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2. zb2 ) 다음 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것

1. zb1 ) 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? 은?

In American colleges, one student out of two Indeed, the English word 'write', along with
still recently believed that 'cavemen' had to those used in nearly all Indo-European languages,
defend themselves against dinosaurs. derives originally from a word meaning to 'carve',
Prehistorians often deplore the ignorance of the 'scratch' or 'cut' - underscoring the importance
public, and express their surprise that even those of the simple mechanical process behind our
who seem interested in the past is inclined to entire literate culture.
accept the most unsound ideas. Yet the struggle Writing as we know it today was not a single
of humans against dinosaurs could be considered technology stemming from a single invention. It's
a kind of knowledge - one that is erroneous - a combination of various innovations which took
rather than simply the manifestation of ignorance. place over a long period, with differing effects in
An erroneous idea does not become less absurd different parts of the world. (A) the
merely for being shared by half the population; it stages of evolution it went through are very
becomes nevertheless interesting as a social similar in all the different places. The earliest
phenomenon. In fact, the image of the caveman incarnations of all these writing systems were
fighting dinosaurs is not entirely devoid of pictographic. They consisted of simplified drawings
factual elements: nobody will deny that the acting as stylised representations of concrete
dinosaurs really existed, just as prehistoric entities: a house, a river, a drawing of the head
humans did. On the other hand, the origin of the of a cow to represent a cow. As their use spread,
deep-seated conviction that our ancestors shared so they began to accumulate broader meanings
the Earth with the dinosaurs remains obscure, based on the context of this use and to be
because human remains have never been found in combined together to create ideograms. Bird+egg,
the same geological formations as dinosaur bones, (B) , represented fertility. But the most
and no scholar has risked suggesting that our significant stage in their development was when
ancestors lived alongside these giant reptiles. It they began to be used to represent not simply
was non-experts, rather than scientists, who ideas but also sounds. Once this happened, writing
forged this idea, thus leaving us an excellent could imitate spoken language rather than
illustration of ordinary thinking at work. operating as a separate, parallel system of
We should remember that already Buffon was communication. It was this transition which led to
imagining the world of the first humans as 'a vast the fully flexible systems we have today.
desert peopled with monsters' of which our A key invention in the evolution of writing was
ancestors often became the prey'; it was only with the alphabet. This originated somewhere in the
time that they 'made the wild beasts gradually vicinity of Egypt or Palestine around 2000 BC and
retire... purged the earth of those gigantic produced a writing system which was easy to
animals, whose enormous bones are still to be learn, was quick to write and avoided the
found'. ambiguities of many earlier scripts.
* deplore: (특히 공개적으로) 개탄하다 ** devoid of: * incarnation: 구체화한 것 ** entity: 독립체 ***
~ 이 없는 *** forge: 꾸며내다 ideogram: 표의문자(글자가 언어의 음과 상관없이
[지문출처: Explaining Human Origins Myth, Imagination and 일정한 뜻을 나타내는 문자)
Conjecture (Wiktor Stoczkowski ) p.29]
[지문출처: The Emoji Revolution How Technology is Shaping the
Future of Communication (Philip Seargeant) p.28~29]

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[영어 독해 연습] 10강

(A) (B) provide assistance. These episodes are likely to

loom large in our minds.
But therefore
But for example * fuss: 쓸데없는 걱정

So for instance [지문출처: Six Degrees of Social Influence: Science, Application,

and the Psychology of Robert Cialdini (Douglas T. Kenrick, Noah
So moreover J. Goldstein, Sanford L. Braver)]
Also in addition
(A) (B) (C)
overestimate emerged no
overestimate disappeared many
overestimate emerged many
3. zb3 ) (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 표현 underestimate disappeared many
으로 가장 적절한 것은? underestimate emerged no
Indeed, we often receive the same comment
about the underestimation effect-"If people feel
more emboldened to ask, won't they just irritate
others more with their frequent requests?" Our
answer to this question is "no," and we base it on
three streams of research that, taken together,
suggest people are more likely to walk away with 4. zb4 ) (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현
a positive impression of help-seekers than one 으로 가장 적절한 것은?
might assume.
Regardless of your office size, always have the
People tend to (A)[overestimate / underestimate] visitor’s chairs facing toward you so that you’re
how harshly others will judge them. This dynamic separated from them by the width of the desk to
may apply to the case of help-seeking. Even a preserve your tactical position. If the back of your
small request can make the help-seeker feel desk chair faces a wall, allow yourself plenty of
self-conscious, embarrassed, and guilty. In our room to roll your chair back from your desk if
research, we have found that the anxiety you want to create more space between you and
help-seekers experience over how their request an office visitor.
will come across is surprising to potential helpers
The effective use of time is one of the ultimate
who do not know what all the fuss is about. In
ways to display authority, even when you don't
one study, we asked two samples of potential
have (A)[it / them]. Whoever controls time
helpers (teaching assistants and peer advisors) to
controls the situation in most instances. They will
estimate the number of students who would seek
always remind anyone who wants to meet with
their help during a single semester. The peer
them that their time is valuable. However, there
advisors overestimated by over 60%, and the
may be situations (B)[which / where] you will want
teaching assistants by 20%, the number of
to reverse your use of tight time tactics. Let's say
students who would ask them for help. This
you have agreed to meet with one of your peers
prediction error (B)[emerged / disappeared] even
to discuss a difficult situation that has developed
though the peer advisors had been students
between your two respective departments. You
themselves the prior year, and the majority of
need more help from your peer than she needs
teaching assistants had worked as teaching
from you to get things resolved, even though
assistants before (often for the same class).
you've told her your time is limited. When she
Nevertheless, their past experience as
enters your office at the appointed hour, take
help-seekers offered (C)[no / many] clues in
your watch off (C)[ostentatious / ostentatiously],
predicting others' future help-seeking behavior.
and place it face down on your desk. Say, "My
Although help requests tend to be satisfied more time belongs to you for as long as you need it."
often than people expect, there remain times when Watch the cooperation level of your peer go up
requests for help are not satisfied, either because exponentially at the outset of your meeting. You'll
the potential helper was unwilling or unable to be able to get anything you want from her.

I410-141-24-99-088579876 - 2 -
[영어 독해 연습] 10강

Alternatively, taking your watch off and placing after you receive this injection." Mabel looked at
it face up on your desk without saying a word the needle with fright. "I hate needles, Mrs.
announces to your visitor that they had better Annabel." "I know, darling. But if you promise to
make their point in short order because you be brave, I'll take you to my house and give you
haven’t got much time. some ice cream." Mrs. Annabel assured her. Mabel
lay bravely on the bed and allowed Mrs. Annabel
* exponentially: 기하급수적으로 to do her job. She eventually woke up feeling
[지문출처: 1001 Ways to Get Promoted (David E. Rye)] better.
(A) (B) (C) After Mabel's recovery, Havin went to Mrs.
it which ostentatious Annabel's clinic. "Ma'am," he called out as he
it where ostentatiously knocked softly on her door. "Do you need
something?" she asked him. "Thank you for taking
it where ostentatious
care of Mabel, but I don't have any money to pay
them where ostentatiously her bills," he spoke shyly. "Don't worry, dear
them which ostentatious Havin. This one is all on me," Mrs. Annabel said
to him. ( ) Two months later, Mrs. Annabel
adopted Havin and his two siblings. She loved
them like her own children and took good care of
them. She took them to the town's school. ( )
5. zb5 ) 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가 They did well in school and won prizes every
school year. Mrs. Annabel was proud of them,
장 적절한 곳은?
and they lived happily ever after.
Havin thanked her for her kindness.

There lived three poor orphans named Havin, There was a man who lived in a treehouse. He
Mabel, and Anthony. They were siblings, and they had a very long nose, so people called him Mr.
loved each other so much. In their town lived Long nose. Mr. Long nose had visited several
Mrs. Annabel, a widow, who was the town's countries in the world, and he could speak at
doctor. She was a lovely woman, but she had no least thirteen global languages. Mr. Long nose was
children. Every morning Havin and his siblings a brilliant man, skilled in the usage of numbers
would go to the town square to beg for food and and letters, and every parent wanted their
clothes. Mrs. Annabel loved Havin's little sister, children to learn from Mr. Long nose.
Mabel, and gave her big apples every day. ( ) [지문출처: Bedtime Stories for Kids A short Stories Collection
One day, Mrs. Annabel needed help to organize Age 2-6 (Simply Insight Team)]

her garden, and Havin and his siblings offered to


Together, they planted vegetables and flowers.

"Oh, they are so delightful," Mrs. Annabel said to
herself. Havin and his siblings were very good
kids, and they were loved by everyone in town. (
) Then one day, Mabel became seriously ill.
Havin carried her on his back and ran down to
6. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절
the town's clinic. Mrs. Annabel immediately took
zb6 )

한 것은?
Mabel from Havin and placed her on the
examination table. Little Mabel lay weakly on the People are quite emotional about the values they
table. "I don't want to die," she cried weakly. believe their societies should be built on and, as
"Come on, baby, you will be just fine!" Mrs. mentioned earlier, tend to feel that others who do
Annabel assured her. not share their worldviews are not just wrong, but
"bad" and immoral, and perhaps stupid as well.
After examining her, Mrs. Annabel brought out
a needle and an apple. ( ) She said to Mabel, "I Attitude polarization is currently increasing, at
have an apple for you, but I'll only give it to you least in North America and Europe.

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[영어 독해 연습] 10강

7. zb7 ) 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?

