Thanks Dick Im Proud of

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Thanks dick I'm proud of you dick

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warnings: Rape/Non-Con, Underage
Category: F/M
Fandom: Fundamental Paper Education
Relationship: Miss Circle/Abbie
Characters: Miss Circle (Fundamental Paper Education), Abbie (Fundamental Paper
Education), Kevin (Fundamental Paper Education), Engel (Fundamental
Paper Education), Bubble (Fundamental Paper Education), Lana
(Fundamental Paper Education)
Additional Tags: rape/noncon elements, Abbie is a boy. I think, Age Difference, Forced
Orgasm, Older Woman/Younger Boy - Freeform, Smut, First Time
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2024-03-14 Words: 1,649 Chapters: 1/?
Thanks dick I'm proud of you dick
by Reppushhka


Paper school is a school that runs on IQ and will DEFINITELY... teach you very well. It's all
learning and fun until Abbie, a student gets a bad score on their exam. Miss circle is
disappointed with the student's score and chases Abbie down through the school hallways.
Why? Because she wants to kill him as a punishment for failling. But miss circle decides to
be a complete pervert.


SILLAYYY!!! ALSO this is likely to be the first FPE content on ao3 LOL!!

See the end of the work for more notes

Abbie, a student who is on his way to school. Not just any school, a school which has the best
programs, teachers, education, but most importantly, its sports! The school’s reputation on the
outside is incredible, as far as Abbie knows of it, the students attending ABSOLUTELY
adore the school.

with dreams as wide as the cosmos and a heart filled with curiosity. His days are filled with
the chase of knowledge, his mind a tapestry woven with threads of mathematical formulas,
and scientific wonders. But despite his earnest dedication, fate brought him bad luck.

When the dreaded exam day arrived, Abbie felt a knot of anxiety twist in his stomach. With
shaking hands and twitching eyes, he read his textbook, trying to understand every concept
with unwavering determination. However, when the moment of truth arrives, his efforts fail,
and the ink on his paper tells a story of his shortcomings.

Miss Circle, a math teacher with a passion for precision, is the harbinger of Abbie's downfall.
With her long, spiky black hair flowing like a shadow down her back. She beckoned Abbie
into the School office.

"Abbie," Miss Circle purred, her voice dripping with disappointment,

"how could you have failed?"

Abbie shifted nervously, his eyes darting around the room as if seeking an escape route.

"I- I don't know, Miss Circle. I studied, I really did."

But Miss Circle wasn't convinced.

"You disappoint me, Abbie," she hissed,

With a flick of her wrist, her right hand transformed into a circle tool, its sharp edges sending
shivers down Abbie's spine.

"And in Paper School, disappointment must be met with consequences."

With a yelp, Abbie ran from the office, his heart pounding in his chest like a drumbeat of fear.
He raced down the corridors, the echoes of Miss Circle's furious pursuit ringing in his ears.
Desperation gave him speed as he ducked and weaved through the maze of classrooms and
corridors, but he knew he couldn't outrun her forever.

Eventually, he found himself cornered in a classroom, praying that he could avoid Miss
Circle. his breath coming in gasps as he pressed himself against the wall, his eyes wide with
terror. The door rattled in its frame as Miss Circle's relentless assault began, each blow
echoing through the room like a thunder.

"Abbie, my dear," cooed Miss Circle, her voice dripping with hatred as she tore the door
from its hinges with a final, loud crash. “There's no escape from your fate now.” She tears
Abbie's exam paper.

Abbie's heart sank as he realized there was nowhere left to run. With a trembling hand, he
reached for the leaf in his hair, clutching it tightly for courage.

Miss circle stepped forward, Her circle tool ready to strike, But in a sudden twist of fate, her
eyes soften with unexpected emotions.

"But it would be a waste to kill something so pretty, ...might as well have some fun with my
dear student first."

Abbie's terrified look faded of his face, He was about to look up at the math teacher, but
before he could, The woman leaned down to his level.

What is happening? Why did his math teacher suddenly refused to kill him? There are so
many questions running on his mind

Without warning, Miss circle leans to his neck and hungrily sniffs his scent.

Abbie's face turns into twenty shades of red. He starts thrashing his head. This fucking

“Oh, how you smell so nice. Please allow me to have a taste of you.”

“N-no! I—” the rest of his sentence gets muffled by the math teacher's big warm hand.

Miss circle reaches for the drawer next to her and retrieves handcuffs. Holy shit?! Since when
did that drawer had handcuffs? Fanfic logic! —(not the usual handcuffs they use in

“Miss circle, Please I'll be a good student! I swear to God i'll—” Abbie cuts off himself with
his own cry. The pervert already has her hand under his shirt.

“My my, your skin feels so hot and soft under my fingertips" Miss Circle mutters

“S-Shut up!!” He attempts to squirm but the teacher's hold on his frame is crazy strong.

