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Geometric Design of Highway

Lecture # 7: Vertical Curves - II

Lecturer: Asst. Prof. Dr. Hardy Kamal Karim
Ph.D. in Highway Engineering
University of Sulaimani

Elevation of Crest
and Sag Vertical

• Consider a crest vertical

curve as illustrated in
Figure. The beginning of
the curve is the BVC, and
the end of the curve is
the EVC. The
intersection of the grade
lines (tangents) is the
PVI, which is equidistant
from the BVC and EVC.


• Using the properties of parabola, Y=ax²+bx+c, where a is constant and b and c

are 0.

• The equation of the curve, or tangent offset, is:

200 𝐿
• The external distance E from the point of vertical intersection (PVI) to the curve
is determined by:

• The vertical offset y at any point on the curve can also be given in terms of E.

𝑦= 𝐸
𝐿 3

• The elevation and location of the high or low point of a vertical curve is used by
the engineer to check constraints. As shown in previous Figure, Y¹, the distance
between the elevation at the beginning of the vertical curve (BVC) and the highest
point on the curve, can be determined by considering the expression:

𝐺 𝑥 𝐴𝑥
𝑌 = −
100 200𝐿

𝑋 =
𝐺 −𝐺

where Xhigh = distance in meter from BVC to the turning point - that is, the point
with the highest elevation on the curve. The above Equation is also valid for sag
𝑌 =
200 𝐺 − 𝐺 4


Example : a crest vertical curve joining a +3 % and a -4 % grade is to be designed

for 75 mph. If the tangents intersect at station (345+60) at an elevation of 250 ft,
determine the stations and elevations of the BVC and EVC. Also, calculate the
elevations of intermediate points on the curve at the whole stations.

From Table 3 − 35 ⇒ For a design speed of 75 mph ⇒ k = 312

L = K A = 312 ∗ 7 = 2184 ft

21 + 84
Station of BVC = 345 + 60 − = 334 + 68

Station of EVC = 344 + 68 + 21 + 84 = 356 + 52

Elevation of BVC = 250 − 0.03 ∗ = 217.27 ft

X = = = 936 ft ⇒ 𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 = 𝐵𝑉𝐶 + 𝑋 = 334 + 68 + 9 + 36 = (344 + 04)

𝑌 = = ∗
= 14.04 ⇒ 𝐸𝑙𝑒𝑣𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 = 𝐸𝑙𝑒. +𝑌 = 217.24 + 14.04 = 231.28 ft


Example : a sag vertical curve joins a -3 % grade and a +3 % grade. If the PVI of the grades is at
station (435+50) and has an elevation of 235 ft, determine the station and elevation of the BVC
and EVC for a design speed of 70 mph. Also compute the elevation on the curve.
From Table 3 − 37 ⇒ For a design speed of 70 mph ⇒ k = 181
L = K A = 181 ∗ 6 = 1086 ft

Au 6 ∗ 70
L = = = 632.3 ft
46.5 46.5

𝐿 = 100 𝐴 = 100 ∗ 6 = 600 𝑓𝑡

So, L = 1086 ft

10 + 86
Station of BVC = 435 + 50 − = 430 + 07

Station of EVC = 430 + 07 + 10 + 86 = 440 + 93 8


Combined Sag and Crest Vertical Curves without a Constant Grade Connection

Example: An existing tunnel needs to be connected to a newly constructed bridge with sag
and crest vertical curves. The profile view of the tunnel and bridge is shown below. Develop
a vertical alignment to connect the tunnel and bridge by determining the highest possible
common design speed for the sag and crest (equal-tangent) vertical curves needed.
Compute the stationing and elevations of PVC, PVI, and PVT curve points.



∴ A = 6.667% PVI = 3 + 20
G =G =0
Because L = K A ⇒ K A + K A = 1200 PVT = 𝑃𝑉𝐶 = 6 + 40

A =A =A Substituting A ⇒ K + K = 180 PVI = 9 + 20

L = L = 1200 ft From the tables of K values of the crest PVT = 12 + 00

and sag vertical curves
Y = Y = 40 ft Ele. PVC = PVI = 100 ft
The highest possible design speed is 50 mph
at which speed K = 84 & K = 96 Ele. PVI = PVT = 140 ft
+ = 40
200 200 Therefore:
Ele. PVT & PVC = 100 +
A L = K A = 84 ∗ 6.667 = 560 ft 200
L +L = 40
L = K A = 96 ∗ 6.667 = 640 ft 6.667 ∗ 640
= 100 + = 121.33 ft
A 200
∗ 1200 = 40
200 PVC = 0 + 00 11

Combined Sag and Crest Vertical Curves with a Constant Grade Connection

Example: Consider the connections in the previous example. Suppose a design speed of
only 35 mph is needed. Determine the connecting grade as small as possible.



0.39 𝐴 + 12 𝐴 − 0.78 𝐴 = 40
Let G = the grade of the constant − grade section
Solving this gives A = 3.803 & A = 26.966
This means that G =G =G &G =G =0
A = 3.803 is chosen because we want to
minimize the grade
G =A =A =A

L = K A = 49 ∗ 3.803 = 186.35 ft
𝐴𝐿 𝐴𝐿 𝐴 1200 − 𝐿 − 𝐿
+ + = 40
200 200 100 L = K A = 29 ∗ 3.803 = 110.29 ft

Because L = K A Length of the constant grade − section = 903.36 ft

𝐴 𝐾 𝐴 𝐾 𝐴 (1200 − 𝐾 𝐴 − 𝐾 𝐴)
+ + = 40 This means that about 34.35 ft of the elevation
200 200 100
difference will occur in the constant-grade
section, with the remainder of the elevation
𝐹𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒𝑠 ⇒ 𝐾 = 29 & 𝐾 = 49 difference attributable to the final curve offsets.