(A) In other words, while one could expect that
The desire to communicate is a part of being
the availability of a broad ideological spectrum
human. We have always needed to express
of media information could foster engagement
ourselves but it took a long time before we could
with views diverging from one's own,
do so successfully. About 100,000 years ago, we
experimental research suggests that it actually
developed the capacity to communicate using
leads to increased affective polarization.
speech. About 40,000 years ago, we drew pictures
People's in-group biases are strengthened by
on the walls of caves. Through the ages, we've
the new opportunities to get in touch with
used various systems to send messages like smoke
like-minded people.
signals, semaphores (flags), pigeons, and human
(B) Confirmation bias influences which sources of messengers, each of which had its own
information people utilize; in fact, there seems advantages and disadvantages. Each system
to be a vicious circle involved: Increases in worked when the conditions were just right, but
polarization cause stronger confirmation was limited at least some of the time. For
biases, which, in turn, lead to more biased instance, smoke signals and semaphore systems
information search. Elective exposure to did not work at night because they depended on
political information is also increased by sunlight for the receiver to see the signal.
customizability technology creating so-called Messengers were slow and could be captured
"filter bubbles." during times of conflict or war. Pigeons could
(C) The most important reason for the growing carry very small messages but were susceptible to
polarization is probably increasingly selective natural predators and severe weather.
exposure to information. People on both sides
The ability to create a permanent written record
of an ideological debate have no difficulty at
was held by persons with special talents who were
all finding like-minded websites that support
known as scribes. Scribes learned to read and
their viewpoints, often in even more radical
write and serve the government and businesses by
ways. Getting in touch with others sharing
recording the information using written language.
their beliefs makes them even more confident
They were present at many transactions both
in their viewpoints.
public and private to record what happened and
In other words, modern media create a context
what was involved, such as the exchange of goods
that is detrimental to wisdom. They allow people
and services for money.
to easily satisfy their need for confirmation of
their views and to avoid confrontation with * semaphore: 수기 신호 ** susceptible: 취약한
divergent perspectives. This leads to further [지문출처: Electronic Media Then, Now, and Later (Norman J.
polarization of beliefs, up to a point where quite Medoff, Barbara K. Kaye)]

radical ideas are endorsed by increasing numbers 약 10만 년 전에, 우리는 말을 사용하여 의사소통하는
of people. 능력을 발달시켰다.
* polarization: 양극화 ** customizability: 맞춤화, 약 4만 년 전에, 우리는 동굴 벽에 그림을 그렸다.
특별 주문 연기 신호와 수기 신호 시스템이 밤에는 효과가 있었다.
[지문출처: Applying Wisdom to Contemporary World Problems 전달자는 메시지 전달 속도가 느렸고 분쟁이나 전쟁 중
(Howard C. Nusbaum, Judith Glück, Robert J. Sternberg) p.95]
에는 포로로 잡힐 수도 있었다.
(A)-(C)-(B) (B)-(A)-(C) 매우 작은 메시지를 전달할 수 있었던 비둘기는 자연
(B)-(C)-(A) (C)-(A)-(B) 포식자와 악천후에 취약했다.

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[영어 독해 연습] 10강

8. zb8 ) 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? 9. zb9 ) 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?

We think of a complex structure like the brain When we sang politicized carols outside the
as made up of a number of sub-components, just mayor's home, we not only briefly disrupted his
as, for example, the engine of a car is neighbors' lives but reveled in our passionate
constructed from a number of different joyfulness and our understanding of these
components. missives. Meanings are embedded in a collective
past, an immediate present, and a prospective
Is the brain an assembly of distinct components,
each with a defined and separate function? One of
the many difficulties in studying how the brain Social movements where a community
works is precisely because it is not arranged in expresses a desire for change - and all social life
this way. That does not mean that one cannot - are spaces of orderly interaction operating
assign specific functions to anatomically through recurring practices. These routines
recognisable parts of the brain. Indeed one can: constitute the group style. Actions are repeated
for example, the cerebral cortex that forms most and become accepted through that repetition.
of the outside of the brain and gives it its Individuals must be able to foresee the likely
typically wrinkled or folded appearance has areas responses of others and adjust accordingly. I refer
that we know are concerned with identifiable to these stabilizing forces as circuits of action.
actions. One is responsible for generating While these assumptions about how others will
movement, another for analysing incoming visual respond are sometimes upended, to be useful,
information and so on. Similar functional expectations must frequently meet. Nowhere is
boundaries have been recognised in other parts of this more salient than in social movements, where
the brain. That is not an issue. What is, however, coordination is crucial. Interaction is filtered
is whether there are clearly defined boundaries through the collective awareness of what
between these areas, either anatomically - where participants believe is appropriate. Offering feeling
does one begin, or the other end? - or words after meetings - typically positive ones -
functionally - is there a circumscribed area of the serves as a ritual that expresses both individual
brain that has an equally precise function? The feelings and collective sentiment. Circuits of action
answer to both questions is a resounding 'no.' incorporate the rules of the interaction order and
the content of group cultures in practices that are
We know that nearly all information from the
anticipated and comforting. However, for
eyes ends up in a rather small area of cerebral
interaction to be orderly within a collaborative
cortex at the back of the brain. This is the visual
group, negotiations and adjustments are essential,
cortex. That is why a bang on the back of your
building relationships that are flexible but durable.
head makes you 'see stars'.
While all sites of interaction inform us of the
* •anatomically: 해부학적으로 ** cerebral cortex:
structure of social life, we find this most clearly
대뇌피질 *** circumscribe: 경계를 정하다
when individuals have a commitment to a civil
[지문출처: Minder Brain, The: How Your Brain Keeps You Alive,
Protects You From Danger, And Ensures That You Reproduce
(Joe Herbert) p.12] * recurring: 반복하여 일어나는 ** upend: 뒤집다
Difficulties in Studying the Brain and Why *** salient: 두드러진

Each Part of the Brain: Clear Functions But [지문출처: Fair Share Senior Activism, Tiny Publics, and the
Culture of Resistance (Gary Alan Fine) p.16]
Unclear Boundaries
How Can We Recognize Different Functions of
Each Part of the Brain?
Clearly Defined Boundaries Make it Possible to
Anatomically Recognize the Brain!
What Blurs the Anatomical and Functional
Boundaries Between Parts of the Brain?

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[영어 독해 연습] 10강

10. 다음
zb1 0 ) 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 confidence, protecting that confidence, and playing
confidently. He became as good as he could be.
적절하지 않은 것은?
On August 17, 2011, New York Giants * quarterback: 쿼터백(미식축구에서 공격의 중심인
quarterback Eli Manning sat for a live ESPN radio 선수)
interview after his practice during the Giants The real question is about you. Are you as good
training camp. When asked if he was a "Top 10, at your job, your profession, your passion, as you
Top 5" quarterback, Manning said, "I think I am." could be? Would your life be different if you won
And then when asked specifically if he was on the your own First Victory and had Eli's level of
same level as New England Patriots quarterback confidence (not his arm, not his football IQ, just
Tom Brady, Manning paused and then said, "Yeah, his confidence)? I'm pretty sure your answer is
I consider myself in that class ... and Tom Brady yes. In the pages ahead, you will find what you're
is a great quarterback." looking for.
Manning's statements touched off a lot of media [지문출처: The Confident Mind A Battle-Tested Guide to
excitement. Columnists and bloggers wrote at Unshakable Performance (Dr. Nate Zinsser)]

length about how defensible Manning's opinion

was. How in the world could Manning, with only
one Super Bowl championship and MVP award and
only two Pro Bowl appearances on his résumé,
compare himself to Brady, with six Pro Bowl
appearances, three championships, and two NFL
MVP awards on his résumé? Brady was coming off 11. 글의
zb1 1 ) 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가
an excellent 2010 season, throwing thirty-six 장 적절한 곳은?
touchdown passes and only four interceptions,
It was non-experts, rather than scientists, who
while Manning had thrown a league-high
forged this idea, thus leaving us an excellent
twenty-five interceptions. How could Manning
illustration of ordinary thinking at work.
think of himself as Brady's peer?

Fast-forward from that training camp interview

In American colleges, one student out of two
in August 2011 to February 5, 2012, to the
still recently believed that 'cavemen' had to
conclusion of that season's Super Bowl. Eli
defend themselves against dinosaurs. Prehistorians
Manning is standing at the center of Lucas Oil
often deplore the ignorance of the public, and
Stadium lifting the championship trophy and
express their surprise that even those who seem
receiving his second Super Bowl MVP award.
interested in the past are inclined to accept the
Manning's New York Giants have just come from
most unsound ideas. ( ) Yet the struggle of
behind to defeat Tom Brady's favored New
humans against dinosaurs could be considered a
England Patriots. In the closing minutes of the
kind of knowledge - one that is erroneous -
fourth quarter, with the Giants losing, Manning
rather than simply the manifestation of ignorance.
engineered the 88-yard game-winning drive,
( ) An erroneous idea does not become less
making four crucial throws. Eli Manning showed
absurd merely for being shared by half the
the world that his statement the previous summer
population; it becomes nevertheless interesting as
was simply the honest expression of a confident
a social phenomenon. ( ) In fact, the image of
the caveman fighting dinosaurs is not entirely
Even the additional Super Bowl MVP award devoid of factual elements: nobody will deny that
hasn't stopped football experts from debating the dinosaurs really existed, just as prehistoric
whether Eli Manning is indeed a "Top 10, Top 5 humans did. ( ) On the other hand, the origin
quarterback" in the same class as Tom Brady. of the deep-seated conviction that our ancestors
Arguments about players go on endlessly. What shared the Earth with the dinosaurs remains
isn't up for debate is that Eli performed at the obscure, because human remains have never been
highest level in a very competitive profession's found in the same geological formations as
most demanding and important position for dinosaur bones, and no scholar has risked
many years until his retirement. He made the best suggesting that our ancestors lived alongside these
of his talent and his preparation by building his giant reptiles. ( )

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[영어 독해 연습] 10강

We should remember that already Buffon was development was when they began to be used
imagining the world of the first humans as 'a vast to represent not simply ideas but also sounds.
desert peopled with monsters' of which our Once this happened, writing could imitate
ancestors often became the prey'; it was only with spoken language rather than operating as a
time that they 'made the wild beasts gradually separate, parallel system of communication. It
retire... purged the earth of those gigantic was this transition which led to the fully
animals, whose enormous bones are still to be flexible systems we have today.
found'. This passage is very instructive, for it (C) They consisted of simplified drawings acting as
enables us to grasp one of the earliest moments stylised representations of concrete entities: a
of the encounter between conjectural prehistory house, a river, a drawing of the head of a cow
and prehistoric vestiges: on one side, the 'wild to represent a cow. As their use spread, so
beasts' which have peopled the imagination for they began to accumulate broader meanings
millennia; on the other, the 'enormous bones', based on the context of this use and to be
recently discovered in ancient geological strata. combined together to create ideograms.
The spontaneous linking of the two as Bird+egg, for example, represented fertility.
synonymous, for which Buffon is not responsible, A key invention in the evolution of writing was
led later to an inevitable identification. Traditional the alphabet. This originated somewhere in the
imagery required the rivals of primitive humans to vicinity of Egypt or Palestine around 2000 BC and
be 'huge, fierce and menacing'. produced a writing system which was easy to
* deplore: (특히 공개적으로) 개탄하다 ** devoid of:
learn, was quick to write and avoided the
~ 이 없는 *** forge: 꾸며내다
ambiguities of many earlier scripts.

[지문출처: Explaining Human Origins Myth, Imagination and * incarnation: 구체화한 것 ** entity: 독립체 ***
Conjecture (Wiktor Stoczkowski ) p.29] ideogram: 표의문자(글자가 언어의 음과 상관없이
일정한 뜻을 나타내는 문자)
[지문출처: The Emoji Revolution How Technology is Shaping the
Future of Communication (Philip Seargeant) p.28~29]

(A)-(C)-(B) (B)-(A)-(C)
(B)-(C)-(A) (C)-(A)-(B)

12. 주어진
zb1 2 ) 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절
한 것은?

