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Business Works is a series of training and assessment resources developed for qualifications within the Business Services
Training Package.

Section 1: Preparing for marketing activities 6

Section 2: Coordinate marketing activities 13
Section 3: Review marketing activities 14

BSBMKG433 Undertake marketing activities| 4

Student name: GABY PINTO



Business this assessment is The fashion sector is the basis of the business. The process by which
based on: manufacturers and designers create clothing to sell on the local

The product or service: Mel Born is a modest shop located in the Victoria Queen Market in
Melbourne. They are making apparel just for women.
Melbourne concentrates on the local market and creates distinctive,
Provide a description of the
cozy, and superior local apparel that satisfies international apparel
product or service you are
brands' requirements. The Mel Born brand has reasonably priced
planning a marketing activity
goods. Based on the interests of its target market, the brand creates
its products. The clothing is eco-friendly since university students
need to update their fashion trends and locals are very interested in
eco-friendly products that boost the local economy.

BSBMKG433 Undertake marketing activities | 5

Section 1: Preparing for marketing activities

Identify the task requirements

Complete this section before developing your Marketing Activity Action Plan.

Review policies and 1. Adhere to the Privacy Act.

2. Adhere to Do Not Call Register legislation.
3. Not include spam campaigns.
List the key points of the
4 .Where relevant, adhere to standards and codes of practice
marketing policies and
regarding specific types of media such as radio, television or the
procedures that need to be
followed when undertaking
marketing activities. 4.1 Give false or misleading information or advice in relation
to: claims of products or services: price, benefits, etc.the
environment and sustainability of our company the ethical
conduct of our company.

Marketing objectives ● Attract/increase the ideal target audience (iner city

residents)as well as university students.
List two marketing objectives
● Increase the sales
that you have identified by
reviewing business

Review current marketing ● Interview and marketing on radio.

activities ● Postings on Facebook page on weekly bases.
● Marketing through website by writing environmental articles.
Outline current marketing

BSBMKG433 Undertake marketing activities | 6

Research industry trends The business uses environmental strategies as a trend. "Local
clothes, global impact" is the company's motto.
The shop creates high-quality clothing with a local economy in mind.
Identify the industry within
All the information is included on the fabric to let the buyer know that
which the company operates
the items are well-made and locally created.
The business follows the environmental trend. They offer reasonably
priced, locally sourced clothing of good quality. The same
Discuss current trends in the requirements apply to the local industry trends.
industry within which the
company operates.

List your information sources

Competitors Queen Victoria market is the competitor of the targeted company.

The queen Victoria market is nearer to the store. Because on those
days when Victoria market is not running the visitors are likely to be
Identify a competitor for the none for Mel Born store.
product or service you are
For now, displaying banners, posters and other things near Victoria
planning marketing for and
market so that all the audience that visit Victoria market will see the
provide a name and location
advertisement of Mel born store.
or website link.
The Queen Victoria markets use social media, local newspaper for
Describe one marketing
strategy of the competitor.

List your information sources

Complete this section in preparation for the meeting

Target audience 1. Inner city residents.

2. University students
Describe the audience you 1. Psychographic segmentation for university students.
would like to reach with your
2. Geographic segmentation for inner-city residents.
marketing activities.
Identify at least two segments
in your target market

BSBMKG433 Undertake marketing activities | 7

Marketing mix Geographic segmentation: Given that the people living in inner
cities are environmentalists. Local apparel is preferred over clothing
manufactured abroad. because they are aware that it would boost the
Select two market segments local economy and they will receive high-quality clothing at the lowest
and describe how you will possible prices.
reach each market segment
The first P, Product of Mel Born Store, is applied to this Mix since it
by providing an example of
offers reasonably priced, locally made clothing.
how the 4P’s of marketing
apply in each case. The Mel Born store, which is 200 meters from inner-city dwellers, is in
second place.
Third: Advancement. Locally, our business will market and promote
the goods. Fourthly, Mel Born's prices are reasonable for Melbourne
Psychographic segmentation: college students are too old to wear
the dresses worn by teenage females to school. Being a university
student has altered their social standing, values, way of life, and
views. This segment applies the four Ps.
Product: Mel Born's product has a decently stylish appearance and is
cozy and comfortable. The age at which university students are
unable to wear apparel from the adolescent trends is upon them. The
second part.
Place: The store is conveniently close to several universities, just a 5-
kilometer drive away. Many of the students who reside in the
university dorms and hostels come from other cities.
Promotion: Students belong to the 21st century generation, which is
increasingly accustomed to social media and the internet. With this
group, the advertising and promotion techniques are simpler and
more dependable.
Price: Mel Born provides high-quality products at reasonable costs,
making it simple for students to shop there. Students usually have a
limited budget.

