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Goal of project is to create a mobile app robot controlled via Bluetooth. An ultrasonic sensor
helps the robot avoid obstructions. Robot can easily avoid all the obstacles that come in its path.
The black line is also tracked by infrared sensors. No matter which way it moves, the robot stays
on the solid black line. This is done by using two infrared sensors interfaced with Arduino
microcontroller. Using a Bluetooth smartphone app, a user may operate the robot's brain, the
Arduino. The robot's microcontroller is controlled via programmed written for the Arduino IDE.
Bluetooth-enabled robots may be controlled using a smartphone app. The Motor drive L293D is
used to drive two DC motors, which are then connected in series. Arduino microcontrollers and
Bluetooth smartphone apps will be used to make a robot that avoids obstacles and follows a
predetermined path.

The responsibility of mine is to interface all the modules and sensors with Arduino
Microcontroller. Ultrasonic is used for obstacle avoidance which is being interfaced with
Arduino. Infrared sensor is used for Line following purpose and this is also interfaced with
Arduino to perform the operation. L293D motor driver is also interfaced with Arduino to drive
DC motors and to control speed of motors.

Design Functionality:
An ultrasonic sensor is interfaced to the robot using an Arduino microcontroller in order to assist
it avoid obstructions, as shown. The propagation time is measured using an ultrasonic sensor. As
the items reflect the high-frequency sound waves, they may be detected and avoided. Using an
infrared sensor and an Arduino, a black line on a white backdrop is followed (additional
function). Following a black line on a white backdrop, the robot is programmed to do so. The kit
comes with an LED infrared emitter and a receiver (Phototransistor). The Bluetooth smartphone
app is required in order to operate the robot over Bluetooth. Along with the ultrasonic sensor on
the robot, Arduino is equipped with a Bluetooth module and an infrared module. L293D motor
drivers are used to drive the motors.
The overall groups are broken down into following tasks and every member is responsible for
own task.
1. Ultrasonic sensor (For obstacle avoider)
2. Infrared sensor (For Line follower)
3. Motors driving (Motor drivers L293D for driving DC motors)
4. Arduino Microcontroller (Arduino microcontroller for controlling overall Robot)
5. Software - Arduino IDE (Arduino software for programming purpose)
Figure 1: Project Diagram

The responsibility of mine is to interface all the modules and sensors with Arduino
Microcontroller. Ultrasonic is used for obstacle avoidance which is being interfaced with
Arduino. Infrared sensor is used for Line following purpose and this is also interfaced with
Arduino to perform the operation. L293D motor driver is also interfaced with Arduino to drive
DC motors and to control speed of motors.

How Arduino works?

The ATMEL AVR microprocessor is at the basis of the Arduino board. The Arduino IDE allows
you to programmed microcontrollers with the computer program available on the Arduino IDE
itself. Using these instructions, you may program the board to communicate with the circuits.
Aside from Atmega168, Atmega328, and ARM microcontrollers, there are other 32-bit Atmel
microcontrollers and Intel microcontrollers that may be utilized on Arduino platforms.
Various peripherals can be connected to the Arduino microcontroller through its communication
and input/output ports. In order to handle the data coming from these peripherals, the
microcontroller will oversee transmitting them.
For our own programming needs, we may use Arduino's programming language-based
development environment (IDE), which includes tools to transfer firmware to microcontrollers
and a bootloader that is run on the board. The software and programming language have a simple
and easy-to-use design.
Arduino Interfacing:
For this project all the sensors, modules and drivers are interfaced with Arduino UNO
microcontroller. Arduino is then then programmed according to the desired function to be
performed and after uploading the code from computer to Arduino microcontroller and
interfacing of all the desired components with the Arduino pin, it performs the desire operation.
Ultrasonic is used for obstacle avoidance which is being interfaced with Arduino. Infrared sensor
is used for Line following purpose and this is also interfaced with Arduino to perform the
operation. L293D motor driver is also interfaced with Arduino to drive DC motors and to control
speed of motors.
Design Research:
ATmega328P microprocessor is used in the Arduino Uno board. Six analogue ports, a 16 MHz
quartz crystal, a USB connector, a power jack, an ICSP header, and the reset button round out
the board's features. A USB cable or an AC-to-DC adapter or a battery may be used to power the
microcontroller and have it up and running in a matter of minutes. In the worst-case situation,
you can just buy a new chip for a few bucks and start over. To commemorate the introduction of
Arduino Software (IDE) 1.0, the Italian word "uno" (meaning one) was selected. When it comes
to Arduino, the Uno board and the IDE version 1.0 were the starting points, which have since
grown into later generations. It is the first in a sequence of USB Arduino microcontroller and the
platform's standard model; for a complete list of current, historical, and obsolete boards check
the list on the Arduino website. The L298 is a 15-lead Multi-watt and PowerSO20 packaging
integrated monolithic circuit. Inductive loads like as relays, solenoids, DC and stepper motors,
may be powered by this voltage level, large current dual full-bridge driver. Disable the device
independently of input signals through two separate enable inputs (Nelson Rai, 2016).

