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Table of Contents
67 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦🌿
Human Development......................................................................................................... 1231
67.1.1 Social Capital (सामाजिक पूँजी)............................................................................................. 1232
67.1.2 Social Overhead Capital (सामाजिक उपरिव्यय पूँजी)...............................................................1232
67.2 📊🌐 UNDP’s Human Development Report (मानव विकास रिपोर्ट)..................................................1233
67.2.1 📊🌐
UNDP → Human Development Index (HDI:मानव विकास सूचकांक)............................1234
67.2.2 India's HDI ranks across the years.................................................................................1235
67.2.3 📊🌐
UNDP → Inequality Adjusted HDI.......................................................................... 1235
67.2.4 📊👩
UNDP → Gender Development Index (GDI: लैंगिक विकास सूचकांक).........................1235
67.2.5 📊🌐
UNDP → Planetary pressures-adjusted HDI (PHDI):...........................................1235
67.3 📊😸 UNSDSN → World Happiness Report............................................................................. 1235
67.4 📊 World Bank → Human Capital Index................................................................................. 1236
67.5 📊 Human development → Misc. Indicators............................................................................1236
68 🌱 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)................................................................................... 1236
68.1.1 🕵🏻🌴🦢🐘
[Yearbook] Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change ................1236
68.1.2 🕵🏻☔️🌪
[Yearbook] Ministry of Earth Sciences (पृथ्वी विज्ञान मं त्रालय)..................................1237
68.1.3 🌎🔬
PRITHvi VIgyan Scheme for research on Earth (2024)..........................................1238
68.2 Sustainable Development: meaning.....................................................................................1238
68.3 🌱📐📊 SDG → India’s Implementation / Monitoring..........................................................1238
68.3.1 🌱📐📊
NITI’s SDG India Index: overall scoring............................................................1239
68.3.2 🌱📐📊
NITI SDG Urban India Index..............................................................................1240
68.3.3 🌱📒
NITI’s VNR Review to UN......................................................................................... 1240
68.4 SDG Goals vs India’s Notable Schemes................................................................................1240
68.4.1 Water: Mission Amrit Sarovar by Rural Development Ministry.................................1242
68.4.2 Water: JALDOOT App (2022)........................................................................................1242
68.4.3 💦🌴 👛
Environment: Amrit Dharohar & MISHTHI in Budget-2023...........................1245
68.4.4 🌱🌳
NITI’s Grow Portal for Agroforestry (2024)............................................................1245
68.4.5 🫶
SDG Goal 16 onwards....................................................................................................1245
68.4.6 Bail money for Poor Prisoners’........................................................................................1245
68.4.7 🫶🤝
Goal17: partnership....................................................................................................1246
68.5 What next? आगे क्या?.............................................................................................................. 1246
68.5.1 🫖☕️ Microeconomics for Prelims...................................................................................... 1246
68.5.2 ✍️🎺 Mains Course for Economy.......................................................................................1246
68.5.3 🌻 Free updates for economy current affairs (for 2025)...................................................1246
68.5.4 🥶 Correction in Handout.................................................................................................... 1246

(Batch: PCB11-RAFTAAR-ONLY-Prelims) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6E: HDI & SDG → Page 1230

Introduction: Human development measures the ‘richness’ of human life, rather than measuring
‘richness’ of the economy. It stands on three foundations 1) To live a healthy & creative life 2) to be
knowledgeable 3) A decent standard of living. मानव विकास अर्थव्यवस्था की ’समृद्धि’ को मापने के बजाय मानव जीवन
की ‘समृद्धि ’को मापता है। यह तीन नींवों पर खड़ा है 1) एक स्वस्थ और रचनात्मक जीवन जीना 2) शिक्षा हाँसील करना 3) एक अच्छा
जीवन स्तर हाँसील करना ।

Four pillars of human development are Equity, Sustainability, Productivity & Empowerment.
Four approaches (दृष्टिकोण) to human development are as follows: (As per NCERT: )
Approach Description (वर्णन)
1. Income - Oldest approach. Higher income = higher human development. (आय
Approach दृष्टिकोण)
2. Welfare - People are not participants in development but only passive recipients.
Approach - higher Govt expenditure on education, health, social services etc welfare
 कल्याण दृष्टिकोण scheme required to help them.
3. Basic needs - by International Labour Organisation (ILO).
 बुनियादी जरूरतें - Six basic needs: health, education, food, water supply, sanitation, &
housing need to be focused
4. Capability - By Prof. Amartya Sen: Govt should focus on building human capabilities
 क्षमता दृष्टिकोण
in health, education & access to resources (such as jobs, loans etc) = ⏫
human development.
🔠❓Which of following are the 4 pillars of human development? (UPSC-CDS-i-2020)
a) Equity, inclusion, productivity & empowerment
b) Equity, productivity, empowerment & sustainability
c) Productivity, gender, inclusion & equity (d) Labour, productivity, inclusion & equity
🔠⁉️ MCQ. Which are considered as pillars of Human Development? (CDS-2023-II)

