Lec09. Đặc Điểm Tiến Hoá Và Giải Phẫu So Sánh Răng-PGS.ts Hoàng Việt Hải

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Kiến thức về nguồn gốc, sự tiến hóa và hình thành răng sẽ giúp
VÀ GIẢI PHẪU SO SÁNH RĂNG chúng ta hiểu hơn về quá trình phát triển của răng cũng như các cơ chế
bệnh sinh liên quan.

Sự liên quan mật thiết giữa răng trong quá khứ và răng hiện tại có
thể được chứng minh bằng phân tích quá trình phát sinh loài.

1 2


Răng tiến hóa từ các cấu trúc biểu mô dạng vảy (răng nguyên thuỷ - Răng nguyên thuỷ với cấu trúc giải phẫu vi thể cơ bản tương tự răng của
các động vật có xương sống ngày nay xuất hiện lần đầu ở kỷ Ordovic, cách đây
odontodes), “cấu trúc răng” đã “di cư” vào khoang miệng sau khi đã tích luỹ
khoảng 460 triệu năm.
đủ các đặc tính cần thiết nhờ các đột biến.
Một số loài cá không có xương hàm khi đó đã phát triển những cấu trúc da
bề mặt, gọi là răng nguyên thuỷ (odontodes). Những cấu trúc này nằm ở ngoài
miệng và có nhiều chức năng như bảo vệ, cảm giác và cảm nhận thủy động lực.
Trong quá trình tiến hóa, răng nguyên thuỷ di cư vào khoang miệng tạo ra
các răng trong miệng, các răng này bao phủ toàn bộ bề mặt khoang miệng và về
sau chúng khu trú ở sống hàm.

3 4

Evolution of Teeth, Comparative

Dental Anatomy and Forensic
22 Odontology

Teeth are highly mineralized appendages found in the Ban đầu, các răng đều có dạng hình nón (homodont).
entrance and the alimentary canal of both invertebrates and
vertebrates. The teeth are mainly associated with prehension
and processing of food. However, they frequently serve Theo thời gian, do thói quen ăn uống và quá trình thích nghi với môi trường
other functions such as defense, display of dominance and
phonetics as in humans. sống, răng của động vật có xương sống bậc cao có sự tiến hoá và đạt được
This chapter gives an overview and evolution of teeth,
comparative dental anatomy and forensic application of
dental anatomy.
nhiều hình dạng và cấu trúc giải phẫu tuỳ theo chức năng của chúng như
EVOLUTION OF TEETH răng cửa, răng nanh, răng hàm nhỏ và răng hàm lớn (heterodont).
A huge amount of literature is devoted to the origin, evolution
and organogenesis of teeth, knowledge of which help
better understand the regulation of tooth development and
associated pathogenesis.
Teeth can be classified into 3 types, based on where
they are formed: jaw, mouth and pharyngeal. The close
relationship between past and present teeth can be Figure 22.1 Odontodes, the ancestors of teeth, looked like
demonstrated by a phylogenetic analysis. Using this type of placoid scales of recent sharks
analysis, amelogenesis appears to have been duplicated from
SPARC (SPARC, secreted protein, acidic, rich in cysteine),

5 6
some 630,000,000 years ago.
There is substantial evidence to suggest that teeth evolved adaptations have driven the teeth of higher vertebrates
from scale-like epidermal structures, the odontodes which to acquire numerous anatomical forms and shapes, as
“migrated” into the month after enough mutations. This represented by incisors, canines, premolars and molars
process is visible in modern sharks, which have placoid scales (heterodont).
on the skin that grade into the teeth on the jaws. It is interesting to note that there is close similarities in
Teeth with the basic microscopic anatomy similar to structure and development between the dermal denticles/
that of recent vertebrates first appeared at ordovicium, placoid scales and the teeth of higher vertebrates.
approximately 460 million years ago. Some jawless fishes Each placoid scale when seen in vertical section consists
developed superficial dermal structures known as odontodes of a base of bone like substance which is embedded in the
(Fig. 22.1). These small tooth-like structures were located dermis and the spine projects through the epidermis beyond
outside the mouth and served various functions, including the surface (Figs 22.2A and B). Each spine is covered on the
protection, sensation and hydrodynamic advantage. outside with a hard transparent, shiny layer—The enamel/
Over the evolution, encroachment of odontodes into the enameloid within which is the dentin. Numerous fine canals
oropharyngeal cavity created the buccal teeth, which covered (canaliculi) ramify through the dentin. The center of the spine
the entire surface and later were localized to the jaw margins. is occupied by a cavity—The pulp cavity, in which lie blood
To begin with, teeth were of uniform conical shape vessels, nerves and the dentin forming cells (odontoblasts),
(homodont). Over the period, dietary habits and ecological the protoplasmic extensions of which are continued into the
1 4
3 2 1


1 2
1 2
3 2 1
5 3
4 4 4
F IGURE 4-9 The ape. I, Incisor; C, canine; P, premolar; M, molar. 5
(From Kronfeld R: Dental histology and comparative dental anatomy, Philadelphia, 1937, C D E
Lea & Febiger.)
F IGURE 4-12 General outlines of some of the lobes. A, Labial aspect of
maxillary central incisor, showing the labial grooves marking the division of
the lobes. 1, Mesial lobe; 2, labial lobe; 3, distal lobe. The lingual lobe, or
cingulum, is not in view (see Figure 4-13, A, 4). B and E, Mesial and occlusal
aspects of maxillary first premolar. 1, Mesial lobe; 2, buccal lobe; 3, distal lobe;
4, lingual lobe. C, Occlusal aspect of mandibular first molar. 1, Mesiobuccal
lobe; 2, distobuccal lobe; 3, distal lobe; 4, mesiolingual lobe; 5, distolingual
lobe. Lobes on molars are named the same as cusps. D, Occlusal aspects of
maxillary first molar. 1, Mesiobuccal lobe; 2, distobuccal lobe; 3, mesiolingual
lobe; 4, distolingual lobe; 5, fifth lobe (fifth cusp).

Chapter 23: Dental Anthropology 333

a particular culture and compares it with that of many cultures Categories of Teeth by Generation
F IGURE 4-10 Occlusal view of the upper jaw of an orangutan. The arch is of today.
• Monophyodont dentition (Mono = single): A mono-
square, and the canines, premolars, and molars stand in a straight sagittal line. phyodont dentition has a single generation of teeth in
Note the diastema between lateral incisor and canine. DENTAL ANTHROPOLOGY
(Redrawn from Kronfeld R: Dental histology and comparative dental anatomy, Terms used in Dental Anthropology • Diphyodont dentition (Di = double): If the condition of
Philadelphia, 1937, Lea & Febiger.) having two generations of teeth in lifetime, e.g. Humans
Many of the terms used in anthropology are derived from are diphyodonts with two generations of teeth, i.e.
Greek or Latin and are explained for ease in learning. deciduous and permanent dentitions.
Hàm răng “Homodont”:
Categories of Teeth by Shape

‘Homodont’ Dentition (Homo = Similar)

F IGURE 4-13 A, Lingual aspect of maxillary canine, withHàm
centers với các răng có hình dáng tương
marked. 1, Mesial lobe; 2, central lobe (cusp); 3, distal lobe; 4, lingual lobe Dentition on which all the teeth are uniformly of similar
shape, e.g. teeth in reptiles such as crocodiles—all teeth are
(cingulum). B, Incomplete formation demonstrated by a developmental tự nhau, ví dụ:
groove distolingually on a maxillary lateral incisor. This groove will sometimes
conical ở(Fig.
in shape các loài bò sát như
harbor fissures at various points along its length, especially in the coronal
portion. A tooth with this handicap is more subject to caries. cá sấu - tất cả các răng
‘Heterodont’ đều
Dentition có= Different)
(Hetero hình nón
Dentition in which teeth are regionally specialized into
classes, e.g. majority of mammals have heterodont dentitions
and ox. In relation to the latter type of movement, it has been including humans and higher vertebrates such as dog, cat,
proposed that where the condyle is greatly elongated trans- sheep, etc.
In heterodont dentition, generally there are four classes of
A B C versely and very flat, great lateral movement occurs during teeth, i.e. incisors, canines, premolars and molars (Figs 23.2A
mastication, associated with selenodont molars, and a great and B). Figure 23.1 Homodont dentition in crocodile
F IGURE 4-11 The functional form of the teeth when outlined schematically degree of anisognathism. Also of interest for the gnathologist
from the mesial or distal aspects is that of the fusion of two or three
cones. A, Maxillary incisor. B, Maxillary premolar. C, Maxillary first molar.
is the putative correlation between the directions of the ridges
Note that the major portion of the incisor in view is made up of one cone and grooves and a radius drawn to the center of the
or lobe. glenoid fossa.

