Crime and The Family Like Grandfather Li

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Crime and the family: like

The phenomenon of criminal
grandfather, like father,
behaviour has interested
scholars from academic like son?
disciplines building on centuries
of philosophical debate
developed from emerging
Nathan Gregory
biological, psychological and
social sciences. Criminological
theories of causation are
embedded in conceptual Introduction to the literature
networks that link political Twin and adoption studies
ideology classified by Several studies have reviewed the literature to examine evidence for a
philosophical underpinnings. genetic constitution for the development of criminality. Blackburn
(1995), Hollin (1993) and Raine (1993) between them cite seven
For example, the late 18th and
biological studies of monozygotic and dizygotic twins conducted
early 19th century utilitarianism
during the 1930s and 1940s, and highlight mean concordance rates
consensus classical theory of 75% for monozygotic and 24% for dizygotic twins when examined
supported the notion of free for criminal behaviour. Three later studies which avoided
will, suggesting that individuals concordance rate errors due to distinguishing twins on appearance,
and adopted fingerprinting and blood types to determine zygocity,
were likely to commit crime if
found reduced concordance rates of 48% and 20% respectively.
the pay-off were greater than Further prospective longitudinal adoption studies report that
the retribution. In contrast, when both biological and adoptive parents are criminals, 24% of
conflict marxist and radical adopted children display criminal behaviour, compared with 13%
criminology regarded crime as whose biological/adoptive parents are non-criminal (Mednick et al,
1984). Further American and Swedish studies agree that there is some
a function of poverty, reflecting
genetic disposition to crime, indicating cross-cultural generalisability
a power imbalance in society. of these findings (Cadoret et al, 1987; Sigvardsson et al, 1982).
The late 19th century saw the Although genetic studies appear to provide persuasive evidence that
emergence of the positivist criminal behaviour runs in families, methodological weaknesses,
including small and rare samples, mean that results have to be treated
school, which argued that
factors including genetics,
poverty, personality and the Family studies
family were important in Other authors have investigated families to explore the development
determining criminality. This of criminality. Three American studies report intergenerational
transmission of crime. Glueck and Glueck (1950), in a cross-sectional
article concentrates on the
study, compared 500 relatively well-behaved public school boys with
transmission of crime through 500 institutionalised delinquents, and discovered that 66% of
families by reviewing a delinquents had a criminal father, compared with 32% in the control
selection of the main studies group. Similarly, Robins et al (1975) reported that 57% of delinquent
in the area. sons had a criminal father, while McCord (1977) in the Cambridge-

The British Journal of Forensic Practice • VOLUME 6 • ISSUE 4 • DECEMBER 2004
© Pavilion Publishing Brighton Ltd
Crime and the family: like grandfather, like father, like son?

Somerville study reported that 29% of sons with McCord (1983) argued that parental rejection was
convicted violent fathers were convicted for the most powerful instigator of criminality, finding
violence, 40% with convicted thieving fathers were that 56% of rejected boys were involved in serious
convicted for theft and 50% with convicted crime compared with 23% of loved children.
drunken fathers were convicted for drunkenness. In contrast, social learning theory maintains
In the United Kingdom, both Ferguson (1952) that behaviour is learnt through observation and
and Wilson (1987) have suggested that a convicted modelling of others, primarily within the family
family member was influential in the development (Bandura, 1977). For example, Patterson and
of offspring criminality, rather than structural colleagues (1984), in an American study of 206
factors such as poor housing or poverty. The schoolboys, discovered that families teach children
Cambridge Study on Delinquent Development delinquent behaviour through a coercive process
(Farrington & West, 1990) reported that having a involving punishment, humiliation, aggression or
convicted father was the best predictor of offspring non-enforced threats. Deviant families were
offending and antisocial behaviour. This characterised by enmeshed or lax management
prospective longitudinal survey traced 411 males styles, resulting in poor child supervision and
reared in 397 working class families living in South leading to high rates of child stealers and police
London in 1961/2 from the age of eight. The contact (Patterson et al, 1989).
results indicated that 64% of families contained at The size of families appears to correlate with
least one convicted person, six per cent accounted delinquency. Hirschi (1969), in a control theory,
for 48% of all offences, and across both generations reasoned that larger families were harder to
56% of convicted mothers mated with convicted discipline and likely to receive less parental
fathers, 75% of these couples producing a attention. For example, Ferguson (1952) reported
convicted child (Farrington et al, 1996). that 44% of delinquents had three or more
However, although they produce interesting convicted family members, while the Cambridge
information, family studies require careful Study discovered that delinquents were likely to
attention. Research findings are limited, in that a come from families with four or more children
correlation between two variables (family (Farrington et al, 1996). Further demographic
criminality and offspring criminality) does not variables, including socioeconomic status, also
prove a causal relationship; a third variable such as appear to be indicative of antisocial behaviour,
environmental factors may be influential. This was although the empirical findings are inconsistent.
particularly the case in the Cambridge Study, which Low family income was a relatively independent
was unable to disentangle the heredity or predictor of later delinquency in the Cambridge
environmental factors influencing family Study, suggesting a strain theory that lower class
criminality. males were unable to achieve middle class status,
leading to boredom, frustration and delinquency
Theories of criminal behaviour within families (Farrington & West, 1990).
There are several competing theories that focus on
the management styles of criminal families, Child abuse and neglect
influenced initially by the psychoanalytical concept Other authors have examined extensively parental
of attachment theory (Bowlby, 1944). A study of child-rearing practices and the development of
44 delinquent juveniles matched to a control group delinquency. Haapsalo and Pokela (1998) reviewed
reported that 39% of delinquents were separated six major American longitudinal studies of children
from their mother before the age of five compared and examined the relationship between offspring
to five per cent of the control group. Although criminality and exposure to negative child-rearing
criticised for an unrepresentative sample and practices. All six studies reported parental
unreliable assessment methodology, Bowlby punitiveness as crucial to the development of
concluded that maternal deprivation through offspring antisocial behaviour, while four
rejection was linked to childhood antisocial considered lack of parental love, and three laxness,
behaviour and later delinquency. Similarly, deviant parents and family disruption as important

