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Archive Warnings:
Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major
Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage
F/M, M/M, Multi

Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling

Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy/Theodore Nott,
Draco Malfoy/Theodore Nott, Cedric
Diggory/Theodore Nott, Fleur Delacour/Pansy
Parkinson, Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy,
Hermione Granger/Theodore Nott, Luna
Lovegood/Blaise Zabini
Theodore Nott, Nott Sr. (Harry Potter), Gregory
Goyle, Blaise Zabini, Adrian Pucey, Marcus Flint,
Draco Malfoy, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Hermione
Granger, Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Cedric Diggory,
Amos Diggory, Fleur Delacour, Pansy Parkinson,
Severus Snape, Luna Lovegood, Bellatrix Black
Lestrange, Thorfinn Rowle, Scabior (Harry Potter)

Additional Tags:
Grooming, Alternate Universe - Muggle, Mafia AU,
Dark Theodore Nott, Murder, Patricide, Non-
Consensual Somnophilia, Non-Consensual Drug
Use, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Dead Dove: Do
Not Eat, Manipulation, Surveillance, Assassin
Fleur Delacour, Assassin Pansy Parkinson,
Lesbian Pansy Parkinson, Lesbian Fleur Delacour,
Kidnapping, Torture, Execution, Marking, Non-
Consensual Body Modification, Collars, Cinnamon
Roll Draco Malfoy, Infidelity, Aftermath of
Torture, Draco Malfoy has Autism, Dark, Arson,
Lies, Obsession, Psychopathology & Sociopathy,
Psychopaths In Love, Torture as a Couples
Activity, Angst and Feels, Arranged Marriage,
Non-Consensual Voyeurism, Bad BDSM Etiquette,
Blood Kink, Date Rape Drug/Roofies, References
to Drugs, Severus Snape Bashing, Misogyny,
Homophobic Language, Pegging, Gun Violence,
Knives, Blood and Torture, Tom Riddle is Not
Part 1 of Nott Above Dark Deeds ● Next Work →
Dreomione Fest 2022
Published: 2022-11-11 Completed:
2023-07-30 Words: 73,343 Chapters: 19/19
Comments: 469 Kudos: 603 Bookmarks:
224 Hits: 30,373

Nott A Wise

Chapter 19: Epilogue

Happily Ever After?

CW: for birth control tampering,

pregnancy, babies, mentioned
school shootings, referenced
beheading (I've maxed out the
tags A03 allows)

(See the end of the chapter for

Chapter 19

The Epilogue

Happily Ever After?

Theo found that things easily returned to the

perfection that they had been before Hermione’s
kidnapping. He could not have been happier about
that. Draco’s violent urges seemed to have been
placated and he went back to being the bookish
nerd that Theo so adored and the submissive that
gave into Theo’s every desire. Even thinking about
how obedient Draco was got Theo’s cock harder
than steel until he was able to have his way with

The unwanted guests had been disposed of and the

rental car had been dumped near a brothel over the
border in Mexico after being parked at several
seedy bars and clubs on the way south, each of
which didn’t have surveillance cameras. The GPS
would tell a very interesting story when someone
started looking for Weasley and Potter. Theo wasn’t
concerned as Hermione would be all wide-eyed
innocence when the police asked if she had seen
them. Maintaining her peace and happiness was of
the utmost importance to Theo. There was nothing
that he would not do in order to keep her safe and
her mind easy.


Waking up between his little pets gave Theo a

sense of pleasure and completeness that he had
never felt before. He mourned Cedric’s loss
privately, but felt the sorrow lessen as his new life
fell into place. Hermione and Draco more than filled
the spot that Cedric had left vacant, though never
truly replaced him. Theo was sure that having
replaced Cedric's place with not one, but two lovers
would have amused him greatly.l.

His pets were happy, he was happy. Things were

perfect. They needed an activity though, Theo knew
that they couldn’t just sit around the house and
fuck in perpetuity – despite how appetizing as that
sounded to him. He had his own work after all and
couldn’t ignore it forever just to give his darlings
mental stimulation.

So, Theo Nott came to the decision that Draco and

Hermione could return to their university programs
that they’d paused in order to come to California for
the funeral.

Of course, Theo wasn’t allowing either of them to

return to England. No, that was much too far and
Theo would not allow that amount of distance to
exist between them. However, UCLA had an
excellent physics program and it hadn’t been too
terribly difficult to get Hermione’s transfer
approved, her being a prodigy and all.