7 8

Chapter 23: Dental Anthropology 333

a particular culture and compares it with that of many cultures Categories of Teeth by Generation
of today.
• Monophyodont dentition (Mono = single): A mono-
phyodont dentition has a single generation of teeth in
Terms used in Dental Anthropology • Diphyodont dentition (Di = double): If the condition of
having two generations of teeth in lifetime, e.g. Humans
Many of the terms used in anthropology are derived from are diphyodonts with two generations of teeth, i.e.
Greek or Latin and are explained for ease in learning. deciduous and permanent dentitions.

Categories of Teeth by Shape

‘Homodont’ Dentition (Homo = Similar)

Dentition on which all the teeth are uniformly of similar
A shape, e.g. teeth in reptiles such as crocodiles—all teeth are B
conical in shape (Fig. 23.1).
Figures 23.2A and B Heterodont dentition in monkey
‘Heterodont’ Dentition (Hetero = Different)
Dentition in which teeth are regionally specialized into
classes, e.g. majority of mammals have heterodont dentitions
including humans and higher vertebrates such as dog, cat,
sheep, etc.
In heterodont dentition, generally there are four classes of
teeth, i.e. incisors, canines, premolars and molars (Figs 23.2A
and B). Figure 23.1 Homodont dentition in crocodile

Hàm răng “Heterodont”

Hàm răng có các răng được chuyên biệt hóa theo từng vùng.

Đa số động vật có vú có hàm răng heterodont, bao gồm: người và những

loại động vật có xương sống bậc cao như chó, mèo, cừu, …

Trong hàm răng heterodont có bốn loại răng: răng cửa, răng nanh, răng

hàm nhỏ, răng hàm lớn. Figures 23.2A and B Heterodont dentition in monkey

9 10

324 Section 8: Evolution of Teeth, Comparative Dental Anatomy, Forensics and Dental Anthropology

fine canals of the dentin. The pulp cavity is continued into the the scale. Then the organic matter between the enamel o
base and had small aperture to admit the blood vessels and and the outermost layers of the dental papilla get calcifi
nerves. form the enamel/enameloid.
The development of placoid scale is much similar to that The scale is then thickened by further calcification o
of teeth (Fig. 22.3). outside of the cone to form the dentin, the cells secret
The first sign of a developing scale is a condensation of are called odontoblasts. But the central cavity the pulp c
mesenchymal cells in the dermis to form dental/dermal is left within the scale which communicates with the de
papilla. This becomes capped by a cone-like down growth of through a small opening.
the epidermis. The layer next to the papilla forms a single layer As the scale grows in size, its spine pushes up throug
of columnar cells called the enamel organ. The outermost epidermis. As the scales get constantly worn away the
SỰ TIẾN HÓA CỦA RĂNG cells of the papilla form collagen fibers are the organic basis of scales form, so that in a vertical section. In the skin, den
on various stages of development can be seen.

Important Changes in the Course of Evolution of T

Có sự tương đồng trong cấu trúc và sự phát triển của răng giữa các
The evolutionary pathway from fish to reptiles to mamm
loài trong quá trình tiến hoá. characterized by:
• Reduction in number of teeth (from polydonty to oligod
Cấu trúc của răng nguyên thuỷ khi quan sát trên lát cắt dọc bao gồm • Reduction on generations of teeth (from polyphyod
to di- and/or monophyodonty)
một nền xương giống như chất nền gắn vào lớp hạ bì và một phần mọc • Increase in morphological complexity of the teeth (
homodonty to heterodonty).
xuyên qua lớp biểu bì để nhô vào trong khoang miệng.
Evolution Favored an Increase in Teeth Complex
A B Diet and mastication are regarded as central factors in
Figures 22.2A and B (A) Dermal scales of bony fish; (B) Placoid scale evolution. There is a strong correlation between teeth
of a cartilaginous fish. (e.g. Dogfish in section) and feeding habits.

11 12

Figure 22.3 Development of placoid scales is similar to that of teeth



Phần nhô lên (tương ứng thân răng) được bao phủ bên ngoài bởi một lớp cứng Sự phát triển của răng nguyên thuỷ có sự tương đồng với răng hiện đại
trong và sáng màu – tương ứng với men răng, bên trong là cấu trúc tương tự Dấu hiệu đầu tiên của quá trình phát triển răng nguyên thuỷ là sự tụ tập các tế
ngà răng. Ở trong lớp ngà có rất nhiều ống nhỏ phân nhánh. bào trung mô trong lớp hạ bì để tạo thành nhú răng.

Trung tâm của phần nhô lên là một khoang – tương ứng buồng tủy - chứa mạch Lớp tế bào bên cạnh nhú răng tạo thành một hàng tế bào hình trụ gọi là cơ quan
máu, thần kinh và các tế bào tạo ngà (odontonblasts), đuôi nguyên sinh chất của tạo men. Lớp tế bào ngoài cùng của nhú răng hình thành các sợi collagen là khung

các tế bào này tiếp tục đi vào các ống ngà. Khoang tủy tiếp tục mở về phía nền nền hữu cơ của răng nguyên thuỷ. Sau đó, chất hữu cơ giữa cơ quan tạo men và lớp

và ở đó có lỗ nhỏ để mạch máu và thần kinh đi qua. ngoài cùng của nhú được ngấm vôi để tạo thành men.
324 Section 8: Evolution of Teeth, Comparative Dental Anatomy, Forensics and Dental Anthropology

fine canals of the dentin. The pulp cavity is continued into the the scale. Then the organic matter between the enamel organ
base and had small aperture to admit the blood vessels and and the outermost layers of the dental papilla get calcified to
nerves. form the enamel/enameloid.
The development of placoid scale is much similar to that The scale is then thickened by further calcification on the

13 of teeth (Fig. 22.3).

The first sign of a developing scale is a condensation of
mesenchymal cells in the dermis to form dental/dermal
outside of the cone to form the dentin, the cells secreting it
are called odontoblasts. But the central cavity the pulp cavity
is left within the scale which communicates with the dermis
papilla. This becomes capped by a cone-like down growth of through a small opening.
the epidermis. The layer next to the papilla forms a single layer As the scale grows in size, its spine pushes up through the
of columnar cells called the enamel organ. The outermost epidermis. As the scales get constantly worn away the new
cells of the papilla form collagen fibers are the organic basis of scales form, so that in a vertical section. In the skin, denticals
on various stages of development can be seen.

Important Changes in the Course of Evolution of Teeth

The evolutionary pathway from fish to reptiles to mammals is
characterized by:
• Reduction in number of teeth (from polydonty to oligodonty)
• Reduction on generations of teeth (from polyphyodonty
to di- and/or monophyodonty)
• Increase in morphological complexity of the teeth (from
homodonty to heterodonty).

Evolution Favored an Increase in Teeth Complexity

A B Diet and mastication are regarded as central factors in teeth
Figures 22.2A and B (A) Dermal scales of bony fish; (B) Placoid scale evolution. There is a strong correlation between teeth form
of a cartilaginous fish. (e.g. Dogfish in section) and feeding habits.


Sau đó, răng nguyên thuỷ dày lên do tiếp tục quá trình canxi hóa lớp ngoài cùng
của phần hình nón để hình thành lớp ngà, những tế bào tiết ra ngà gọi nguyên bào
tạo ngà (odontoblast).

Trung tâm của khoang tủy nằm trong răng nguyên thuỷ thông với vùng hạ bì qua
một lỗ nhỏ.
Khi răng nguyên thuỷ tăng kích thước, phần nhô hình nón (thân răng) sẽ được
đẩy qua biểu bì.
Figure 22.3 Development of placoid scales is similar to that of teeth

15 16



Quá trình tiến hóa của răng từ cá lên thành bò sát rồi thành động vật có vú được Loại thức ăn và thói quen ăn nhai là những yếu tố chính trong sự tiến hóa của răng.
đặc trưng bởi:
Hình thái răng có mối liên quan chặt chẽ với thói quen ăn nhai.
Giảm số lượng răng: Từ bộ răng có rất nhiều răng đến bộ răng có một số lượng
Đặc điểm giải phẫu và chức năng quan trọng nhất của mặt nhai răng là các múi răng. Số
răng nhất định.
lượng, hình thái, sự sắp xếp và hướng của múi răng có tính đặc trưng theo loài, những
Giảm thế hệ răng: Từ bộ răng có nhiều thế hệ đến bộ răng chỉ có hai hoặc một
đặc tính này của múi răng cũng khác nhau giữa các răng trên cùng một cá thể.
thế hệ răng.
Sự tiến hóa của hàm và răng động vật có vú đã tạo ra mặt nhai và rìa cắn của răng phù
Tăng mức độ phức tạp về hình thái của răng: Từ bộ răng chỉ có các răng với
hợp với chế độ ăn có nhiều loại thức ăn.
một hình dạng đến bộ răng với các răng có nhiều hình dạng.

