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Happy, excited:

all smiles-smiling away

eyes shot up in glee - very happy
exuding an aura of excitement showing excitement
heart raced excitedly - heart beating excitedly
lit (past tense of light) up in delight - happy
he could hardly contain his excitement - feeling excited
a huge grin split across her face - smiled broadly
exuding an aura of excitement - showing excitement
sparkling white teeth glittered - clean white shiny teeth
jovial chatters filled the air-cheerful sound of people talking
feeling over the moon - feeling very happy
jubilant smiles-happy smiles
bubbling over with excitement-full of excitement
in an ecstatic mood-feeling overjoyed
steam was blowing out of his ears-very angry
eyes glowing with anger - showing anger
dark with rage -very angry
Nervous, afraid, worried:
stumped for words – speechless
ghastly pale - very pale
waiting edgily-waiting nervously
looked flustered - looking anxious
beads of perspiration dotted...forehead – sweating across forehead
eyes widened in horror - eyes big in fear
standing rooted to the ground - unable to move because of fear
shivering like a leaf - trembling
mind went blank - unable to think
to... utmost horror - very shocked
struck fear in everyone's hearts- leave a feeling of terror
perspiring nervously-sweating nervously
apprehensive about - worried about
looked around in desperation - looked anxious
trembling from the frightful encounter-shaking with fear
appalled-shocked and horrified
heart gripped with anxiety - worried
squirmed uncomfortably - wriggling in a nervous way
gasped in astonishment - shocked
jolted awake-jumped in shock
eyes widened in alarm - stared in shock
stunned speechless - too shocked to talk
to their utmost horror - very shocked
mind went blank - unable to think
appalled-shocked and horrified
stumped for words – speechless
sat in disbelief - could not believe
immensely flustered - very upset
greatly distressed - very upset
looked rather downcast- looked sad
shoulders visibly sagged - sign of sadness
with heavy hearts-feeling of sadness
too distraught to think - so upset that could not think
stared in dismay-look on in disappointment
much to his dismay – disappointed
a hopeful glimmer in his eyes -expect something good to happen
quicken ed their pace - walked faster
quickened their pace - walked faster
walked in a steady stream - move in an orderly way
nudged their way - moved through the crow
ambled towards-walked slowly
made a beeline for- go straight towards something
advanced rapidly towards (advancing rapidly)-moved forward quickly
made a dash - quickly ran
raced for the exits - ran fast towards the exits
darted-ran suddenly and quickly
ran like the wind - ran very fast
running as fast as their legs could carry them - ran very fast
zoomed down the road – rushed
Take out:
fished out -took out
whipped out - took out something quickly
whisked out -took out
After doing exercises/workouts:
perspiring profusely - sweating a lot
thoroughly enjoyed the workout - enjoyed the workout a lot
feeling very sluggish- move slowly without energy
obviously in great pain- clearly showing one is in pain
grimaced in pain-face showing pain
caught sight of – saw
a quick glance - looked quickly
surveyed-looked carefully
glancing at her watch-kept looking at her watch
exchanged looks with one another - looked at one another
all eyes were fixated on - stared hard
eyes rested on -looked a
Many people:
Packed like sardines
Filled with throngs of people - a lot of people
thronging with passengers - crowded with people
ate to his heart's content - ate till satisfied
lost all appetite-no desire to eat
all set to give. .... an earful - all prepared to scold
dressing down
told.... off with indignation - scolded someone for wrongdoing
smiled apologetically-smiled to show one is sorry
muttered his apologies -apologised softly
came to a standstill- came to a complete stop
slowed down to a halt – stopped
speeding like a demon - move at great speed
blubbered words of gratitude - thanked repeatedly
thanked his lucky stars - very grateful
deeply touched by his kind gesture - thankful
she shed tears of relief- feel relieved
immensely relieved - very glad
petite girl - small built girl
burly-strong and big
gargantuan - huge
bespectacled thin wiry woman - thin woman with glasses
saccharine voice - sweet voice
noise reached a deafening level - very noisy
hung onto every word - pay attention
in a grave tone-in a serious tone
bade (past) (org - bid) farewell - said goodbye
happiness was short-lived-joy that did not last
peers – friends
in a terrible mess - very untidy
needless to say - obviously
incredulously – unbelievable
at the crack of dawn - very early in the morning
waved his arms frantically-waved arms wildly
hectic road - busy road
arrived in no time-reached a place very quickly
boomed in his loudest voice - shouted as loud as possible
at this instant - at that moment
a sparkle of hope kindled in her - feeling hopeful
cherubic face - chubby face
instantaneously – immediately
a much-deserved break- a rewarding rest
craned his neck high and low-find
a tense wait - a long wait filled with worry
wore a look of determination - showed determination
thoroughly enjoyed the lesson - enjoyed the lesson a lot
urged her gently - encouraged gently
resolved not to - made a firm decision not to do something
nodded in response - agreed
after what seemed like eternity - a short time felt like a long time
waited tensely in the jam - a long wait filled with worry
realization dawned on him-realized something
close shave-narrow escape
desperately yearned -wanted badly
made himself comfortable - to be comfortable
in the twinkling of an eye - very quickly
running late - going to be late
stared at him disdainfully - looked with disapproval
mind raced - thought as fast as possible
huddling together-stay close to each other for comfort
prayed fervently - prayed hard
groaned inwardly-grumbled to oneself
burst out in tears -cried
all movements immediately ceased - all activities stop at once
shot us a blood-chilling glare - a warning signal
grimaced in disgust - make a face showing dislike
from the corner of her eye-look from the side of the eye
flashed his indifference - showed disregards
Beginning of story:
the day dawned bright and lovely
the sun spilled its rays into
it was an ideal weather to go for
Ending of story:
justice had finally been served - justice was done
painful lesson -learning experience that involves pain
unforgettable and memorable

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