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Chapter 5: Centroids



Locating the centroid of an area is vital in the field of engineering. It is useful when analyzing distributed
forces, bending in the beams, shaft torsion, and when computing the moment of inertia.

A centroid C is a point which distinguishes the body’s geometric center. The way of finding out the
centroid is like that of finding out the center of gravity of a body because they are in the same point.

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Figure 1:
Centroid of Simple Plane Figures

i. The centroid of a circle (Figure 1a) is at its center.

ii. The centroid of a rectangle/parallelogram (Figure 1b) is where its diagonals meet.
iii. The centroid of a triangle (Figure 1c) is at the point where the three medians of the triangle
iv. The centroid of a line (Figure 1d) is at its middle point.

Referring to Figure 1, the Axes of reference are the assumed axes used in calculating the centroid which
is found in the lowest line of the body for calculating ȳ and the left line of the body for calculating x̄,
while, centroidal Axes are imaginary lines which pass through the centroid represented by X (horizontal
centroidal axis) and Y (vertical centroidal axis).

Locating Centroids by Integration

(a) with (b) wire

diffe s
Figure 2: Centroid of bodies

Centroids can be located simply by using formulas that represent a balance between the sum of
moments of all parts of the system. There are three cases to consider:

Line. C (x̅, y̅, z̅) is given by

∫ ~x dL ∫ ~
y dL ∫ ~z dL
x= , y= , z= .
Area. C (x̅, y̅, z̅) is given by

∫ ~x dA ∫ ~
y dA ∫ ~z dA
x= , y= , z= .
Volume. C (x̅, y̅, z̅) is given by

∫ ~x dV , y=
∫ ~y dV , z=
∫ ~z dV .
Locating Centroid by Composite Bodies

Image from:

Figure 3: Engineering Structures Figure 4: Centroid of Composite Bodies

When locating a centroid of complicated body shapes, integration will be a tedious task. An area
may be divided into different basic elements (e.g. rectangles, circles, and triangles). In engineering, we
can observe that numerous structures are built using these basic elements (see Figure 3), which the
centroid is known. The centroid of the composition is equal to the added centroid of the divided parts
(see Figure 4). When locating a centroid of a body with a hole, we get the centroid of a body and
subtract the centroid of the holes.

For a line:

L x=Σlx
L y=Σly
For a composite figure:

A x=Σax
A y=Σay
Guidelines to Calculate the Location of the Centroid of Composite Bodies

1. Select a common coordinate system.

2. Divide the number of parts with simple geometry for the location of the centroid to be known.
3. Identify the location of the centroid for each part in the common coordinate system and its
equivalent area or length.
4. Assemble the data in tabular form and use appropriate formula to locate the centroid.

Table 1. Centroids of Various shapes of Area

Table 2. Centroids of Common Volumes
Sample Problems:

Example 1:

Find the location of the centroid of a rectangle having a width of a and a height b.


As shown in Figure 1b, the centroid of a rectangle is located where its diagonal
met. We will prove this through integration.

As shown, we choose a vertical strip located at the distance x from the origin of
the coordinate system which has a width of dx.

The y-axis of the strip is given by: dA=bdx

[ ]|
a 2
y a2 b
∫ ( y )bdx b
∫ yⅆA 0 0 2
x= = = =
A ab ab ab
x= ( Answer)
With similar steps, we can also solve for y= ( Answer)

Example 2: Find the location of the centroid of the given figure.


By inspection, the given figure is a composite body which consist of rectangles and squares.

Following the guidelines of locating the centroid of composite body:

a. We will set the axes of reference in point A.

b. Dividing the figure into composite parts with their dimensions.


c. Identifying the location of the centroid for each part in the common coordinate system and its
equivalent area or length.
For rectangle X:
a 3
x= =
2 2
x=1.5 m to the right of A
b 4
y= = =2 m+ 3 m (distance of the rectangle X to the reference point A)
2 2
y = 5 m to the top of A
For triangle Y:

2 2
x= b= ( 3 )
3 3
x=2 m to the right of A
2 2
y= h= ( 3 )
3 3
y=2m to the top of A
For rectangle Z:

a 7
x= = =3.5 m+3 m(distance of the rectangle Z to the reference point A)
2 2
x=6.5 m to the right of A
b 4
y= =
2 2
y=2m to the top of A
d. Tabulating the data.

Parts Area (a) x y ax ay

Rectangle X 4(3) = 12 1.5 5 18 60
Triangle Y 3(3)/2 = 4.5 2 2 9 9
Rectangle Z 7(4) = 28 6.5 2 182 56
Composite Σa=44.5 ∑ a x=209 ∑ a y =125

Σa x 209
x= =
Σa 44.5

x=4.6966 m(Answer )

Σa y 125
y= =
Σa 44.5
y=2.809m( Answer )

Example 3: Locate the centroid of the given figure.


By inspection, the given figure is a composite body composed of square minus three quarter circles.