17 18

Chapter 22: Evolution of Teeth, Comparative Dental Anatomy and Forensic Odontology 325
The most important anatomic and functional feature of dentitions are not seen, but the design can be appreciated in
the masticatory surface of an erupted tooth is the cusps. Cusp some teeth of carnivores.
number, morphology, topology and orientation are species The tritubercular molar evolved from the triconodont. The
specific; these features also differ between teeth of the same central cusp was separated from the other two outer cusps so
mammal. The evolution of the mammalian jaw and teeth that a triangle was formed on the occlusal surface of upper
created occlusal surfaces that are adequate for a great variety molars (Fig. 22.6). The carnivores, like dogs are considered to
of food. be in tritubercular class (Fig. 22.7).
Figures 22.4A to D gives four phylogenetic classes of The quadritubercular class reflects an occlusal contact
tooth forms: relationship between the teeth of the upper and lower jaw.
1. Single cone (Haplodont) There is dramatic increase in the masticatory efficiency of the
2. Three cusps in line (Triconodont) molars. The humans have quadritubercular molars.
3. Three cusps in a triangle (Tritubercular molar)
4. Four cusps in a quadrangle (Quadritubercular molar).
The haplodont class have simplest form of tooth, single
cone (Fig. 22.4A). In haplodont animals (e.g. crocodiles, To understand the human dentition, it is helpful to compare
alligator), the jaws have many teeth and jaw movements the dentitions and other vertebrates. Although human
are limited to simple open and close (hinge) movements. dentition is different in form and function from the dentitions
No occlusion of teeth occurs and teeth are mainly used for of other vertebrates, it becomes obvious that overall plan is
prehension of prey and defense (Fig. 22.5). common to all.
The triconodont class have three cusps in line in posterior The fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals
teeth (Fig. 22.4B). The largest cusp is in center with smaller together make up the vertebrate group of animals. They are
cusps located anteriorly and posteriorly. Purely triconodont similar to one another in that they all possess a vertebral


Bốn hình dạng răng theo sự phát sinh loài:

1. Hình nón (Haplodont)
2. Ba núm trên một đường thẳng (Triconodont) A B

3. Ba núm trong một tam giác (Tritubercular molar)

4. Bốn núm trong một tứ giác (Quadritubercular molar)


Figures 22.4A to D Phylogenetic classes of tooth forms: (A) Single cone (haplodont); (B) Three cusps in a line (triconodont);
(C) Three cusps in a triangle (tritubercular molar); (D) Four cusps in a quadrangle (quadritubercular molar)

19 20
Chapter 22: Evolution of Teeth, Comparative Dental Anatomy and Forensic Odontology 325

The most important anatomic and functional feature of dentitions are not seen, but the design can be appreciated in
the masticatory surface of an erupted tooth is the cusps. Cusp some teeth of carnivores.
number, morphology, topology and orientation are species The tritubercular molar evolved from the triconodont. The
specific; these features also differ between teeth of the same central cusp was separated from the other two outer cusps so
mammal. The evolution of the mammalian jaw and teeth that a triangle was formed on the occlusal surface of upper
created occlusal surfaces that are adequate for a great variety molars (Fig. 22.6). The carnivores, like dogs are considered to
of food. be in tritubercular class (Fig. 22.7).
Figures 22.4A to D gives four phylogenetic classes of The quadritubercular class reflects an occlusal contact
tooth forms: relationship between the teeth of the upper and lower jaw.
1. Single cone (Haplodont) There is dramatic increase in the masticatory efficiency of the
2. Three cusps in line (Triconodont) molars. The humans have quadritubercular molars.
3. Three cusps in a triangle (Tritubercular molar)
4. Four cusps in a quadrangle (Quadritubercular molar).
The haplodont class have simplest form of tooth, single
cone (Fig. 22.4A). In haplodont animals (e.g. crocodiles, To understand the human dentition, it is helpful to compare
alligator), the jaws have many teeth and jaw movements the dentitions and other vertebrates. Although human
are limited to simple open and close (hinge) movements. dentition is different in form and function from the dentitions
No occlusion of teeth occurs and teeth are mainly used for of other vertebrates, it becomes obvious that overall plan is
prehension of prey and defense (Fig. 22.5). common to all.
XU HƯỚNG TIẾN HÓA CỦA RĂNG The triconodont class have three cusps in line in posterior XU HƯỚNG
The fishes, amphibians, reptiles, TIẾN HÓA
birds and CỦA RĂNG
teeth (Fig. 22.4B). The largest cusp is in center with smaller together make up the vertebrate group of animals. They are
cusps located anteriorly and posteriorly. Purely triconodont similar to one another in that they all possess a vertebral

Loại Haplodont là hình dạng đơn giản nhất Loại Haplodont là hình dạng đơn giản nhất
Section 8: Evolution of Teeth, Comparative Dental Anatomy, Forensics and Dental Anth
của răng - hình nón: của răng - hình nón:
Các động vật có răng hình nón (như
cá sấu), hàm có nhiều răng và cử động của
hàm được giới hạn bởi chuyển động đóng và
mở hàm đơn giản (bản lề).
Bộ răng loại này không có khớp cắn A B

và răng dùng để săn mồi và tự vệ.

Figure 22.5 Haplodont dentition in crocodile Figure 22.6 Evolution of tritubercular mo