Indeed, the English word 'write', along with

those used in nearly all Indo-European languages,
derives originally from a word meaning to 'carve',
'scratch' or 'cut' - underscoring the importance
of the simple mechanical process behind our
entire literate culture.

Writing as we know it today was not a single 13. 다음

zb1 3 ) 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?
technology stemming from a single invention.
Indeed, we often receive the same comment
about the underestimation effect-"If people feel
(A) It's a combination of various innovations more emboldened to ask, won't they just irritate
which took place over a long period, with others more with their frequent requests?" Our
differing effects in different parts of the world. answer to this question is "no," and we base it on
But the stages of evolution it went through are three streams of research that, taken together,
very similar in all the different places. The suggest people are more likely to walk away with
earliest incarnations of all these writing a positive impression of help-seekers than one
systems were pictographic. might assume.
(B) But the most significant stage in their

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[영어 독해 연습] 10강

People tend to overestimate how harsh others The effective use of time is one of the ultimate
will judge them. This dynamic may apply to the ways to display authority, even when you don't
case of help-seeking. Even a small request can have it. Whoever controls time controls the
make the help-seeker feel self-conscious, situation in most instances. They will always
embarrassed, and guilty. In our research, we have remind anyone who wants to meet with them that
found that the anxiety help-seekers experience their time is valuable. However, there may be
over how their request will come across is situations where you will want to
surprising to potential helpers who do not know . Let's say you have agreed to meet with one of
what all the fuss is about. In one study, we asked your peers to discuss a difficult situation that has
two samples of potential helpers (teaching developed between your two respective
assistants and peer advisors) to estimate the departments. You need more help from your peer
number of students who would seek their help than she needs from you to get things resolved,
during a single semester. The peer advisors even though you've told her your time is limited.
overestimated by over 60%, and the teaching When she enters your office at the appointed
assistants by 20%, the number of students who hour, take your watch off ostentatiously, and
would ask them for help. This prediction error place it face down on your desk. Say, "My time
emerged even though the peer advisors had been belongs to you for as long as you need it." Watch
students themselves the prior year, and the the cooperation level of your peer go up
majority of teaching assistants had worked as exponentially at the outset of your meeting. You'll
teaching assistants before (often for the same be able to get anything you want from her.
class). Nevertheless, their past experience as
Alternatively, taking your watch off and placing
help-seekers offered no clues in predicting
it face up on your desk without saying a word
others' future help-seeking behavior.
announces to your visitor that they had better
Although help requests tend to be satisfied more make their point in short order because you
often than people expect, there remain times when haven’t got much time.
requests for help are not satisfied, either because
* ostentatiously: 보란 듯이 * exponentially:
the potential helper was unwilling or unable to
provide assistance. These episodes are likely to
[지문출처: 1001 Ways to Get Promoted (David E. Rye)]
loom large in our minds.
abandon time management strategies
* fuss: 쓸데없는 걱정
reverse your use of tight time tactics
[지문출처: Six Degrees of Social Influence: Science, Application,
and the Psychology of Robert Cialdini (Douglas T. Kenrick, Noah neglect your use of strict time schedules
J. Goldstein, Sanford L. Braver)]
strictly enforce time limits in all situations
underestimate the importance of punctuality

15. 다음
zb1 5 ) 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이
적절하지 않은 것은?

There lived three poor orphans named Havin,

Mabel, and Anthony. They were siblings, and they
14. 다음
zb1 4 ) 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? loved each other so much. In their town lived
Mrs. Annabel, a widow, who was the town's
Regardless of your office size, always have the
doctor. She was a lovely woman, but she had no
visitor’s chairs facing toward you so that you’re
children. Every morning Havin and his siblings
separated from them by the width of the desk to
would go to the town square to beg for food and
preserve your tactical position. If the back of your
clothes. Mrs. Annabel loved Havin's little sister,
desk chair faces a wall, allow yourself plenty of
Mabel, and gave her big apples every day. One
room to roll your chair back from your desk if
day, Mrs. Annabel needed help to organize her
you want to create more space between you and
garden, and Havin and his siblings offered to
an office visitor.

I410-141-24-99-088579876 - 8 -
[영어 독해 연습] 10강

Together, they planted vegetables and flowers.

"Oh, they are so delightful," Mrs. Annabel said to
herself. Havin and his siblings were very good
kids, and they were loved by everyone in town.
Then one day, Mabel became seriously ill. Havin
carried her on his back and ran down to the
town's clinic. Mrs. Annabel immediately took 16. 다음
zb1 6 ) 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
Mabel from Havin and placed her on the
examination table. Little Mabel lay weakly on the People are quite emotional about the values they
table. "I don't want to die," she cried weakly. believe their societies should be built on and, as
"Come on, baby, you will be just fine!" Mrs. mentioned earlier, tend to feel that others who do
Annabel assured her. not share their worldviews are not just wrong, but
"bad" and immoral, and perhaps stupid as well.
After examining her, Mrs. Annabel brought out
a needle and an apple. She said to Mabel, "I have Attitude polarization is currently increasing, at
an apple for you, but I'll only give it to you after least in North America and Europe. The most
you receive this rejection." Mabel looked at the important reason for the growing polarization is
needle with fright. "I hate needles, Mrs. Annabel." probably increasingly selective exposure to
"I know, darling. But if you promise to be brave, information. People on both sides of an ideological
I'll take you to my house and give you some ice debate have no difficulty at all finding like-minded
cream." Mrs. Annabel assured her. Mabel lay websites that support their viewpoints, often in
bravely on the bed and allowed Mrs. Annabel to even more radical ways. Getting in touch with
do her job. She eventually woke up feeling better. others sharing their beliefs makes them even
more confident in their viewpoints. In other
After Mabel's recovery, Havin went to Mrs.
words, while one could expect that the availability
Annabel's clinic. "Ma'am," he called out as he
of a broad ideological spectrum of media
knocked softly on her door. "Do you need
information could foster engagement with views
something?" she asked him. "Thank you for taking
diverging from one's own, experimental research
care of Mabel, but I don't have any money to pay
suggests that it actually leads to increased
her bills," he spoke shyly. "Don't worry, dear
affective polarization. People's in-group biases are
Havin. This one is all on me," Mrs. Annabel said
strengthened by the new opportunities to get in
to him. Havin thanked her for her kindness. Two
touch with like-minded people. Confirmation bias
months later, Mrs. Annabel adopted Havin and his
influences which sources of information people
two siblings. She loved them like her own children
utilize; in fact, there seems to be a vicious circle
and took good care of them. She took them to
involved: Increases in polarization cause stronger
the town's school. They did well in school and
confirmation biases, which, in turn, lead to more
won prizes every school year. Mrs. Annabel was
biased information search. Elective exposure to
proud of them, and they lived happily ever
political information is also increased by
customizability technology creating so-called "filter
MR. LONG NOSE bubbles."

There was a man who lived in a treehouse. He In other words, modern media create a context
had a very long nose, so people called him Mr. that is detrimental to wisdom. They allow people
Long nose. Mr. Long nose had visited several to easily satisfy their need for confirmation of
countries in the world, and he could speak at their views and to avoid confrontation with
least thirteen global languages. Mr. Long nose was divergent perspectives. This leads to further
a brilliant man, skilled in the usage of numbers polarization of beliefs, up to a point where quite
and letters, and every parent wanted their radical ideas are endorsed by increasing numbers
children to learn from Mr. Long nose. of people.
[지문출처: Bedtime Stories for Kids A short Stories Collection * polarization: 양극화 ** customizability: 맞춤화,
Age 2-6 (Simply Insight Team)]
특별 주문
[지문출처: Applying Wisdom to Contemporary World Problems
(Howard C. Nusbaum, Judith Glück, Robert J. Sternberg) p.95]

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[영어 독해 연습] 10강

북아메리카와 유럽에서 현재 태도 양극화는 증가하고

이념적인 논쟁의 양쪽에 있는 사람들은 자신들의 관점
을 지지하는 생각이 비슷한 웹사이트를 쉽게 찾는다.
사람들의 내집단 편향은 다양한 생각을 가진 사람들과
접촉하는 새로운 기회들로 인해 강해진다.
확증 편향은 사람들이 어느 정보원을 이용하느냐에 영
향을 미친다.
필터 버블을 만들어 내는 맞춤화 기술은 선택에 의해 18. 글의
zb1 8 ) 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가
정치적인 정보에 접하는 것을 증가시킨다. 장 적절한 곳은?

That is not an issue.

We think of a complex structure like the brain

as made up of a number of sub-components, just
17. 다음
zb1 7 ) 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?
as, for example, the engine of a car is
The desire to communicate is a part of being constructed from a number of different
human. We have always needed to express components.
ourselves but it took a long time before we could
Is the brain an assembly of distinct components,
do so successfully. About 100,000 years ago, we
each with a defined and separate function? One of
developed the capacity to communicate using
the many difficulties in studying how the brain
speech. About 40,000 years ago, we drew
works is precisely because it is not arranged in
pictures on the walls of caves. Through the ages,
this way. ( ) That does not mean that one
we've used various systems to send messages like
cannot assign specific functions to anatomically
smoke signals, semaphores (flags), pigeons, and
recognisable parts of the brain. ( ) Indeed one
human messengers, each of which had its own
can: for example, the cerebral cortex that forms
advantages and disadvantages. Humans have
most of the outside of the brain and gives it its
been particularly good at exploiting the advantages
typically wrinkled or folded appearance has areas
of each of these systems. Each system worked
that we know are concerned with identifiable
when the conditions were just right, but was
actions. ( ) One is responsible for generating
limited at least some of the time. For instance,
movement, another for analysing incoming visual
smoke signals and semaphore systems did not
information and so on. ( ) Similar functional
work at night because they depended on sunlight
boundaries have been recognised in other parts of
for the receiver to see the signal. Messengers
the brain. ( ) What is, however, is whether
were slow and could be captured during times of
there are clearly defined boundaries between these
conflict or war. Pigeons could carry very small
areas, either anatomically - where does one begin,
messages but were susceptible to natural
or the other end? - or functionally - is there a
predators and severe weather.
circumscribed area of the brain that has an
The ability to create a permanent written record equally precise function? The answer to both
was held by persons with special talents who were questions is a resounding 'no.'
known as scribes. Scribes learned to read and
We know that nearly all information from the
write and serve the government and businesses by
eyes ends up in a rather small area of cerebral
recording the information using written language.
cortex at the back of the brain. This is the visual
They were present at many transactions both
cortex. That is why a bang on the back of your
public and private to record what happened and
head makes you 'see stars'.
what was involved, such as the exchange of goods
and services for money. * •anatomically: 해부학적으로 ** cerebral cortex:
대뇌피질 *** circumscribe: 경계를 정하다
* semaphore: 수기 신호 ** susceptible: 취약한
[지문출처: Minder Brain, The: How Your Brain Keeps You Alive,
[지문출처: Electronic Media Then, Now, and Later (Norman J. Protects You From Danger, And Ensures That You Reproduce
Medoff, Barbara K. Kaye)] (Joe Herbert) p.12]

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[영어 독해 연습] 10강

* recurring: 반복하여 일어나는 ** upend: 뒤집다

*** salient: 두드러진
[지문출처: Fair Share Senior Activism, Tiny Publics, and the
Culture of Resistance (Gary Alan Fine) p.16]

(A)-(C)-(B) (B)-(A)-(C)
(B)-(C)-(A) (C)-(A)-(B)
19. 주어진
zb1 9 ) 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절
한 것은?

