport
13.“You have passed the final exams. Congratulations!” Jim said to you
→ Jim congratulated me _________________________
→Jim cóngatulated me on having passed/pasing the final exam
14.“I'm sorry I didn't phone you earlier”, Margaret said to you.
→ Margaret apologized _________________________
→ ......For not phoneing me earlier
15."I have always wanted to be a pilot”, Paul said to you.
→ Paul has always dreamed of _________________________
→ Being a pilot

Trang 31

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