(Courtesy: Crocodile park, La Vanille, Mauritius) triconodont tooth

21 22
column and teeth, unless the teeth have been lost as a
secondary process of degeneration or specialization.
Chapter 22: Evolution of Teeth, Comparative Dental Anatomy and Forensic Odontology D
325 Fishes
Figures 22.4A to D Phylogenetic classes of tooth forms: (A) Single cone (haplodont); (B) Three cusps in a line (triconodont);
The most important anatomic and functional feature of dentitions are notcusps
(C) Three seen, in
butathe design(tritubercular
triangle can be appreciated in (D) Four cusps in a quadrangle (quadritubercular molar)
molar); Most fishes have teeth, but in few teeth are absent. The
Chapter 4 Forensics, Comparative Anatomy, Geometries, and Form and Funct
the masticatory surface of an erupted tooth is the cusps. Cusp some teeth of carnivores. primary function of teeth in them is to hold their prey.
number, morphology, topology and orientation are species The tritubercular molar evolved from the triconodont. The
specific; these features also differ between teeth of the same central cusp was separated from the other two outer cusps so Teeth of the fishes usually exhibit continuous succession
mammal. The evolution of the mammalian jaw and teeth that a triangle was formed on the occlusal surface of upper (Polyphyodonty). The fishes are of two types—bony fishes and
created occlusal surfaces that are adequate for a great variety molars (Fig. 22.6). The carnivores, like dogs are considered to cartilaginous fishes.
of food. be in tritubercular class (Fig. 22.7).
Figures 22.4A to D gives four phylogenetic classes of The quadritubercular class reflects an occlusal contact Examples of bony fishes include herring and tront. Bony
tooth forms: relationship between the teeth of the upper and lower jaw. fishes have a wide variety of teeth. Some even appear on the
1. Single cone (Haplodont) There is dramatic increase in the masticatory efficiency of the
tongue, plate in extreme cases—the throat. Most fishes have
2. Three cusps in line (Triconodont) molars. The humans have quadritubercular molars.
3. Three cusps in a triangle (Tritubercular molar) homodont (of similar form) dentitions (Fig. 22.8) but few
4. Four cusps in a quadrangle (Quadritubercular molar).
F IGURE heterodont
4-3 The Mississippiteeth (teethAnofinteresting
alligator. different classes).
commentary In bony
on the
The haplodont class have simplest form of tooth, single C
fishes teeth
anatomy of theare attached
alligator: to ofjaws
because by ankylosis.
the alligator’s physical problems, the
cone (Fig. 22.4A). In haplodont animals (e.g. crocodiles, To understand the human dentition, it is helpful to compare upper jaw is the of
mobile one. The lower fishes
jaw, closer to the ground, is static. M1
alligator), the jaws have many teeth and jaw movements the dentitions and other vertebrates. Although human Examples cartilaginous include sharks, rays and I I P4
(From Kronfeld R: Dental histology and comparative dental anatomy, Philadelphia, 1937,
are limited to simple open and close (hinge) movements. dentition is different in form and function from the dentitions dogfish. They have many successions of similar shaped teeth.
No occlusion of teeth occurs and teeth are mainly used for of other vertebrates, it becomes obvious that overall plan is XU HƯỚNG TIẾN HÓA CỦA RĂNG
Lea & Febiger.)
The successional teeth are developed from a persistent dental
prehension of prey and defense (Fig. 22.5). common to all.
The triconodont class have three cusps in line in posterior The fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals lamina on the lingual side of the upper and lower jaws. The
teeth (Fig. 22.4B). The largest cusp is in center with smaller together make up the vertebrate group of animals. They are succeeding teeth lie behind and beneath each functional
cusps located anteriorly and posteriorly. Purely triconodont similar to one another in that they all possess a vertebral
tooth in rows, with the cutting margins turned upwards or
Loại Triconodont có ba núm trên một đường Loại Triconodont downwards so that the soft tissue are not damaged (Fig. 22.9).
Sharks have haplodont teeth (single cone), but the shape of
thẳng ở các răng phía sau. Núm lớn nhất nằm ở teeth vary in different types of sharks (Figs 22.10A to D). The
teeth are attached to the jaws by fibrous tissues. F IGURE 4-5 Jaws of a dog (collie). The premolars are tritubercular
giữa và các núm nhỏ hơn nằm ở phía trước và spaced;
upper carnassial
Transition (fourth
frompremolar, P4) articulates
triconodont wit
to tritub
carnassial (first molar, M1). I, Incisor; C, canine.
Amphibians carnivores like dog
phía sau. (From Boyd J: Color atlas of clinical anatomy of the dog and cat, ed 2, St L
Teeth are absent in some amphibians (e.g. toad). In others, Mosby.)
they are present in one jaw only. In these, the teeth are The frog has a row of small teeth along th
Hàm răng Triconodont đơn thuần hiện nay usually small conical structures attached by bony ankylosis upper jaw only, and two small patches of teeth
teeth, which are used for incising or apprehendi
and undergo continuous replacement. on the
A B reflect theroof
the mouth.
whereas the posterior or mu
không có nhưng kiểu hàm răng này có thể thấy ở teeth, which are used for grinding food in addition t
a shearing action, appear to be two or more con
một số răng của động vật ăn thịt. (Figure 4-11). Although the schematic form of t
F IGURE 4-4 Permanent dentition of Canis familiaris. from the mesial or distal aspects is that of a single
(Modified from Tims HWM: Notes on the dentition of the dog, Anat Anz Bd 11:537, 1896.) anterior teeth, or what seems to be an indication of
of two or more cones in posterior teeth, close obs
causes one to come to the conclusion that each toot
regardless of location, appears to be a combination o
anteriorly and another posteriorly. Purely triconodont denti- more lobes. Each lobe represents a primary ce
23 C D 24 tions are not seen, although certain breeds of dogs28,38 and
other carnivores have teeth reflecting the triconodont form
All anterior teeth show traces of four lobes, thre
Figures 22.4A to D Phylogenetic classes of tooth forms: (A) Single cone (haplodont); (B) Three cusps in a line (triconodont); (Figure 4-4). Nevertheless, dogs and other animals carnivo- and one lingually, the lingual lobe being represente
(C) Three cusps in a triangle (tritubercular molar); (D) Four cusps in a quadrangle (quadritubercular molar) rous by nature are considered to be in the third category cingulum. Each labial lobe of the incisor terminates
(Figures 4-5 through 4-8), the tritubercular class.29,30,39,40 in rounded eminences known as mamelons. Thes
The three-cusp arrangement of the triconodont class and lons are prominent in newly erupted incisors. So
the more efficient three-cornered tritubercular molar eruption they are worn down by use unless, throu
arrangement are both consistent with the teeth’s bypassing lignment, they escape incisal wear. Maxillary centra
each other more or less when the jaw is opened or closed. often show traces of the fusion of three lobes on the la
However, the quadritubercular class reflects an occlusal con- by visible markings in the enamel called labial
tact relationship between the teeth of the upper and lower (Figures 4-12, A; 4-13; and 4-14).
jaws. Articulation of the jaws and teeth is consistent with In the anterior teeth, the four lobes are called the
jaw movements and functions of these classes of teeth. labial, distal, and lingual lobes. In premolars they a
Animals that have dentitions similar to that of humans mesial, buccal, distal, and lingual lobes, or as in the ca
are anthropoid apes. This group of animals includes the

mandibular second premolar, which often has two
chimpanzee, gibbon, gorilla, and orangutan (Figures 4-9 cusps, the mesial, buccal, distal, mesiolingual, and d
and 4-10). The shapes of individual teeth in these animals gual lobes, making five in all (see Figure 10-17).
are amazingly close to their counterparts in the human The molar lobes are named the same as the cu
mouth. Nevertheless, the development of the canines, the mesiobuccal lobe). The tip of each cusp represents
arch form, and the jaw development are quite different. mary center of formation of each lobe.*
The multiplication and fusion of lobes during tooth
development are demonstrated graphically when human *
Description and tables of the development of the teeth are given
teeth are viewed from the mesial or distal aspects. Anterior complete description of each tooth, and in Chapter 2.

The most important anatomic and functional feature of dentitions are not seen, but the design can be appreciated in
the masticatory surface of an erupted tooth is the cusps. Cusp some teeth of carnivores.
number, morphology, topology and orientation are species The tritubercular molar evolved from the triconodont. The
specific; these features also differ between teeth of the same central cusp was separated from the other two outer cusps so
mammal. The evolution of the mammalian jaw and teeth that a triangle was formed on the occlusal surface of upper
created occlusal surfaces that are adequate for a great variety molars (Fig. 22.6). The carnivores, like dogs are considered to
of food. be in tritubercular class (Fig. 22.7).
Figures 22.4A to D gives four phylogenetic classes of The quadritubercular class reflects an occlusal contact
tooth forms: relationship between the teeth of the upper and lower jaw.
1. Single cone (Haplodont) There is dramatic increase in the masticatory efficiency of the

2. Three cusps in line (Triconodont) molars. The humans have quadritubercular molars.
3. Three cusps in a triangle (Tritubercular molar)
4. Four cusps in a quadrangle (Quadritubercular molar).
The haplodont class have simplest form of tooth, single
cone (Fig. 22.4A). In haplodont animals (e.g. crocodiles, To understand the human dentition, it is helpful to compare
alligator), the jaws have many teeth and jaw movements the dentitions and other vertebrates. Although human
are limited to simple open and close (hinge) movements. dentition is different in form and function from the dentitions
No occlusion of teeth occurs and teeth are mainly used for of other vertebrates, it becomes obvious that overall plan is
prehension of prey and defense (Fig. 22.5). common to all.
The triconodont class have three cusps in line in posterior The fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals
teeth (Fig. 22.4B). The largest cusp is in center with smaller together make up the vertebrate group of animals. They are
cusps located anteriorly and posteriorly. Purely triconodont similar to one another in that they all possess a vertebral

326 Section 8: Evolution of Teeth, Comparative Dental Anatomy, Forensics and Dental Anthropology


Figure 22.5 Haplodont dentition in crocodile Figure 22.6 Evolution of tritubercular molars from

Răng hàm có ba múi Tritubercular Răng hàm có ba múi Tritubercular (Courtesy: Crocodile park, La Vanille, Mauritius) triconodont tooth

326 Section 8: Evolution of Teeth, Comparative Dental Anatomy, Forensics and Dental Anthropology
molar tiến hoá từ Triconodont. Núm trung tâm molar column and teeth, unless the teeth have been lost as a
secondary process of degeneration or specialization.

tách khỏi hai núm kia và ba núm này tạo thành Fishes
Most fishes have teeth, but in few teeth are absent. The
primary function of teeth in them is to hold their prey.
một tam giác ở mặt nhai của răng hàm lớn Teeth of the fishes usually exhibit continuous succession
(Polyphyodonty). The fishes are of two types—bony fishes and
cartilaginous fishes.

hàm trên.
Examples of bony fishes include herring and tront. Bony
fishes have a wide variety of teeth. Some even appear on the
tongue, plate in extreme cases—the throat. Most fishes have
homodont (of similar form) dentitions (Fig. 22.8) but few
exhibit heterodont teeth (teeth of different classes). In bony

