Geometric Design of Roads To Tourism Areas Using AutoCAD Civil 3D® Case Study Panyaweuyan Terraces, Majalengka-Indonesia

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Fikri Firmansyah, Andri Irfan Rifai, Adinda Fajarika Civil Engineering and Architecture Journal

Vol. xx. No. xx Tahun xxxx

Geometric Design of Roads to Tourism Areas Using AutoCAD Civil 3D ® Case

Study: Panyaweuyan Terraces, Majalengka-Indonesia
Fikri Firmansyah1, Andri Irfan Rifai2, Adinda Fajarika3
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universitas Majalengka, Indonesia
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning, Universitas Internasional Batam, Indonesia
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning, Universitas Internasional Batam, Indonesia
Email correspondence:


The tourism sector has great potential in boosting the
Geometric country's economy, especially in Indonesia, this cannot be
Tourism separated from the support of transportation infrastructure
Autocad Civil 3D® as a connecting access. The Panyaweuyan Terraces Tour is a
tour in Majalengka Regency, West Java, located at the foot of
Mount Ciremai, causing the road to this area to be steep.
Tourism with green terraced hills has a very high tourist
attraction resulting in a high intensity of vehicles going to the
tourist area. With the problems that occur, it is necessary to
accurately plan the geometric roads using AutoCAD Civil 3D ®.
This study uses qualitative methods that are observed
descriptively. The purpose of this study is to plan the
geometry of the road which is expected to provide a sense of
security and time efficiency for road users so that it can help
economic growth in the tourism sector in Majalengka. The
results of this study are that there are 3 bends with the
Spiral-Circle-Spiral type and produce a volume of excavation
and soil piles along the planned road with a total volume of
excavation volume of 169351.70 m3 and a total volume of the
embankment of 702225.45 m3.

1. Introduction
In the development of the construction world, an efficient network of highway infrastructure is a
decisive factor in promoting the socioeconomic development of countries and regions (Salsabila, Rifai,
& Isradi, 2022). In every economy, transportation infrastructure acts as a baseline to ensure the
smooth flow of public and goods mobility as input and output from all economic sectors (Fafurida &
Oktavilia, 2020). Tourism is a potential source of income for a country that cannot be separated from
the support of infrastructure. Road infrastructure is a very important factor in regional economic
growth, so accuracy in its implementation through investment scale is very important (Hariani,
Sugiyanto, & Septiandri, 2022). In recent years, increasing claims have been advanced for asset
management as a promising new approach to infrastructure management (Dornan, 2020). According
to the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), every country in the world is doing very well in tourism
recovery. As in the Americas and Europe, the tourism sector is recovering significantly.
Not inferior to other countries, Indonesia is also growing in the tourism sector with the existence of
ministry programs namely Creative Words, Indonesian Creative Appreciation (AKI), and the
Indonesian Tourism Village Award (ADWI). This sector is considered to have a sizeable economic
linkage so that it can contribute significantly to the national economy (Haryana, 2020). One of the
success factors for tourism is influenced by the availability of facilities and infrastructure, especially
roads. The Indonesian government in 2015-2019 continues to carry out infrastructure development in

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Fikri Firmansyah, Andri Irfan Rifai, Adinda Fajarika Civil Engineering and Architecture Journal
Vol. xx. No. xx Tahun xxxx

