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Do you live in a house or an a partment?

I live in an apartment. Because it's near the school, it's convenient for me to travel.

How long have you lived in your house or apartment?

I have lived in an apartment for 2 years. I live with a roommate who went to high
school with me.

Who do you live with?

I live with my friend since high school, he goes to the same university as me.

What’s your favorirte room where you live?

I like most bedroom. Where I can lie down and rest after a tiring day of studying.

Is there anything you don’t like about where you live?

I think what I didn't like was the fact that the apartment's parking lot was quite
small. That makes it difficult for me to drive every day.

What kind of place do you think you will live in the future?
I like living in luxury apartments. There are full amenities and shops around,
convenient for living.

Would you prefer to live in the city or the countryside?

I prefer living in the city. I like the bustle and fast pace of life in the city more than
in the countryside.

Do you have a garden?

The apartment I live in currently does not have a garden. Because the apartment
space is not large enough to create a garden.
Do you live on your own?
I don't live alone, I'm currently living with my best friend. Living with my friends
makes me not feel lonely and bored.

Is it better to live on your own or with other people?

I think living with others is better. Living with others will help us support each
other and reduce boredom.

Which room do you spend most time in when you’re at home?

I usually spend a lot of time in the bedroom. After tired moments, I lie in bed to
rest or play on the phone for entertainment.

Have you ever moved house?

I have moved house before. My old house was quite far from school, so to make it
easier to get to school, I moved to a house closer to school.


Have you got any hobbies?

I have a hobby of swimming in my free time. I usually go swimming with my
younger sister or friends on weekends to relax and chat together
Are there any hobbies you used to have that you don’t do anymore?
When I was a kid, I used to have a hobby of flying kites with my friends. But when
I grow up, I don't do it anymore because I feel it's not as interesting as it used to be
Is there a hobby you would like to start?
The hobby that I want to start is painting. Because I find it very interesting and
teach me how to be patient and persistent to get good results
What do you like to do at the weekend?
I like to go swimming with my family or friends at the pool near my house on
weekends. Because we can relax and exercise together
What do you like to do to relax?
Whenever I feel stressed, I often go swimming to relax. Because every time I
finish swimming, I feel my mind is lighter, all pressure (pres sờ) is swept away by
the current.
Do you like doing activitives alone or with other people?
I like doing actives with other people, especially outdoors. Because we can play
together, talk and bond to understand each other better
How often do you do exercise?
I often do exercise 2 times a day. My exercises are usually quite simple like
jogging for about 40 minutes. Exercise has greatly improved my health and weight
What are the most popular hobbies in your country?
In my opinion, the most popular hobby in Vietnam is traveling. By travelling to
new places, people can have the chance to see beautiful landscapes and broaden
their horizons.
Do any of your friends have an interesting hobby?
Yes, of course. I have a friend who likes to play the piano with one hand and she
plays very well. I plan to ask her to teach that skill in the future
What do you do when you get home from your studies or work?
When I get home from school, I'll go to my room and shower right away. Because
bathing will help me feel comfortable, relax and can focus on doing the next work
Are there any hobbies you wouldn’t like to do?
1 hobby I don't really want to do is cook. Because I'm pretty clumsy and not very
skillful. So I'm scared every time I have to cook something in the kitchen.


Do you like going to parties?

Yes, I like going to parties. Because there I can meet a lot of people, talk, eat and
play together with a lively atmosphere
When was the last party you went to?
The last party I went to was my sister's birthday party last month. We sang, talked,
ate and played together with a lively atmosphere
What kind of things do people celebrate in your country?
In Vietnam, people often celebrate big holidays like Reunification (Rí diu ni
fication) Day, National Day and especially Tet. People often remember the past
and get ready for a better start
Have you been to a wedding?
Of course, I attended my brother's wedding last week. We ate, talked and sang
carols together as a blessing for the bride and groom
What do you like to do at parties?
At parties, I often enjoy eating, chatting and playing with friends with a lively
atmosphere. We are free to do what we like together
What was your favourite party game as a child?
My favorite party game as a child was hide and seek. After the party is almost
over, my friends and I often play hide and seek all over the yard until we find
How often do you go to a party?
Sometimes I go to parties. Because I don't like crowded and noisy places. I only go
to parties that are invited by really close people
Do you like to dance when you’re at a party?
I don't like dancing when I go to parties. Because I don't dance well and I feel
embarrassed when people around me look at me
What’s the best food to serve at a celebration?
In my opinion, the best food to serve at a celebration is bread. Because it can be
processed in many ways from simple to luxurious and everyone can eat it.
Have you had a party in your house?
I had a birthday party in my house last month. We sang, talked, ate and played
together with a lively atmosphere
Which famous person would you most like to invite to a party?
The celebrity I would most like to invite to the party is Nguyen Thuc Thuy Tien.
She is my idol and a person who inspires a lot of young people including me.


