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G-LITT001 CPE22 2nd Sem ( 2023-2024 )

Final Module 9 Literary Analysis

Review Quiz 7 Animal Farm Chapters 5-10

Here are your latest answers:

Question 1
Chapter 5
What could be the real cause of Snowball’s expulsion from the Farm?

Response: Napoleon ousted him as he observed that Snowball is effectively persuading the animals in the farm and Napoleon wanted to take the rule.

Score: 2 out of 2 Yes

Question 2
Chapter 6
Which of the statements is not true?

Response: Napoleon claims that not volunteering to work on Sundays does not have any impact on the rations.

Score: 2 out of 2 Yes

Question 3
Chapter 6
Which among these statements best illustrates a clear comparison of things and views in Chapter 6?

Response: Napoleon’s leadership is equated to slavery, oppression, and personal ambitions through deceptions.

Score: 2 out of 2 Yes

Question 4
Chapter 9
With the story behind the plight of Boxer, what is the best reflection that can be projected?

Response: Truths can be absolutely concealed.

Score: 0 out of 2 No

Question 5
Chapter 8
Which of these statements was not an inconsistency in Chapter 8?

Response: `No animal shall kill any other animal without cause.'

Score: 0 out of 2 No

Question 6
Chapter 10
If you were the author, how would you have ended the novel?

Response: The animals have convened and carefully planned a move to resist.

Score: 2 out of 2 Yes

Question 7
Chapter 10
What best reaction and reception from the animals do you discern when they sneaked into the party of humans and pigs?

Response: They were frustrated.

Score: 2 out of 2 Yes

Question 8
Chapter 10
Choose the worst actuation of the pigs in Chapter 10.

Response: They decreed: “ All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than the others. “

Score: 2 out of 2 Yes

Question 9
Chapter 5
In this chapter, what phenomenon relevant to communities of the current time was not seen?

Response: Vigilance

Score: 2 out of 2 Yes

Question 10
Chapter 9
Which among the options is best justified in Chapter 9?

Response: Napoleon, having become President, became empowered and privileged.

Score: 2 out of 2 Yes

Question 11
Chapter 10
How do you construe the contents of Mr. Pilkington’s speech?

Response: The humans are very interested in doing business with the pigs.

Score: 2 out of 2 Yes

Question 12
Chapter 7
In Chapter 7, Clover realized “ if only she would have spoken…” What proposal/wisdom could you best provide as necessitated by the situation?

Response: At the onset, they would have been more vigilant and not always agreeable to the changes that Napoleon and the council implement.

Score: 2 out of 2 Yes

Question 13
Chapter 7
How do you describe the character or philosophy as interpreted in Boxer’s lines:
`I do not understand it. I would not have believed that such things could happen on our farm. It must be due to some fault in ourselves. The solution, as I see it, is to work
harder. From now onwards I shall get up a full hour earlier in the mornings.'

Response: Boxer who takes upon the responsibility to himself and the rest of the animals believes that a society will succeed because of the efforts of its members.

Score: 2 out of 2 Yes

Question 14
Chapter 8
Which of the statements is not true as presented in Chapter 8?

Response: Mr. Pilkington destroyed the windmill and the animals fought hard in this battle.

Score: 2 out of 2 Yes

Question 15
Chapter 9
If you were Napoleon, the leader of the farm, which best privilege would you give to other animals?

Response: All animals may play with one another.

Score: 0 out of 2 No

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