Động vật ăn thịt như chó có răng hàm C D

fishes teeth are attached to jaws by ankylosis.
Examples of cartilaginous fishes include sharks, rays and
dogfish. They have many successions of similar shaped teeth.
The successional teeth are developed from a persistent dental
ba núm kiểu này. Figures 22.4A to D Phylogenetic classes of tooth forms: (A) Single cone
Figure 22.5 (haplodont);
Haplodont dentition(B) Three cusps in a line (triconodont);
in crocodile Figure 22.6 Evolution of tritubercular
on the from
lingual side of the upper and lower jaws. The
triconodont toothsucceeding teeth lie behind and beneath each functional
(C) Three cusps in a triangle (tritubercular molar); (D)(Courtesy:
Four cusps in apark,
Crocodile quadrangle (quadritubercular molar)
La Vanille, Mauritius)
Chapter 22: Evolution of Teeth, Comparative Dental Anatomy and Forensic Odontology
tooth in rows, with the cutting margins turned upwards or 325
downwards so that the soft tissue are not damaged (Fig. 22.9).
Sharks have haplodont teeth (single cone), but the shape of
teeth vary in different types of sharks (Figs 22.10A to D). The
The most important anatomic and functional feature of dentitions are not seen, but the design can be appreciated in
teeth are attached to the jaws by fibrous tissues.
column and teeth, unless the teeth have been lost as a
the masticatory surface of an erupted tooth is the cusps. Cusp some teeth of carnivores. Figure 22.7 Transition from triconodont to tritubercular molar in
secondary process of degeneration or specialization. Amphibians carnivores like dog
number, morphology, topology and orientation are species The tritubercular molar evolved from the triconodont. The
Teeth are absent in some amphibians (e.g. toad). In others,
Fishes specific; these features also differ between they teeth of theinsame
are present central
one jaw only. In these,cusp was
the teeth are separated from
The frog has a rowthe other
of small two the
teeth along outer
edges cusps
of the so

25 26
usually small conical structures attached by bony ankylosis upper jaw only, and two small patches of teeth—vomer teeth
mammal. The evolution of the mammalian jaw and teeth that
and undergo continuous replacement.
a triangle was formed on the occlusal surface of upper
Most fishes have teeth, but in few teeth are absent. The on the roof of the mouth.
primary function of teeth in them is to hold created occlusal surfaces that are adequate for a great variety molars (Fig. 22.6). The carnivores, like dogs are considered to
their prey.
Teeth of the fishes usually exhibit continuous of food.
succession be in tritubercular class (Fig. 22.7).
(Polyphyodonty). The fishes are of two types—bony fishes
Figuresand 22.4A to D gives four phylogenetic classes of The quadritubercular class reflects an occlusal contact
cartilaginous fishes.
tooth forms:
Examples of bony fishes include herring and tront. Bony
relationship between the teeth of the upper and lower jaw.
fishes have a wide variety of teeth. Some even 1.appearSingle
on thecone (Haplodont) There is dramatic increase in the masticatory efficiency of the
tongue, plate in extreme cases—the throat. Most 2. fishes
Three havecusps in line (Triconodont) molars. The humans have quadritubercular molars.
homodont (of similar form) dentitions (Fig. 3. 22.8)Three
but few cusps in a triangle (Tritubercular molar)
exhibit heterodont teeth (teeth of different classes). In bony
fishes teeth are attached to jaws by ankylosis. 4. Four cusps in a quadrangle (Quadritubercular molar). COMPARATIVE DENTAL ANATOMY
Examples of cartilaginous fishes include sharks,The haplodont class have simplest form of tooth, single
rays and
dogfish. They have many successions of similarcone teeth. 22.4A). In haplodont animals (e.g. crocodiles,
shaped(Fig. To understand the human dentition, it is helpful to compare
The successional teeth are developed from a persistent dental
alligator), the jaws have many teeth and jaw movements the dentitions and other vertebrates. Although human
lamina on the lingual side of the upper and lower jaws. The
succeeding teeth lie behind and beneath each arefunctional
limited to simple open and close (hinge) movements. dentition is different in form and function from the dentitions
tooth in rows, with the cutting margins turned Noupwards
occlusionor of teeth occurs and teeth are mainly used for of other vertebrates, it becomes obvious that overall plan is
downwards so that the soft tissue are not damaged (Fig. 22.9). of prey and defense (Fig. 22.5).
prehension common to all.
Sharks have haplodont teeth (single cone), but the shape of
teeth vary in different types of sharks (Figs 22.10A toTheD). triconodont
The class have three cusps in line in posterior The fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals
teeth are attached to the jaws by fibrous tissues.teeth (Fig. 22.4B). The largest cusp is in center with smaller together make up the vertebrate group of animals. They are
cusps locatedFigure anteriorly and posteriorly.
22.7 Transition Purely
from triconodont triconodont
to tritubercular molar in similar to one another in that they all possess a vertebral
Amphibians carnivores like dog

Teeth are absent in some amphibians (e.g. toad). In others,

they are present in one jaw only. In these, the teeth are The frog has a row of small teeth along the edges of the
usually small conical structures attached by bony ankylosis upper jaw only, and two small patches of teeth—vomer teeth
70 Comparative Dental Anatomy and undergo continuous replacement. on the roof of the mouth.

Răng hàm có ba múi Tritubercular Răng hàm bốn núm Quadritubercular class tạo nên tương quan tiếp xúc
Chapter 4 Forensics, Comparative Anatomy, Geometries, and Form and Function 69 khớp cắn giữa răng hàm trên và hàm dưới, làm tăng đáng kể hiệu quả nhai.
Loại răng
hàm bốn núm có ở người. B

F IGURE 4-3 The Mississippi alligator. An interesting commentary on the
anatomy of the alligator: because of the alligator’s physical problems, the C
7 is static.
upper jaw is the mobile one. The lower jaw, closer to the ground, 8 9 M1
I 11 P4
(From Kronfeld R: Dental histology and comparative dental anatomy, Philadelphia, 1937,
14 10 10
Lea & Febiger.) P4
22 24
21 22
4 23 21
2 4
15 15
1 15
17 16 16 13
17 17
12 27
F IGURE 4-5 Jaws of a dog (collie). The premolars are tritubercular and widely
26 C D
25 26the upper carnassial
spaced; 25(fourth premolar, P4) articulates with the lower
carnassial (first molar, M1). I, Incisor; C, canine.
Figures 22.4A to D Phylogenetic classes of tooth forms: (A) Single cone (haplodont); (B) Three cusps in a line (triconodont);
20 (From Boyd J: Color atlas of clinical anatomy of the dog and cat, ed 2, St Louis, 2001,
18 F IGURE 4-7 Occlusal view of the mandible of a dog (collie). The mandible is (C) Three cusps in a triangle (tritubercular molar); (D) Four cusps in a quadrangle (quadritubercular molar)
27 28