Draco had been slightly harder – it took a couple

bits of blackmail and an assault or two – but it
worked out in the end. Biochemistry was a highly
competitive program and after a couple students
unaccountably didn’t accept their spots and another
went missing, the department had managed to find
a place for Draco Malfoy in the spring. A gun to the
head of the Dean of Admission, when he met his
mistress at a hotel that Theo just happened to own,
didn’t hurt much either. Though of course, Draco
didn't need to know the finer details.

Hermione was so excited to return to school that

she'd been bouncing off the walls and rambling on
and on about it in enthusiasm.

Theo sat them down for a serious discussion,

holding both of their hands as he sank to his knees,
attempting to act as the supplicant. “I hope you
understand my perspective. I am not risking
anything happening to either one of you again. I
refuse to put your safety at risk so Zabini and
Pansy are assigned to you whenever you leave the
house.” He explained, dimming Hermione’s outlook
on school slightly. “I promise that Pansy won’t
interfere with your classes love, she’ll just be there
so that no one tries to use you to get to me again.”
His thumb rubbed over her knuckles and he smiled
up at her.

“You’re irreplaceable,” Theo whispered, looking at

her, but squeezing Draco’s hand so that he knew
that the words were for the both of them.

The reality of the life they lived and the danger

they would constantly be in couldn't be ignored.
Constant vigilance was a lesson he needed them to
understand, and after sitting with them, it seemed
they did.


Pansy was amused to discover she wasn’t the only

private security in Hermione’s classes. She took to
playing poker with two of the guys on the four man
security team for the son of the ambassador of
Brunei, or trading fashion opinions with the very
gay man who was on the security team for some
childless tech billionaire’s nephew.

Pansy of course neglected to say who Hermione

was exactly, but just that she worked for the little
brunette’s boyfriend. The security teams were
unlikely to help her with Hermione if there was a
breach, but Pansy could definitely tag along with
the extractions. She’d already paid off everyone on
the Embassy team to make sure that that was the
case. Government contracts did not pay nearly as
well as Theo did.

The twelve little nerds and their professor were all

up in the front talking about something Pansy
couldn’t follow, but the security in the back were
discussing some of the recent active shooters at
colleges across the country. and the various ways
out of the science building. Pansy found it as
intellectually stimulating as Hermione did, albeit in
other ways. She missed spending every day with
Fleur, but Theo was rewarding them both with more
time off when Hermione wasn’t in class. They were
certainly enjoying that, even though Fleur had
started to talk about extending their family. It was
still a little vague, but Pansy had a suspicion that
Fleur had picked out a sperm donor from among
their friends.

Pansy wasn’t sure she was ready to trade in

stilettos for diapers. Maybe they could get a hot au
pair to help if Fleur was really set on this.

That might be worth bringing up to her wife, since

they hadn’t had their own little plaything in a very
long time. That would definitely bring Pansy around
to the idea of having a baby.


Watching Hermione laying naked in their bed, the

sun shining down on her bronze skin, Theo thought
she looked like a Goddess. The scars were still
visible despite the plastic surgery that had been
attempted so far. Regardless of them, though, Theo
was struck again by how beautiful she was. He ran
a hand over her flat stomach and imagined how it
would feel swollen with his baby. He wanted that,
wanted Hermione to be completely and
incontrovertibly his.

He needed an heir to leave all this too, a son or a

daughter who would grow up with enough love and
protection that he wouldn’t need to worry about a
knife in his back. He may struggle with the softer
emotions, but Hermione didn’t. She’d be the perfect

Looking at her again, Theo thought about how it

might work. Their university programs were nearly
over, once they had graduated there was no reason
that he couldn’t have whatever he wanted.


"Honey, I picked up your birth control from the

clinic." Theo smiled as he handed Hermione the
package of sugar pills that he’d gotten made up for

"Oh they look a bit different from British ones, I

guess that's to be expected though." She said so
innocently while she smiled at him appreciatively.
She took one immediately, setting a reminder on
the new phone Theo had gotten her so that she
would not forget going forward. He kissed the top
of her head, using her curls to hide the grin of

The plan already in motion, made his cock throbbed

with anticipation, now he just had to wait and see
how fertile his perfect little pet was.

“I think you should take a little break,” Theo kissed

Hermione’s neck and pushed her textbook aside, it
bumped against Draco’s book and he looked up
from his own reading. Licking his lips as Theo’s
hands began roaming Hermione’s body, Draco's full
attention was on the pair of them.

“I was nearly done with that passage,” Hermione

protested but her body reacted to Theo’s touch and
the moan slipping from her lips just further
confirmed his knowledge of what she really wanted.

“And it will be there waiting for you, after you take

a little break," he assured her, his palms rubbing
her nipples through her thin tank top. "Come on
princess, it will be good for you.”

