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ISA M2KSP-058 RealTime SCC CPU Identification Procedure Page 1 of 7

Purpose This ISA provides guidance on identifying SCC System m2000sp G- and E-Series
type and CPU version (if RAD945) prior to Instruments
v8.1 software installation.
Tools and N/A Estimated 5 minutes
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Action Steps
Background m2000 systems have three identifiable SCC types: GLC, RAD945, and BCM. To provide
support for Windows 7 Embedded, certain SCC configurations will need to be updated:
 All GLC SCCs will need to be retired and replaced with a new BCM SCC
 RAD945 SCCs will need varying degrees of hardware updates and Microsoft
Windows license updates depending on configuration. Refer to the RAD945
Configuration Procedure section below.
 Current BCM SCCs with Windows XP licenses will only require Windows license
This ISA provides instructions for identifying the SCC type only. This is necessary
prior to the m2000 8.1 launch so that preparations can be made to ensure the FSE has what
is needed to fully upgrade each system at the time of 8.1 rollout, and to minimize delays in
implementation. Actual upgrade instructions will be provided via TSB.

General SCC The type of SCC can be determined by inspecting the back of the computer:

GLC/Series D
This SCC is easily identified
by the floppy drive on the front
and the single fan on the back
of the unit.
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Both the RAD and BCM systems have
two fans; however, the RAD systems
have fewer connection ports on the left
side, and they have NO ports at the
four bottom slots.

The BCM SCCs have additional
connection ports at the bottom
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RAD945 Configuration Procedure

Action Steps Reference
Background The RAD945 SCCs have two primary CPU configurations: N/A
 32-bit
 64-bit
The procedure below provides instruction for identifying and distinguishing
these configurations and determining the hard drive type.

Determine 1. From the m2000 Software, log in as an FSE. N/A

CPU version
2. From the m2000 menu bar select <System>, <Explorer>.

3. Select <My Computer> and then right-click to select <Properties>.

4. In the <System Properties> menu, select the <Hardware> tab.

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5. Select the <Device Manager> button.

6. Select <Processors> and right-click on <Intel Pentium 4 CPU

3.40GHz>. Select <Properties> from the context menu.

7. Select the <Details> menu tab.

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The information shown on the <Details> tab will identify the

configuration as follows:
 32-bit processor will display:

 64-bit processor will display:


IMPORTANT: If a string other than the two shown above is displayed,

contact GSS.

8. Document the identified CPU type. At the end of this procedure it will be
documented in the CMSNext ticket.
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Action Steps Reference

Document 1. Document the completion of this ISA in CMSNext using Work Done Code N/A

2. Identify the SCC type in the ticket: GLC, RAD945, or BCM.

3. For RAD models, also indicate whether the SCC is a 32- or 64-bit system.
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Additional Information for the m2000 8.1 Launch

The following table provides a general description of the actions that will be needed prior to the rollout of
m2000 8.1 in the field. Specific instructions for these actions will be provided in the Software Install
TSB at a later time.
SCC EXPECTED Upgrade(s) Required Associated Part Number(s)
GLC / Series-D Replace with BCM 01L67-003 / 01L67-004

RAD945 w/ 32-bit Processor 1. Upgrade CPU 1. 50-148600

(Model 3) 2. System Memory Expansion 2. 50-148415
3. License Update 3. 50-148601
RAD945 w/ 64-bit Processor 1. System Memory Expansion 1. 50-148415
(Model 4) 2. License Update 2. 50-148601
BCM w/ XP license sticker License Update (sticker) 50-148601
(01L67-003, beige)
BCM w/ Win7 license sticker No upgrade required N/A
(01L67-004, black)

End of Document

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