(Batch: PCB11-RAFTAAR-ONLY-Prelims) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6E: HDI & SDG → Page 1231
1. Equity 2. Sustainability 3. Productivity 4. Security
Codes: (a) 1 and 2 only (b) 3 and 4 only (c) 1, 2 and 3 only (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4
🔠❓Which one of the following approaches of human development was initially proposed by the
International Labour Organisation (ILO) and emphasised on health, education, food, water supply,
sanitation and housing ? (UPSC-CDS-2021-i)
(a) Welfare approach (b) Basic needs approach (c) Income approach (d) Capability approach
🔠⁉️ MCQ. Which one among the following statements regarding ‘human development' is not
correct? (EPFO-2023)
(a) The basic concept of Income Approach to Human Development is that the level of income
reflects the level of freedom an individual enjoys.
(b) Basic Needs Approach to Human Development was initially proposed by the International
Labour Organization (ILO).
(c) Human Poverty Index measures the shortfall in human development.
(d) Under the Welfare Approach to Human Development, the Government protects and promotes
private entrepreneurs to maximize expenditure on welfare.
67.1.1 🤝 Social Capital (सामाजिक पूँजी)

NCERT classifies social resources into 3 parts

material assets and income. e.g. Money to to college admission.
(आर्थिक पूं जी)
CULTURAL/EDUCATIONAL educational qualifications and status (सांस्कृ तिक शैक्षणिक पूंजी)
networks of contacts and social associations. With their help,
person can get access to good advice, job, etc. (सामाजिक पूंजी: रिश्तेदार
और पहचान वालों का समूह जिनकी मदद से आप को जानकारी मदद और रोज़गार मिल
सकता है)

67.1.2 ⚡️Social Overhead Capital (सामाजिक उपरिव्यय पूँजी)

 Social Overhead Capital = transportation, education, healthcare, water-electricity etc utilities.
 It is essential for long-term economic growth and human development. (इन चीजो से आर्थिक वृद्धि व
मानव-विकास को मदद मिलती है।)
 📙ES23: appreciated that Govt has spent good amount of money on this. (भारत सरकार ने इन पर जमकर
पैसा खर्च किया है उसकी आर्थिक सर्वेक्षण ने प्रशं सा)

(Batch: PCB11-RAFTAAR-ONLY-Prelims) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6E: HDI & SDG → Page 1232
🔠❓MCQ. In any country _ _ _ would be considered as part of its social capital? (Pre-2019)
a) The proportion of literates in the population.
b) The stock of its buildings, other infrastructure & machines.
c) The size of the population in the working age group.
d) The level of mutual trust & harmony in the society.
67.2 📊🌐 UNDP’ H S UMAN DEVELOPMENT REPORT (मानव विकास रिपोर्ट)
- New York: United Nations → Economic & Social Council (ECOSOC) → United Nations
Development Programme (UNDP:सं युक्त राष्ट्र विकास कार्यक्रम) prepares this annual report since 1990,
based formula devised by Economists Mahbub ul Haq (Pak) & Amartya Sen (India).
- Note: Mahbub ul Haq was the first to give human dev concept
Published in THEMES
2020-Dec next frontier human development and anthropocene.
Earth’s history is divided into time series known as eons, eras, periods, epochs,
and ages. Officially the current epoch is called 'Holocene' (began approx
11,000 yrs ago). Although unofficially called Anthropocene - to mark the
impact of human activity.]
2021 No report published
2022-Sept “Uncertain times, unsettled lives Shaping our future in a transforming world”
It covers period from 2021-22
2023-24 Breaking the gridlock: Reimagining cooperation in a polarized world
(give the ranks for the year 2022)

UNDP’s report provides FIVE indices of Human Development viz.

FIVE INDICES (started 2023-24 Report (Released in March 2024, gives rank for yr 2022)
from) #1-5 🧔 India #bottom
1990: Human 1 Switzerland 2 Norway 3 134 191 Central
Development Index (HDI) Iceland 4 Hong Kong, China (In previous African

(Batch: PCB11-RAFTAAR-ONLY-Prelims) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6E: HDI & SDG → Page 1233
FIVE INDICES (started 2023-24 Report (Released in March 2024, gives rank for yr 2022)
from) #1-5 🧔 India #bottom
(SAR) 5 Denmark 5 Sweden report it was 132 Republic 192
so declined.) South Sudan
193 Somalia
2010: Multidimensional India 16.4% people are poor.
Poverty Index (MPI). It For remaining details refer to Handout: Poverty.
doesn’t give ‘rank’ but % of
poor people.
(Ref: Poverty section)
2010: Gender Inequality #1: Denmark 108 166: Yemen
Index (GII) (Ref: Women #2: Norway (last time 122 so
section) 3: Switzerland improved)
लिंग असमानता सूचकांक
2014: Gender Development - Group#1: Norway, Iceland, Sweden etc
Index (GDI). Doesn’t give - Group#5: India, Niger, Chad etc.
‘rank’, it clubs nations into
group 1 to 5
2010: Inequality Adjusted Ranking Not important / poor cost benefit in chasing it for exam
2020: Planetary pressures- Ranking Not important / poor cost benefit in chasing it for exam
adjusted HDI (PHDI)