When she didn’t utter another protest, Theo

scooped her up in his arms, carrying her up to their
bed, Draco at their heels.

He threw Hermione on the bed and began ripping

her clothes off without any further delay. Draco
behind them was throwing his articles of clothes
onto the pile, eager to join in the fun.

“Warm her up, dragon,” Theo ordered Draco. With

enthusiasm, the blonde pounced on Hermione,
kissing his way down her body while his fingers
pinched and stroked her sensitive bits while Theo
slowly stripped.

“Don’t forget to stretch her out, make sure she’s

nice and ready for me,” Theo added, he was rock
hard and aching to take her cunt, but he couldn’t
deny that watching Draco fuck their princess with
his fingers was just as enjoyable. It wasn’t too long
ago that he was watching them through a computer
monitor, now he got to be there with them and fuck
them both. Perhaps he should donate to a church
to thank God for answering all of his prayers. He
smirked at that, thinking perhaps it had been the
Devil instead.

Draco slid over Hermione’s body, parting her lips

and easing his cock inside her. Draco kissed her,
tangling his fingers in her hair as he thrust into her,
her legs wrapping around the blond’s waist.

Theo crawled behind Draco, kissing his neck and

watching his cock disappear inside Hermione who
was winding up for her first orgasm. She broke
apart around Draco, her back arching and her nails
biting into the pale shoulders as Theo watched, the
blood on Draco’s skin making Theo’s cock almost
painfully hard.

She was ready for Theo, so wet and swollen, the

perfect place to plant his seed.

“Pull out before you cum,” Theo whispered into

Draco’s ear, making the other man shiver as Theo
nipped him hard so he wouldn’t mistake the
command for what it was. Draco obeyed, pulling
out and thrusting his slick covered cock into his
hand until he was shooting his cum on her

“Good boy,” Theo purred, coaxing him to lay down.

His dragon was taken care of and now he needed to
fuck his heir into their princess. Theo slid easily into
her—Draco had done such a good job preparing her
for him. She felt like heaven, if heaven was a hot
dripping cunt.

Theo pounded into Hermione, grabbing one of her

legs in order to drape it over his shoulder to allow
his cock to explore deeper, filling her further. Her
tits bounced with every thrust of his hips, her book
necklace had slid off from where it was nestled
between her breasts and was now tangled in her

Seeing her flushed face under him and her lips

parted in an 'O', Theo pounded into her harder and
harder, trying to get his cockhead as close to her
womb as he could possibly manage.

Theo wanted to breed her, fill her, own her forever.

Theo needed her to be with child soon. His child.
Until that was a reality, Draco would not be coming
inside of her. He could make a baby after Theo had
his heir, his perfect little mix of himself and their
brilliant, beautiful princess.

Theo spilled deep inside her as her body milked


“Yes,” he whispered into her ear. “That’s daddy’s

good girl. Take all of me.” Take all my cum and
make it into a baby, yes. He left that last part
unsaid, but he ran his hand over her abdomen after
they finished and willed his seed to take root and
grow there.


Draco sat in Theo’s lap, drowsy, as Theo finished up

some paperwork at his desk, enjoying the feel of
Draco’s body pressed against his. Draco’s cheek
was pressed against Theo’s shoulder as his head
lolled slightly as he half-heartedly fought sleep.
Theo had fucked Draco to orgasm twice on top of
the desk before settling in to deal with work.

“I’m thinking about asking Hermione to marry me,”

Theo murmured into Draco’s ear, “Would you
mind?” He asked, making small circles on his pet's
thigh with his thumb. His hand ran up Draco’s chest
rubbing the initials that Theo had carved there,
more permanent than any wedding ring.

Draco shook his head, still resting against him. “Will

it make you happy?”

“Yes, but I want you to be happy too. You have to

know I would marry both of you if the state
allowed-,” Theo began, but Draco turning in his lap
cut off his explanation.

“I could never imagine Hermione being a Malfoy,

but I could imagine her as a Nott.” Draco stated,
his silver eyes filled with the truth of his statement.

Grateful, Theo claimed Draco’s mouth with his,

knowing he'd never let either of them go. Ever.


Luna and Blaise’s wedding had been an intimate

affair at a rented mansion overlooking the ocean.
The bride had been resplendent and Blaise was the
butt of too many jokes about his obvious affection
for the strange little woman who would be his wife.

Fleur had been thrilled to be the maid of honor and

Draco had been shocked to be asked to be Blaise’s
best man, since Theo was occupied with giving the
bride away. The dozen or so guests were nearly all
Theo’s people. Luna had two awkward researcher
friends from the East Coast as her personal guests,
but otherwise the event was all family.

