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Script : a man hits a child and what happen next is shocking

Child : adnyjf k. ni;ff mkv jgyhgyghyqe jjggyhjdfh hg jhfhggg

Man: hoze
Witness ; fio
Wise men : fio
Narrator ; Rayner
Police : rayner
Narrator ; it start in a road in Pontianak where an ordinary man was driving a car, and then he
( sound effect)
Narrator ; a child accidently hit by the ordinary man, he cant think so what he do is…
Man : I cant go to jail, I have kids and wife, who will gave them food?
Narrator : he tries to run away because he have more to do rather in jail

(15 minutes later)

Police : we found a child that got hit by a car, and the person who hit the child ran away

Witness: hey sir! I know who hit him, im the witness *emot keren* It was the man that was
using the Mercedes car…
Police: do you know who he is?
Witness: I don’t know him but I can see his face
Police: what does his face look like?
Witness: He looks like a Arabic man
Police: Ok, we will try our best to find him
Witness: thank you for your help
(5 days later)
Police: I think we found him
Witness: really?!
Police: yes we found him, is he?
(police shows the criminal)
Witness: Yes that’s him!!

Police: Ok then, but he say that he didn’t do it

Witness: it’s him please believe me.

Police: ok we will bring the case to the court.
Witness: ok.
(in the court)
Man: I swear sur. it’s not me!!
Witness: it’s him sir, I saw he crashed into him!
Police: calm down guys, I got the proof from the cctv.
Man: *oh no, why am I so stupid*
(5 minutes later)
Police: so the witness is correct, you crashed into him!
Man: okay fine police, it was me…
Witness: finally you tell the truth.
Man: sorry police and witness…
Police: it’s okay man, but you’ll still go to jail for reckless driving.
Man: ok I accept the consequence.
Police: guys I need to go to the hospital to see the child.
Witness: oh okay police be safe!
(at the hospital)
Child: w-where am i?
Police: you are at the hospital.
Child: what happened to me?
Police: You got crashed by an Arabic man. He already get sent to jail.
Child: when will I go back to my home, I miss my family.
Police: you still need to stay in this hospital for a week.
Child: NOOOOOO I WANT TO PLAY EPEPP!!!*emot sedih*
Police: after a week you can go home and play epep with me *emot senyum*
(after 3 week)
Police: Okayyy!


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