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Sport Psychology 1

History of and Emerging Issues in Psychology

Sport Psychology

Mélisande JACCARD

Matriculation number : 86989406

University of Europe for Applied Sciences


Table of Contents

Table of Contents ........................................................................................................... 2

INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................... 3

HISTORY ...................................................................................................................... 3

CAREER PATH ............................................................................................................ 4

Expanding field .......................................................................................................... 4

Diverse work areas ..................................................................................................... 5

Education requirements ............................................................................................. 5

INCOMES...................................................................................................................... 6

In Germany ................................................................................................................ 6

In Switzerland ............................................................................................................ 6

OWN RATING .............................................................................................................. 7

REFERENCES .............................................................................................................. 8

APPENDIX .................................................................................................................... 9

Sport psychology was defined by the European Federation of Sport Psychology (FEPSAC) in

1996, as the intricate relationship between the principles of psychology and the sport and

physical activity. Not only does it aim at improving sports performance but also the socio-

psychological dimension of human enrichment, as one influences the other. (‘Sport

Psychology’, 2023)


Norman Triplett, an American psychologist, started in 1898 the first experiments in

sport psychology with the concept of social facilitation phenomenon. His groundbreaking

research laid the foundation for subsequent studies in social psychology and contributed

significantly to understanding how social factors affect human behaviour. In 1898, he wrote

the first scientific paper in sport psychology (‘Social Facilitation’, 2023). As sports

psychology was unknown at this time, he contributed to the development of this field.

(‘Norman Triplett’, 2024)

However, Coleman Griffith is best known as the father of American sports

psychology. He created the first sports psychology laboratory in the United States. In the

confines of this laboratory, he conducted extensive research to enhance athletic performance.

To accomplish that, he used various methods such as athlete assessments, mental skills

training, and team dynamics analysis. (‘Coleman Griffith’, 2023)

In Europe, sports psychology made its very first appearance in Germany. Dr Carl

Diem created the first laboratory in Berlin in the early 20’s. It kept evolving from there.

However, it was a bit later during the Cold War that sports programs were formed to increase

military forces resulting in multiplying Olympic medals for both sides. At that time, multiple

sports institutes were created all over the world. (‘Sport Psychology’, 2023)

Following the creation of the International Society of Sport Psychology (ISSP) in

1965, the European Federation of Sport Psychology (FEPSAC) was founded in 1969.


Expanding field

A sports psychologist has many employment options. Currently still developing, this

field has known some big evolutions. One important of them is that sport psychologists are

now not only dedicated to elite athletes who are in a crisis and performing badly. To begin

with, the athletes do not need to be in a bad situation to be helped. They can benefit from a

sports psychologist to perhaps play better or find new strategies. This is a major myth, and it

is unfortunately mainly still represented as such in the media. However, this field is

accessible to everyone. It goes from a beginner to a professional, from youth to senior, from

nondisabled to disabled, male and female; etc. Athletes are human beings; they also have

challenges outside the sport such as relationship problems, mental health issues or substance

abuse. All of that can be inferred from their performances too. (SQUEEZIE, 2017)

During his speech in a TED talk, Jonathan Fader explained it very well. He mentioned

that he was training a very well-known basketball player. The athlete came to him and

expressed his gratitude for his help. The practitioner was wondering which game he was

talking about; however, the player was talking about an argument with his spouse, and how

he remembered some exercises that the sport psychologist gave him to relax in stressful

situations and it worked. The practitioner swallowed his pride thinking he was helping him in

the sports field. Yet, after a moment of self-reflection, he knew he proudly succeed in his job.

This story demonstrated that even high athlete needs sports psychologists for everyday

situations. Therefore, anyone could use a sports psychologist. (SQUEEZIE, 2017)

Sport practitioners are not only helping athletes. Nowadays, they are increasingly

needed in different fields. For instance, musicians, actors, law enforcement, medical, military

industries, firefighters, and so on. They all need to perform in stressful situations.