67.2.1 📊🌐 UNDP → Human Development Index (HDI:मानव विकास सूचकांक)

It’s the geometric average of three basic dimensions of human development:
Dimension Indicators (पैदा होता → पढ़ता → पैसे कमाता) 🧔 India Swiz.
Healthy Life Life expectancy at birth yrs (आयु सं भाविता) 67.7 84.3
(India's life expectancy b4 Corona =69 yrs, as per UNDP)
Knowledge Expected years of schooling 12.6 16.6
ज्ञान Mean years of schooling 6.6 13.9
Standard of Per capita gross national income (GNI:सकल राष्ट्रीय प्रति व्यक्ति $6,951 $69,433
Living आय) in US$ (PPP Exchange rate @2017)
(जीवन स्तर)
Plug above values in HDI formula you get HDI score between 0.000 to 0.644 0.967
1.000 (higher score is better)→
Based on above HDI Scores,
- Nations are given rank: Swiz. #1, India #134 in the latest report published in 2024.
- Nations are clubbed into groups: 1) Very High Human Development (उच्चतम मानव विकास)2) High
Human Development 3) Medium Human Dev (India is here) 4) Low Human Development. ‘

(Batch: PCB11-RAFTAAR-ONLY-Prelims) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6E: HDI & SDG → Page 1234
67.2.2 📈 India's HDI ranks across the years
India 1990 2010 2015 2019 2020 2021 2022
HDI value 0.434 0.572 0.619 0.638 0.638 0.633 0.644
India’s Rank 114 119 130 129 131 132 134

🔠❓MCQ. Which one of the following educational development indicators is currently used by
UNDP to construct the Human Development Index ? (UPSC-CAPF-2020)
(a) Level of Literacy (b) Gross Enrolment Ratio (c) Mean Years of Schooling (d) Dropout rate

67.2.3 📊🌐 UNDP → Inequality Adjusted HDI

- Since HDI is a geometric mean, it hides internal inequality of a country. So, using another
formula, UNDP will adjust the HDI score with inequality among rich & poor in those 3
dimensions. [एक ही देश के भीतर अमीरों और गरीबों के बीच मानव विकास में कितनी असमानता है?]
- So while India’s HDI score = 0.644 but inequality adjusted HDI (असमानता समायोजित मानव विकास
सूचकांक)= 0.444. Lower score = more inequality. Separate rank is given but NOTIMP.
67.2.4 📊👩 UNDP → Gender Development Index (GDI: लैंगिक विकास सूचकांक)
It’s simply the (Female HDI) divided by (Male HDI) for a given country. (पुरुषों के अनुपात में महिलाओं का
मानव विकास अनुपात कितना है?)
- Based on this score, nations are not ‘ranked’ but clubbed into five groups. India is in bottomest
group #5 along with Niger, Chad et al.
- GDI value could even be even greater than 1 if female (life expectancy, education, income) is
more than men e.g. Estonia, Latvia- more men dropout of school & die early by liquor addiction.

67.2.5 📊🌐 UNDP → Planetary pressures-adjusted HDI (PHDI):

• Started this from 2020's report. (ग्रह पर दबाव-समायोजित एचडीआई)
• HDI value adjusted by the level of (1) carbon dioxide emissions and (2) material footprint
per capita. Higher score is better.
Report-2024-March HDI score PHDI Score
HDI Rank#1 Swiz 0.967 0.826
HDI Rank#134 India 0.644 0.625


Annual report by United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network since 2012
- Citizens are asked to give score 0 to 10 on how happy they’re for following parameters: income,
freedom, healthy life expectancy, social support by friends & relatives, generosity & corruption.
Ranking 2020 2021 2022 2023
Most Happy #1 Finland Finland Finland Finland
India** @144 😰 @139 @136 out of @126 out of
146 nations 137 nations.

