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Ielts Writing task 1 _ Compiled by Pham Thi Men,M.A _ 0901. 500.



Đề bài 1: The diagrams show the structure of a solar panel and its use. Summarise the
information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where

Phân tích đề Structure of a solar panel

 Question type: ……………
 Process
 Time period: ……………
 no time period
 Tense:………..
 Simple present tense.
Paraphrases of keywords:
 Simple (adj) = ………………….
 basic, fundamental
 Structure (noun) = ……………..

Ielts Writing task 1 _ Compiled by Pham Thi Men,M.A _ 0901. 500. 039

 composition, design, compartment

Preparing steps
Answer the questions:
 Is it a simple or complicated structure? …………..
→ simple.
 What’s it used for? → ……………..
Generating warm water + air
 How many steps are there in the process?...........
 3 steps
 What’s the first step? → ………….
 Air/water flows through the inlet
 What’s the final step? → ……….
 Heated air and water flows out of the outlet
1. Introduction

Question: The diagrams show the structure of a solar panel and its use. Summarise the
information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where
Introduction: ………………………………………………………………………………........


Question: The diagrams show the structure of a solar panel and its use. Summarise the
information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where
The picture illustrates the composition and function of an environmentally friendly system that
utilizes sunlight to generate hot air and water

2. Overview


Overall, the system is relatively basic in terms of structure and mechanism except that the water
heater includes a metal zigzag pipe to conduct heat.

Ielts Writing task 1 _ Compiled by Pham Thi Men,M.A _ 0901. 500. 039

Body 1:


Body 2:

Body 1

-The design consisted of a square-shaped metal compartment with an open top, where a sheet
of transparent glass can be placed.
- Two holes are drilled on opposite sides, acting as an inlet and outlet.
Body 2:

Regarding the working principle,

-The panel can be used for generating either warm water or air.
+ Firstly, air or water enters the compartment through the inlet, in which the sun’s
radiation is absorbed and subsequently converted into usable energy.
+ Heat collected from the solar conductors then heats up water or air, before being pumped
out of the outlet for domestic use.

Đề bài 2:
The map below shows a school in 1985 and the school now. Summarize the information by
selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant. Write at
least 150 words.

Ielts Writing task 1 _ Compiled by Pham Thi Men,M.A _ 0901. 500. 039



The given diagrams compare the school’s layout in 1985 with its present-day layout: the
purpose of the changes to accommodate the growing student population over three decades

Answer the following questions to analyze the main features of the map
1. anything that has been made bigger
2. anything that has been made smaller (2)
3. anything that has been improved or changed in some other way (3)
4. anything that has been removed(4)
5. anything that has been replaced with something new (5)
6. anything new that has been added (6)
7. any similarities - what has been kept the same?(7)

Ielts Writing task 1 _ Compiled by Pham Thi Men,M.A _ 0901. 500. 039

Body 1: Description of the 1985 Layout


Body 2: Present-Day Layout

Answer body 1

-Entrance and exit locations in the north, on either side of a rectangular car park

– Substantial playing field occupying the southern area

– Road running along the perimeter of the car park, connecting the entry and exit

– Office situated in the northwest, with a library extending into the play area

– Smaller car park and classrooms on the east of the office and library

– Two-storey classroom block located towards the east of the road

Answer body 2

– Replacement of the rectangular car park with a bigger, semi-circular car park

– Removal of the road connecting the car park to the playing fields and the smaller car park

– Unchanged entrance, exit, and office locations

Ielts Writing task 1 _ Compiled by Pham Thi Men,M.A _ 0901. 500. 039

– Introduction of a learning resource center and a computer room, replacing the old library

– Reduction of the playing field area to accommodate a pool and fitness center

– Addition of another story to the two-story classroom block

– Planting of trees in the place of the road

– Construction of additional classrooms to the south of the three-story classroom block

Question 3: The charts below show how frequently people in the USA ate in fast food
restaurants between 2003 and 2013.
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant.

Put the sentences in my model answer into the correct order. Use the dotted lines (------) to show
a space between the paragraphs.
1. Despite increasing in 2006 (from approximately 31% to 33% and 17% to 20%
respectively), they both fell in 2013, to 27% and 16%.
2. Overall, although most people ate fast food, frequent consumption generally experienced
a downward trend, while there was an upward trend in less frequent consumption, and
more extreme patterns remained relatively unchanged.

