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Luyện nghe Tiếng Anh giao tiếp

Cải thiện khả năng phản xạ nói Tiếng Anh #6

Study with me – I’m Mary
Đăng ký kênh Youtube: I’m Mary để cùng học Tiếng Anh nhé!

Beth! Hey, Beth. How's it going?

Ali! Hi! I'm fine. How’re you?

Fine, thanks. Beth, this is Lee. Lee, this is my friend, Beth.

Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you. Are you from around here?

No. I'm from Seoul Korea.

Really? That's interesting. Seoul's the capital of Korea, isn't it?

Yes, that's right. How about you? What's your hometown?

I'm from San Anselmo, California.

San An-sel-mo? Is that a big city?

No, it's a small town in Northern California. There are about 20,000
people there. What's the population of Seoul?

It's a really big city. There are over ten million people in Seoul.
Wow! That's a lot of people!

Yes, it is. But there's good public transportation, so it isn't bad.

How about the nightlife? Are there any good clubs or discos?

Are you kidding? There are hundreds! Seoul has fantastic nightlife!

… uh-oh. I have to run. The library closes in 10 minutes. See you guys

Bye, Beth.

Take care, Beth.

You too. Bye.



Hi, Beth. Come on in.

Hi, Alicia! How are you doing?

Pretty good.

Alicia, this is my friend Ali. He's from Silver Spring Maryland.

Hi, Ali. It's nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you, too.

Well, please come in and have a seat.


Can I get you something? Coffee? Soda?

Oh, no, thanks.

No thank you. I'm fine.

So, Alicia, we're going to go shopping. Do you want to come?

Gee, I don't know… I shop mostly online these days.

Really? Why is that?

Because it saves time - and gas!

Oh, right.

What do you mean?

Well, you don't have to drive your car…

Right. And you don't have to look for parking. The mall is so crowded
these days.

Yeah but online you can't see things very well. And you can't touch
them! And, with clothes, you can't try them on! I like to browse when I
go shopping!

Me too!... and it's such a nice day… why do you want to sit in front of a
computer screen?

Yeah, I see what you mean… but I don't have much money!

No problem! You can come with us and save money.


We aren't going to take any money or credit cards with us. And we aren't
going to spend any money. We're just going to look around.

That's right! We're going window - shopping.

Great idea! Then I am going!


Staying in touch

Lee? Are you okay? What's the matter?

Yeah, Lee! Why are you so sad?

I'm reading an email from my mom in Korea.

Is she all right?

Yes, she's fine, but I miss her, and I miss my other family and friends in
Korea. I guess I'm homesick.

Yeah, I sometimes get homesick for my family.

Me too, I really want to see my family and friends in California soon.

How often do you hear from your family, Lee?

Besides email, I get two or three letters a month. How about you?

I usually call home.

I usually stay in touch just by phone because it's easy.

Well, I really want to talk to my family. Email just isn't the same. But it's
expensive to call Korea.

Oh, call them, Lee! Just talk for three minutes.

Yeah, that's not very expensive. In fact, you can use my phone card.

Good idea! Call now before we go to the movies. There's a pay phone
over there.

You're right. I really need to talk to them. But wait for me, OK?



Calling a Hospital

Welcome to Faber Hospital and clinics. If this is an emergency, please

hang up and call 911. Please listen carefully as our menu options have

+ For the 24 - hour pharmacy, please press 1.

+ For Family Medicine, press 2.

+ For the health clinic, press 3.

+ To speak to the operator, please press 0 or just stay on the line.

Hmm. I need the clinic; I'll press 3.

Health clinic. Can I help you?

Yes. I think I have the flu. I feel awful.

Would you like to make an appointment?

Yes. I'd like to see a doctor.

All right. Could you come in tomorrow afternoon at one o'clock?

Yes, I can come then. Oh! Should I bring any money?

No - just your ID and insurance card.

Now, could I have your name and insurance number?

Yes. My family name is Halal, H-A-L-A-L. My first name is Ali, A-L-I.

And my insurance number is 000-481-624.

OK. You're all set. Don't forget to bring your health insurance card when
you come in tomorrow.


All right, we'll see you tomorrow at one.

Yes, thank you… thank you very much. Bye.



Going out

OK, great! I'll see you tomorrow at seven o'clock. Right. Bye.
Hmm. Who was that?

Yeah! Someone special?

