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Analysis Outline

Thesis Statement: In George Orwell’s Animal Farm, the character Boxer

represents the Philippines’ working class during Martial Law era, showing how
the proletariat were exploited and manipulated.

The unwavering loyalty and diligence of Boxer on the farm represent the
commitment and hard work of Filipino laborers under oppressive governments,
which draws a comparison between ordinary folk under martial law.

The pigs’ betrayal and eventual doom for Boxer portray a situation where workers
are mistreated by authoritarian leaders just as Filipino workers have been
experiencing injustices in times of political conflicts.

Boxer’s tragic fate serves as a warning to people who blindly follow orders and
emphasizes on the significance of oneness among those oppressed, this
resonates with historical stories of resistance and resilience from colonialism till

In conclusion, through the character of Boxer in Animal Farm, George Orwell

sheds light on the struggles and sacrifices of the working class, offering a
poignant commentary on power dynamics, exploitation, and the resilience of the
human spirit in the face of adversity. This analysis not only enriches our
understanding of the novel but also invites us to reflect on the socio-political
realities of the Philippines and the universal themes of oppression and resistance
that transcend time and borders.

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