Recommend marketing ● Event Management marketing.

activities ● Audio marketing e.g. radio and podcasting.
● Social media platform with online service.
Describe at least 3 marketing
● Out-of-home Advertisement.
activities that you believe
would be most appropriate for
the company.
Event - marketing: Event marketing is best strategy to promote the
product. As the event marketing is a process of developing a themed
exhibit, presenting the service of the organisation. It leverages in-
Describe the proposed
person engagement to connect with customers.
marketing activities and your
reasons for identifying the Reason: our targeted audience is inner city residents, and female
activity as suitable university students. In company we have enough personnel’s have
experience of event management. Event marketing is feasible for
both audiences.
What are the expected
For the audience of inner-city residents, we’ll prepare an
outcomes of undertaking the
“environmental theme” that focus on the motto of the store “Local
marketing activity in each

BSBMKG433 Undertake marketing activities | 8

case? cloth, global impact”.
For the audience of university students, we’ll prepare a theme that
goes perfectly according to their age, interests and lifestyle. Overall
How will you measure
the themes will be simple, yet environmental. The event will be both
whether the activity was
online and offline. For online events we’ll use social media platforms.
successful? Provide an
example of a metric that can Expected outcome: It will increase the brand value and awareness in
be used. audience.
Podcasts and radio: Radio is very approachable. It's also affordable
for our business because one of our client's longtime friends does
radio shows. Over 90% of houses have radios, over 90% of middle-
aged adults listen to radios, and about 95% of autos have radios that
people use while driving. Podcasting is a more recent medium that
performs the same function as radio on the internet. Over 50% of
consumers think about purchasing goods after listening to a podcast.
Reason: City dwellers make up the first audience. Since radio is
environmentally friendly and primarily plays local radio stations, they
undoubtedly listen to it. The grownups at university are the second
audience. Kids like listening to podcasts just as much as adults do,
and they will tell others about something they find particularly
intriguing. Since everyone in the audience lives within 200 kilometers,
the store's online ordering service doesn't come at a significant
Expected outcome:
● An increase in the intended audience is the anticipated
● Significantly reduce expenses.
● Online ordering boosts sales.

Out-of-home Advertisement: When done correctly, out-of-home

advertising may also be quite successful. Since both of our
audiences are local, we will market this product through out-of-home
advertising. and want a comfortable yet local trend. Outdoor
advertisements and billboards will be personalized. It is affordable
because our company (I) employs a graphic designer.
Reason: we have two groups of audience , both share some
commonparameters like trendy, comfortable, local, cost-effective but
good quality cloths, so in out of home advertisement it is very easy to
target them. As the inner city residence are under 200 kilometres
anduniversity students are within 5-kilometers so it is easy they both
see some billboard and advertisement brooches. We can post those
brooches online, outdoors of houses etc. University notice boards
can help too.
Expected Outcome:
● Increase brand awareness.
● Attract target audience
Platform for social media: social media will greatly aid in the easy

BSBMKG433 Undertake marketing activities | 9

marketing of the company. Instagram and Facebook profiles might
aid in brand promotion because they are affordable.
Reasons: Social media is used on a daily basis by both audiences.
Younger people are easily drawn in by this technique. Together with
the brochures and brooches, we can distribute the links to Facebook
and Instagram. The business will give us pictures of their clothing,
which we will then promote on these channels.
Expected Outcome:
● Attract brand awareness.
● Cost effective.
● Increase sale
Measuring if campaign is successful?
1. Online feedback: The platform we will use for social media
marketing will easily tell us the feedback of customers from
comments and dm reviews.
2. ROI: When the store manager divides the total revenue by total
marketing investment, they will find return on marketing investment.
This can be used to gauge the success of campaigns, or as a
foundation for scaling a successful campaign.

Product knowledge Clothes for women are the merchandise. It's not incorrect,
nevertheless, to suggest that women may be reasoned with and
Explain how your specific
handled psychologically. Additionally, viewers take in more from what
product knowledge related to
they see in commercials. If the right technique is used, handling the
the product or service,
product is easy. In addition, we have all the tools necessary to
influenced your
provide effective marketing plans, including a graphic designer,
seasoned event coordinators, a blogger or content writer, and, of
course, a radio buddy.

Complete this section after the meeting.

BSBMKG433 Undertake marketing activities | 10

Feedback The manager was happy on planning the above mention market
strategies. The ROI gives good outcomes in a very limited budget.
Provide a summary of the
The feedback is highly positive because of using correct yet cost-
feedback you received from
effective resources for marketing the store.
your manager.

Attach: Simulation Pack if using case study (attached)

BSBMKG433 Undertake marketing activities | 11

Marketing Activities Action Plan

Marketing activity Actions When Cost Staff responsible

Event-marketing Prepared and organised themed 1st-6th week $1000 Alex and Jess
events for local residents and
university students. Like pop-up
shops, online events on social
media apps.