That was Michael, a really nice guy in my computer science class.

He asked me out. I accepted so…

So, one phone call, and now you have a boyfriend!

Oh, c’mon, Alicia. He's not my boyfriend-yet!

Well, it sounds nice. I need my parents’ permission to go out on a date

with a boy.

Yeah… one of my friends here at the college is from India, and he says,
in his country, parents used to arrange all dates - and marriages, too.
And sometimes they still do.

Wow! That's interesting!

Hmm! Lee… you said your friend is from India?

That's right.

And your friend is a guy, right?

Yes. His name is Varun.

Well, a girlfriend of mine in my math class is from India, too! Her name
is Parveena. Do you think Varun would like to meet her?

You mean on a date?

Sure. Why not? That's a great idea, Alicia.

I don't know. Maybe they need their parents’ permission…

Oh, come on, Lee.

OK, OK! I don't know why you want to be a matchmaker. But I'll ask

Great! And I'll call Parveena!


Sleep Deprived!

Ali! What's the matter? You look so sleepy!

Yeah! Can't you wake up this morning?

No, I can't! I can hardly keep my eyes open! I was up late last night.
My friend had a party. I only got about four hours of sleep.

Why didn't you sleep in this morning?

I have to meet my study group at the library. We have a big test next

A big test? Why didn't you study last night instead of going to the party?

Oh, it's OK. I studied a lot before the party.

Maybe that's not a good idea.

Why not?

I read a research study. It said that if you don't get enough sleep after
you study, you may forget 30 percent of what you studied! Especially if
you studied something that is very complex.
Thirty percent? That's almost one-third!

Yes, that's a lot. Are you sure, Alicia?

Yes. Even two days after you study - if you don't get enough sleep, you
forget a lot. It's called being “sleep deprived”.

Well, I read that eating right can help you study.

You mean what you eat helps you study?

Yes, there are chemicals that help you stay alert. I think the best foods
are fish, eggs, soy, rice, and peanuts. So you should get enough sleep
And eat the right foods.

That sounds like good advice! I'll see you two later!

Where are you going, Ali?

Home to take a nap!


Looking for a Summer Job

Thanks for coming with me to the Placement Center, Ali.

Don't mention it. It's nice to have your company. Besides, I need to find
a summer job, too.

What kind of job are you looking for, Ali?

I'm hoping to find one in my major, public health.

I'm sure you can. Do you have any experience in public health?

Yes, I do. I worked part-time in a lab in Maryland last summer.

That's great. I want to find a job writing for a local newspaper. I'd like to
be a reporter.

Your major is journalism, isn't it?

Uh-huh. I had a great job last summer when I was in Mexico City.

Really? What did you do?

I worked part-time for Excelsior. It's the biggest newspaper in Mexico.

What did you do there?

I wrote local news stories - you know, news about Mexico City. But
someday I want to write international news stories. Then I can travel
around the world and find out what people are like in other places.

That sounds wonderful. I'm sure you can do it.

Are there any jobs in public health on the bulletin board?

No, I don't see anything interesting.

You should try looking on the Web. There are some great job sites.
That's how I found the job in Mexico City.

That's a good idea. Do I search for “public health”?

Try “jobs in public health” or the names of specific jobs. I search for
“newspaper reporter”.
I'll go to the computer lab right now and try that! See you later.


At a Food Court

Wow! Look at all these different places to eat!

You said it! There are so many choices: American “fast food”, Chinese,
Italian, vegetarian! I can't decide what to eat!

What are you going to have, Dan?

I'm hungry! I'm going to the fast-food place. I want a double

cheeseburger and a large order of fries.

Ugh! How many cheeseburgers do you eat every week? You had a
couple at the picnic yesterday, didn't you?

Yeah, … yeah… so what? I like cheeseburgers!

I think Pat's worried about you.

Why? I'm healthy!

But cheeseburgers have a lot of fat.

And a lot of calories.

OK, OK! What are you going to have?

I'm going to have some tofu and rice at that Chinese place.

Oh, I forgot. You're a vegetarian, right?


Hmm. I think I'm going to have a salad.

Are you on a diet?

No diet - I just like to eat healthy food.

What are you going to have to drink?

A large cola.

A large cola? But there's lots of sugar and soda!

Dan's right and sugar is bad for your teeth.

All right! I'll have a diet cola. There's no sugar in that.

Great! And I'll have a salad too.

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