Do you like to travel?

I really like to travel. Because travelling to new places, people can have the chance
to see beautiful landscapes and broaden their horizons
Have you ever lived in another country?
I lived in Japan for about 2 years when I was young. The area I live in is Osaka,
where there are many cherry blossoms, good climate and delicious food
What do you like to do on holiday?
On my holiday, I usually like to travel with my family. We will chat, eat, enjoy the
beautiful scenery and relax our minds
Do you prefer lying on the beach or sightseeing?
I prefer to go sightseeing on the beach. Because I want to discover beautiful sights,
places that I don't know and delicious food
Which country would you most like to visit?
The country that I want to visit the most is Japan. Because this place has a good
climate, delicious food, modern public transportation and many convenient
shopping centers
Do you have many tourists where you live?
Where I live, there are not many tourists. Because I don't live right downtown. But
sometimes tourists also visit the historical sites near my house
What’s the most interesting place you’ve ever visited?
The most interesting place I have ever visited is the zoo. That place has a lot of
strange animals that I have never seen, they are very cute and sometimes have very
funny actions
Do you like to buy souvenirs?
Wherever I go, I like to buy souvenirs. Because they will help keep memories of
places that I have been and I often buy them to display in my house
Are you going on holiday this year?
Sure. This summer I will go to Da Lat with my family. Because I love the cool
weather here, the delicious food, the beautiful scenery and the interesting games.
Do you like to travel on your own?
No. I don't like to travel alone. Because I feel that if I go alone, it will be very
lonely. That's why I often like to go with my family to chat and have fun together
What’s your favourite way of travelling?
My favorite way to travel is to go backpacking. Because when I go backpacking, I
can go on beautiful roads that cars can't go and take beautiful pictures


Do you enjoy studying English?

Yes, I have been studying English at school and at home for about four years. I
enjoyed the lessons a lot and I have a good English teacher.
Have you got a favourite room to study in at home?
Yes, I already have a favorite room to study at home, which is my bedroom. My
room is very quiet and comfortable, that's why I can concentrate on studying
What time of day is your best time for studying?
In my opinion, morning is the best time of day for me to study. Because after
waking up, my mind is very focused, I can remember the lesson very easily
Do you like to study online?
Yes, I like to study online. Because it's very convenient, you can study anywhere
with just a phone or laptop without worrying about losing your lesson.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of studying online?
In my opinion, the advantage of studying online is that we can study anywhere.
And the disadvantage of studying online is easy to lose focus and not understand
the lesson
What do you find most difficult about studying?
In my opinion, the hardest thing about studying is that there are a lot of
assignments and I am under a lot of pressure from the teacher's deadlines.
How often do you study English every week?
Oh, I study English almost every day. I like to make my own flash cards to learn
new vocabulary and every day I usually learn about 20 new words
Have you studied English in a class?
Yes, I studied English in a class when I was young. We started learning by looking
at pictures of animals and guessing their names in English, then we draw them
Have you tried studying with other people?
Yes, I tried studying with my sister. We did exercises together, answered questions
for each other. And in my opinion this way is more effective than studying alone
Do you prefer studying alone or with other people?
I prefer to study with other people and specifically with my sister. We did
exercises together, answered questions for each other. And in my opinion this way
is more effective than studying alone
Which area of English do you find most difficult?
The part of English that I find the most difficult is the pronunciation. I find it
difficult to pronounce clearly. And it's hard for me to find native speakers to
communicate with them
Is the Internet always useful for studying?
I think the Internet is quite useful for learning if we know how to organize our time
properly. Using the Internet helps us refer to documents and participate in online
Is there a subject you would like to study?
The subject that I want to study is English. I want to improve my vocabulary as
well as my pronunciation. To be able to listen, understand and confidently
communicate with others


In this photo I can see quite a few adults and

children. They wear normal clothes, suitable
for jogging and cycling. They seemed to be
in a very cool looking park with many old
trees on the side of the road. They can cycle
and jog. The two people in the back right
could be a mother and child talking to the
baby in the crib. I think this is a place people
really like because I see a lot of people in
the back.