When we sang politicized carols outside the

mayor's home, we not only briefly disrupted his
neighbors' lives but reveled in our passionate 20. (A),
zb2 0 ) (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현
joyfulness and our understanding of these 으로 가장 적절한 것은?
missives. Meanings are embedded in a collective
On August 17, 2011, New York Giants
past, an immediate present, and a prospective
quarterback Eli Manning (A)[sat / sitting] for a
future. live ESPN radio interview after his practice during
Social movements where a community expresses the Giants training camp. When asked if he was a
a desire for change - and all social life - are "Top 10, Top 5" quarterback, Manning said, "I
spaces of orderly interaction operating through think I am." And then when asked specifically if
recurring practices. These routines constitute the he was on the same level as New England Patriots
group style. quarterback Tom Brady, Manning paused and then
said, "Yeah, I consider myself in that class ... and
Tom Brady is a great quarterback."
(A) Circuits of action incorporate the rules of the
interaction order and the content of group Manning's statements touched off a lot of media
cultures in practices that are anticipated and excitement. Columnists and bloggers wrote at
comforting. However, for interaction to be length about how indefensible Manning's opinion
orderly within a collaborative group, was. How in the world could Manning, with only
negotiations and adjustments are essential, one Super Bowl championship and MVP award and
building relationships that are flexible but only two Pro Bowl appearances on his résumé,
durable. compare himself to Brady, with six Pro Bowl
(B) Nowhere is this more salient than in social appearances, three championships, and two NFL
movements, where coordination is crucial. MVP awards on his résumé? Brady was coming off
Interaction is filtered through the collective an excellent 2010 season, throwing thirty-six
awareness of what participants believe is touchdown passes and only four interceptions,
appropriate. Offering feeling words after while Manning had thrown a league-high
meetings - typically positive ones - serves as twenty-five interceptions. How could Manning
a ritual that expresses both individual feelings think of himself as Brady's peer?
and collective sentiment. Fast-forward from that training camp interview
(C) Actions are repeated and become accepted in August 2011 to February 5, 2012, to the
through that repetition. Individuals must be conclusion of that season's Super Bowl. Eli
able to foresee the likely responses of others Manning is standing at the center of Lucas Oil
and adjust accordingly. I refer to these Stadium lifting the championship trophy and
stabilizing forces as circuits of action. While receiving his second Super Bowl MVP award.
these assumptions about how others will Manning's New York Giants have just come from
respond are sometimes upended, to be useful, behind to defeat Tom Brady's favored New
expectations must frequently be met. England Patriots. In the closing minutes of the
While all sites of interaction inform us of the fourth quarter, with the Giants losing, Manning
structure of social life, we find this most clearly engineered the 88-yard game-winning drive,
when individuals have a commitment to a civil making four crucial throws. Eli Manning showed
consciousness. the world that his statement the previous summer

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[영어 독해 연습] 10강

was simply the honest expression of a confident erroneous idea does not become less absurd
competitor. merely for (A)[sharing / being shared] by half the
population; it becomes nevertheless interesting as
Even the additional Super Bowl MVP award
a social phenomenon. In fact, the image of the
hasn't stopped football experts from debating
caveman fighting dinosaurs is not entirely devoid
whether Eli Manning is indeed a "Top 10, Top 5
of factual elements: nobody will deny that the
quarterback" in the same class as Tom Brady.
dinosaurs really existed, just as prehistoric
Arguments about players go on endlessly. What
humans (B)[did / were]. On the other hand, the
isn't up for debate is (B)[what / that] Eli
origin of the deep-seated conviction that our
performed at the highest level in a very
ancestors shared the Earth with the dinosaurs
competitive profession's most demanding and
remains obscure, because human remains have
important position for many years until his
never been found in the same geological
retirement. He made the best of his talent and his
formations as dinosaur bones, and no scholar has
preparation by building his confidence, protecting
risked (C)[suggesting / to suggest] that our
that confidence, and playing confidently. He
ancestors lived alongside these giant reptiles. It
became as (C)[good / well] as he could be.
was non-experts, rather than scientists, who
* quarterback: 쿼터백(미식축구에서 공격의 중심인 forged this idea, thus leaving us an excellent
선수) illustration of ordinary thinking at work.
The real question is about you. Are you as good We should remember that already Buffon was
at your job, your profession, your passion, as you imagining the world of the first humans as 'a vast
could be? Would your life be different if you won desert peopled with monsters' of which our
your own First Victory and had Eli's level of ancestors often became the prey'; it was only with
confidence (not his arm, not his football IQ, just time that they 'made the wild beasts gradually
his confidence)? I'm pretty sure your answer is retire... purged the earth of those gigantic
yes. In the pages ahead, you will find what you're animals, whose enormous bones are still to be
looking for. found'. This passage is very instructive, for it
[지문출처: The Confident Mind A Battle-Tested Guide to enables us to grasp one of the earliest moments
Unshakable Performance (Dr. Nate Zinsser)] of the encounter between conjectural prehistory
(A) (B) (C) and prehistoric vestiges: on one side, the 'wild
beasts' which have peopled the imagination for
sat what good
millennia; on the other, the 'enormous bones',
sat that well
recently discovered in ancient geological strata.
sat that good The spontaneous linking of the two as
sitting that well synonymous, for which Buffon is not responsible,
sitting what good led later to an inevitable identification. Traditional
imagery required the rivals of primitive humans to
be 'huge, fierce and menacing'.

* deplore: (특히 공개적으로) 개탄하다 ** devoid of:

~ 이 없는 *** forge: 꾸며내다
21. (A),
zb2 1 ) (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현 [지문출처: Explaining Human Origins Myth, Imagination and
으로 가장 적절한 것은? Conjecture (Wiktor Stoczkowski ) p.29]

In American colleges, one student out of two (A) (B) (C)

still recently believed that 'cavemen' had to sharing did suggesting
defend themselves against dinosaurs. Prehistorians being shared did to suggest
often deplore the ignorance of the public, and
being shared did suggesting
express their surprise that even those who seem
interested in the past are inclined to accept the being shared were to suggest
most unsound ideas. Yet the struggle of humans sharing were suggesting
against dinosaurs could be considered a kind of
knowledge - one that is erroneous - rather than
simply the manifestation of ignorance. An

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[영어 독해 연습] 10강

22. 다음
zb2 2 ) 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 23. 글의
zb2 3 ) 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가
적절하지 않은 것은? 장 적절한 곳은?
Indeed, the English word 'write', along with This dynamic may apply to the case of
those used in nearly all Indo-European languages, help-seeking.
derives originally from a word meaning to 'carve',
'scratch' or 'cut' - underscoring the importance
Indeed, we often receive the same comment
of the simple mechanical process behind our
about the underestimation effect-"If people feel
entire literate culture.
more emboldened to ask, won't they just irritate
Writing as we know it today was not a single others more with their frequent requests?" Our
technology stemming from a single invention. It's answer to this question is "no," and we base it on
a combination of various innovations which took three streams of research that, taken together,
place over a long period, with differing effects in suggest people are more likely to walk away with
different parts of the world. But the stages of a positive impression of help-seekers than one
evolution it went through are very similar in all might assume.
the different places. The earliest incarnations of
People tend to overestimate how harshly others
all these writing systems were pictographic. They
will judge them. ( ) Even a small request can
consisted of simplified drawings acting as stylised
make the help-seeker feel self-conscious,
representations of concrete entities: a house, a
embarrassed, and guilty. ( ) In our research,
river, a drawing of the head of a cow to represent
we have found that the anxiety help-seekers
a cow. As their use spread, so they began to
experience over how their request will come
accumulate broader meanings based on the
across is surprising to potential helpers who do
context of this use and to be combined together
not know what all the fuss is about. ( ) In one
to create ideograms. Bird+egg, for example,
study, we asked two samples of potential helpers
represented fertility. But the most significant stage
(teaching assistants and peer advisors) to estimate
in their development was when they began to be
the number of students who would seek their help
used to represent not simply ideas but also
during a single semester. The peer advisors
sounds. Once this happened, writing could imitate
overestimated by over 60%, and the teaching
spoken language rather than operating as a
assistants by 20%, the number of students who
separate, parallel system of communication. It was
would ask them for help. ( ) This prediction
this transition which led to the fully rigid
error emerged even though the peer advisors had
systems we have today.
been students themselves the prior year, and the
A key invention in the evolution of writing was majority of teaching assistants had worked as
the alphabet. This originated somewhere in the teaching assistants before (often for the same
vicinity of Egypt or Palestine around 2000 BC and class). ( ) Nevertheless, their past experience as
produced a writing system which was easy to help-seekers offered no clues in predicting others'
learn, was quick to write and avoided the future help-seeking behavior.
ambiguities of many earlier scripts.
Although help requests tend to be satisfied more
* incarnation: 구체화한 것 ** entity: 독립체 *** often than people expect, there remain times when
ideogram: 표의문자(글자가 언어의 음과 상관없이 requests for help are not satisfied, either because
일정한 뜻을 나타내는 문자) the potential helper was unwilling or unable to
[지문출처: The Emoji Revolution How Technology is Shaping the
provide assistance. These episodes are likely to
Future of Communication (Philip Seargeant) p.28~29] loom large in our minds.