various regions in Indonesia (Suganda, Rifai, & Prasetijo, 2022). Some of the most rapid growth in
road networks is occurring in developing countries, particularly in the tropics, where political agendas
are often focused on strengthening the economy, improving infrastructure, bolstering national
security, achieving self-sufficiency, and increasing citizen well-being, often at the expense of the
environment (Wemple, et al., 2018). The lack of transportation infrastructure facilities is the cause of
hampering the national economy. Therefore, Indonesia needs road construction as a pillar of economic
development because good transportation relations create productive and efficient cities that
encourage innovation and economies of scale (Megarestya, Rifai, & Isradi, 2022). This is because road
infrastructure plays a crucial role by providing mobility for the efficient movements of people and
goods, as well as providing accessibility to a wide variety of commercial and social activities (Ng, Law,
Jakarni, M., & Kulanthayan, 2019).
Majalengka is a district in West Java Province that has potential in the tourism sector because of its
natural beauty as a selling point to tourism. A high traffic intensity affects the entire section of the road
and rockfalls periodically cause casualties, as well as a large amount of damage and traffic
interruptions (Budetta, 2021). This is for the competition of transportation facilities in each region.
With the geographical location of Majalengka which is close to Mount Ciremai, it causes Majalengka to
be classified as a steep area. Most tours in Majalengka are at the foot of Mount Ciremai, where road
access is relatively difficult. Majalengka is a district in West Java Province that has potential in the
tourism sector because of its natural beauty as a tourism selling point. The high traffic intensity affects
all sections of the road and rock slides periodically cause fatalities, as well as a large amount of damage
and traffic disruption (Budetta, 2021). This is for the competition of means of transportation in each
region. The geographical location of Majalengka which is close to Mount Ciremai causes Majalengka to
be classified as a steep area. Therefore, road planning must pay close attention to rainwater runoff.
The pavement layer is easily damaged due to standing water due to the basic nature of the asphalt
mixture itself. This condition is caused because asphalt has properties that are not too strong against
water immersion (Rifai, Hafidh, Isradi, & Prasetijo., 2023).
One of the destinations in Majalengka that is well-known to foreign countries is the Panyaweuyan
Terraces. This tourist attraction is in the form of a green expanse of hills that have steps under the
slopes of Mount Ciremai. A large number of visitors causes high mobility on the route to the
Panyaweuyan Terraces area. In addition, the steep existing conditions have the potential for erosion.
Soil erosion can cause the progressive degradation of hillslopes, especially in steep-slope agricultural
landscapes (Pijl, Reuter, Quarella, Vogel, & Tarolli, 2020). The government has made many efforts to
improve roads and increase investment in transport infrastructure, but soaring public demand for
private vehicles has had little impact (Luo, Zhang, Zhang, Yu, & Li, 2019).
The inaccurate geometric planning of this road has resulted in hampered regional economic growth.
Many things need to be considered when designing roads, one of which is geometric road planning
(Megarestya, Rifai, & Isradi, 2022). One of the contributing factors was the previous engineers who
designed it using manual drawings and makeshift tools so that the results were less than optimal. In
contrast to now using technology to plan the geometry of the road. Already software has been
developed to solve problems that occur in various fields, one of these software is AutoCAD Civil 3D ®
(Maulana, Rifai, & Isradi, 2022). The purpose of this paper is to plan the geometry of the road which is
expected to provide a sense of security and time efficiency for road users so that it can help economic
growth in the tourism sector in Majalengka.

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Fikri Firmansyah, Andri Irfan Rifai, Adinda Fajarika Civil Engineering and Architecture Journal
Vol. xx. No. xx Tahun xxxx

2. Literature Review

2.1 Access to Tourism Area

The tourism sector is a sector that has great potential for the development of a region. Not only the
aesthetic aspect but includes several aspects such as transportation, accommodation, and services that
involve many people. The success of tourism can be measured by the infrastructure seen. This
infrastructure is one of the problems in the tourism sector. The conception of infrastructure
development has received substantial attention from researchers in the tourism field (Kanwal,
Rasheed, Pitafi, Pitafi, & Ren, 2020).
If a country prioritizes this tourism sector as the backbone of the economy and becomes a
development priority. Infrastructure development is a leading antecedent for progressive tourism
development, supporting society, the economy, and the environment (Kanwal, et al., 2020). The
importance of this infrastructure development is to provide comfort and security for tourists. At this
time, all cities compete to be better in terms of infrastructure whether it's about roads, toll roads,
bridges, buildings, and so on (Kusumatuti, 2022).
The development carried out so far constituted by a strategy and planning involves various parties
with a painful consideration, so it is important to know how that infrastructure development practices
(Sripambudi, Hilman, & Triono, 2020). The development of tourism infrastructure such as widening
roads, directions, and repairing damaged roads is an important factor in making it easier for visitors to
go to tourism. Apart from that the development of tourism is supported by sophisticated information
technology that is easily accessible by people who can find remote tours.