Following the guidelines of locating the centroid of composite body:

a. We will set the axes of reference in point A.

b. Dividing the figure into composite parts with their dimensions.

y z

c. Identifying the location of the centroid for each part in the common coordinate system and its
equivalent area or length.
For square W:
a 10
x= =
2 2
x=5 m to the right of A
b 10
y= =
2 2
y = 5 m to the top of A
For quarter circle X:

4 r 4 ( 2.5 )
x= =
3π 3π
x=1.061032954 m to the right of A
4 r 4 ( 2.5 )
y= =
3π 3π
y=1.061032954 m to the top of A
For quarter circle Y:

4 r 4 ( 2.5 )
x= =
3π 3π
x=1.061032954 m to the right of A
4 r 4 ( 2.5 )
y= = =1.061032954 m+7.5 m (distance of the quarter circle Y to
3π 3π
the reference point A)
y=8.561032954 m to the top of A
For quarter circle Z:

4 r 4 ( 2.5 )
x= = 1.061032954 m+7.5 m (distance of the quarter circle Y to the
3π 3π
reference point A)

x=8.561032954 m to the right of A

4 r 4 ( 2.5 )
y= = =1.061032954 m+7.5 m (distance of the quarter circle Y to
3π 3π
the reference point A)

y=8.561032954 m to the top of A

d. Tabulating the data.

Parts Area (a) x y ax ay

Square W 10(10) = 100 5 5 500 500
Quarter (2.5¿¿ 2) 25 1.061032954 1.061032954 -0.5277144982 -0.5277144982
Circle X −π = ¿
4 16 π

Quarter (2.5¿¿ 2) 25 1.061032954 8.561032954 -0.5277144982 -4.257908477

Circle Y −π = ¿
4 16 π

Quarter (2.5¿¿ 2) 25 8.561032954 8.561032954 -4.257908477 -4.257908477

Circle Z −π = ¿
4 16 π

Composite Σa=85.27378444 ∑ a x=¿494.68666 ∑ a y =490.9564685

Figure 25

Σa x 494.6866625
x= =
Σa 85.27378444

x=5.8012 m(Answer )

Σa y 490.9564685
y= =
Σa 85.27378444
y=5.7574 m(Answer )

Problem No. 1: The pilot noticed that the airplane is not stabilize. Locate the centroid of the airplane’s
vertical stabilizer using the figure shown.

Problem No. 2: Compute the location of the centroid of the uniform lamina
which consists of triangle, semicircle, and a rectangle. (Given units are in mm)


Problem No. 3: Locate the centroid from the base of the cylinder with a height of 150 cm and a 40 cm
diameter if a hemisphere with a diameter of 60 cm is placed on top of it.

Problem No. 4: Find the location of the centroid with reference to the x and y axes shown in the figure.
Each square is equivalent to 5 units of length

Problem No. 5: Determine the centroid of the shaded area. Note that the given units are in mm. Give
the answer in cm.
Answer Key:

1. Whole - hole

Parts Figure Area x y ax ay

8 8 56 3.5 4 196 224


Left 8 -16 4/3 16/3 -64/3 -256/3


Triangle 8 -8 5 + 4/3 8/3 -152/3 -64/3

32 124 352/3

124 31
x= =
32 8
x=3.875 m( Answer)
3 11
y= =
32 3
y=3.6667 m( Answer )
2. Composite Bodies

Part Area x y ax ay
Semicircle 31,250 π 1000/3 π 250 102,808,379.2 24,543,692.61
Rectangle 750,000 750 + 250 250 750, 000, 000 187, 500,000
Triangle at 35, 000 100 + 350 1/3(350) + 12, 250, 000 21, 583,
the left 500 333.33
Triangle at 87, 500 1750 + 1/3 250 163, 333, 21, 875, 000
the right (350) 333.3
Composite 970, 1, 028, 391, 255,502,035.9
Figure 674.7704 713
1 ,028 , 391 , 713
970 , 674.7704
x=1,059.4606 mm ( Answer )
970 , 674.7704
y=263.221mm (Answer )

Part Volume y Vy
Cylinder 60, 000 π 75 14, 137, 166.94
Hemisphere 18,000 π 150 + 3/8 9, 118, 472.677
Composite 78,000 π 23, 255, 639.62

23 , 255 , 639.62
78,000 π
y=94.9038 cm(Answer )
4. Whole - hole

Part Area x y ax ay
Whole 1200 15 20 18,000 24,000
Rectangle -100 200 2.5 -2,000 -250
Circle -25 π 10 15 -250 π -375 π
Semicircle -50 π 30 - 30 -4045.722314 -1500 π
Composite 864.380551 11,168.87952 17, 859. 51377
x=12.92 units( Answer )
17 , 859. 51377
y=20.6616units ( Answer)
5. Given here are already converted in cm. Whole – hole

Part Area x y ax ay
Whole 7200 45 40 324, 000 288, 000
Rectangle -500 40 + 25 20 + 5 -500(65) -500(25)
Quarter Circle -100 π 70 + 80/3 π 80/3 π -24657.81524 -8000/3
Triangle -1250 40 + 100/3 20 + 16. -275,000/3 -45, 837.5
Semicircle -200 π 20 80-(80/3 -4000 π -44,932.14913
Composite 4507.522204 162, 609. 1475 182,063.6842
162 ,609. 1475
x=36.075 cm( Answer)
y=40.391 cm(Answer )

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