Combined Sag and Crest Vertical Connecting Highway Segments With No-
Zero Grades

Example: Two sections of highway are separated by 1800 ft, as shown in the figure below.
Determine the curve lengths required for a 60 mph vertical alignment to connect these two
highway segments while keeping the connecting grade as small as possible



Solution: We will assume that the horizontal distance is sufficient to connect the highway with a 60
mph alignment; if this assumption is incorrect, the following equations will produce an obviously
erroneous answer and a lower design speed will have to be chosen.

Let ∆y be the changes in elevation over the constant − grade section

Let ∆y & ∆y be the changes in elevation due to the extended curve tangents
Y + Y + ∆y + ∆y = 30 + ∆y

A L A L G 1800 − L − L 1.0 L 3.0 L

+ + + = 30 +
200 200 100 100 100
Because L = K A

A K A K G 1800 − K A − K A 1K A 3K A
+ + + = 30 +
200 200 100 100 100

From tables ⇒ 𝐾 = 151 & 𝐾 = 136

Substituting & defining A s & arranging the equation so that G will be positive, & assuming G will be greater than 1% gives

3+G 151 G − 1 136 G 1800 − 151 3 + G − 45(G − 1) 1 136(G − 1) 3 151(3 + G )

+ + + = 30 +
200 200 100 100 100

−1.435 𝐺 + 14.83 𝐺 − 37.475 = 0

𝑊ℎ𝑖𝑐ℎ 𝑔𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑠 𝐺 = 4.4

The other possible solution is 5.93, whic is rejected because we want to minimize the grade

L = K A = 151 ∗ 7.4 = 1117.4 ft

L = K A = 136 ∗ 3.4 = 462.4 ft

Accordingly, the length of the constant − grade section is = 1800 − L − L = 220.2 ft

Elevation and the locations of the curve points can be readily computed with this information


Underpass Sight Distance and Sag Vertical Curve Design

• In the case of a sag curve being built under an overhead structure (such as roadway or
railroad crossing), a driver’s line of sight may be restricted so that the entire curve
length is not visible.

When Hc clearance height of overpass structure above roadway in meter

• In designing the sag curve, it is essential that the curve be long enough to provide a
suitably gradual rate of curvature such as that the overhead structure does not block the
line of sight and allows the required SSD for the specified design speed to be maintained.

𝐻 +𝐻
𝐴𝑆 800 𝐻 − 2
For S < L ⇒ 𝐿 = For S > L ⇒ 𝐿 = 2𝑆 −
𝐻 +𝐻 𝐴
800 𝐻 − 2

Current AASHTO design guidelines [2018] use a driver eye height, H1, of 8 ft for a truck driver, and
an object height, H2, of 2 ft for the taillights of a vehicle. Substituting these values and S = SSD into
the equations, give
For S < L ⇒ 𝐿 =
800 𝐻 − 5

800 𝐻 − 5
For S > L ⇒ 𝐿 = 2 𝑆𝑆𝐷 −


• In the case where there is an existing sag curve alignment and a new overpass structure is to be
built over it, the above equations can be rearranged to solve for the necessary clearance height,
Hc, of the overpass structure to provide for the required SSD.

• When the clearance height is determined in this manner, it is necessary to check this value against
the minimum clearance heights based on maximum vehicle height regulations and AASHTO
• recommendations.

• Maximum vehicle heights as regulated by state laws range from 13.5 to 14.5 ft. AASHTO [2018]
recommends a minimum structure clearance height of 14.5 ft and a desirable clearance height of
16.5 ft.

• AASHTO [2018] also recommends that clearance heights be no less than 1 ft greater than the
maximum allowable vehicle height. This provides a margin for snow or ice accumulation, some
over-height vehicles, and future roadway resurfacings.

• Thus, in building a new overpass structure over an existing sag curve alignment, the clearance
height must be determined for both required SSD and maximum allowable vehicle height for that
roadway, and the greater of the two values should be used. 19

Example: An equal-tangent sag curve has an initial grade of −4.0%, a final grade of +3.0%, and a
length of 1270 ft. An overpass is being placed directly over the PVI of this curve. At what height
above the roadway should the bottom of this sign be placed?
L 1270
K= = = 181.4
A −4 − 3

From the table, design speed = 70 mph, and K = 181, the required SSD is 730 ft. ⇒ ∴ L > S

A SSD A SSD 7 ∗ 730

L = ⇒ H = = + 5 = 8.67 ft
800 H − 5 800 L 800 ∗ 1270

Although only 8.67 ft is needed for SSD requirements, AASHTO [2018] recommends a minimum
clearance height of 14.5 ft to take maximum vehicle height into account. Thus, the bottom of the
overpass should be placed at least 14.5 ft above the roadway surface (at the PVI), but desirably
at a height of 16.5 ft according to AASHTO [2018].


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