2.2 Road Geometric

Road geometric planning is the initial stage of making roads that produce lanes according to the
topography of the area. Safety is the main factor of the road design, Sufficient and easy to move
(Mandal, Pawade, Sandel, & Infrastructure, 2019). For this effect, a geometric design based on
consistency must be achieved, which arranges the elements of the road and their geometric
characteristics, helping to minimize adverse effects on the driver's expectations, perceiving
homogeneity on the route, without abrupt variation in the level of attention necessary and thus be able
to adapt to the changing geometric conditions of the road (Wilches, 2020). Therefore, in terms of road
geometric planning, the accuracy of a planner is very important to get maximum results.
The diversity of roads is a consideration in development planning. The road leading to the
Panyaweuyan Terraced Area has a steep contour with a high volume of vehicles, so the safety impact
needs to be considered by the designer. Not only that, designers must also pay attention to aspects of
the road user's habits. In this case the design speed also affects the geometric design.
The geometric planning of the road on the road to the tourist area of the Panyaweuyan Terraces has a
physical function and can essentially run optimally. The progress of tourism, especially Panyaweuyan
terracing tourism, cannot be separated from the role of road infrastructure development. The road to
this tourist area is relatively not optimal so the effectiveness and efficiency in the progress of the
Majalengka area is hampered. It is essential to plan and design the road for safe, efficient, economical,
and easy movement of traffic and collect the details of different studies (Chakole & Wadhai, 2022).

2.3 AutoCAD Civil 3D®

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Fikri Firmansyah, Andri Irfan Rifai, Adinda Fajarika Civil Engineering and Architecture Journal
Vol. xx. No. xx Tahun xxxx

In this modern era, almost everything in the world uses advances in technology and information, as
well as in planning road infrastructure. In the old days, all the drawings draw manually with the help
of tools. When the geometric design is done manually means it takes time-consuming, and very costly
errors, the design should not be proper and it's only the 2D view is there (Mandal, Pawade, Sandel, &
Infrastructure, 2019). So, the need for effectiveness and efficiency of time in this planning. So that the
goal of road geometric planning is achieved, namely to provide a sense of security and comfort for
road users.
In the geometric planning of the road to the Panyaweuyan Terraced tourist area, the software is used
as a tool to provide maximum results, namely AutoCAD Civil 3D ®. AutoCAD Civil 3D® is a
documentation application developed by Autodesk® (Arifin & Rifai, 2022). In the civil world, it is
usually used for modeling, analysis, and design of various types of projects in the form of civil
infrastructure, ranging from highways, land development, railways, and airports (Raji, Zava, Jirgba, &
Osunkunle, 2017). AutoCAD Civil 3D® is used as a road design tool with all the elements to outline a
complete road infrastructure. AutoCAD Civil 3D ® also provides a summary table view for the volume
work of excavation, backfilling, and pavement layers (Biancardo, Capano, de Oliveira, & Tibaut, 2020).
Through the calculation and quantitative data processing, it can be determined whether the proposal
meets the requirements of the project, engineering factors, and financial factors, can reduce project
requirements and demolition costs, improve energy efficiency, maximum return on investment,
minimize potential hazards and safety hazards, can be done some simulation experiments and
obtained the best solution increased work efficiency (Liu, 2021). Accuracy in the calculation of road
planning analysis is needed, especially in matters relating to land, namely excavation, and landfill. The
journal “Geometric Design and Validation of Road Corridor Modeling Using Civil 3D Software” says
that the features in AutoCAD Civil 3D ® allow it to perform soil calculations that can be done in just a
few seconds (Stefanus, Rifai, & Nasrun, 2022).

3. Method
Data is one of the main strengths in compiling research and scientific modeling (Rifai, Hadiwardoyo,
Correia, Pereira, & Cortez, 2015). The process of systematic scientific research must begin with the
identification of the right problem (Rifai, Hadiwardoyo, Correia, & Pereira, 2016). This study uses a
qualitative method. The location of this research was carried out on the road to the Panyaweuyan
Terraced Tourism Area along ± 4 km as the main access to the tourist area. The image of the location
of the road to the Panyaweuyan Terraced Tourism Area is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 Location of the road to Panyaweuyan Terracing tourism area.

