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Worksheet: Introduction to Adaptations - Year 7

Part 1: Reading

Adaptations are special features that plants and animals have to help them survive in their
environment. These can be changes to their bodies, or behaviors, or how they live.

For example, a cactus plant lives in the desert where it's hot and dry. To survive, it has an
adaptation that lets it store water in its thick stem.

Similarly, a polar bear has adaptations for living in very cold places. It has a thick layer of fat to
keep warm and large paws to walk on snow and swim in the sea.

Camouflage is another adaptation that helps animals avoid predators by blending in with their

Part 2: Questions

1. What is an adaptation?

2. Give an example of a plant adaptation and explain how it helps the plant to survive.

3. Give an example of an animal adaptation and explain how it helps the animal to survive.

4. What is camouflage and why is it helpful to some animals?

5. Can you think of an animal that uses camouflage and describe how it does this?

6. How do adaptations help plants and animals survive in their environments?

7. Do all plants and animals have adaptations?

8. Why do different plants and animals have different adaptations?

9. Can you think of an animal that has adapted to live in the water and describe its adaptations?

10. Can you think of a plant that has adapted to live in a hot environment and describe its
Part 3: Tasks

Task 1: Drawing
Draw and label a picture of an animal or plant and the adaptations that help it survive in its

Task 2: Creative Writing

Write a short story about a day in the life of an animal with special adaptations. Think about how
it uses these adaptations to survive.

Task 3: True or False

Write down whether the following sentences are true (right) or false (wrong). If a sentence is
false, correct it to make it true.
- a. Adaptations are things that help plants and animals to survive.
- b. Only animals have adaptations, not plants.
- c. Camouflage is an adaptation that helps animals to stand out.
- d. A polar bear has large paws to help it walk on snow and swim.
- e. All plants and animals have the same adaptations.

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