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Poem Rubric

Needs Improvement
Criteria Excellent (50) Proficient (25) Basic (15) (10)
Intonation enhances Intonation does not
meaning and emotion, Intonation effectively effectively convey
demonstrating a deep conveys meaning and Intonation occasionally meaning or emotion,
understanding of the emotion, enhancing the enhances meaning and hindering
poem's themes and overall delivery of the emotion but lacks understanding of the
Intonation mood. poem. consistency or depth. poem.
Tone is occasionally
Tone is consistently Tone generally aligns with inappropriate or Tone is consistently
appropriate, effectively the intended mood and inconsistent with the inappropriate or
reflecting the intended atmosphere of the poem, intended mood and inconsistent, detracting
mood and atmosphere although there may be atmosphere of the from the overall impact
Tone of the poem. occasional inconsistencies. poem. of the poem.
Posture is occasionally
Posture is confident and Posture is generally tense or lacking in Posture is consistently
poised, contributing to a confident and attentive, engagement, tense or disengaged,
strong and engaging adding to the overall detracting from the significantly detracting
Posture performance. delivery of the poem. performance. from the performance.
Language is vague,
Language is rich, vivid, Language is clear and Language is simplistic confusing, or lacking in
and evocative, effectively expressive, effectively or occasionally clarity, hindering
conveying the poet's communicating the poet's unclear, limiting the understanding of the
Language message and imagery. message and imagery. impact of the poem. poem.

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