The initial step in this research is to obtain a map of the Panyaweuyan Terraces area. Then the contour
data of the Panyaweuyan terracing tourism area were obtained from the National Coastal Digital
Elevation Model (DEMNAS) and Google Earth which were processed using Global Mapper Version 24
software. After that, perform geometric road planning using AutoCAD Civil 3D ® to plan horizontal and

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vertical alignment (Rizqi, Rifai, & Bhakti, 2022). Then determine the design criteria for the road that
will be input into AutoCAD Civil 3D ® for analysis which will later fulfill the horizontal and vertical
alignment as well as the required excavation and embankment.

4. Result and Discussion

4.1 Design Criteria

This redesigned road is an access road to the tourist area of the Panyaweuyan Terraces which is
connected to Roads Majalengka-Cikijing. Good road planning must comply with design criteria
according to the 2021 Road Geometric Design Guidelines (Road Geometric Design Guidelines, 2021).
The design criteria in road planning are listed in Table 1.
Table 1 Design Criteria

Design speed 30km/hour

Road function Secondary local roads
Road usage class Class III
Road type 2/2 TT (Two lane/Two way undivided)
Road infrastructure provider specifications Small road
Types of pavements Asphalt Concrete (AC)
This design criterion is the application of the road requirements to the Panyaweuyan Terraced
Tourism Area. After these design criteria are determined, then determine the coordinates of the
starting point to the end point. The coordinates of this road are in Table 2.
Table 2 Coordinate Calculation
Poin X Y ∆X ∆Y Straight Azimuth Bend Angle
sight (d) angle
A 203030. 9235871.
0 0
1262. 298.0 90066.0 76.7139
P1 204292. 9236169. 49.1653
0 0
553.0 -400.0 160553. 125.879
0 2
P2 204845. 9235769. 25.27863
0 0
545.0 -102.0 10949.0 100.600
P3 205390. 9235667. 24.40293
0 0
1001. -701.0 492402. 125.003
0 5
B 206391. 9234966.
0 0

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4.2 Horizontal Alignment

From the design criteria above, the design speed (Vd) is 30 km/h, the maximum superelevation
(emax) is 8%, and the side deviation (fmax) is 0.17. Then it can be calculated to get the horizontal
alignment by calculating the Minimum Radius (Rmin). The calculation is in equation 1.1.
Rmin = 1.1
127 x (e max + f max )
Obtained from equation 1, the minimum radius (Rmin) is 28.34646 meters. The results of the
calculations refer to the 2021 Road Geometric Design Guidelines (PDGJ) and Civil 3D analysis to obtain
horizontal alignment results. The horizontal alignment is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2 Horizontal Alignment

The route connects from point A to point B, namely connecting Jalan Majalengka-Cikijing with the
tourist area of the Panyaweuyan Terraces. From these results it shows, that on the track there are 3
bends with the Spiral-Circle-Spiral bend type.

4.3 Vertical Alignment

In planning the design of the road to the Panyaweuyan terracing area, it has the length of the STA.
0+000.00 to STA. 3+750.16 km. In Table 4-2 of PDGJ 2021, the hill area has a slope of 10-25%. The
vertical alignment is shown in Figure 3.

No. 1 2 3 4 5 6

Figure 3 Vertical Alignment

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In Figure 3. The vertical alignment is planned to have a very high elevation of 650–1096 meters above
sea level. So that the vertical alignment does not allow flat roads. The results of the vertical alignment
are in Table 2.
Table 3 Vertical Alignment Results

PVI A (Grade Profile
Grade In Grade Curve K
No. PVI (m) Elevation Change) Curve
(%) Out (%) Length value
(m) (%) Type
1 0+000.00 648.790 7.66
2 0+660.00 809.339 7.66 10.68 3.02 Sag 18.109 6.000
3 1+276.94 775.210 10.68 10.78 0.10 Sag 0.610 6.000
4 2+072.87 861.000 10.78 13.88 3.10 Sag 18.613 6.000
5 2+995.00 989.000 13.88 14.26 0.38 Sag 2.294 6.000
6 3+750.00 1096.687 14.26
After the vertical alignment, the road section planning is carried out with a 2-lane 2-way road type
without a median or road divider. With a 2-meter-long shoulder, AC pavement type, and 12 meters of
road benefit space. Then planned drainage on the left and right sides of the road. The results of these
criteria are the cross-section planning of the road in Figure 4.