(Batch: PCB11-RAFTAAR-ONLY-Prelims) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6E: HDI & SDG → Page 1235
Pak @108
Most unhappy Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan
bottom rank
 In 2020- the report even ranked ‘cities’ for happiness. But poor cost benefit chasing.
 China, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh - are more happier than India.
2018: World Bank’s first ever report on Human Capital Index (HCI:मानव पूंजी सूचकांक)
- It measures a nation's progress in health & education for the productivity of its next generation
of workers using following components:
a. Survival rate of children (under-5 mortality)
b. Expected years of schooling (अनुमानित विद्यालयी शिक्षा के वर्ष)
c. Overall health measured in A) under-5 stunting B) adult survival rate.
- Govt of India has rejected this report citing “World Bank methodology is faulty.”
Gross National - 1972: term coined by the fourth king of Bhutan, Jigme Singye
Happiness Index Wangchuck.
(GNHI- सकल राष्ट्रीय - It is an indicator to measure sustainable development, environmental
खुशहाली सूचकांक) conservation, culture & good governance.
Physical Quality - mid-1970s by Morris D Morris (जीवन स्तर की भौतिक गुणवत्ता का सूचकांक)
of Life Index - Focuses on 1) life expectancy, 2) infant mortality rate 3) literacy rate
(PQLI) - Scores a nation on a scale of 1 to 100. Score 1 = represents the worst
performance. 1) जीवन प्रत्याशा, 2) शिशु मृत्यु दर 3) साक्षरता दर)
Human Poverty - by developed by the UNDP in 1997.
Index - However, nowadays UNDP prefers to use Multidimensional poverty
index (MPI)- which we learned in Pillar6C:Poverty.
🔠❓MCQ. Human capital formation as a concept is better explained in terms of a process which
enables (Pre-2018)
(1) Individuals of a country to accumulate more capital.
(2) Increasing the knowledge, skill levels & capacities of the people of the country.
(3) Accumulation of tangible wealth. (4) Accumulation of intangible wealth.
Answer Codes: (a) 1 & 2 (b) 2 only (c) 2 & 4 (d) 1, 3 & 4
🔠⁉️ MCQ. Which is the only country in the world to officially proclaim the Gross National
Happiness (GNH) as the measure of the country's progress? (CDS-2023-II)
(a) Finland (b) Bhutan (c) Nepal (d) Switzerland


68.1.1 🕵🏻🌴🦢🐘 [Yearbook] Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change
While UPSC has got khujli of asking about Yearbook info BUT due to Pagelimit/space limit i've not
made exhaustive notes on environment bodies. so consult its books/notes/courses for more details.

(Batch: PCB11-RAFTAAR-ONLY-Prelims) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6E: HDI & SDG → Page 1236
(पर्यावरण वन एवं जलवायु परिवर्तन मं त्रालय)
Dept  N/A
Subordinate/  Forest Survey, Dehradun
Attached  Botanical Survey, Kolkata
 Zoological Survey of India, Kolkata
 Indira Gandhi National Forest Academy, Dehradun
 Directorate of Forest Education, Dehradun
 National Zoological Park, New Delhi
 National Museum of Natural History, New Delhi
 National River Conservation Directorate, New Delhi
 National Centre For Sustainable Coastal Management, Chennai
Statutory Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB Delhi) to implement
Bodies  Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act 1974
 Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981
 Environment (Protection) Act 1986
 1972: Central Zoo Authority, under Wildlife (Protection) Act, Delhi
 1972: National Tiger Conservation Authority under Wildlife (Protection)
Act, Delhi
 1972: Wildlife Crime Control Bureau under Wild Life (Protection) Act, Delhi
 2002: National Biodiversity Authority, under Biological Diversity Act,
 2010: National Green Tribunal, under National Green Tribunal Act, Delhi
 2021: Commission for Air Quality Management (CAQM)- is an Statutory
body under The Commission For Air Quality Management in National
Capital Region and Adjoining Areas Act, 2021 set up to curb air pollution in
the National Capital Region NCR, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan.
Autonomous  Govind Ballabh Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment & Development,
 Indian Council of Forestry Research & Education, Dehradun
 Indian Institute of Forest Management, Madhya Pradesh
 Indian Plywood Industries Research & Training Institute, Punjab
 Wildlife Institute of India, Dehradun
 Salim Ali Center for Ornithology & Natural History(SACON), Anaikatti,
Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
CPSE  Andaman & Nicobar Islands Forest & Plantation Development Corporation
Limited, Port Blair
E-  Parivesh Portal for environment clearance for various projects e.g. cutting
Governance trees to build factory/highway etc. 👜🥻 Budget-2022- we’ll make this portal
better. (विविध प्रोजेक्ट के लिए पेड़ कटाई इत्यादि की मंज़ूरी के लिए ओनलाइन पोर्टल।)
68.1.2 🕵🏻☔️🌪 [Yearbook] Ministry of Earth Sciences (पृथ्वी विज्ञान मं त्रालय)
Dept  N/A

(Batch: PCB11-RAFTAAR-ONLY-Prelims) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6E: HDI & SDG → Page 1237
Attached  National Center for Seismology, Noida
 Centre for Marine Living Resources & Ecology, Kochi
Subordinate  India Meteorological Department (IMD), New Delhi
 National Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting, Noida
Autonomous  National Institute of Ocean Technology, Chennai
 National Centre for Polar & Ocean Research, Goa
 Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune
 Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Service, Hyderabad
 National Centre for Earth Science Studies, Kerala
CPSE  N/A or not Not MCQ worthy

68.1.3 🌎🔬 PRITHvi VIgyan Scheme for research on Earth (2024)

Boss? Ministry of Earth Sciences
• PRITHVI addresses all the five components of earth viz. atmosphere, hydrosphere,
geosphere, cryosphere and biosphere to improve the understating of the Earth.
PRITHVI scheme has 5 sub-schemes namely:-
1. Atmosphere & Climate Research-Modelling Observing Systems & Services (ACROSS)
2. Ocean Services, Modelling Application, Resources and Technology (O-SMART)
3. Polar Science and Cryosphere Research (PACER)
4. Seismology and Geosciences (SAGE)
5. Research, Education, Training and Outreach (REACHOUT)