Newspaper article Publish an article in newspaper on

environmental topic.
Publish an ad on newspaper 2nd-4th week $700 Jess and I

Out of home Ads Prepare a billboard for store,

barouches and pamphlets for out
home ads. 3rd-6th week $300 Jess and Alex
Deliver it door to door and also put
it on the notice board of university.

Radio and Podcast Schedule a podcast for university

Schedule a radio show for inner 1st-12th week $500 I, Alex and Tony
city and university residents

BSBMKG433 Undertake marketing activities | 12

Social MEdia Campaign Run Facebook and Instagram
pages, upload pictures of cloths,
make some sale (if owner of the 3rd-10th week $500 I, and Laura
store agrees) on some old
manufactured cloths.

BSBMKG433 Undertake marketing activities | 13

Section 2: Coordinate marketing activities

Implement a marketing activity launching a temporary store at Victoria Market.

We have made the decision to build a pop-up shop in Queen
Victoria Market in order to raise sales and brand exposure. It is
simple to target our audience there because the majority of them
frequent Victoria Market. Alex helped me with this task. We used to
Describe the marketing activity market the store by having store merchandise at the shop.
you implemented. This activity will be implemented within the first two weeks of the
timeframe. Customers will naturally take into account other
marketing strategies once they witness the true quality of the
What are the timeframes for By keeping an eye on how many people come into the pop-up
implementation and review store.
according to your activity plan?
Using your marketing activity
action plan, explain how you will
be monitoring the
implementation of the activity.

Attach: Email to marketing personnel ☐

The article is written below: ☐

BSBMKG433 Undertake marketing activities | 14

Article for Newspaper

Women and Environment:

Women dress in a professional and environmentally conscious manner. Women wear stylish clothes
regardless of their age.

Everything you could possibly want for yourself this season is available at Mel Born store. We provide
ladies with comfortable, eco-friendly, and distinctive clothing so they feel valued and may have a positive
impact on the environment. Each outfit is lovingly and carefully designed by a single designer. "Local
cloth, global impact" sums up our mission perfectly. In the store, we smile and show affection to
everyone. Mel Born provides care for all of her clients, whether they are university students, working
ladies, or housewives. We offer all the information on the manufacturing process, including the materials
used and the high-quality, trendy local clothing.

The CEO of Mel Born store, Mr Jones said “we are here to provide women the best things
thatcompete the global market cloth in quality but meet the local standards when it comes to
pricing.”Alex, the Event manager said “Mel Born gives me the fashion what I want for my workplace and
formy house.”

You can find us near Queen Victoria Market, Melbourne

Section 3: Review marketing activities

Summary of Market Activities:

The organisation prepares several marketing activities for promotion of Mel Born store. The
audience we have for this are the local residents who are obsessed with environmental
clothing and highly support local economy. They do not like foreign made clothing. On the
other hand, we have university students who are above teenage and wants the cloths that
are fit in university environment, simple, comfortable unique yet trendy.
We sort out the segments of each group, and the following activities found that can give
best results.
1. Event marketing: We did event marketing for both audience. Online and offline both.
Some events are for university students and some of them was for local residents. The
exhibited theme is same, to introduce local, trendy yet unique cloths to people.
2. Radio and podcasting: As both audience listens the radio, in homes, while driving, in
university hostels or dorms, the medium could be anything, through radio channels or
podcasting. This marketing strategy enhance the rand awareness in people.
3. Pop-Up shop: The organisation did a pop-up workshop in Queen Victoria market, for the
marketing of store. It did lie in the category of event marketing.
4. Newspaper article: The organisation write a trendy article in newspaper to attract the
5. Social media campaign: we made some Facebook pages and Instagram pages to rum
campaign for marketing of store.
6. Out of home ads: We also did some out of home ads in a very small level to increase
the audience.
Below is the list of metrics, outcomes of activities of the campaign.

BSBMKG433 Undertake marketing activities | 15

Measuring outcomes The newspaper article we published raised
people's knowledge of our brand and boosted
List the metrics you are using to measure the
sales at the business. If the Victoria market is
outcome of the activity.
closed, people attend every day, which indicates
that the store now has its own customer base.
ROI: Return on Investment is the metrics we use
to measure the outcome of the activity

Record outcomes ● Attract Inner-city residents and university

What was the outcome of the activity?
● Increase the audience
● Increase sales
● Increase the marketing of our own
Will you make any changes to your marketing ● We have own clients for marketing now
Action Plan?
YES. Some activities that we did on a very small
level will be done on a larger scale to marketize
the brand.

Attach: Email to relevant personnel

Marketing Activities Outcomes Report

BSBMKG433 Undertake marketing activities | 16

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