* fuss: 쓸데없는 걱정
[지문출처: Six Degrees of Social Influence: Science, Application,
and the Psychology of Robert Cialdini (Douglas T. Kenrick, Noah
J. Goldstein, Sanford L. Braver)]

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[영어 독해 연습] 10강

24. 주어진
zb2 4 ) 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절 25. (A),
zb2 5 ) (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현
한 것은? 으로 가장 적절한 것은?
Regardless of your office size, always have the There lived three poor orphans named Havin,
visitor’s chairs facing toward you so that you’re Mabel, and Anthony. They were siblings, and they
separated from them by the width of the desk to loved each other so much. In their town lived
preserve your tactical position. If the back of your Mrs. Annabel, a widow, who was the town's
desk chair faces a wall, allow yourself plenty of doctor. She was a lovely woman, but she had no
room to roll your chair back from your desk if children. Every morning Havin and his siblings
you want to create more space between you and would go to the town square to beg for food and
an office visitor. clothes. Mrs. Annabel loved Havin's little sister,
Mabel, and gave her big apples every day. One
The effective use of time is one of the ultimate
day, Mrs. Annabel needed help to organize her
ways to display authority, even when you don't
garden, and Havin and his siblings offered to
have it.

Together, they planted vegetables and flowers.

(A) When she enters your office at the appointed
"Oh, they are so delightful," Mrs. Annabel said to
hour, take your watch off ostentatiously, and
herself. Havin and his siblings were very good
place it face down on your desk. Say, "My time
kids, and they (A)[loved / were loved] by everyone
belongs to you for as long as you need it."
in town. Then one day, Mabel became seriously ill.
Watch the cooperation level of your peer go
Havin carried her on his back and ran down to
up exponentially at the outset of your meeting.
the town's clinic. Mrs. Annabel immediately took
You'll be able to get anything you want from
Mabel from Havin and placed her on the
examination table. Little Mabel (B)[lay / laid]
(B) Let's say you have agreed to meet with one of weakly on the table. "I don't want to die," she
your peers to discuss a difficult situation that cried weakly. "Come on, baby, you will be just
has developed between your two respective fine!" Mrs. Annabel assured her.
departments. You need more help from your
peer than she needs from you to get things After examining her, Mrs. Annabel brought out
resolved, even though you've told her your a needle and an apple. She said to Mabel, "I have
time is limited. an apple for you, but I'll only give it to you after
you receive this injection." Mabel looked at the
(C) Whoever controls time controls the situation in
needle with fright. "I hate needles, Mrs. Annabel."
most instances. They will always remind
"I know, darling. But if you promise to be brave,
anyone who wants to meet with them that
I'll take you to my house and give you some ice
their time is valuable. However, there may be
cream." Mrs. Annabel assured her. Mabel lay
situations where you will want to reverse your
bravely on the bed and allowed Mrs. Annabel to
use of tight time tactics.
do her job. She (C)[eventual / eventually] woke up
Alternatively, taking your watch off and placing feeling better.
it face up on your desk without saying a word
announces to your visitor that they had better After Mabel's recovery, Havin went to Mrs.
make their point in short order because you Annabel's clinic. "Ma'am," he called out as he
haven’t got much time. knocked softly on her door. "Do you need
something?" she asked him. "Thank you for taking
* ostentatiously: 보란 듯이 * exponentially: care of Mabel, but I don't have any money to pay
기하급수적으로 her bills," he spoke shyly. "Don't worry, dear
[지문출처: 1001 Ways to Get Promoted (David E. Rye)] Havin. This one is all on me," Mrs. Annabel said
to him. Havin thanked her for her kindness. Two
(A)-(C)-(B) (B)-(A)-(C)
months later, Mrs. Annabel adopted Havin and his
(B)-(C)-(A) (C)-(A)-(B)
two siblings. She loved them like her own children
(C)-(B)-(A) and took good care of them. She took them to
the town's school. They did well in school and
won prizes every school year. Mrs. Annabel was
proud of them, and they lived happily ever after.

I410-141-24-99-088579876 - 14 -
[영어 독해 연습] 10강

MR. LONG NOSE search. Elective exposure to political information

is also increased by customizability technology
There was a man who lived in a treehouse. He
creating so-called "filter bubbles."
had a very long nose, so people called him Mr.
Long nose. Mr. Long nose had visited several In other words, modern media create a context
countries in the world, and he could speak at that is detrimental to wisdom. They allow people
least thirteen global languages. Mr. Long nose was to easily satisfy their need for confirmation of
a brilliant man, skilled in the usage of numbers their views and to avoid confrontation with
and letters, and every parent wanted their divergent perspectives. This leads to further
children to learn from Mr. Long nose. polarization of beliefs, up to a point where quite
radical ideas are endorsed by increasing numbers
[지문출처: Bedtime Stories for Kids A short Stories Collection
Age 2-6 (Simply Insight Team)]
of people.

(A) (B) (C) * polarization: 양극화 ** customizability: 맞춤화,

특별 주문
loved lay eventual
[지문출처: Applying Wisdom to Contemporary World Problems
were loved lay eventually
(Howard C. Nusbaum, Judith Glück, Robert J. Sternberg) p.95]
were loved lay eventual
question their own existing beliefs
were loved laid eventually
more receptive to different thoughts
loved laid eventual
even more confident in their viewpoints
think differently about their perspectives
more likely to be persuaded by others’ ideas

26. 다음
zb2 6 ) 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

People are quite emotional about the values they

believe their societies should be built on and, as
mentioned earlier, tend to feel that others who do
27. 다음
zb2 7 ) 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?

not share their worldviews are not just wrong, but The desire to communicate is a part of being
"bad" and immoral, and perhaps stupid as well. human. We have always needed to express
ourselves but it took a long time before we could
Attitude polarization is currently increasing, at
do so successfully. About 100,000 years ago, we
least in North America and Europe. The most
developed the capacity to communicate using
important reason for the growing polarization is
speech. About 40,000 years ago, we drew pictures
probably increasingly selective exposure to
on the walls of caves. Through the ages, we've
information. People on both sides of an ideological
used various systems to send messages like smoke
debate have no difficulty at all finding like-minded
signals, semaphores (flags), pigeons, and human
websites that support their viewpoints, often in
messengers, each of them had its own
even more radical ways. Getting in touch with
advantages and disadvantages. Each system
others sharing their beliefs makes them
worked when the conditions were just right, but
__________ ________________. In other words,
was limited at least some of the time. For
while one could expect that the availability of a
instance, smoke signals and semaphore systems
broad ideological spectrum of media information
did not work at night because they depended on
could foster engagement with views diverging from
sunlight for the receiver to see the signal.
one's own, experimental research suggests that it
Messengers were slow and could be captured
actually leads to increased affective polarization.
during times of conflict or war. Pigeons could
People's in-group biases are strengthened by the
carry very small messages but were susceptible
new opportunities to get in touch with like-minded
to natural predators and severe weather.
people. Confirmation bias influences which sources
of information people utilize; in fact, there seems The ability to create a permanent written record
to be a vicious circle involved: Increases in was held by persons with special talents who were
polarization cause stronger confirmation biases, known as scribes. Scribes learned to read and
which, in turn, lead to more biased information write and serve the government and businesses by

I410-141-24-99-088579876 - 15 -
[영어 독해 연습] 10강

recording the information using written language. * •anatomically: 해부학적으로 ** cerebral cortex:
They were present at many transactions both 대뇌피질 *** circumscribe: 경계를 정하다
public and private to record what happened and
[지문출처: Minder Brain, The: How Your Brain Keeps You Alive,
what was involved, such as the exchange of goods Protects You From Danger, And Ensures That You Reproduce
and services for money. (Joe Herbert) p.12]

* semaphore: 수기 신호 ** susceptible: 취약한 (A) (B)

[지문출처: Electronic Media Then, Now, and Later (Norman J. therefore Thus
Medoff, Barbara K. Kaye)]
hence Though
for example However
for instance Besides
likewise Furthermore

28. 다음
zb2 8 ) 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것 29. 다음
zb2 9 ) 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?
When we sang politicized carols outside the
We think of a complex structure like the brain mayor's home, we not only briefly disrupted his
as made up of a number of sub-components, just neighbors' lives but reveled in our passionate
as, for example, the engine of a car is joyfulness and our understanding of these
constructed from a number of different missives. Meanings are embedded in a collective
components. past, an immediate present, and a prospective
Is the brain an assembly of distinct components, future.
each with a defined and separate function? One of Social movements where a community expresses
the many difficulties in studying how the brain a desire for change - and all social life - are
works is precisely because it is not arranged in spaces of orderly interaction operating through
this way. That does not mean that one cannot recurring practices. These routines constitute
assign specific functions to anatomically the group style. Actions are repeated and
recognisable parts of the brain. Indeed one can: become accepted through that repetition. It is
(A) , the cerebral cortex that forms most through repetition that we make certain actions
of the outside of the brain and gives it its routine. Individuals must be able to foresee the
typically wrinkled or folded appearance has areas likely responses of others and adjust accordingly.
that we know are concerned with identifiable I refer to these stabilizing forces as circuits of
actions. One is responsible for generating action. While these assumptions about how others
movement, another for analysing incoming visual will respond are sometimes upended, to be useful,
information and so on. Similar functional expectations must frequently be met. Nowhere
boundaries have been recognised in other parts of is this more salient than in social movements,
the brain. That is not an issue. What is, (B) where coordination is crucial. Interaction is
, is whether there are clearly defined boundaries filtered through the collective awareness of what
between these areas, either anatomically - where participants believe is appropriate. Offering feeling
does one begin, or the other end? - or words after meetings - typically positive ones -
functionally - is there a circumscribed area of the serves as a ritual that expresses both individual
brain that has an equally precise function? The feelings and collective sentiment. Circuits of action
answer to both questions is a resounding 'no.' incorporate the rules of the interaction order and
We know that nearly all information from the the content of group cultures in practices that are
eyes ends up in a rather small area of cerebral anticipated and comforting. However, for
cortex at the back of the brain. This is the visual interaction to be orderly within a collaborative
cortex. That is why a bang on the back of your group, negotiations and adjustments are essential,
head makes you 'see stars'. building relationships that are flexible but durable.

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[영어 독해 연습] 10강

While all sites of interaction inform us of the Manning's New York Giants have just come from
structure of social life, we find this most clearly behind to defeat Tom Brady's favored New
when individuals have a commitment to a civil England Patriots. In the closing minutes of the
consciousness. fourth quarter, with the Giants losing, Manning
engineered the 88-yard game-winning drive,
* recurring: 반복하여 일어나는 ** upend: 뒤집다
making four crucial throws. Eli Manning showed
*** salient: 두드러진
the world that his statement the previous summer
[지문출처: Fair Share Senior Activism, Tiny Publics, and the was simply the honest expression of a confident
Culture of Resistance (Gary Alan Fine) p.16]
competitor. ( )

Even the additional Super Bowl MVP award

hasn't stopped football experts from debating
whether Eli Manning is indeed a "Top 10, Top 5
quarterback" in the same class as Tom Brady. (
) Arguments about players go on endlessly. What
isn't up for debate is that Eli performed at the
highest level in a very competitive profession's
most demanding and important position for many
30. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가
years until his retirement. He made the best of
zb3 0 )

장 적절한 곳은?
his talent and his preparation by building his
Manning's statements touched off a lot of media confidence, protecting that confidence, and playing
excitement. confidently. He became as good as he could be.