 1980s: UN’s Brundtland Commission on Environment & Development → “Our Common
Future” Report → defined “Sustainable development is the development that meets the needs of
the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” [सतत
विकास भावी पीढ़ियों की अपनी जरूरतों को पूरा करने की क्षमता से समझौता किए बिना वर्तमान की जरूरतों को पूरा करता है]
 1992: Earth Summit @Rio, Brazil → 2012: Rio+20 summit: leaders announced to prepare
“Sustainable Development Goals” (SDG:सं धारणीय/सतत विकास लक्ष्य) for post-2015 era when MDG
goals expired.
Year UN Approved Goal Target
2000-2015 Millennium Development Goals (MDG:सहस्राब्दी विकास लक्ष्य) 8 18
2015-2030 “Sustainable Development Goals” (SDG:सं धारणीय/सतत विकास लक्ष्य) 17 169


India has tasked NITI Aayog to monitor the SDG implementation in India, tie up with Union
ministries, State governments, academia, civil society & other stakeholders.
 2018-Dec: NITI prepared ‘Baseline (आधार रेखा) Report of the SDG India Index’, which contains
baseline vs targets to be achieved for each goal & how much progress by the States.

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 Accordingly, NITI assigns “SDG Goal Score (0-100)” to each State & UT & classifies them into
following categories:

68.3.1 🌱📐📊 NITI’s SDG India Index: overall scoring

In the latest 2021-June’s report, NITI/Newspapers Then created multiple sub-index/categories
using the scores e.g. Which state is number one in drinking water, Solar panel etc. = but very poor
cost benefit in memorising all those factual GK.# थोड़ा-पढ़ो-आगे-बढ़ो
Score → 2018’s Report 2019’s (Released in Dec’19) 2020’s (Released in 2021-Jun)
Monitoring 13 goals 16 goals. 17 goals
Aspirant: 0- आकांक्षी: Assam, Not any Not any
49 Bihar, UP
Performer: अच्छा प्रदर्शन: Among these most pathetic/lowest scorer is
50-64 Remaining Bihar (52), Jharkhand (56), Assam (57).
Front अग्रणी:  Best: Kerala(70) &  Best: Kerala(75) &
Runner: 65- Himachal, Chandigarh (70). Chandigarh (79).
99 Kerala, TN,  Then Himachal, Tamil  Himachal, Tamil Nadu,
Chandigarh & Nadu, Andhra, Andhra, Telangana,
Puducherry Telangana, Karnataka, Karnataka, Goa, Sikkim,
Goa, Sikkim, & Uttarakhand, Gujarat,
Puducherry = total 10 Maharashtra, Mizoram,
States/UT Punjab, Haryana, Tripura,
 Puducherry, Delhi,
Lakshadweep, Andaman
and Nicobar, J&L, Ladakh
 Total 22 State/UT
Achiever: 100 सफल: all SDG goals achieved but no one here YET.
For example, SDG Goal#3 Ensure Healthy Lives & Promote Well-being For All
Associated Targets under Goal#3 SDG Goal#3 States/UT categorization
 Reduce MMR (Baseline:130) → Target 70  Achiever: None achieved all targets
(by 2030), Kerala already achieved.  Frontrunners: Kerala, TN, Puducherry etc
 Eliminate TB by 2030 (No State Yet  Performer: Bihar, UP, MP, Odisha, etc.
Achieved)  Aspirants: None (because each state has
 Reduce Under-5 Child Mortality Rate made some progress)
(Baseline:50) → Target 11 (by
2030),Kerala, Maharashtra, Tamilnadu
 Increase no. of Govt doctors , nurses &
midwives per 1,00,000 population:

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(Baseline:221) → Target 550 (by 2030).
Kerala already achieved.
🔠❓Which one of the following States ranked first on Sustainable Development Goal India Index,
2020-21 released by NITI Aayog? [UPSC-CAPF-2021]
(a) Himachal Pradesh (b) Tamil Nadu (c) Kerala (d) Goa
🔠⁉️ MCQ. Which of the following sets of States is at the bottom of the Composite SDG India
Index, 2020-2021 as per the NITI Aayog? (CDS-2023-I)
(a) Assam, Jharkhand, Bihar (b) Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand, Bihar
(c) Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Assam (d) Odisha, Bihar, Jharkhand

68.3.2 🌱📐📊 NITI SDG Urban India Index

 NITI Aayog’s first Sustainable Development Goals(SDG) Urban India Index 2021-22:
 Top 10 Urban Areas are Shimla, Coimbatore, Chandigarh, Thiruvananthapuram, Kochi, Panaji,
Pune, Tiruchirappalli, Ahmedabad and Nagpur.
 Bottom 10 Urban Areas are Dhanbad, Meerut, Itanagar, Guwahati, Patna, Jodhpur, Kohima,
Agra, Kolkata and Faridabad.
 This dashboard developed with the Indo-German Development Cooperation.
68.3.3 🌱📒 NITI’s VNR Review to UN
 2020-Jul: NITI presented India's second time Voluntary National Review (VNR: स्वैच्छिक राष्ट्रीय
समीक्षा) to UN's SDG monitoring forum.
 Theme of the report: "Taking SDGs from Global to Local". कि सतत विकास लक्ष्य हासिल करने में हमारी अब
तक की प्रगति क्या रही है? ज्यादातर बोल बच्चन और चिकनी चुपड़ी बातें है, परीक्षा उपयोगी माल बहुत कम है.