3 long and slender. The cutting edges of the four premolars (7) and three molars
(6) are arranged in a sagittal plane. 9, Incisor; 8, canine.
19 which are used for incising or apprehending food,
B 6 reflect the single cone, whereas the 3posterior or multicusped (From Boyd J: Color atlas of clinical anatomy of the dog and cat, ed 2, St Louis, 2001,
teeth, which are used for grinding food in addition to having Mosby.)
a shearing action, appear to be9two or more cones fused
(Figure 4-11). Although the schematic form of the teeth
F IGURE 4-4 Permanent dentition of Canis familiaris. 7 from the mesial or distal aspects is that of a single cone in
(Modified from Tims HWM: Notes on the dentition of the dog, Anat Anz Bd 11:537, 1896.) anterior teeth, or what seems to be an indication of a fusion
of two or more cones in posterior teeth, close observation
causes one to come to the conclusion that each tooth crown,
regardless of location, appears to be a combination of four or
anteriorly and another posteriorly. Purely triconodont denti- more lobes. Each lobe represents a primary center of
tions are not seen, although certain breeds of dogs28,38 and formation.
other carnivores have teeth reflecting the triconodont form All anterior teeth show traces of four lobes, three labially
(Figure 4-4). Nevertheless, dogs and other animals carnivo- and one lingually, the lingual Chapterlobe4being represented
Forensics, by the
Comparative Anatomy, Geometries, and Form and Function 71
rous by nature are considered to be in the third category cingulum. Each labial lobe of the incisor terminates incisally
(Figures 4-5 through 4-8), the tritubercular class.29,30,39,40 in rounded eminences known as mamelons. These mame-
The three-cusp arrangement of the triconodont class and lons are prominent in newly erupted incisors. Soon after
the more efficient three-cornered tritubercular molar eruption they are worn down by use unless, through misa-
arrangement are both consistent with the teeth’s bypassing lignment, they escape incisal wear. Maxillary central incisors
each other more or less when the jaw is opened or closed. often show traces of the fusion of three lobes on the labial face
However, the quadritubercular class reflects an occlusal con- by visible markings in the enamel called labial grooves
tact relationship between the teeth of theCupper and lower (Figures 4-12, A; 4-13; and 4-14).
jaws. Articulation of the jaws and teeth is consistent with In the anterior teeth, the four lobes are called the mesial,
jaw movements and functions of these classes of teeth. labial, distal, and lingual lobes. In premolars they are called
Animals that have dentitions F IGUREto4-6
similar that of Normal
humansradiographic anatomy of a dog (unspecified).
mesial, buccal, distal, and lingual lobes, or as in the case of the 1 4
are anthropoid apes. This group A,ofRadiograph
animals includes the mandibular
of a left mandibularfourth
premolar, tooth
which along
often has withtwo lingual F3 IGURE
2 1 4-8 The bear. The extent of development of teeth and jaws and
chimpanzee, gibbon, gorilla, and orangutan (Figures 4-9
partial images of the thirdcusps, premolar (on left)
the mesial, buccal,and themesiolingual,
distal, first molar (on and right).
distolin- occlusion is often used to rate animal form. Compare with Figure 4-9. C,
are amazingly close to their counterparts
and 4-10). The shapes of individual teeth in these animals
B, Anatomical in the features gual lobes,
human outlined
making five in allC,
for identification. (see Figure 10-17).
Sectioned specimen
The molar lobes are named the same as the cusps (e.g.,
Canine; P, premolar; M,
mouth. Nevertheless, the development showing of internal
the canines, anatomy.
the mesiobuccal lobe). The tip of each cusp represents the pri-1 2 (From Kronfeld R: Dental histology and comparative dental anatomy, Philadelphia, 1937,
arch form, and the jaw development are quite different. 1
(From DuPont GA, DeBowes LJ:mary Atlascenter of formation
of dental radiographyof each lobe.*
in dogs and cats, St Louis, 3 & Febiger.) 2
Lea 1 2
The multiplication and fusion of lobes during tooth
development are demonstrated 2009, Saunders.)
graphically when human *
Description and tables of the development of the teeth are given under the4 5 3
4 4
teeth are viewed from the mesial or distalFaspects. Anterior complete description of each tooth, and in Chapter 2.
Răng hàm bốn núm Quadritubercular class
IGURE 4-9 The ape. I, Incisor; C, canine; P, premolar; M, molar.

C (i.e., the maxillary

D arch overlaps
E horizontally the mandibular
(From Kronfeld R: Dental histology and comparative dental anatomy, Philadelphia, 1937,
Việc so sánh với hàm răng của các loài động vật có xương sống sẽ
Lea & Febiger.)
It is possible, of course, to find a variation in the number of 4-12 arch). Theof shape
some of theof the glenoid
aspect of (mandibular) fossae (see
lobes in molars. Tubercles of enamel may be found in addi-
F IGURE General outlines lobes. A, Labial
maxillary central incisor, showing the labial grooves marking the division of giúp hiểu rõ hơn bộ răng người.
the lobes. 1, Mesial 15-1)
lobe; 2, is correlated
labial lobe; 3, distal lobe. Thealso
lobe, ortooth Chapter
form and4:jaw move-
Form and Function of Orofacial Complex 55
tion to the primary lobes. When present, they are usually cingulum, is notments. AFigure
in view (see number ofBliving
4-13, A, 4). and
and E, Mesial andextinct
occlusal species demonstrate a

smaller than and supplementary to the major lobes.

aspects of maxillary first premolar. 1, Mesial lobe; 2, buccal lobe; 3, distal lobe;
4, lingual lobe.number of dental
C, Occlusal aspect forms,
of mandibular from
first molar. the bunodont to the seleno-
1, Mesiobuccal
Mặc dù hàm răng con người khác về hình thái và chức năng so với
dont (i.e., molars with crescent-shaped cusps) types. Each
lobe; 2, distobuccal lobe; 3, distal lobe; 4, mesiolingual lobe; 5, distolingual
lobe. Lobes on molars are named the same as cusps. D, Occlusal aspects of
maxillary first molar. accompanied by an
lobe; 2, distobuccal increased
lobe; 3, mesiolingualmobility of the mandible các loài động vật có xương sống khác nhưng chúng đều có những điểm
in a lateral direction and increased anisognathism. When the
lobe; 4, distolingual lobe; 5, fifth lobe (fifth cusp).

In general terms, the primates are bunodont and relatively incisal point is viewed from the front during mastication, the chung.
isognathous and therefore have limited lateral jaw movement. mandible moves up and down without lateral deviation in
Bunodont refers to tooth-bearing conical cusps. Iso- dogs, cats, pigs, and all other animals with bunodont articu- Cá, động vật lưỡng cư, bò sát và động vật có vú thuộc nhóm động
gnathous means equally jawed; anisognathous means lations. Lateral movement increases in a number of animals
unequally jawed. Humans are not perfectly isognathous to the extreme lateral excursions seen in the giraffe, camel, vật có xương sống, chúng đều có cột sống và răng.

F IGURE 4-10 Occlusal view of the upper jaw of an orangutan. The arch is
square, and the canines, premolars, and molars stand in a straight sagittal line.
Note the diastema between lateral incisor and canine.
(Redrawn from Kronfeld R: Dental histology and comparative dental anatomy,

29 30
Philadelphia, 1937, Lea & Febiger.)

F IGURE 4-13 A, Lingual aspect of maxillary canine, with primary centers

marked. 1, Mesial lobe; 2, central lobe (cusp); 3, distal lobe; 4, lingual lobe
(cingulum). B, Incomplete formation demonstrated by a developmental
groove distolingually on a maxillary lateral incisor. This groove will sometimes
harbor fissures variousProper contact
points along relation
its length, between
especially the adjacent teeth
in the coronal
Figure 4.12 Improper proximal restoration causing
portion. A tooth with this handicap is more subject to caries. interdental bone loss

and ox. In relation to the latter type of movement, it has been

proposed that where the condyle is greatly elongated trans-
A B C versely and very flat, great lateral movement occurs during Position of Contact Areas
mastication, associated with selenodont molars, and a great
F IGURE 4-11 The functional form of the teeth when outlined schematically degree of anisognathism. Also of interest for the gnathologist Position of contact areas depend on the type and form of the
from the mesial or distal aspects is that of the fusion of two or three
is the putative correlation between the directions of the ridges crown and alignment of teeth. Position of contact areas can
cones. A, Maxillary incisor. B, Maxillary premolar. C, Maxillary first molar.
Note that the major portion of the incisor in view is made up of one cone and grooves and a radius drawn to the center of the be examined from two views:

or lobe. glenoid fossa. 1. Facial (labial/buccal) view: It gives the relative position of
the contact areas cervicoincisally/cervico-occlusally.
2. Incisal/Occlusal view: It shows the relative position of the
contact areas labiolingually/buccolingually.

Contact Area Location as Viewed Facially

(Figs 4.13 and 4.14)
Generally, in all the teeth:

central incisor to the last molar. Thus, the contact areas

become more cervically positioned when moving away
from the midline (Fig. 4.15).


Hầu hết các loài cá đều có răng, nhưng cũng có một số loài không có Cá có hai loại: cá xương và cá sụn.

răng. Cá xương: cá trích, cá hồi…

Cá xương có rất nhiều răng, một số thậm chí còn ở trên lưỡi và họng.
Chức năng cơ bản của răng ở cá là để giữ con mồi.
Hầu hết các loài cá có răng hình nón (bộ răng homodont) – là loại răng có
Răng của cá thường được thay liên tục (polyphyodont). hình dạng đơn giản nhất.

Tuy nhiên, một số ít loài cá vẫn có nhiều loại răng (bộ răng heterodont).

Ở cá có xương, răng dính chặt với xương hàm mà không có dây chằng
quanh răng.

31 32

Chapter 22: Evolution of Teeth, Comparative Dental Anatomy and Forensic Odontology 327

Cá sụn: cá mập, cá đuối và cá nhám góc. Răng có hình dạng tương tự


Răng thay thế (successional teeth) được phát triển từ lá răng nằm về phía
trong của hàm trên và hàm dưới. Những răng thay thế nằm sau và nằm
dưới các răng đang có trên cung hàm.
Figure 22.8 Radiograph showing homodont Figure 22.9 Successional teeth in the jaw of a shark with cutting
(Similar form of teeth) dentition in fish margins turned downwards to avoid soft tissue injury

Reptiles continuously erupting, incisor teeth. At the back of the

mouth is a series of check teeth that are usually similar in
The typical reptilian dentition consists of a row of conical form (Fig. 22.14).
teeth of varying sizes in each jaw, attached by bony ankylosis
and undergoing a process of continuous succession. In some The dental formula for rat is:
reptiles like crocodiles, the teeth are attached by a periodontal I 1 , C 0, P 0, M 3
membrane to bony sockets. 1 0 0 3
Crocodiles and alligators have conical shaped, teeth of There is only one dentition.