Dear Lord, how did things turn out this way?Miss Circle asks herself. She was supposed to
kill the foolish boy; She didn't expect this to be so hot. Watching the boy writhe and blush
prettily underneath her is a major turn-on to the teacher. She couldn't resist touching the boy

With that being said, she lets her mischievous hand roam under the boy's shirt until it reaches
his sensitive bud. The boy turns his head away and lets out a soft moan. Heck, he's not even
trying to hide his noises. This merely entices Miss Circle more. She rubs and tease the boy's
nipple until they stiffen.

“S-Stop!” the boy cries softly, aware of his reddening face. Yet the math teacher ruthlessly
gropes the most sensitive part of his body. This is beyond humiliating and utterly disgusting,
and what he hates the most is the way his body reacts to the touches.

“Shh, it's alright, my dear Abbie,” Miss Circle whispers,

“Just relax and let me give you a great pleasure” With that, her hand crawls down to the boy's
crotch, palming his erection through his pants.

Miss circle chuckles, "Oh my, you're already this hard."

“Don't—” Abbie lets out another moan at the woman's shameless rubs on his dick. This is so
fucking embarrassing to the fullest degree. He never had someone touching him down there.
And the worst part is that he really likes it. Goddamn teacher!

“Don't worry, dear. Your teacher's going to take good care of you.” Miss Circle plants a kiss
on his temple before She pulls his shorts down with such force along with his boxers. She
grins upon seeing his dick hard and up, visible for the world to see.
Look at that, even his penis looks cute. Miss Circle decides to wrap her whole hand around it
and keeping it warm.

Abbie can only grunt and throw his head back; beads of sweat begin to form on his forehead.
Miss Circle takes her time jerking the boy off, not stopping until she hears him moan louder.

"Please Stop! Stop!” Abbie pleads. He's about to reach his climax soon but he doesn't fucking
want to. He'll be damned if he gives the woman his satisfaction.

“You don't like what I'm doing?” Miss Circle teases. “But your body's saying otherwise."

The latter only moans in response. Miss Circle's hand moves quicker this time; she teases the
dick's head and slits with her thumb, She felt his shaft twitch uncontrollably. and all of a
sudden, Abbie comes hard in her hand, back arching in unison.

"I-is there supposed to be that much..? He stammered to her through quiet tears.

Miss Circle brings her hand into her mouth and licks the cum seductively.

"Thanks for the meal" She said, laughing at the sight before walking away. considering the
boy defeated.

As Abbie entered the cafeteria, the events of the previous day weighed heavily on his mind,
his eyes bloodshot from a sleepless night filled with nightmares.

His usual demeanor was replaced with a palpable sense of unease, drawing concerned looks
from his classmates.

He sits down at his usual seat and Engel, One of his closest friends easily notices his mood
and gently placed a hand on his shoulder

“Hey Abbie, Are you okay?” he asks with genuine concern. “You look like you didn't get any
sleep. Have you been studying all night?"

Abbie's gaze flickered nervously as he struggled to find the words to express the turmoil
swirling inside him.

"what happened, Abbie?"

Engel asked softly, his heart aching at the sight of his friend's distress.

“Just leave him be, Engel," snorts Kevin says across him.

“He's obviously upset and ehh... seems like he doesn't want to talk to anyone. Don’t worry,
he'll come around soon." snorts again

“Yeah, everybody has their bad days.” Bubble seconds,

“And I was here hoping I could get to study with him today.” Lana's angelic smile greets
them and joins them at the table. She stops beside Bubble. “I hope for your quick recovery
soon, Abbie. I'm looking forward to you.”
Abbie slowly turns his head to the owner of the voice, face still blank. It takes him a moment
before her words process in his head. He nods and pulls a small smile. Satisfied with his
response, Lana smiles and turns, hips swaying as she walks away.

His friends resume to chit-chat and bicker and so the commotion on the table starts again.
Abbie holds his spoon again and attempts to take a bite when Lana's voice booms behind

“Abbie! Miss Circle is looking for you. She requests that you meet her in Classroom 2D.”

The spoon helplessly falls back down the plate. Abbie's back stiffens as his whole body
begins to tremble, horrible images from the previous day come flashing in his head. No. It's
not going to happen again.

"No! I don't wanna go!" Abbie cries.

"Look at him, scared of a little teacher!" Ah yes, the school bullies, Oliver alongside with his
friends Zip and Edward taunted, their cruel laughter echoing off the walls of the cafeteria.

Abbie felt a surge of anger and humiliation rise within him, his hands balling into fists at his
sides. He knew that giving in to fear would only make him a target for their mockery, but the
thought of facing Miss Circle again filled him with dread.

“Go, Abbie. It must be something urgent,” Beckons Kevin.

Abbie doesn't reply.

Bubble raises a brow and tilts her head. “Are you alright?”

“Y-Yes, I'm coming!" Abbie fakes a big smile as he stands up and awkwardly gathers his tray.
His friends look at him as he walks out of the cafeteria.
End Notes

This is still in progress so expect to see more of this n hope ya enjoyed this fic bye!!!! (my
eyeballs burn save me)

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