In this photo, I can see a group of 9 adults,

both male and female. Everyone wears
casual and comfortable clothing. I guess
they are probably students and are here
doing group work or working on some
project. It seems like the girl sitting in the
middle right is explaining about work or just
wondering about a certain issue.
In this photo, I can see 2 couples. They all
wore dark glasses and smiled brightly. Most
include 1 large popcorn and soft drink.
Maybe they're in a movie theater with lots of
side seats and a pretty dark scene. Both
couples focused on watching the movie and
enjoying it because everyone was laughing
and having fun. I thought maybe they were
watching a 3D movie because everyone was
wearing glasses.

In this photo, I can see a group of friends

consisting of 2 men and 2 women. They
were all wearing normal clothes, looking
very simple and comfortable. And most of
them only focus on their phones. The girl in
the middle is holding her chin with a bored
and dejected look on her face. Because her
friends are all focused on their phones and
not interacting with each other.

were all wearing simple clothes and coats

that looked very warm. They appear to be in
the dining room and the whole family is
sitting around the dining table with lots of
dishes. It looks like the grandmother on the
left of the photo is serving grilled chicken
and the whole family is eagerly looking at
In this photo, I can see a family consisting of
parents, grandparents and children. They
In this photo I can see a woman, two
children and a dog. They seemed to be
sitting on a fairly large lawn and there were
many yellow flowers next to them. It seems
that the mother is telling stories or reading
books to her two children in a happy and
excited mood. And the two children were
also very focused on their mother's story.

In this photo, I can see a group of waiters

and guests. Waiters wear uniforms and
guests wear formal, polite attire. They seem
to be at a party and the two waiters in the
middle of the picture are serving food and
wine to guests in a considerate, cheerful and
friendly manner.

In this photo I can see a group of students

and teachers. Almost all students are focused
on their paper assignments. They seemed to
be in a classroom with lots of desks, chairs
and small books. I guess the kid in the
bottom left of the picture was having trouble
doing his homework and the teacher sat
down and showed the student the work.
In this photo, I can see a man playing the
violin and there are many other people
around. They seemed to be in a park, in front
of a building and in front of him was a
music stand, surrounded by trees. Maybe
he's playing the violin in the park, behind
him are people walking on the street, people
sitting on park benches talking to each other.

In this photo, I can see a group of friends

consisting of both men and women. They
appear to be sitting in the yard of a house
with a swimming pool and in the distance
are mountains. In the middle there is a small
table for food, next to it are two very large
trees. I guess they were chatting together or
telling an interesting story because everyone
looked quite happy and excited.

In this photo, I can see a woman and two

children. They appear to be in the living
room, behind which may be a garden. They
were sitting on the sofa, next to them there
were very soft looking pillows. The woman
appears to be the mother of two babies,
holding the younger one on her feet and all
three are focused on the other baby's iPad.
In this photo, I can see 2 adults and 1 child.
They appear to be in a restaurant or dining
room and they sit around a table with many
dishes. I guess they are a family and are
eating pizza and baking together to celebrate
something in a happy mood or just want to

In this photo, I can see 2 adults and 1 child.

They seemed to be in the living room, they
sat on the sofa with lots of pillows around
them. I guess all 3 are a family, dad is
working and eating and it seems like the
child on the right side of the photo is playing
with something that makes his parents happy
and excited.

In this photo, I can see 2 adults and 1 girl.

They appeared to be in the dining room,
behind which was the kitchen. They were
sitting around a round table with many
dishes. I guess they are a family of mother
and daughter and eat together. They seemed
very happy and joyful because the little girl
ran to her father to feed her mother.
In this photo, I can see 2 adults and 1 baby.
They seemed to be in the kitchen, both
sitting at a large table with a lot of food on
top. they seemed to be making pizza, the
mother was scrolling through her phone
looking very happy and the father was busy
working on his laptop and the child was
playing with something in a cup

In this photo, I can see 2 grandparents and 2

little daughters. All four people were sitting
next to each other on a large table, with a lot
of fruit and glasses of water on the table. I
guess these are 2 grandparents and 2
granddaughters, the 2 grandparents are
watching their 2 grandchildren play chess
with excitement.

In this photo, I can see a group of people

sitting. They seemed to be sitting on airplane
seats, surrounded by many empty seats, and
outside the window was the white sky. The
boy sitting in the middle of the picture is
reading a magazine, the woman and man
sitting next to him look at him with
interested eyes. The two older people sitting
in the back were sitting next to each other
chatting happily and the flight attendant
seemed to be serving food or drinks to
In this photo, I can see a woman and two
children. They appear to be sitting in a
room, behind what appears to be a sofa, they
are sitting in the middle of the room with
two very large suitcases. I guess this woman
is probably the mother of 2 babies and
maybe they are going on a trip because the
mother is holding a map in her hand and
around them are 2 very large suitcases.

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