33 34
varying sizes that interlock when jaws are closed (Fig. 22.11).
Only opening and closing jaw movements are possible in Herbivorous Mammals (Sheep, Cow, Horse)
them and the upper jaw is movable. All teeth have single roots. The herbivorous animals have back teeth adapted for grinding
Teeth are absent in turtles and are replaced by horny plates up vegetation. The jaws from side to side while chewing.
(Fig. 22.12).
In some snakes (Fig. 22.13), certain teeth are modified to Dental formula for horse is:
form poison fangs. These contain a canal or a groove which I3, C 1 , P 4 , M 3
3 1 4 3
conducts the venom from the base of the tooth to just below
Dental formula for sheep and cow:
the tip in a manner similar to a hypodermic needle.
I0 ,C0 ,P3,M3
3 1 3 3
MODERN MAMMALS Interestingly, the herbivores like sheep, cow do not have
The characteristic dentition of modern mammals is upper anteriors. Instead, they have a horny pad against which
heterodont, i.e. the teeth vary in form in different parts of the front teeth of lower jaw bite (Figs 22.15A and B).
the mouth. The typical mammalian dentition is generally
considered to have the following dental formula: Carnivorous Mammals (Dog, Cat, Seal)
I3, C 1 , P 4 , M 3 Teeth in carnivores are adapted for catching, killing their
3 1 4 3
prey. They have powerful blade like cheek teeth called
There are, however a great number of variation from this carnassials.
formula. The teeth are attached by a periodontal membrane
to the walls of a bony socket in the jaws. There are usually two Dog
dentitions: the deciduous and the permanent.
The dental formula for dog is:
Rodents (Guinea Pig, Rat and Hamster) I3, C 1 , P 4 , M 2
3 1 4 3
328 Section 8: Evolution of Teeth, Comparative Dental Anatomy, Forensics and Dental Anthropology
Rodents have most constant type of dentitions. At the They have three incisors and four premolars. The canines are

front of the mouth are the specialized chisel shaped, the strongest and longest teeth in the jaws (Fig. 22.16).

Cá mập có răng haplodont (hình nón đơn giản), tuy nhiên hình dạng răng lại
khác nhau giữa các loài cá mập. Răng được gắn với xương hàm bởi các
mô sợi. A B

Figures 22.10A to D Sharks have haplodont (single coned) teeth, but shape vary in different types of sharks

36 37

Figure 22.11 Alligator has interlocking conical shaped teeth Figure 22.12 In turtles, teeth are replaced by horny plates
(Courtesy: Crocodile park, La Vanille, Mauritius) (Courtesy: Crocodile park, La Vanille, Mauritius)



Một số loài lưỡng cư không có răng (ví dụ như cóc).

Một số loài khác chỉ có ở một hàm, răng của những loài này thường có hình
nón nhỏ và được gắn với xương hàm bởi sự dính khớp xương và trải qua
quá trình thay thế liên tục.

Ếch chỉ có một hàng răng nhỏ trên sống hàm trên và hai mảng răng nhỏ -
răng lá mía ở trên vòm miệng.

38 39


Hàm răng của loài bò sát bao gồm một hàng các răng hình nón với nhiều Cá sấu có răng hình nón với nhiều kích thước và cài với nhau khi hàm
kích thước khác nhau ở mỗi hàm, gắn với hàm bằng sự dính khớp xương đóng.
và trải qua quá trình thay thế liên tục. Ở bò sát, chỉ có cử động đóng, mở hàm và khi đó chỉ có hàm trên di
Ở một số loài bò sát như cá sấu răng được dính với xương ổ răng bằng một chuyển. Tất cả các răng đều có một chân răng đơn giản.
màng nha chu.

328 Section 8: Evolution of Teeth, Comparative Dental Anatomy, Forensics and Dental Anthropology

40 41


Figures 22.10A to D Sharks have haplodont (single coned) teeth, but shape vary in different types of sharks

Rùa không có răng và được thay thế bằng các mảng sừng.
Ở một số loài rắn, có những răng được thay đổi để hình thành răng nanh
độc, những răng này có kênh hoặc rãnh dẫn nọc độc đi từ phía dưới lên
đến ngay dưới đỉnh núm răng, giống như cơ chế của kim tiêm dưới da.

Figure 22.11 Alligator has interlocking conical shaped teeth Figure 22.12 In turtles, teeth are replaced by horny plates
(Courtesy: Crocodile park, La Vanille, Mauritius) (Courtesy: Crocodile park, La Vanille, Mauritius)

42 43


Figures 22.10A to D Sharks have haplodont (single coned) teeth, but shape vary in different types of sharks

Chapter 22: Evolution of Teeth, Comparative Dental Anatomy and Forensic Odontology 329

Figure 22.13 Small conical teeth in a snake (Courtesy: Dr DC Figure 22.14 Mandibular jaw of a rodent with continuously
Master, Professor and Head, Department of Anatomy, Medical erupting incisors (Courtesy: Dr DC Master, Professor and Head,
Figure 22.11 Alligator has interlocking conical shaped teeth Figure 22.12 In turtles,Medical
teeth are replaced by hornyGujarat,
plates India)
Hospital, Vadodara, Gujarat, India) Department of Anatomy, Hospital, Vadodara,
(Courtesy: Crocodile park, La Vanille, Mauritius) (Courtesy: Crocodile park, La Vanille, Mauritius)

44 45

22.15A and B Dentition in a cattle does not have upper anteriors

Cat New World Monkey

Hàm răng của động vật có vú có nhiều loại răng (bộ răng heterodont), răng có
Monkey’s dentition is most similar to that of man, only
Loài gặm nhấm có hàm răng không thay trong suốt vòng đời.
The dental formula for cat is:
nhiều hình dạng3 ,ở 1các vị trí khác nhau trên cung hàm.
difference being is an extra set of premolars. They have larger
, 3, 1
1 2
M primate spaces (Fig. 22.18). Ở phía trước, răng cửa có hình dạng giống cái đục và mọc liên tục. Ở phía
The dental formula is:
Cat has 3răng của
incisors động
lined vật có
in astraight linevú
butđiển hình
only one có công
molar. thức (nha thức): sau, các răng hàm có hình dạng tương tự nhau.
I 2, C 1, P 3 , M 3
Canine is large and sharp (Fig. 22.17). 2 1 3 3
3 1 4 3 Công thức hàm răng của chuột:
𝐼 ,𝐶 ,𝑃 ,𝑀
3 1 4 3
1 0 0 3
𝐼 ,𝐶 ,𝑃 ,𝑀
Tuy nhiên, có rất nhiều biến thể từ công thức này. Răng được giữ trong huyệt ổ 1 0 0 3
răng trong xương hàm bởi cấu trúc nha chu. Chuột chỉ có một thế hệ răng duy nhất.
Bộ răng thường có hai thế hệ răng: răng sữa và răng vĩnh viễn.

46 47

apter 22: Evolution of Teeth, Comparative Dental Anatomy and Forensic Odontology 329

Động vật có vú ăn cỏ có các răng sau thích nghi với việc nghiền thức ăn là
thực vật, hai hàm sẽ di chuyển từ bên này sang bên kia khi nhai.
Công thức hàm răng của ngựa:
3 1 4 3
𝐼 ,𝐶 ,𝑃 ,𝑀
3 1 4 3
ll conical teeth in a snake (Courtesy: Dr DC Figure 22.14 Mandibular jaw of a rodent with continuously Công thức hàm răng của cừu và bò:
and Head, Department of Anatomy, Medical erupting incisors (Courtesy: Dr DC Master, Professor and Head,
Gujarat, India) Department of Anatomy, Medical Hospital, Vadodara, Gujarat, India) 0 0 3 3
𝐼 ,𝐶 ,𝑃 ,𝑀
3 1 3 3
Các loài như cừu, bò … không có các răng trước hàm trên, thay vào đó là
tấm sừng để làm tựa cản lại lực cắn của các răng phía trước hàm dưới.