SDG Goal India’s Notable Schemes <List not exhaustive>
Goal End poverty in all its forms  MGNREGA & the National Livelihood Missions
1 everywhere
 Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Beema Yojana

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SDG Goal India’s Notable Schemes <List not exhaustive>
गरीबी की पूर्णतः समाप्ति (PMJJBY) & Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Suraksha
Beema Yojana (PMJSBY), National Social Assistance
Programmes (NSAP) which provides pension to the
elderly, widows, PH in BPL category.
 PMJAY ₹ 5l health insurance that reduces healthcare
burden on poor people.
Goal End hunger, achieve food  Green Revolution — Krishonnati Yojana & its 11
2 security & improved nutrition sub-schemes, esp. National Mission for Sustainable
& promote sustainable
Agriculture, National Food Security Mission
भुखमरी की समाप्ति  Food Security Act, POSHAN Abhiyaan, Mid-day
Meal (MDM: New Name PM Poshan),
Goal Ensure healthy lives &  National Health Mission & its rural, urban
3 promote well-being for all at components, various schemes for Communicable &
all ages
noncommunicable diseases

अच्छा स्वास्थ्य और जीवनस्तर  Ayushman Bharat: 1) transform PHC 2) PMJAY ₹ 5l

health insurance that reduces healthcare burden on
poor people.
 Intensified Mission Indradhanush vaccination.
 PM Matru Vandana Yojana (₹ 5k), Janani Suraksha
Yojana (₹ 1k to BPL) Janani Shishu Suraksha
Karyakram (Free delivery) etc.
Goal Ensure inclusive & equitable  Samagra Shiksha by merging 1) Sarva Shiksha
4 quality education & promote Abhiyan (SSA) 2) Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha
lifelong learning opportunities
Abhiyan (RMSA) 3) Teacher Education (TE).
for all- सभी के लिए समोवेशी तथा
गुणवत्ता युक्त शिक्षा  SWAYAM online portal for free learning etc.
Goal Achieve gender equality &  Gender Budget Statement from 2005 onwards
5 empower all women & girls
 Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao, Sukanya Samridhi (Bank
लैंगिक समानता
Savings) Yojana
 Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana (LPG connection to
BPL women),
 Procurement quota for MSME owned by Women,
Standup India loan scheme
Goal Ensure availability &  Swachh Bharat Mission, National Rural Drinking
6 sustainable management of Water Programme.
water & sanitation for all

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SDG Goal India’s Notable Schemes <List not exhaustive>
साफ पानी और स्वच्छता

68.4.1 💦 Water: Mission Amrit Sarovar by Rural Development Ministry

 Started on National Panchayati Raj Day on 24 April 2022
 Target: To construct or rejuvenate 50,000 Amrit Sarovar ponds across India till 15th August
 Every Amrit Sarovar will have a pond area of 1 acre with a water capacity of 10,000 cubic metre.
 no extra money given. Existing MGNREGA, PM Krishi Sinchayi Yojana funds will be used.

68.4.2 💦Water: JALDOOT App (2022)

 jointly developed by Ministry of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj.
 to capture the water level of wells in a village with geo-tagged photographs
 Benefit? systematic collection of ground water table data.
Goal Ensure access to affordable,  Target: achieve 40% electricity from non-fossil fuel
7 reliable, sustainable & modern sources by 2030;
energy for all
 LPG: PAHAL subsidy, Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala
सस्ती और स्वच्छ ऊर्जा
Yojana (LPG connection to BPL women),
 Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana →
Pradhan Mantri Sahaj Bijli Har Ghar Yojana
(Saubhagya) to give electricity connection to all,
Revamped Distribution Sector Scheme
 National Solar Mission, Green Energy Corridor etc.
 National Bio-fuels Policy 2018: 20% of ethanol in
petrol & 5% blending of biodiesel in diesel by 2030.
 PM Ji-Van Yojana: biowaste → biofuel; GOBAR-
DHAN) scheme, UJALA LED, Gram Ujala LED
International Solar Alliance (ISA, HQ: Gurugram,
Haryana) launched following initiatives
 1) World Solar Bank to provide loans for solar
energy projects
 2) One Sun One World One Grid Initiative/Green
Grids= to create interconnected electricity grids to
transfer solar electricity among nations.
 3) 2020: First World Solar Technology Summit
(organised in virtual mode because of corona)
Goal Promote sustained, inclusive  Make India, Startup india, Skill India → Pradhan
8 & sustainable economic