Ielts Writing task 1 _ Compiled by Pham Thi Men,M.A _ 0901. 500. 039

3. Notably, this marked a peak in the data, showing that most people ate fast food on a
monthly rather than a weekly basis by the end of the period.
4. Over the ten-year period, the proportion of people who rarely included fast food in their
diet increased, rising from approximately 13% to 15%, while the two most extreme
patterns decreased.
5. ---------
6. ---------
7. At the top and bottom ends of the scale, most patterns changed slightly in 2006 then
remained stable.
8. Interestingly, these had the lowest figures overall, with only slightly more people never
eating fast food (5% falling to 4%) in comparison to those eating it daily (4% declining to
9. More regular consumption had higher figures, and similar trends were observed in those
who ate fast food once or multiple times a week.
10. The bar charts show how regularly people in the USA ate fast food in 2003, 2006, and
11. In contrast, the figures for once or twice per month fell initially (from 30% to 25%)
before rising to around 37%.
(`10) The bar charts show how regularly people in the USA ate fast food in 2003, 2006, and
(2) Overall, although most people ate fast food, frequent consumption generally experienced a
downward trend, while there was an upward trend in less frequent consumption, and more
extreme patterns remained relatively unchanged.
Body 1-------
(7) At the top and bottom ends of the scale, most patterns changed slightly in 2006 then remained
(4) Over the ten-year period, the proportion of people who rarely included fast food in their diet
increased, rising from approximately 13% to 15%, while the two most extreme patterns

Ielts Writing task 1 _ Compiled by Pham Thi Men,M.A _ 0901. 500. 039

(8) Interestingly, these had the lowest figures overall, with only slightly more people never
eating fast food (5% falling to 4%) in comparison to those eating it daily (4% declining to 3%).
Body 2--------
(9) More regular consumption had higher figures, and similar trends were observed in those who
ate fast food once or multiple times a week.
(1) Despite increasing in 2006 (from approximately 31% to 33% and 17% to 20% respectively),
they both fell in 2013, to 27% and 16%.
(11) In contrast, the figures for once or twice per month fell initially (from 30% to 25%) before
rising to around 37%.
(3) Notably, this marked a peak in the data, showing that most people ate fast food on a monthly
rather than a weekly basis by the end of the period.
Đề bài 4: The graph below gives information about the common activities children of
different ages in the United States do as part of their bedtime routines.

Question analysis
Question type:……………………
 Comparative graph of different activities children of different age groups do before
Time period:…………………..

Ielts Writing task 1 _ Compiled by Pham Thi Men,M.A _ 0901. 500. 039

 no particular time period → TENSE TO USE: Simple present tense

Paraphrases of key word: common activities children do as part of their bedtime routine
– Common activities ->…………………..
 popular/ well-liked hobbies/pursuits
– Children of different ages ->……………………….
 children of a variety of ages, children of various age groups
– Bedtime routine -> ……………………
 pre-bedtime, before sleep
Answer the question:
– What’s the most popular activity children of all ages do before bed? ……….
→ reading
–Body 1:Group …………………………………
 Reading, Watching TV and eating
–Body 2: Group……………………………..
 Brushing teeth + having a bath

Question: The graph below gives information about the common activities children of
different ages in the United States do as part of their bedtime routines.

Question: The graph below gives information about the common activities children of
different ages in the United States do as part of their bedtime routines.
The bar chart illustrates popular pre-bedtime pursuits of children of various age groups in the
United States

2.Body 1:

Ielts Writing task 1 _ Compiled by Pham Thi Men,M.A _ 0901. 500. 039

2.Body 2:

Body 1

- - Reading enjoys the most widespread popularity among children, ranging from almost 60%
for the oldest kids to 70% for the ones between 4 and 5.
- >< In contrast, both watching TV and eating are reported to appeal less to the young: kids
between 4 and 8 eating before bed : 8% to 10% – their lowest figures, children aged 1-3
show the least interest in watching TV, (15%)

Body 2

- Brushing teeth is more common with kids older than 4: half of the children aged 6 to 8 do this
hygienic activity before bed,  followed by 4 to 5-year-old youngsters’ 45% and a humble
30% of the infants.
- A reverse pattern is witnessed in bathing, with 40% of the youngest children taking a bath as
part of bedtime routines: 35% and 30% for kids in the 4-5 and 6-8 age brackets


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