The British Journal of Forensic Practice • VOLUME 6 • ISSUE 4 • DECEMBER 2004
© Pavilion Publishing Brighton Ltd
Crime and the family: like grandfather, like father, like son?

factors. The research indicated that styles of physically or sexually abused and 75% had escaped
parenting including corporal punishment, power family violence, 50% resorting to crime for finance
assertion, rejection, physical abuse and neglect were (Browne & Falshaw, 1998). Studies considering the
prime predictors of future criminal and antisocial impact on children of witnessing parental violence
offspring behaviour. Other important factors were indicate that 53% of violent offenders had observed
poor parental supervision and parent-child their parents engage in violence (Bach-y-Rita &
interaction, parental criminality and socioeconomic Veno, 1974), while Lewis et al (1985) reported
difficulties. that 79% of more violent incarcerated boys had
Similarly, Widom (1989a) reviewed thoroughly witnessed domestic violence. However, although
the relationship between child abuse, neglect and these studies suggest an unequivocal progression
delinquency, noting that tentative conclusions from victim to offender, it is important to
could be drawn from the three prospective and remember that the majority of abused children do
nine retrospective studies examined. For example, not become delinquent, and abuse alone does not
prospective data on child abuse and neglect predict a career of adult crime (Falshaw et al, 1996).
revealed offspring delinquency rates of 10%–17%
compared with 8%–26% where research was Discussion
conducted retrospectively. Furthermore, serious
methodological weaknesses were noted in these If authors generally agree that there is an
studies. For example, retrospective bias may lead intergenerational transmission of crime
to inaccuracies, as respondents might forget their concentrated in a small minority of families, then
behaviour, while conservative bias may under- identification of effective interventions appears
estimate the actual occurrence of abuse. Lack of crucial in preventing offspring delinquency.
control groups and failure to consider statistical Studies appear to suggest that over time antisocial
base rates may confound reports of child abuse, behaviour is a relatively stable characteristic, and
leading to difficulties in assessing the independent therefore identifiable childhood antecedents for
effects of abuse and neglect. Nevertheless, child crime have the potential for modification.
abuse and neglect lead to an increased risk of later However, Browne and Herbert (1997) report
violent crime and criminal behaviour, although not that, although at primary level media publicity has
all of those abused become criminals. enabled greater awareness of the implications of
childhood abuse and neglect, the growth of child
Cycle of violence telephone helplines appears to have limited efficacy.
The ‘cycle of violence’ or ‘victim to offender’ Similarly, Blackburn (1995) reports mixed
hypothesis has also received attention. Widom conclusions on secondary level intervention
(1989b; 1989c) reported that 15% of child physical strategies for delinquent school children that are
abuse victims had been arrested for violent crimes based on attachment theory and parental skills
compared with 12% of neglected children and training. Authors further report that tertiary level
eight per cent in a group that had not been interventions have a poor effect on the
maltreated. Lewis et al (1985), in a small-scale intergenerational cycle of offending, particularly
American prospective study of nine murderers, as implementation occurs when delinquents are
reported that 78% had experienced severe parental already firmly entrenched in their behaviour
abuse, while in the United Kingdom, Falshaw and patterns. For example, Lewis (1985), in a nine-year
Browne (1997) discovered that 53% of young follow-up of violent boys, stated that those
inmates at the Glenthorne secure unit had been displaying the most violent offences had on average
physically abused, 32% neglected, 28% severely nine institutional placements, while Falshaw and
emotionally abused and 14% sexually abused, and Browne (1995) report that conduct-disordered
that 49% reported family violence. inmates had experienced five institutional and three
In relation to familial domestic violence, a study foster home placements.
of street children in the United Kingdom revealed Other researchers strongly advocate that to
that 78% of runaway adolescents had been break the ‘victim to offender’ cycle, prevention at

The British Journal of Forensic Practice • VOLUME 6 • ISSUE 4 • DECEMBER 2004
© Pavilion Publishing Brighton Ltd
Crime and the family: like grandfather, like father, like son?

the level of family relationships is crucial, by References

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Address for correspondence Delinquent Development: a long-term follow up of 411
Nathan Gregory, Team Leader/Specialist London males. In: H-J Kerner & G Kaiser (Eds)
Practitioner, Gloucester Assertive Community Criminality; Personality, Behaviour and Life History.
Treatment Team, Gloucestershire Partnership Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
NHS Trust, Burleigh House, Nettleton Road,
Gloucester GL1 1PZ. Ferguson T (1952) The Young Delinquent in His Social
Setting. London: Oxford University Press.

The British Journal of Forensic Practice • VOLUME 6 • ISSUE 4 • DECEMBER 2004
© Pavilion Publishing Brighton Ltd
Crime and the family: like grandfather, like father, like son?

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The British Journal of Forensic Practice • VOLUME 6 • ISSUE 4 • DECEMBER 2004
© Pavilion Publishing Brighton Ltd

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