* quarterback: 쿼터백(미식축구에서 공격의 중심인

On August 17, 2011, New York Giants 선수)
quarterback Eli Manning sat for a live ESPN radio
The real question is about you. Are you as good
interview after his practice during the Giants
at your job, your profession, your passion, as you
training camp. When asked if he was a "Top 10,
could be? Would your life be different if you won
Top 5" quarterback, Manning said, "I think I am."
your own First Victory and had Eli's level of
And then when asked specifically if he was on the
confidence (not his arm, not his football IQ, just
same level as New England Patriots quarterback
his confidence)? I'm pretty sure your answer is
Tom Brady, Manning paused and then said, "Yeah,
yes. In the pages ahead, you will find what you're
I consider myself in that class ... and Tom Brady
looking for.
is a great quarterback."
[지문출처: The Confident Mind A Battle-Tested Guide to
( ) Columnists and bloggers wrote at length Unshakable Performance (Dr. Nate Zinsser)]
about how indefensible Manning's opinion was.
How in the world could Manning, with only one
Super Bowl championship and MVP award and
only two Pro Bowl appearances on his résumé,
compare himself to Brady, with six Pro Bowl
appearances, three championships, and two NFL
MVP awards on his résumé? ( ) Brady was
coming off an excellent 2010 season, throwing
thirty-six touchdown passes and only four
interceptions, while Manning had thrown a
league-high twenty-five interceptions. How could
Manning think of himself as Brady's peer?

Fast-forward from that training camp interview

in August 2011 to February 5, 2012, to the
conclusion of that season's Super Bowl. Eli
Manning is standing at the center of Lucas Oil
Stadium lifting the championship trophy and
receiving his second Super Bowl MVP award. ( )

I410-141-24-99-088579876 - 17 -
[영어 독해 연습] 10강

❙유형별 보너스 문제❙ 2023년 고2 11월 학평변형 40번 ❙유형별 보너스 문제❙ 2023년 고3 11월 학평변형 41~42번

zb3 1 ) 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 32.
zb3 2 ) 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다.
가장 적절한 곳은? 빈칸 (A)와 (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

Similar results have been found by other One way to avoid contributing to overhyping a
researchers. story would be to say nothing. However, that is
not a realistic option for scientists who feel a
strong sense of responsibility to inform the public
Multiple laboratory studies show that cooperative
and policymakers and/or to offer suggestions.
people tend to receive social advantages from
Speaking with members of the media has
others. One way to demonstrate this is to give
advantages in getting a message out and perhaps
people the opportunity to act positively or
receiving favorable recognition, but it runs the
negatively toward contributors. ( ) For example,
risk of misinterpretations, the need for repeated
Pat Barclay, a professor at the University of
clarifications, and entanglement in never-ending
Guelph, had participants play a cooperative game
controversy. Hence, the decision of whether to
where people could contribute money toward a
speak with the media tends to be highly
group fund which helped all group members. (
individualized. Decades ago, it was unusual for
) The participants were then allowed to give
Earth scientists to have results that were of
money to other participants based on their
interest to the media, and consequently few media
reputations. ( ) People who contributed more to
contacts were expected or encouraged. In the
the group fund were given responsibility for more
1970s, the few scientists who spoke frequently with
money than people who contributed less. ( )
the media were often criticized by their fellow
People who contribute toward their groups are
scientists for having done so. The situation now is
also chosen more often as interaction partners,
quite different, as many scientists feel a
preferred as leaders, rated as more desirable
responsibility to speak out because of the
partners for long-term relationships, and are
importance of global warming and related issues,
perceived to be trustworthy and have high social
and many reporters share these feelings. In
status. ( ) Uncooperative people tend to receive
addition, many scientists are finding that they
verbal criticism or even more severe punishment.
enjoy the media attention and the public
recognition that comes with it. At the same time,
other scientists continue to resist speaking with
reporters, thereby preserving more time for their
science and avoiding the risk of being misquoted
and the other unpleasantries associated with
media coverage.

* overhype: 과대광고하다 ** entanglement: 얽힘

As there is(are) ____(A)____ when scientists talk
to the media, whether or not to talk to the media
is a ____(B)____ decision.

(A) (B)
prejudice avoidable
various methods liberal
controversy formal
social pressures inevitable
pros and cons personal

I410-141-24-99-088579876 - 18 -
[영어 독해 연습] 10강

❙유형별 보너스 문제❙ 2023년 고2 9월 학평변형 23번

zb3 3 ) 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임
이 적절하지 않은 것은?

If cooking is as central to human identity,

biology, and culture as the biological
anthropologist Richard Wrangham suggests, it
stands to reason that the decline of cooking in
our time would have serious consequences for
modern life, and so it has. Are they all bad? Not
at all. The outsourcing of much of the work of
cooking to corporations has relieved women of
what has traditionally been their exclusive
responsibility for feeding the family, making it
easier for them to work outside the home and
have careers. It has averted many of the
domestic conflicts that such a large shift in
gender roles and family dynamics was bound to
spark. It has heightened other pressures in the
household, including longer workdays and
overscheduled children, and saved us time that we
can now invest in other pursuits. It has also
allowed us to diversify our diets substantially,
making it possible even for people with no
cooking skills and little money to enjoy a whole
different cuisine. All that’s required is a

I410-141-24-99-088579876 - 19 -
[영어 독해 연습] 10강

내용이 나올 것을 추측할 수 있다. 앞을 보면

Mabel의 치료비를 낼 돈이 전혀 없다는 Havin의
말에 Mrs. Annabel은 자신이 다 부담하겠다고
했고, 그 뒤에는 두 달 후 Mrs. Annabel은
1) Havin과 그의 두 형제자매들을 입양했다는 내용
[정답] 이 나오므로, 주어진 문장은 에 들어가는 것이
[해설] 핵심 주어 those가 복수이므로 is를 are로 가장 적절하다.
바꿔야 한다. [출제의도] 주어진 문장이 들어갈 위치를 파악한다.
[출제의도] 어법상 틀린 표현을 찾는다.
2) [정답]
[정답] [해설] 태도 양극화는 적어도 북아메리카와 유럽에서
[해설] (A) 그것은 오랜 기간에 걸쳐 일어난 다양한 현재 증가하고 있다. → (C) 양극화가 증가하는
혁신의 조합물로 세계 각지에서 서로 다른 영향 가장 중요한 이유는 아마도 정보에 점점 더 선택
을 끼쳤다는 내용 뒤에 그것이 거친 진화의 단계 적으로 접하는 것일 것이다. 이념적인 논쟁의 양
는 다른 모든 장소에서 매우 유사하다는 내용이 쪽에 있는 사람들은 흔히 훨씬 더 급진적인 방식
나온다. 따라서 앞 문장과 뒤 문장이 대조 관계 으로 자신들의 관점을 지지하는 생각이 비슷한
이므로 But이 들어가야 한다. (B) 그것의 사용이 웹사이트를 찾는 데 전혀 어려움이 없다. 자신들
확산되자 그것은 이런 사용의 맥락에 기반해 더 의 신념을 공유하는 다른 사람들과 접촉함으로써
넓은 의미를 축적하고 서로 결합되어 표의문자를 그들은 자신들의 관점에 훨씬 더 큰 자신감을 가
만들기 시작했다는 내용 뒤에 새+알은 다산(多産) 지게 된다. → (A) 다시 말해서, 폭넓은 이념적
을 나타냈다는 내용이 나오므로, 뒤 문장이 앞 영역을 가진 미디어 정보를 이용할 수 있으므로
문장의 예시임을 알 수 있다. 따라서 for 자신의 견해와 다른 견해에 대한 참여가 촉진될
example, for instance가 들어가야 한다. 수도 있을 것으로 예상할 수도 있지만, 실험적
[출제의도] 빈칸에 적절한 연결사를 추론한다. 연구는 그것이 실제로 정서적 양극화의 증가로
이어진다는 것을 시사한다. 사람들의 내집단 편향
3) 은 생각이 비슷한 사람들과 접촉하는 새로운 기
[정답] 회들로 인해 강해진다. → (B) 확증 편향은 사람
[해설] (A) 사람들은 남들이 얼마나 가혹하게 그들을 들이 어느 정보원을 이용하느냐에 영향을 미치는
판단할 것인지를 ‘과대평가하는(overestimate)’ 데, 실제로 악순환이 수반되는 듯하다. 즉, 양극
경향이 있다. (B) 이런 예측의 오류는 또래 조언 화의 증가가 더 강한 확증 편향을 유발하고 이것
자가 그 전해에 자신이 학생이었는데도, 그리고 은 결과적으로 더 편향된 정보 검색으로 이어진
조교의 대다수가 이전에(흔히 바로 그 동일한 학 다. 선택에 의해 정치적인 정보에 접하는 것은
급의) 조교로 일했는데도 ‘나타났다(emerged)’. 또한 소위 ‘필터 버블’을 만들어 내는 맞춤화 기
(C) 그럼에도 불구하고 도움을 구하는 사람으로 술에 의해 증가한다. 이와 같은 순서가 가장 자
서 자신의 과거 경험은 다른 사람이 장차 도움을 연스럽다.
구하는 행동을 하는 것을 예측하는 데 ‘아무런 [출제의도] 글의 순서를 파악한다.
(no)’ 단서를 제공하지 않았다.
[출제의도] 문맥상 적절한 표현을 찾는다. 7)
4) [해설] 연기 신호와 수기 신호 시스템이 밤에는 효
[정답] 과가 없었는데, 수신자가 신호를 보는 것이 햇빛
[해설] (A) authority를 가리키므로 it이 들어가야 한 에 의해 결정되었기 때문이다.
다. (B) 뒤 문장이 완전하므로 관계부사 where가 [출제의도] 글의 세부 내용을 파악한다.
들어가야 한다. (C) 동사 take를 꾸며줘야 하므로
부사 ostentatiously가 들어가야 한다. 8)
[출제의도] 어법상 적절한 표현을 찾는다. [정답]
[해설] 뇌의 특정 부위가 특정 기능을 갖고 있다고 할
5) 수는 있지만 그 부위나 그 기능의 명확한 경계는
[정답] 정의할 수 없다는 내용이다. 따라서 ‘뇌의 각
[해설] 주어진 문장은 ‘Havin은 그녀의 친절에 감사 각의 부위: 분명한 기능은 있지만 경계는 불분명
를 표했다.’이다. ‘그녀의 친절(her kindness)’로 하다’가 제목으로 가장 적절하다.
볼 때, 이 문장 앞에 her kindness가 가리키는 [출제의도] 글의 제목을 추론한다.