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growth, full & productive Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana
employment & decent work  Mudra loans,Standup India loans
for all
 Prime Minister’s Employment Generation
अच्छा रोजगार, आर्थिक विकास
Programme (PMEGP): credit linked subsidy for
Micro enterprises in non-farm sector.
Goal Build resilient infrastructure,  Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana, Pradhan Mantri gram
9 promote inclusive & Sadak Yojana, Bharat Mala, Sagar Mala,
sustainable industrialization
 Digital India, Smart City, AMRUT.
& foster innovation
उद्योग, नवाचार और बुनियादी सुविधाओं
का विकास
Goal Reduce inequality within &  To reduce inequality within the country- all the
10 among countries schemes that are focusing on rural area & weaker
देशों के भीतर और देशों के बीच
section e.g. MNREGA, Deen Dayal Upadhyaya
असमानता में कमी
Grameen Kaushalya Yojana (DDU-GKY), Standup
India loans for SC/ST & Women, Pradhan Mantri
Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) Rurban Mission
 To reduce inequality among countries - Technical
& Financial Assistance given by India to its
neighbouring countries, & least developed countries
Goal Make cities & human  Smart City, AMRUT, Rurban Mission, PM Awas
11 settlements inclusive, safe, Yojana, Swachh Bharat Mission etc Which we
resilient & sustainable
learned in pillar#5
टिकाऊ शहरी विकास
Goal Ensure sustainable  Targets: 1) ⏬ emissions intensity of GDP by 45% by
12 consumption & production
2030 compared to 2005; (earlier target 33-35%)
जिम्मेदारी के साथ उपभोग और उत्पादन  2) ⏬ per capita consumption of fertilizer, fuel,
plastic waste etc.
 2021: SEBI rules: Top-1000 Listed Companies
required to publish Business Responsibility and
Sustainability Report (BRSR)- showing their
environmental, social and governance standards.
This reporting will be voluntarily in 2021 but
compulsory from 2022. सेबी के नियमानुसार शेयर बाज़ार में
लिस्टेड बड़ी कं पनियों ने 2022 से अनिवार्य रूप से “व्यापार उत्तरदायित्व
और सतत-स्थिरता रिपोर्ट’ प्रकाशित करनी होगी। इस रिपोर्ट में कं पनीने
अपने द्वारा उठाए गये पर्यावरण, समाज-कल्याण और कॉरपोरेट शासन के

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कदमों की जानकारी देनी होगी।
Goal Take urgent action to combat  India’s national Greenhouse Gas Emission (2014) is
13 climate change & its impacts made up of: Energy sector > industrial process >
जलवायु परिवर्तन और उसके प्रभावों से
Agriculture > Waste material.
निपटने के लिए तत्काल कार्रवाई
 Targets: 0 Deaths in Extreme weather events, 40% of
electricity generation from renewable sources,
increase adoption of LED bulbs etc.
 National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC)
& its 8 missions.
 National Air Quality Monitoring Programme
 National Adaptation Fund on Climate Change
 Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP, 2014) to
improve scientific analysis of climate change. It has
two components: A) National Carbonaceous
Aerosols Program (NCAP) led by IIT-Bombay &
other institutes. B) Long-Term Ecological
Observatories (LTEO).
Goal Conserve & sustainably use  Marine protected areas, Coastal Regulation Zone,
14 the oceans, seas & marine National oil spill disaster contingency plan.
resources for sustainable
 NITI doesn't give ranking to all states for it. it gives
समुद्री सं साधनों का सं रक्षण ranking only to coastal states namely - ODISHA
Goal Protect, restore & promote  NAPCC → National Mission for a Green India,
15 sustainable use of terrestrial
 National Mission for Sustaining the Himalayan
ecosystems, sustainably
Ecosystem. | Project Tiger, Elephant etc.
manage forests, combat
desertification, & halt &  Target-2030: 1) increase Land area under forest from
reverse land degradation & 21.54% (Baseline) to 33% 2) Use these trees/forests
halt biodiversity loss to add carbon sink equivalent to 2.5-3 billion tons
स्थलीय पारिस्थितिकीय प्रणालियों, भूमि CO2
क्षरण और जैव विविधता का सं रक्षण Mangrove Alliance for Climate (MAC): Launched at
UNFCCC: COP-27, Egypt @2022.
30 by 30 (or 30x30) is a worldwide initiative for
governments to designate 30% of Earth's land and ocean
area as protected areas by 2030.