The difficulty of obstacle avoidance is a major consideration in the design of robotic systems.
Using this technique, robots may traverse uncharted terrain without fear of being hit by any
objects. Construction of an Obstacle Avoidance Robot was the focus of this project. Using three
ultrasonic distance sensors, it is a robot car powered by an Arduino microcontroller. It was
decided that Systems and Arduino code would be utilized to write code for microcontrollers.
With three ultrasonic distance sensors, the ability to detect potential dangers in the immediate
area is greatly improved Due to the fact that it was a robot, it was capable to go across unfamiliar
territory without difficulty. With so much readily available and affordable technology, the robot's
model may be simply replicated (Faiza Tabassum, 2017).
Figure 2: Obstacle Avoiding Robot Algorithm (Faiza Tabassum, 2017)

In addition, the Robot's functionality has been expanded to include the ability to follow the black
line. This study explains how Arduino-based line-following robots may be used to scan,
examine, and enhance the transportation of essential supplies in healthcare facilities and other
businesses. As soon as the system spots the black route, it moves in that direction. In addition to
reducing the need for human resources, this technology reduces the time and effort required to
move materials. This technology aims to ensure that commodities are transported in a safe,
timely, and efficient manner. By adjusting control settings, this article hopes to improve the
performance of a robot by controlling its mobility. The primary function of this robot is to follow
a predetermined course. There are two sensors utilized to find this route. These robots are
typically employed in manufacturing facilities with a pick and place capability. By following a
predetermined route, this robot moves components from one location to another. Automated
healthcare and industrial processes have recently received a lot of attention from researchers.
Injections, medication, and other essentials are supplied by this robot. There are two parts to this
paper: the hardware and the software (Jagruti Chaudhari, 2019).

Figure 3: Block Diagram for Line follower (Jagruti Chaudhari, 2019)

Final Design of project:
The final design elements of the Robot include ultrasonic sensors for obstacle avoidance,
infrared sensors for line following, and Bluetooth for movement control. The L293D motor
driver is used to generate the DC motors. An idea for a robot that follows a line using an infrared
sensor has been created after much research. A Microcontroller-based robot car. Take a deeper
look at how the system functions. Two infrared sensors are included inside the Robot. This
sensor checks to verify if the lines have the same hue on both sides of the screen. When a source
of light reflects at the item it's focused towards, it's a reflection. In the White surface, there is a
reflection. Light does not reflect off black tracks in this instance. Checking and see if any light
returns to the sensor, The sensor would be the only information source beyond this point. If there
is no reflect or the input is very low, IR sensors will not operate. A microcontroller may be able
to operate a vehicle based on the results of the Elevated / Low Output studies. The
microcontroller is a vital part of the robot's functioning since it regulates the robot's movement,
turning, and stopping.

Arduino UNO pin configuration:

Figure 4: Arduino UNO pin configuration

Paper Design:
Components of assigned section:

It's simple to get started with this platform because it's built on open-source hardware and
software. If you have an Arduino board, any of these devices may be utilized as inputs and
transformed into outputs such as a motor being actuated, or an LED turning on. It's possible to
tell your board what to do by sending it a sequence of commands. You may do this by using the
Arduino IDE (based on Processing) and the Arduino programming language (based on Wiring).

Figure 5: Arduino Uno

Design of section:

Figure 6: Design of Interfacing of Arduino with sensors, module and driver

Circuit Diagram Arduino interfacing:

Figure 7: Circuit diagram for obstacle avoider

Ultrasonic sensor, Infrared sensors, Bluetooth module and L293D motor driver is interfaced with
Arduino UNO microcontroller.
1. The trigger pin of the ultrasonic sensor is used to receive an external signal. Its
transmitter emits an ultrasonic signal. When it impacts an item, the Ultrasonic sensor's
receiver picks up the signal. Once this is done, it is transformed into the distance
travelled. An Ultrasonic sensor is used in conjunction with an Arduino Microcontroller to
provide obstacle avoidance. The range between the Robot and the reflected item is
continually measured using an ultrasonic sensor. Arduino then processes the data it
receives. Robot detects an object if its distance falls inside the predetermined range. If the
robot detects an item, it pauses and scans in both directions. For example, if a robot has a
greater distance to go in any direction, it will proceed to the right.

2. Detection of a black line is done using infrared sensors, which are relayed to the Arduino.
They're there to assist in determining a vehicle's route. Front-facing sensors are included
on the robot. Infrared sensors transmit a signal that is picked up by a receiver after it is
reflected off the surface area. Using the Arduino UNO's connection pin, you may send
and receive electrical signals. Motor driver cards receive and process signals, thus they
can continuously modify and operate in response to the signal flow. The robot must
compress in order to cross the black line. Robots go forward if they are amid a line.
Center sensor always sits on top of a black line if other sensors are lower than the central

3. Bluetooth module HC-05 is used to control the Robot by using Mobile app which is built
in MIT App inventor. Mobile application has function to control the left or right direction
of the Robot.

4. L293D Motor driver is used to drive the DC motor. It provides output to the DC motor
and is used to control the speed of DC motors.

The testing of Ultrasonic and Infrared sensors interfacing with Arduino is accomplished. Circuit
design of the is Infrared sensor for making Line follower Robot and Ultrasonic sensor for
obstacle avoidance using Arduino Microcontroller is designed and simulation is done. The
making of Bluetooth controlled mobile app will be done in future. MIT App inventor will be
used for making a Bluetooth mobile app. Also, the Robot chassis will be designed for the overall
project. Moreover, the programing on the Arduino IDE platform for overall project will be done.
Testation of every element of project is done through coding and interfacing with Arduino.


Nelson Rai, D. R. T. R. W. M. G., 2016. Bluetooth Remote Controlled Car using Arduino. p. 1.
Faiza Tabassum, S. L. M. M. T., 2017. Obstacle Avoiding Robot. p. 1.
Jagruti Chaudhari, A. D., 2019. Line Following Robot Using Arduino for Hospitals. pp. 1-2.

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