Figure 4 Crossroads

Furthermore, by using AutoCAD Civil 3D ® to fulfill the road function criteria, it is necessary to plan the
corridor on the right and left sides of the road. The corridor on the planned path is shown in Figure 5.


Figure 5 Corridor and Sample Lines

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From Figure 5 it can be calculated the need for excavation and landfill by trend planning. Construction
planning, especially the planning of new roads, really requires excavation and stockpiling so that the
planned road is by the specified level. From the results of the AutoCAD Civil 3D ® analysis, it can
provide an overview of the number of excavations and the amount of overhang per 50 meters. As an
example, in Table 4 there are details of cut and fill from STA 3+300.00 to STA 3+750.00.
Table 4 Example of Volume Cut and Fill Results

Station Fill Area Cut Area Fill Cut Comulative Comulative

Volume Volume Fill Vol. Cut Vol.
3+300.00 411.75 0.00 20228.43 0.01 267549.35 169170.02
3+350.00 705.41 0.00 27928.98 0.00 295478.32 169170.02
3+400.00 560.84 0.00 31656.27 0.00 327134.60 169170.02
3+450.00 668.36 0.00 30730.09 0.00 357864.69 169170.02
3+500.00 1390.66 0.00 51475.43 0.00 409340.12 169170.02
3+550.00 1904.03 0.00 82367.25 1.59 491707.37 169171.61
3+600.00 1770.34 0.00 91859.20 1.59 583566.57 169173.19
3+650.00 1107.14 0.00 71936.97 0.00 655503.54 169173.19
3+700.00 376.35 0.00 37087.31 0.00 692590.85 169173.19
3+750.00 9.03 7.14 9634.60 178.50 702225.45 169351.70
From the results of the AutoCAD Civil 3D ® analysis, it can also be seen that the mass haul diagram of
the land on the road to the Panyaweuyan Terraced Tourism Area is shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6 Mass Haul Diagram

From Table 4 and Figure 6 it shows that the total volume of excavation and embankment for the road
leading to the Panyaweuyan Terraced Tourism Area is 702225.45 m 3 and 169351.70 m3.

4.4 Superelevation
Superelevation is the transverse slope of the road at a bend, the function of this superelevation is so
that when the vehicle is cornering the force that occurs can be balanced by the slope. The
superelevation in this geometric planning criterion is by the 2021 PDGJ, which is 8% (Road Geometric
Design Guidelines, 2021). From the results of the AutoCAD Civil 3D ® analysis, the superelevation for
each bend is obtained. The P1 bend is in Figure 7, the P2 bend is in Figure 8, and the P3 bend is in
Figure 9.

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Figure 7 Superelevation P1

Figure 8 Superelevation P2

Figure 9 Superelevation P3

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5. Conclusion
The geometric planning of the road to the tourist area of Panyaweuyan Terraces uses AutoCAD Civil
3D® with a design criterion of speed (Vd) of 30 km/hour, existing hill terrain. In the Horizontal
alignment, there are 3 bends of the Spiral-Circle-Spiral type. In the vertical alignment, there are 7
segments of incline. In addition, the results of AutoCAD Civil 3D ® calculations and analysis yield
excavations and piles of soil along the planned road with a total excavation volume of 169351.70 m 3
and a total embankment volume of 702225.45 m3.

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Published by Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan UIB
Fikri Firmansyah, Andri Irfan Rifai, Adinda Fajarika Civil Engineering and Architecture Journal
Vol. xx. No. xx Tahun xxxx

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