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68.4.3 💦🌴 Environment: Amrit Dharohar & MISHTHI in 👛Budget-2023
Scheme Boss? Ministry of Environment
MISHTI Mangrove Initiative for Shoreline Habitats & Tangible Incomes’.
for next 5 years mangrove plantation along the coastline and on salt pan lands
man and money from MGNREGA, CAMPA Fund and other sources.
focus on 540 Sq. Kms. spreading across 11 States and 2 UT (मेंग्रूव वृक्षारोपण)
💦 Amrit wetlands’ optimal usage. Promote eco-tourism & income generation for local
people. for next 3 years (आद्रभूमि में सं वर्धन, पर्यावरण-पर्यटन)
🕵🏻 Boss for both the schemes = Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change.
68.4.4 🌱🌳 NITI’s Grow Portal for Agroforestry (2024)
• Grow Portal= Greening and Restoration of Wasteland with Agroforestry
• To assess agroforestry suitability across all districts in India - With help of remote sensing
and Geographic Information System (GIS) (सुदूर सं वेदन, भौगोलिक सूचना प्रणाली)
• NITI will also develop Agroforestry Suitability Index (ASI) (कृ षि वानिकी उपयुक्तता सूचकांक)
• Agro Forestry will help in (1) reducing import of wood (2) carbon sequestration to combat
climate change (3)improve sub-optimal use of arable land.
🔠⁉️ MCQ. What does India's "Blue growth" refer to? (CDS-2023-II)
(a) Upgradation of Indian Air Force. (b) Discouraging farmers from using pesticides
✅ (c) A long-term strategy to support sustainable growth in the marine and maritime sectors
(d) Socio-economic empowerment of India's blue collar workers in the unorganized sector
68.4.5 🫶 SDG Goal 16 onwards
Goal Promote peaceful & inclusive Target-2030:
16 societies for sustainable  Reported murders per 1 lakh population (from 2.4
development, provide access to To 1.2)
justice for all & build effective,
 Reduce reported corruption crimes per 1 crore
accountable & inclusive
institutions at all levels population (from 34 to 17)
शांतिपूर्ण समावेशी समाजों को बढ़ावा  increase number of courts per 10 lakh persons (from
देना,सभी के लिए न्याय तक पहुंच 12 to 34)
सुनिश्चित करना
 Cover 100% population with aadhar card
 Etc. so accordingly more ₹ funding, amending
criminal laws etc.

68.4.6 👮🏻 ‍♀️Bail money for Poor Prisoners’

 financial support to poor persons who are in prisons and unable to afford the penalty or the bail
amount. so they can get released from jail.
 Union government to give money to state governments for this.
 Exact technical guidelines are to be announced.
जो ग़रीब क़ै दी ज़मानत या आर्थिक जुर्माने की रक़म नहीं जुटा पा रहे, तो सरकार उन्हें आर्थिक सहायता देगी, ताकि वे जेल से रिहा हो सके ।

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68.4.7 🫶🤝 Goal17: partnership
Strengthen the means of implementation & revitalize the global partnership for sustainable
development सामूहिक साझेदारी-वैश्विक भागीदारी को पुनर्जीवित करना
 India has joined International Solar Alliance, India has committed to Paris deal on Climate
Change etc. 2019: India became founding member of European commission’s International
Platform on Sustainable Finance
 NITI has set no quantitative targets for this Goal because MOSPI is unable to frame statistical
methods to capture it. (e.g. SDG Target 17.15: ‘Respect each country’s policy space’ - difficult to
quantify & compare!). But in 2021’s SDG Index Report, NITI provided some qualitative
assessment e.g. we need to increase the cooperation at global level, Corona has created new
challenges etc. [यहाँ पर मात्रात्मक रूप से तो लक्ष्य नापना सं भव नहीं है किन्तु गुणात्मक समीक्षा नीति आयोग ने द्वारा की गई है]
🔠⁉️ MCQ. Which are United Nations Sustainable Development Goal(s)? (CDS-2023-II)
1. Decent work and economic growth (2). Peace, justice and strong institutions
3. Responsible consumption and production
Codes: (a) 1 and 2 only (b) 1, 2 and 3 (c) 2 only (d) 1 and 3 only
🔠⁉️ MCQ. SDG India Index, developed by NITI Aayog, includes 17 SDGs for each State. Which
one of the following is not included in that index? (CDS-2023-II)
(a) Zero hunger (b) Reduced unemployment (c) Life below water
(d) Responsible consumption and production
Note: we've to wait for official anskey bcoz two interpretation (i) unemployment is not 'direct goal so
stB wrong. (ii) all states not covered in life below water- only coastal states covered so stC wrong.
68.5 🌻W HAT NEXT? आगे क्या?
68.5.1 🫖☕️Microeconomics for Prelims
• UPSC asked hardly 2 MCQs in last 12 years from Microeconomics. so i've not taught it in
live class in PCB10. But you can watch recorded 2 lectures and download its PPT/Handouts
from 2023-May's course, when and IF time permits. [No extra fees. Part of your 'Netflix'
(Plus/iconic subscription] लेकिन अगर टाइम नहीं है, तो छोड़ो माइक्रोइकॉनोमिक्स को। बाक़ी विषय ख़त्म करो।
68.5.2 ✍️🎺Mains Course for Economy
• OptionA: watch recorded Separate Mains-QEP3 course is going on
Z57TAIGS ( discount Code: '') OR
• OptionB: watch for next live course in 2024-July.
68.5.3 🌻
Free updates for economy current affairs (for 2025)
• For targeting 2025: Win25 Series in Feb-2025 onwards
68.5.4 🥶
Correction in Handout
• Stay tuned to
• If you spot any more errors/corrections, DM me on OR

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