(SQUEEZIE, 2017)

Naturally, a sports psychologist needs to understand first their domain of

performance, as each of them has their specificity.

Diverse work areas

A sports practitioner can work in various organisations, covering a broad range of

professional settings. Some examples of these diverse establishments include educational

institutions such as schools or universities, sports clubs, associations and federations, sports

teams, rehabilitation centres, military etc. Additionally, they can also operate at research

institutes to contribute to the development of this field. Furthermore, they can engage as an

independent consultant. (Sport Psychologist, n.d.)

Their daily task depends on where and with whom they work. It is hard to make an

exact example. The very general steps consist of evaluating their patients, writing reports,

communicating with them, and meeting their needs. (Allen & McCarthy, 2013)

Education requirements

To work as a sports psychologist, it is necessary to have a university degree. Holding

a bachelor's degree in psychology may not suffice for practising as a sports psychologist. In

Germany, the professional designation of psychologist is typically associated with the

attainment of a diploma or master's degree, and doctorates are also commonly pursued and

advantageous, if not essential, for many desirable positions. (Sports Psychologist, n.d.)

Most of Europe has the same education requirements as Germany. For example, in

Switzerland, the minimum prerequisite is a master’s degree. A bachelor's degree is


Ultimately, a PhD and specifications are possible. However, to initiate in the working

environment, it is not necessary, yet it is recommended.



The incomes in that field are wide-ranging. As previously mentioned, there is a

diverse spectrum of opportunities. It also depends on the experiences, the qualifications, the

expertise, or the positions.

In Germany

The latest studies show that the annual salary consisted of 30’000 to 70’000 euros.

(Sports Psychologist Average Salary in Germany 2024 - The Complete Guide, n.d.)

Figure 1. Average salary variance between different education levels of professionals

working as Sports Psychologist.

As shown in the figure, once you start to get your educational qualifications, the

salary grows fast. A bachelor's degree can indeed give a person employment in Germany

compared to Switzerland where it is inefficient.

In Switzerland

It’s important to note that the cost of living in Switzerland is almost double of

Germany’s. The salary for a sports psychologist varies from 57’000 euros to 105’500 euros.

Figure 2. From left to right, minimum income, median income, and maximum income, with

an occupancy rate of 100%, 13th month and bonus included. January 2024, 1 CHF ≈ 1,07 €.

This figure demonstrates well the median. Given that the price tag of life is higher, the

actual median salary is considered low to normal for an average Swiss.


Sports psychology is a promising field. It is very new compared to other psychology

fields, and it is growing fast. This profession is only at its beginning. As it expands, the

importance of it will rise, and the salaries will follow.

According to my perspective, I would recommend going into this field. Sport is the

perfect balance between the mind and the body. It can benefit everybody. I would love to

learn more about this field as a former athlete. I did not have the advantage of benefiting from

one. Despite that, it gave me even more the ambition to make it more accessible in my

country and to help its development.



Allen, M., & McCarthy, P. (2013). Sport psychology. Pearson Education Limited.

Coleman Griffith. (2023). In Wikipedia.

Norman Triplett. (2024). In Wikipedia.

Social facilitation. (2023). In Wikipedia.

Sports Psychologist: What It Is and How To Become One | (n.d.). Retrieved 16

October 2023, from


Sport psychology. (2023). In Wikipedia.

Sports Psychologist Average Salary in Germany 2024—The Complete Guide. (n.d.).

Retrieved 10 January 2024, from


Sports psychologist: Study, salary & job market. (n.d.). Retrieved 10 January 2024, from

SQUEEZIE (Director). (2017, December 18). Win the Game of Life with Sport Psychology |

Jonathan Fader | TEDxRutgers.



Figure 1. Average salary variance between different education levels of professionals

working as Sports Psychologist. ................................................................................................ 6

Figure 2. From left to right, minimum income, median income, and maximum income, with

an occupancy rate of 100%, 13th month and bonus included. January 2024, 1 CHF ≈ 1,07 €. 6

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