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hoorcraroroneaa0ons) MLS ALAA TECTED Tess Peter => ALIEN] [CLASSROOM CONTACT PROGRAMME)[ Tr rst eo meme (Academic Session ; 2023 - 2024) heurEneTer SSUES wen a a eae PAPER-1 Maximum Marks : 199 nm No Time : 3 Hours tidents having 8 digits Form No. must Gil two zero before their Fe IMPORTANT NOTE our Form No, is 12045674, then you have to HI 0012845678, in OMR. For example, READ THE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY GENERAL = 1. This sealed booklet is your Question Paper. Do not break the seal till you are told to do so. Use the Optical Response sheet (ORS) provided separately for answering the questions, Blank spaces are provided within this booklet for rough work. 3 4, Write your name, form number and sign in the space provided on the back cover of this booklet. 5 After breaking the seal of the booklet, verify that the booklet contains 24 pares and that all the 18 questions in each subject and along with the options are legible. If not. contact the invigilator for replacement of the booklet. 6. You are allowed to take away the Question Paper at the end of the examination, OPTICAL RESPONSE SHEET : 7. ‘The ORS will be collected by the invi nper with or mutilate the ORS. Do not use the tor at the end of the examination. ORS for rough work. {dod for this purpose the ORS, Darken » Do not & form number and sign with pen in the space provi ce any of these details anywhere else on Jh digit of your form number. Write your name, on the ORS. Do not w the appropriate bubble under DARKENING THE BUBBLES ON THE ORS = 10, Use a BLACK BALL POINT PEN to darken the bubbles on the Darken the bubble C) COMPLETELY. 2 ors. DO NOT BREAK THE SZNR WITHOUT BEING INSTRUCTED TO.D0 $0 BY THEINVIGILATOR 1. 12, The correct way of darkening a bubble is a5: @ 19, The ORS is machine-gradable, Ensure that the bubbles are darkened in the eorrect way. 14, Darken the bubbles ONLY IF you are sure of the answer. There is NO WAY to erase or “un-darken" a darkened bubble. 15. Take g = 10 m/s? unless otherwise stated. QUESTION PAPER FORMAT : ‘The question paper has three parts : Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. TPT ae :o st ——__{lae GousePiase W017 2028 Piper) NAVE CONTROL —» HAVE PATIENCE —y HAVE CONFIDENCE = 100% SUCCESS coreet answers. For each 5 e coreet but ONLY tree options are chosen. = uplions are correct but ONLY two options are chosen and sjlacement y of particle at any position, at ont), ae constants Choose the correct (A) Dinension of (8) Dimension 0 (©) dimension of eis {L). is dimensiones, 1901¢JAt01003230002, Eom ge een a EST nm Ma etm mei onurent net Spencer nny ae ree see acca > Ipsec | he pa seen ren eaten eae ection = 2, Wheat oe 4 wh rept (nasa ma genet (antennae ine {Chew orin sgn patna atten a te ariv—enr | @)t RTM —ASeTM— TV RT 4. trespass eon of fe i ily (om ni—e rencunoeonacon roorcnsoaosoc2 7 @) tru om (0 toms aves Ds eR A) FORA ST— PIO) Ie GRA ROG +P (Olean eMa RP (yi Rst—voRUI SIV 8 ‘oresasoronsza0002 sworeuaroroosz200r2 —-: reorouaroonsz0002 17 tn of pin too Ta rar me in) EE 4 Aannnanaye vi etetenen . x yo 8 ‘eorcuarreszsoon2 i= i I Reed REESE F: © py on fee ema seocsniromestoe era ann RAP ee. ay sae oretat (Pa ta0-tan— 338208 ee et | oe | remo ale [or a an [or £ fam PL w =—| =| =e - o = wre ea spotter mast. “SECTION a (tsimon at 2) S F Repeemonennnn nent aR atm Seon maroon soe gS . $80 505,00, a 9 teh, Egy tte ona @ 4 imtoo eget p 3p weer me on d ts Jap pay po foe 4 onton SEP dey fle rian uae ase ae etl aw, 4% etiemeararyviee 7 ZURgeSgi dinette amen antec Anse etnies A, Naf 6.0, s0, Ath Ale, 1020 teorcantorcuzsone pane pase tes (eel frontman! | sec MEAs . | BERS aware Hee nom as = ite ech ete aed, : Roshetits 3 ater fg "Fer Bele 1 fn en ta oe ONLY ine emp se i nnd ins iis xchat i ms Sa a east sow Tan sen TVW etn Gunny (wre Nastoner-e, mets er ataaiy=a aretinv-m wom online) cqmon 2-1 yee P= (© crm mera ene He ‘momen sree AURA NENA CHHA—Test Pacer Target : JEE (Main + Advanced) | 2025/01-07-202YPaper-1 SECTION-I : (Maximum Marks: 24) ‘This section contains EIGHT (08) questions. The answer to each question is a NUMERICAL VALUE to enter the ° © For-esch question, enter the correct numerical value of the answer in the place designated © TPO) answer. If the numerical value hs more than two decimal places, trieteiwoend-off the value to Two decimal places: ex. 6.28, 7.00, ~0.33, -.20, 30.27, ~127.30, if answer i¢ 11.36777.. then both 11-36 in OM} l , and 11.37 will be comrect) ‘Answer to cach question will be evaluated according to the following marking 5 - e GENE! ; df Fall Marks +3 IONLY the correct numerical value is entered, | Ze Marks: 0 Inallother eases 2 1. Number of integral solutions of inequation VE =I > xis 8.2 Sumofitegralsoftions of + 2|+ R=) —51 On A then 2/8 equ 4. Vo 3. hecand pte two roots of the equation x? + 2x +20. then the valus of (a +1) +(B +1)" y 2 5 4. Determine the absolute difference of values of m for which equation 3x* + 4 mx = 2 have a common root. 5. The set of values attainable by 2 2**4 [- 4] forx € R. Then value of is = 6. ] tated OPT ig. Lett(n)= a such that 3 < (x) <2 V x € Rand complete range of values of’! is (p. 8) + exe ? 7 2 7. Ifthe number of ordered pair (p, q) where p,q € N for which the equation (1° ~ px + QU’ ~ qx +p) =O ‘has all roots as natural numbers, is 4 then 5). “i Bie + y+ ze tx) ML and x+y +2 = 11, then value of x+y? +2413 - | 1001CJA101003230002 \itMterawl@vatal Div:

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