◇「콘텐츠산업 진흥법 시행령」제33조에 의한 표시 ◇「콘텐츠산업 진흥법」외에도「저작권법」에 의하여 보호되는 콘텐츠의 경우, 그 콘텐츠의 전부
1) 제작연월일 : 2024-03-26 2) 제작자 : 교육지대㈜ - 20 -
또는 일부를 무단으로 복제하거나 전송하는 것은 콘텐츠산업 진흥법 외에도 저작권법에 의한 법
3) 이 콘텐츠는 「콘텐츠산업 진흥법」에 따라 최초 제작
일부터 5년간 보호됩니다. 적 책임을 질 수 있습니다. I410-141-24-99-088579876
[영어 독해 연습] 10강

서로 결합되어 표의문자를 만들기 시작했다. 예를

들어, 새+알은 다산(多産)을 나타냈다. → (B) 그
러나 그것의 발전에서 가장 중요한 단계는 그것
[해설] 주어 expectations와 수동의 관계이므로
이 생각뿐만 아니라 소리도 표현하는 데 사용되
meet을 ‘수동태(be + 과거분사)’에 맞게 be met
기 시작한 때부터였다. 일단 이런 일이 일어나자,
으로 바꿔야 한다.
표기는 별도의 아주 유사한 의사소통 체계로 작
[출제의도] 어법상 틀린 표현을 찾는다.
동하기보다는 구어를 모방할 수 있었다. 바로 이
러한 전환이 오늘날 우리가 가진 완전히 유연한
[정답] 표기 체계로 이어졌다. 이와 같은 순서가 가장
[해설] Brady는 서른여섯 번의 터치다운 패스를 던지
[출제의도] 글의 순서를 파악한다.
고 네 번의 가로채기만 당하면서 훌륭한 2010년
시즌을 마치고 있었지만, Manning은 리그 최고
인 스물다섯 번의 가로채기를 당했다고 한 것으 [정답]
로 보아 칼럼니스트들과 블로거들은 Manning의
[해설] 동사 judge를 꾸며줘야 하므로 형용사
의견이 얼마나 방어하기 힘든 지에 대해 상세히
harsh를 부사 harshly로 바꿔야 한다.
썼다고 할 수 있다. 따라서 defensible(방어하 [출제의도] 어법상 틀린 표현을 찾는다.
기 쉬운)를 indefensible(방어하기 힘든) 등으로
바꿔야 한다. 14)
[출제의도] 문맥상 부적절한 어휘를 찾는다. [정답]
[해설] “내 시간은 당신이 필요한 만큼 당신의 것입니
다.”라고 말하면 여러분 동료의 협조 수준이 기하
급수적으로 올라갈 거라고 한 것으로 보아 여러
[해설] 주어진 문장은 ‘이런 생각을 꾸며낸 사람은 과
분이 빠듯한 시간 전략의 사용을 거꾸로 하고 싶
학자들이 아닌 비전문가들이었으며, 그리하여 우
어 할 상황이 있을 수도 있다고 할 수 있다. 따
리에게 평범한 사고가 작동하는 훌륭한 예를 남
라서 빈칸에는 ‘빠듯한 시간 전략의 사용을 거꾸
겨주었다.’이다. ‘이런 생각(this idea)’으로 볼
로 하고’가 들어가야 한다.
때, 이 문장 앞에 this idea가 가리키는 대상이
[출제의도] 빈칸에 적절한 표현을 추론한다.
나올 것을 추측할 수 있다. 앞을 보면 우리
조상이 공룡과 지구를 공유했다는 뿌리 깊은 확 15)
신의 기원은 모호한데, 이는 인간의 유골이 공룡 [정답]
의 뼈와 같은 지질학적 형성물에서 발견된 적이 [해설] 그녀를 진찰하고 나서 Mrs. Annabel은 주삿
결코 없기 때문이며, 또한 어떤 학자도 우리 조 바늘과 사과를 꺼냈다고 한 것으로 보아 그녀는
상이 이 거대한 파충류와 함께 살았다는 것을 시 Mabel에게 “너에게 줄 사과가 하나 있지만, 네가
사하는 위험을 무릅쓴 적이 없다는 내용이 나오 이 주사를 맞고 나면 줄게.”라고 말했다고 할 수
므로, 주어진 문장은 에 들어가는 것이 가장 적 있다. 따라서 rejection(거절)을 injection(주
절하다. 사)으로 바꿔야 한다.
[출제의도] 주어진 문장이 들어갈 위치를 파악한다. [출제의도] 문맥상 부적절한 어휘를 찾는다.

12) 16)
[정답] [정답]
[해설] 오늘날 우리가 익숙히 아는 표기는 하나의 발 [해설] 사람들의 내집단 편향은 다양한 생각을 가
명에서 비롯된 단일 기술이 아니었다. → (A) 그 진 사람이 아닌, 생각이 비슷한 사람들과 접촉하
것은 오랜 기간에 걸쳐 일어난 다양한 혁신의 조 는 새로운 기회들로 인해 강해진다. 따라서 일치
합물로 세계 각지에서 서로 다른 영향을 끼쳤다. 하지 않는 것은 이다.
그러나 그것이 거친 진화의 단계는 다른 모든 장 [출제의도] 글의 세부 내용을 파악한다.
소에서 매우 유사하다. 이 모든 표기 체계 가운
데 가장 초기에 구체화한 것은 그림 문자에 의한
것이었다. → (C) 그것은 구체적인 실체에 대한
[해설] 의사소통에 대한 욕구를 해결하기 위해 인간은
양식화된 표현의 역할을 하는 단순화된 그림들로
과거에 다양한 시스템을 사용하였는데, 그것들은
이루어졌는데, 집, 강, 소를 나타내는 소의 머리
각각 장단점이 있었다는 내용이다. 따라서 ‘인
그림이었다. 그것의 사용이 확산되자 그것은 이런
간은 이러한 각각의 시스템들이 가진 장점들만을
사용의 맥락에 기반해 더 넓은 의미를 축적하고
이용하는 것을 특히 잘했다.’라는 문장은 글의 흐

◇「콘텐츠산업 진흥법 시행령」제33조에 의한 표시 ◇「콘텐츠산업 진흥법」외에도「저작권법」에 의하여 보호되는 콘텐츠의 경우, 그 콘텐츠의 전부
1) 제작연월일 : 2024-03-26 2) 제작자 : 교육지대㈜ - 21 -
또는 일부를 무단으로 복제하거나 전송하는 것은 콘텐츠산업 진흥법 외에도 저작권법에 의한 법
3) 이 콘텐츠는 「콘텐츠산업 진흥법」에 따라 최초 제작
일부터 5년간 보호됩니다. 적 책임을 질 수 있습니다. I410-141-24-99-088579876
[영어 독해 연습] 10강

름과 관계가 없다.
[출제의도] 글의 흐름과 무관한 문장을 파악한다.
18) [해설] (A) 주어 an erroneous idea와 수동의 관계
[정답] 이므로 ‘동명사의 수동태(being + 과거분사)’에
[해설] 주어진 문장은 ‘그것은 논점이 아니다.’이다. 맞게 being shared가 들어가야 한다. (B) 일반동
‘그것(That)’으로 볼 때, 이 문장 앞에 that이 가 사 existed를 대신해야 하므로 did가 들어가야
리키는 대상이 나올 것을 추측할 수 있다. 앞 한다. (C) risk는 동명사만을 목적어로 갖는 동사
을 보면 뇌의 다른 부위에서도 비슷한 기능적 경 이므로 suggesting이 들어가야 한다.
계가 인정되었다고 했고, 그 뒤에는 그러나 여기 [출제의도] 어법상 적절한 표현을 찾는다.
서 논점이 되는 것은, 이러한 부위들 사이에 해
부학적으로든, 기능적으로든 명확히 규정된 경계
가 있는지의 여부라는 내용이 나오므로, 주어진
문장은 에 들어가는 것이 가장 적절하다. [해설] 표기는 별도의 아주 유사한 의사소통 체계로
작동하기보다는 구어를 모방할 수 있었다고 한
[출제의도] 주어진 문장이 들어갈 위치를 파악한다.
것으로 보아 바로 이러한 전환이 오늘날 우리가
19) 가진 완전히 유연한 표기 체계로 이어졌다고 할
[정답] 수 있다. 따라서 rigid(완고한)를 flexible(유연
[해설] 하나의 공동체가 변화 열망을 표출하는 사회 한) 등으로 바꿔야 한다.
운동은 ─ 그리고 모든 사회적 생활은 ─ 반복하 [출제의도] 문맥상 부적절한 어휘를 찾는다.
여 일어나는 관행을 통해 작동하는 질서 있는 상
호 작용의 공간이다. 이 관례는 집단의 양식을
구성한다. → (C) 행동은 반복되고 그 반복을 통
[해설] 주어진 문장은 ‘이런 역학이 도움을 구하는 경
해 받아들여진다. 개인은 다른 사람들의 가능성
우에 적용될 수 있다.’이다. ‘이런 역학(This
있는 반응을 예견하고 그에 따라 조정할 수 있어
dynamic)’으로 볼 때, 주어진 문장 앞에 this
야 한다. 나는 이러한 안정시키는 힘을 '행동 회
dynamic이 가리키는 대상이 나올 것을 추측할
로'라고 부른다. 다른 사람들이 어떻게 반응할 것
수 있다. 앞을 보면 사람들은 남들이 얼마나
인지에 대한 이 추정은 때로 뒤집히지만, 유용하
가혹하게 그들을 판단할 것인지를 과대평가하는
기 위해서는 기대가 빈번히 충족되어야 한다. →
경향이 있다고 했고, 그 뒤에는 작은 요청조차
(B) 이것이 사회 운동에서보다 더 두드러지는 곳
도움을 구하는 사람이 남의 시선을 의식하고 쑥
은 없는데, 거기에서는 조정 작용이 매우 중요하
스러워하며 죄책감을 느끼게 만들 수 있다는 내
다. 상호 작용은 참가자들이 적절하다고 생각하는
용이 나오므로, 주어진 문장은 에 들어가는 것
것에 대한 단체 의식을 통해 여과된다. 모임 후
이 가장 적절하다.
에 감정을 표현하는 말, 보통 긍정적인 것을 제
[출제의도] 주어진 문장이 들어갈 위치를 파악한다.
공하는 것은 개인의 감정과 단체의 정서를 모두
표현하는 의례의 역할을 한다. → (A) 행동 회로
는 상호 작용 질서의 규칙과 집단 문화의 내용을
예상되고 편안한 관행에 포함한다. 그러나 협력적 [해설] 시간의 효과적인 사용은 권위를 드러내는 최고
인 집단 내에서 상호 작용이 질서정연하게 이루
의 방법 중 하나인데, 여러분이 그것을 가지고
어지기 위해서는 협상과 조정이 필수적인데, 그것
있지 않을 때도 그러하다. → (C) 시간을 지배하
들이 가변적이지만 오래가는 관계를 구축하기 때 는 사람은 누구든지 대부분의 경우에 상황을 지
문이다. 이와 같은 순서가 가장 자연스럽다.
배한다. 그들은 자신과 만나기를 원하는 사람 누
[출제의도] 글의 순서를 파악한다.
구에게나 자신의 시간이 귀중하다는 것을 항상
상기시킬 것이다. 하지만, 여러분이 빠듯한 시간
[정답] 전략의 사용을 거꾸로 하고 싶어 할 상황이 있을
수도 있다. → (B) 여러분의 동료 중 한 사람과
[해설] (A) 주절의 동사가 없으므로 주어 Eli
각자의 두 부서 사이에서 생긴 어려운 상황에 대
Manning의 과거 동사인 sat이 들어가야 한다.
(B) 뒤 문장이 완전하므로 접속사 that이 들어가 해 논의하기 위해 만나기로 동의했다고 하자. 상
황을 해결하기 위해서는 여러분의 동료가 여러분
야 한다. (C) become의 주격 보어로 주어의 상
에게서 도움을 필요로 하는 것보다 여러분이 그
태를 설명하는 형용사가 들어가야 하므로 good이
들어가야 한다. 녀에게서 더 많은 도움을 필요로 하는데, 비록
여러분의 시간이 제한되어 있다고 그녀에게 말했
[출제의도] 어법상 적절한 표현을 찾는다.