A crashing wave as the couple kissed led to a

picture perfect moment that the photographer
captured to Theo’s delight, happy to see his friend
and his lover’s cousin so contentedly wed. Theo’s
fingers on the slightly rounding swell of Hermione’s
belly gave him a calmness that he’d never known,
as Draco smiled at him from his position next to the
groom. Her engagement ring sparkled on her
finger, red like blood, a ruby instead of a diamond.
Theo wasn’t always one for tradition and their
relationship had been forged in blood rather than
purity. It made a nice metaphor.

Hermione wanted their wedding after the baby

came, not wanting to be pregnant in their wedding
photos. Theo respected her request, now that she
was his,for there was nothing in his power that he
would deny her. After how easily she’d accepted a
birth control failure, Theo wanted to reward her for
being so good. He’d come up with a thousand
different ways and he had nothing but time now.


Sixteen Months Later…

Theo was still covered in blood when he got home,

his hands nearly dripping with the crimson liquid.
Adrian had dropped him off late and went directly
home to go detail the car or whatever he did when
Theo got blood all over the upholstery. He’d needed
to have a somewhat more hands-on approach with
the son of a bitch who had tried to infiltrate one of
his operations. Theo didn’t like spies, the man’s
head was currently in a box on its way to his boss
back in Chicago.

The entire business had both pissed him off and

made him restless. The urge to do something else
brutal in retaliation was buzzing underneath his

As soon as he got inside the door, he heard a soft

little mewling sound coming from the baby’s room.
He wiped his bloody hands on his pants instead of
going straight to the incinerator chute.

“Elen, love,” Theo looked down at his perfect little

daughter who wasn’t crying, only staring up at him
in interest. “What are you doing awake at this
hour? Waiting for your papa?”

He picked her up and rocked her carefully,

murmuring soft words of love in Armenian to her.
He smelled the top of her head and basked in the
scent of her, his perfect little girl. Like her mother
and his dragon, his baby daughter was his. His to
treasure, his to protect.

The smell of her never failed to soothe him.

Theo realized that he’d managed to get blood on

her perfect little cheek. “Aw pumpkin, let papa just
wipe that off.” Theo only managed to smear the
blood even more and Elen made a sound like a
giggle in response. “You take after me, don’t you
my little light?”

Theo started to put her back down so that he could

go get cleaned up, but Elen immediately started to

Theo sighed, scooping her back up unwilling to let

her cry unattended. “Shhh, I'm sorry I made a
mess on you. No worries; the bad men are gone
and can't get you now. You're safe and I'll always
keep you safe like mommy and dada.” He rocked
her as he carried her down to the bathroom that
contained the incinerator.

Maybe he ought to put a changing table in here?

Just for nights like this, he thought as he laid her
down carefully onto the rug at his feet. He stripped
and tossed all his bloody clothes down the chute,
the heat coming out of it warmed the room. Elen
stared up at him with quiet attention. He lifted her,
intending to clean her up as well. They could go
take a bath in the bathroom that was farthest from
where Draco and Hermione were probably passed
out in exhaustion. It had to be close to four in the
morning. And Elen had probably worn them out
today. He considered getting a nanny, but the idea
of allowing an outsider near Elen made his stomach

“Your clothes need to go down the chute too, my

darling one, and then how about a bath with Papa?
Mommy and Dada must be so tired if they haven’t
woken up yet. We’ll let them sleep won't we, my
treasure? We can have some time together just the
two of us and I can tell you all about my day. You’ll
like that won’t you?”

Elen gurgled in response as he shifted her little

naked body against his chest. He nuzzled her
slightly with his cheek, even though a slight
stickiness told him he was blood-splattered there

“That’s my sweet girl,” Theo murmured as he

dropped her footie pajamas and diaper down the
chute. He pressed another kiss to her tiny dark
curls, so much like her mama’s. “Papa’s perfect,
perfect girl.”

I've loved writing about Mafia
Theo and his pets. Maybe I'll visit
him again. Thanks to
@wantsgmarie for the gorgeous
Theo and baby Elen art.

See more of their work at

Thank you to the alpha beta team
that has been helping me work on
this story for months:
Ladeedaa35, tiny_reader,
evangelinerosier, SarahFraser,
Amebb42, AStrangefan,
NottinghamManor, Sobsinashell,
Emotionalsupporthufflepuff and

The Playlist for this story can be

found at:

Series this work belongs to:

Part 1 of Nott Above Dark Deeds ●
Next Work →

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