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Isced open university

Faculty of social and human sciences

Degree course in political science and International Relations

Name: Cândido Armando Guilengue



Theme:Write about environment,in what way are we looking after the world and in what way are
we destroying it.

Maxixe, 2024

Name: Cândido Armando Guilengue

English fieldwork to be submitted in coordination with the degree course in political

science and International Relations






Work development...................................4


Bibliographic references..........................6


This present work has as its theme the environment (general objective), highlighting in
its development the forms of preservation of the world and the forms of destruction
it(specific objective). And then we will also see the methodology used in this work as
the key point of start a search.



✓ Talk about the envionment


✓ Learn about ways to preserve the world

✓ know the ways of destruction of the world


The methodology used in this work involved the use of modules, books and other
sources of information related to the topic in question. Bibliographic references were
used as a way to quickly identify the sources of information necessary for the
development of this work.

The environment

The environment is the set of physical, chemical, and biological conditions, laws,
influences, and interactions that allow, shelter, and govern life in all its forms. Taking
care of the environment means preserving nature, ensuring the quality of life for present
and future generations, promoting sustainable development, and conserving
biodiversity. On the other hand, environmental destruction occurs mainly due to the
unrestrained exploitation of natural resources, pollution caused by human activities, and
lack of awareness about the importance of environmental preservation.

The ways that we are looking after the world

There are several ways to preserve the world, from individual actions to public
policies. Recycling materials like paper, plastic, glass, and metal helps reduce the
amount of waste sent to landfills, saving natural resources. Conscious use of water and
electricity is also crucial in avoiding waste and contributing to sustainability.

Furthermore, protecting green areas such as forests and natural parks is essential
for preserving biodiversity and ecosystems. Supporting and participating in
reforestation and environmental conservation initiatives is an important way to

Raising awareness about the importance of environmental preservation also plays

a crucial role. Educating people about the impacts of human actions on the environment
can motivate changes in behavior and more sustainable attitudes.

Lastly, public policies that promote sustainable development, environmental

protection, and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions are fundamental to address
global challenges such as climate change.

The ways of destruction of the world

The ways of destroying the world are varied and often interconnected. Air, water, and
soil pollution pose one of the biggest threats, resulting from industrial activities,
wildfires, uncontrolled use of chemicals, and improper waste disposal. This pollution
affects human health, wildlife, and ecosystems.

Additionally, deforestation and forest degradation contribute to biodiversity loss and

climate change, as trees play a crucial role in climate regulation.

Greenhouse gas emissions from the burning of fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and
natural gas are responsible for global warming and extreme phenomena like heatwaves,
hurricanes, and more intense droughts.

Another major challenge is the overexploitation of natural resources, such as

overfishing, uncontrolled mining, and excessive groundwater extraction. This can lead
to shortages of essential resources for human survival and ecosystem balance.

Lastly, armed conflicts, social inequality, and lack of access to basic services also
contribute to the destruction of the world, negatively affecting entire communities and
widening global disparities.

It is crucial to address these challenges with concrete actions at local, national, and
global levels.


The environment is an extremely important topic for the survival and well-being of
all living beings on the planet. The preservation of ecosystems, the reduction of
pollution, the sustainable use of natural resources, and raising awareness about the
importance of nature are essential to ensure a healthy future for generations to come.
Each of us has a role to play in protecting the environment, whether through sustainable
daily practices, support for environmental policies, or participation in conservation
initiatives. Together, we can make a difference and ensure a healthy and balanced
planet for all.

Bibliographic references

Johnson, D. L.; Ambrose, S. H.; Bassett, T. J.; Bowen, M. L.; Crummey, D. E.; Isaacson, J.
S.; Johnson, D. N.; Lamb, P.; Saul, M.; Winter-Nelson, A. E. (1997). "Meanings of
Environmental Terms". Journal of Environmental Quality. 26 (3): 581–589.

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