◇「콘텐츠산업 진흥법 시행령」제33조에 의한 표시 ◇「콘텐츠산업 진흥법」외에도「저작권법」에 의하여 보호되는 콘텐츠의 경우, 그 콘텐츠의 전부
1) 제작연월일 : 2024-03-26 2) 제작자 : 교육지대㈜ - 22 -
또는 일부를 무단으로 복제하거나 전송하는 것은 콘텐츠산업 진흥법 외에도 저작권법에 의한 법
3) 이 콘텐츠는 「콘텐츠산업 진흥법」에 따라 최초 제작
일부터 5년간 보호됩니다. 적 책임을 질 수 있습니다. I410-141-24-99-088579876
[영어 독해 연습] 10강

더라도 그렇다. → (A) 정해진 시간에 그녀가 여 든, 기능적으로든 명확히 규정된 경계가 있는지의
러분의 사무실로 들어올 때 보란 듯이 시계를 벗 여부라는 내용이 나오므로, 앞 문장과 뒤 문장이
어 놓고 시계의 앞면이 아래로 향하도록 책상 위 대조 관계임을 알 수 있다. 따라서 Though,
에 놓으라. “내 시간은 당신이 필요한 만큼 당신 However가 들어가야 한다.
의 것입니다.”라고 말하라. 회의가 시작될 때 여 [출제의도] 빈칸에 적절한 연결사를 추론한다.
러분 동료의 협조 수준이 기하급수적으로 올라가
는 것을 지켜보라. 여러분은 그녀에게서 원하는
것을 무엇이든지 얻을 수 있을 것이다. 이와 같
[해설] 반복해서 일어나는 관행을 통해 질서 있는 상
은 순서가 가장 자연스럽다.
호 작용이 일어나며, 개인은 다른 사람들의 반응
[출제의도] 글의 순서를 파악한다.
을 예견하고 그에 따라 조정할 수 있어야 하고,
25) 다른 사람들의 반응에 대한 기대는 자주 충족되
[정답] 어야 한다는 내용이다. 따라서 ‘우리가 특정
[해설] (A) 주어 they와 수동의 관계이므로 ‘수동태 행동을 일상으로 만드는 것은 바로 그 반복을 통
(be + 과거분사)’에 맞게 were loved가 들어가야 해서다.’라는 문장은 글의 흐름과 관계가 없다.
한다. (B) 뒤에 목적어가 없으므로 1형식 자동사 [출제의도] 글의 흐름과 무관한 문장을 파악한다.
lie(눕다)의 과거형 lay가 들어가야 한다. (C) 동
사 woke를 꾸며줘야 하므로 부사 eventually가
들어가야 한다.
[출제의도] 어법상 적절한 표현을 찾는다. [해설] 주어진 문장은 ‘Manning의 진술은 미디어의
많은 흥분을 촉발했다.’이다. ‘Manning의 진술
26) (Manning's statements)’로 볼 때, 이 문장 앞
[정답] 에 Manning's statements가 가리키는 내용이
[해설] 폭넓은 이념적 영역을 가진 미디어 정보를 이 나올 것을 추측할 수 있다. 앞을 보면
용할 수 있으므로 자신의 견해와 다른 견해에 대 Manning은 뉴잉글랜드 패트리어츠 쿼터백인
한 참여가 촉진될 수도 있을 것으로 예상할 수도 Tom Brady와 같은 수준에 있는지 질문을 받았
있지만, 실험적 연구는 그것이 실제로 정서적 양 을 때, Manning은 잠시 멈추고 나서 “네, 저는
극화의 증가로 이어진다는 것을 시사한다고 한 저 자신이 그 등급에 든다고 생각해요 ... 그런데
것으로 보아 자신들의 신념을 공유하는 다른 사 Tom Brady는 훌륭한 쿼터백이죠.”라고 말했다
람들과 접촉함으로써 그들은 자신들의 관점에 훨 고 했고, 그 뒤에는 칼럼니스트들과 블로거들은
씬 더 큰 자신감을 가지게 된다고 할 수 있다. Manning의 의견이 얼마나 방어하기 힘든 지에
따라서 빈칸에는 ‘자신들의 관점에 훨씬 더 큰 대해 상세히 썼다는 내용이 나오므로, 주어진 문
자신감을 가지게’가 들어가야 한다. 장은 에 들어가는 것이 가장 적절하다.
[출제의도] 빈칸에 적절한 표현을 추론한다. [출제의도] 주어진 문장이 들어갈 위치를 파악한다.

27) 31)
[정답] [정답]
[해설] 접속사 없이는 문장과 문장이 이어질 수 없 [해설] 주어진 문장은 ‘유사한 결과들이 다른 연구자
다. 따라서 various systems를 선행사로 하고, 들에 의해 발견되었다.’이다. ‘유사한 결과들
계속적 용법의 관계대명사 which로 바꿔야 한다. (Similar results)’로 볼 때, 이 문장의 앞과 뒤에
[출제의도] 어법상 틀린 표현을 찾는다. 나온 연구의 결과가 서로 비슷하다는 것을 추측
할 수 있다. 앞을 보면 집단 기금에 더 많이
28) 기부한 사람들은 덜 기부한 사람들보다 더 많은
돈에 대한 책임이 주어졌다고 했고, 그 뒤에는
[해설] (A) 실제로 그렇게 할 수 있다는 내용 뒤에 뇌
또한 그들의 집단에 기여하는 사람들은 상호 작
의 바깥쪽의 대부분을 형성하고 뇌의 전형적으로 용 파트너로서 더 자주 선택되고, 리더로서 선호
주름지거나 접힌 모습을 주는 대뇌피질에는 인식
되며, 장기적인 관계를 위한 더 바람직한 파트너
할 수 있는 동작과 관련이 있다고 우리가 알고
들로서 평가되고, 신뢰할 수 있고 사회적 지위가
있는 부위들이 있다는 내용이 나오므로, 뒤 문장 높은 것으로 인식된다는 내용이 나오므로, 주어진
이 앞 문장의 예시임을 알 수 있다. 따라서 for
문장은 에 들어가는 것이 가장 적절하다.
example, for instance가 들어가야 한다. (B) 그
[출제의도] 주어진 문장이 들어갈 위치를 파악한다.
것은 논점이 아니라는 내용 뒤에 여기서 논점이
되는 것은, 이러한 부위들 사이에 해부학적으로 32)

◇「콘텐츠산업 진흥법 시행령」제33조에 의한 표시 ◇「콘텐츠산업 진흥법」외에도「저작권법」에 의하여 보호되는 콘텐츠의 경우, 그 콘텐츠의 전부
1) 제작연월일 : 2024-03-26 2) 제작자 : 교육지대㈜ - 23 -
또는 일부를 무단으로 복제하거나 전송하는 것은 콘텐츠산업 진흥법 외에도 저작권법에 의한 법
3) 이 콘텐츠는 「콘텐츠산업 진흥법」에 따라 최초 제작
일부터 5년간 보호됩니다. 적 책임을 질 수 있습니다. I410-141-24-99-088579876
[영어 독해 연습] 10강

[해설] 요약문을 해석하면 ‘과학자들이 언론과 대화할
때 ___(A)___가 있기 때문에, 언론과 대화할지
여부는 ___(B)___ 결정이다.’이고, 글에서 과학자
가 언론과 대화를 하면 메시지를 전달하고 인정
을 받을 수 있는 장점이 있지만, 오해를 일으키
고 반복적인 해명이 필요하며 끝없는 논란에 얽
힐 위험이 있어서 언론과 대화할지 여부는 개인
적으로 결정되는 경향이 있다고 했으므로 ‘(A)
장단점 – (B) 개인적인’이 가장 적절하다.
[출제의도] 글의 요약문을 완성한다.

[해설] 요리하는 일의 많은 부문을 기업에 아웃소싱하
는 것의 장점에 대해 나열하는 글로, 우리가 다
른 일에 투자할 수 있도록 시간을 절약해 주고,
긴 근무일과 분주한 자녀를 포함한 가정의 다른
곤란들을 덜어주는 것이므로, heightened(강화하
다)를 ‘덜어주다, 완화하다’란 의미의 relieved,
eased로 고쳐야 한다.
[출제의도] 문맥상 부적절한 어휘를 찾는다.

◇「콘텐츠산업 진흥법 시행령」제33조에 의한 표시 ◇「콘텐츠산업 진흥법」외에도「저작권법」에 의하여 보호되는 콘텐츠의 경우, 그 콘텐츠의 전부
1) 제작연월일 : 2024-03-26 2) 제작자 : 교육지대㈜ - 24 -
또는 일부를 무단으로 복제하거나 전송하는 것은 콘텐츠산업 진흥법 외에도 저작권법에 의한 법
3) 이 콘텐츠는 「콘텐츠산업 진흥법」에 따라 최초 제작
일부터 5년간 보호됩니다. 적 책임을 질 수 있습니다. I410-141-24-99-088579876

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