48 49

Figures 22.15A and B Dentition in a cattle does not have upper anteriors

New World Monkey

la for cat is: Monkey’s dentition is most similar to that of man, only
difference being is an extra set of premolars. They have larger
I 3 , C 1 , P 3, M 1 primate spaces (Fig. 22.18).
3 1 2 1
The dental formula is:
s lined in astraight line but only one molar.
I 2, C 1, P 3 , M 3
d sharp (Fig. 22.17). 2 1 3 3

Chapter 22: Evolution of Teeth, Comparative Dental Anatomy and Forensic Odontology 329


Figure 22.13 Small conical teeth in a snake (Courtesy: Dr DC Figure 22.14 Mandibular jaw of a rodent with continuously
Master, Professor and Head, Department of Anatomy, Medical
Hospital, Vadodara, Gujarat, India)
erupting incisors (Courtesy: Dr DC Master, Professor and Head,
Department of Anatomy, Medical Hospital, Vadodara, Gujarat, India)
Răng của các loài động vật ăn thịt thích nghi để bắt giữ và giết con mồi; những
răng này có khả năng cắt tốt như răng hàm, được gọi là răng nhai thịt (carnasials).

• Chó

Công thức hàm răng của chó là:

3 1 4 2
𝐼 ,𝐶 ,𝑃 ,𝑀
3 1 4 3

Chó có ba răng cửa và bốn răng răng hàm nhỏ. Răng nanh là răng dài nhất và
khỏe nhất trên hàm răng.


Figures 22.15A and B Dentition in a cattle does not have upper anteriors

50 Cat
The dental formula for cat is:
New World Monkey
Monkey’s dentition is most similar to that of man, only
difference being is an extra set of premolars. They have larger
I 3 , C 1 , P 3, M 1 primate spaces (Fig. 22.18).
3 1 2 1
The dental formula is:
Cat has 3 incisors lined in astraight line but only one molar.
I 2, C 1, P 3 , M 3
Canine is large and sharp (Fig. 22.17). 2 1 3 3

330 Section 8: Evolution of Teeth, Comparative Dental Anatomy, Forensics and Dental Anthropolo

330 Section 8: Evolution of Teeth, Comparative Dental Anatomy, Forensics and Dental Anthropology

Figure 22.16 Dentition of a dog (Courtesy: Dr DC Master, Professor Figure 22.18 Dentition of a monkey
and Head, Department of Anatomy, Medical Hospital, Vadodara,
Gujarat, India)

• Mèo
• Age estimation
• Assessment of cases of abuse (child, spousal, elde
Công thức hàm răng của mèo:
Identification of Human Remains

3 1 3 1 Dentistry has much to offer in identification as the t

the most durable parts of human body and dentiti
𝐼 ,𝐶 ,𝑃 ,𝑀 unique due to custom dental restorations and develop
3 1 2 1 characteristics. The most common role of a forensic
is to identify the deceased individuals in whom
means of identification (e.g. finger prints, facial f
Mèo có ba răng cửa xếp thẳng hàng are not available. This is true in situations involving
decomposition such as air crashes, incineration, flo
other similar disasters.
nhưng chỉ có một răng hàm. Răng nanh The postmortem (after death) teeth, jaw, prosthe
appliances can yield a positive identification, when co
Figure 22.16 Dentition of a dog (Courtesy: Dr DC Master, Professor Figure 22.18 Dentition of a monkey
Figure 22.17 Dentition of a cat (Courtesy: Dr DC Master, Professor with the antemortem (before death) records. Eve
and Head, Department of Anatomy, Medical Hospital, Vadodara,
Gujarat, India)
là răng to và sắc. and Head, Department of Anatomy, Medical Hospital, Vadodara, antemortem records are not available, useful info
Gujarat, India) can be drawn by postmortem dental profiling which p
information on deceased individual’s age, ancestry,
socioeconomic status.
Postmortem and antemortem dental charts are p
by carefully recording various features such as—num
• Assessment of cases of abuse (child, spousal, elder).
Forensic odontology/forensic dentistry is a branch of forensic identity of teeth, tooth rotation, spacing and malp
medicine that, in the interest of justice, deals with the proper anomalies, restorations, prosthesis or appliances,
Identification of Human Remains examination, handling and presentation of dental evidence in endodontic treatment, implants and surgical

52 53
a court of law. The dental anatomy is the basis for any forensic pathology, bone patterns, occlusion, erosion and attr
Dentistry has much to offer in identification as the teeth are dentistry investigation. The main responsibilities of a forensic The postmortem and antemortem dental charts a
the most durable parts of human body and dentitions are dentist include the following: compared to arrive at conclusion. Presence of uniq
unique due to custom dental restorations and developmental • Identification of human remains, and identification in rare anatomical variations such as bifurcated man
mass disasters canine, peg shaped maxillary laterals, etc. may a
characteristics. The most common role of a forensic dentist • Bite mark registration and analysis positive identification.
is to identify the deceased individuals in whom other
means of identification (e.g. finger prints, facial features)
are not available. This is true in situations involving burns,
decomposition such as air crashes, incineration, floods and
other similar disasters.
The postmortem (after death) teeth, jaw, prostheses and
appliances can yield a positive identification, when compared
Figure 22.17 Dentition of a cat (Courtesy: Dr DC Master, Professor with the antemortem (before death) records. Even when
and Head, Department of Anatomy, Medical Hospital, Vadodara, antemortem records are not available, useful information
Gujarat, India) can be drawn by postmortem dental profiling which provides
information on deceased individual’s age, ancestry, sex and
socioeconomic status.
Postmortem and antemortem dental charts are prepared
by carefully recording various features such as—number and
Forensic odontology/forensic dentistry is a branch of forensic identity of teeth, tooth rotation, spacing and malposition,
medicine that, in the interest of justice, deals with the proper anomalies, restorations, prosthesis or appliances, caries,
examination, handling and presentation of dental evidence in endodontic treatment, implants and surgical repairs,
a court of law. The dental anatomy is the basis for any forensic pathology, bone patterns, occlusion, erosion and attrition.
dentistry investigation. The main responsibilities of a forensic The postmortem and antemortem dental charts are then
dentist include the following: compared to arrive at conclusion. Presence of unique and
• Identification of human remains, and identification in rare anatomical variations such as bifurcated mandibular
mass disasters canine, peg shaped maxillary laterals, etc. may aid early 330 Section 8: Evolution of Teeth, Comparative Dental Anatomy, Forensics and Dental Anthropology
• Bite mark registration and analysis positive identification.
• Khỉ Tân lục địa (New world Monkey)
Bộ răng của khỉ giống với răng
người nhất, chỉ khác là chúng có thêm
một số răng hàm nhỏ.

Công thức hàm răng của khỉ là:

2 1 3 3
𝐼 ,𝐶 ,𝑃 ,𝑀
2 22.161Dentition3of a dog3(Courtesy: Dr DC Master, Professor
Figure Figure 22.18 Dentition of a monkey
and Head, Department of Anatomy, Medical Hospital, Vadodara,
Gujarat, India)

• Age estimation
• Assessment of cases of abuse (child, spousal, elder).

54 55 Identification of Human Remains

Dentistry has much to offer in identification as the teeth are
the most durable parts of human body and dentitions are
unique due to custom dental restorations and developmental
characteristics. The most common role of a forensic dentist
is to identify the deceased individuals in whom other
means of identification (e.g. finger prints, facial features)
are not available. This is true in situations involving burns,
decomposition such as air crashes, incineration, floods and
other similar disasters.
The postmortem (after death) teeth, jaw, prostheses and
appliances can yield a positive identification, when compared
Figure 22.17 Dentition of a cat (Courtesy: Dr DC Master, Professor with the antemortem (before death) records. Even when
and Head, Department of Anatomy, Medical Hospital, Vadodara, antemortem records are not available, useful information
Gujarat, India) can be drawn by postmortem dental profiling which provides
information on deceased individual’s age, ancestry, sex and
socioeconomic status.
Postmortem and antemortem dental charts are prepared

by carefully recording various features such as—number and
Forensic odontology/forensic dentistry is a branch of forensic identity of teeth, tooth rotation, spacing and malposition,
medicine that, in the interest of justice, deals with the proper anomalies, restorations, prosthesis or appliances, caries,
examination, handling and presentation of dental evidence in endodontic treatment, implants and surgical repairs,
a court of law. The dental anatomy is the basis for any forensic pathology, bone patterns, occlusion, erosion and attrition.
dentistry investigation. The main responsibilities of a forensic The postmortem and antemortem dental charts are then
dentist include the following: compared to arrive at conclusion. Presence of unique and
• Identification of human remains, and identification in rare anatomical variations such as bifurcated mandibular
mass disasters canine, peg shaped maxillary laterals, etc. may aid early
• Bite mark registration and analysis positive identification.

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