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Present Simple
Sujeto + infinitivo sin -to + complementos
En 3º persona del singular añadimos -s/-es/-ies
They work hard / She works hard/ She watches TV/ She studies music/ She plays volleyball

Sujeto + don’t /doesn’t + infinitivo sin -to + complementos
(No se añade –s en 3ºPS)
They don’t work hard/ She doesn’t work hard/ She doesn’t watch TV/She doesn’t study
music/ She doesn’t play volleyball

Do / Does + sujeto + infinitivo sin -to + complementos?
(No se añade –s en 3ºPS)
Do they work hard? Does she work hard? Does she watch TV?/Does she study music? /
Does she play volleyball?
Present Continuous

Sujeto + am / is / are + VERBO - ing + complementos

I am working today / She is working today / They are working today

Sujeto + am / is / are + NOT + VERBO - ing +complementos
I am not working today / She is not working today / They are not working today.

Am/is/are + sujeto + VERBO - ing + complementos +?
Am I working today? / Is she working today? / Are they working today?


La exclamación "!" indica que una acción está ocurriendo en un momento concreto y puede indicar
presente continuo.
Present Perfect Simple
- Se refiere a una acción ocurrida en el pasado, pero muy cercana al presente. Por tanto, podemos decir
que el presente perfecto simple se refiere a un pasado reciente. Por ejemplo: I have been in Madrid this

- Afirmativa: sujeto + have/has + participio (-ed en los regulares/3º columna en los irregulares)
+ complementos
- Negativa: sujeto + haven't/ hasn't + participio + complementos
- Interrogativa: Have/ Has + sujeto + participio + complementos?
ALREADY: ya, todavía / Frases afirmativas
YET: ya, todavia / frases negativas e interrogativas / Posición final
JUST: acabar de
NEVER: nunca (frases afirmativas)
EVER: alguna vez / Si aparece con una frase negativa significa "nunca"
SINCE: desde
FOR: durante

Present perfect continuous

Afirmativa: sujeto + have/has been + verbo acabado en -ing.
He’s been writing letters all morning.
Negative: sujeto + haven’t/hasn’t been + verbo acabado en -ing
We haven’t been reading much lately.
Interrogative: Have / Has + sujeto + been + verbo acabado en –ing?
You look hot! Have you been running?
-Utilizamos el presente perfecto continuo para hablar de una acción que se
desarolló durante algún tiempo en el pasado y que acaba de terminar. Los efectos
de dicha acción se hacen sentir en el presente.
She has been running
*Queremos decir con esto que estuvo corriendo, acaba de dejarlo, pero aún se
siente cansada.
We've been playing volleyball.
They've been fighting.
She's been washing her hair.
*Este último ejemplo significa que hace poco estaba lavándose la cabeza. Ahora ya
no se está lavando, pero los efectos de la acción pueden verse en el presente: su
pelo está aún húmedo.
Past Simple
Acción acabada y finalizada en el pasado.

- Afirmativa: sujeto + verbo acabado en -ed (Regulares)/// Verbo 2º columna

(Irregulares) + complementos
- Negativa: sujeto + didn't + verbo en infinitivo sin -to + complementos
- Interrogativa: Did + sujeto + verbo en infinitivo sin -to + complementos?

Los adverbios y las expresiones temporales ayudan a reconocer el tiempo verbal en

un supuesto ejercicio de tiempos verbales. Además son fundamentales cuando nos
expresamos porque denotan que te refieres al pasado.
- Yesterday
- Last day/month/week/year
- A specific date in the past (In 1979)
- Ago

Past continuous
Acción que realizamos en un momento concreto del pasado.
-Afirmativa: sujeto + was/were + verbo acabado en -ing + complementos
- Negativa: sujeto + wasn't/weren't + verbo acabado en -ing + complementos
- Interrogativa: was/were + sujeto + verbo acabado en -ing + complementos?
- A specific moment in the past. For example: I was playing football yesterday
Past perfect simple
- Utilizamos el pasado perfecto simple para referirnos a una acción del pasado que es anterior a
otra acción que hemos expresado. Por ejemplo:
Before the police arrived the thieves had stolen everything. (Antes de que la policía
llegara los ladrones lo habían robado todo)
- Afirmativa: sujeto + had + participio (-ed en los regulares/3º columna en los irregulares) +
- Negativa: sujeto + hadn't + participio + complementos
- Interrogativa: Had + sujeto + participio + complementos?
Ejemplo: By the time we arrived at the cinema, the film had already started (Para
cuando llegamos al cine, la película ya había comenzado).
Already, by the time, after, before, until, never, just

- Para predicciones. Por ejemplo: Paco will pass selectividad (pero todavía no lo
- Para decisiones espontáneas: “Which do you prefer tea or coffee? – I will have
a coffee”
- Para expresar acciones que se producirán 100% seguro: I will be 18 next
- Afirmativa: sujeto + will + infinitivo sin -to + complementos

Ejemplo: She will fly to New York

- Negativa: sujeto + won't + infinitivo sin-to + complementos

Ejemplo: She won't fly to New York

- Interrogativa: Will + sujeto + infinitivo sin -to + complementos?

Ejemplo: Will she fly to New York?

Be going to
- Se trata de un futuro planeado porque decimos cuando se va a ejecutar la acción. Por
ejemplo: I am going to go to David’s party this weekend.

- Afirmativa: sujeto + am/is/are + going to + infinitivo + complementos

Ejemplo: She is going to visit her aunt on Saturday

- Negativa: sujeto + am/is/are + not + going to + infinitivo + complementos

Ejemplo: She isn't going to visit her aunt on Saturday

- Interrogativa: am/is/are + sujeto + going to + complementos

Ejemplo: Is she going to visit her aunt on Saturday?

Futuro continuo
Acción que estará en progreso
- Afirmativa: sujeto + Will be + vb-ing+ complementos
Ejemplo: She will be waiting on the street

- Negativa: sujeto + Will not/ won´t + be + vb-ing + complementos

Ejemplo: She won´t be waiting on the street

- Interrogativa: Will be + sujeto + vb-ing + complementos?

Ejemplo: Will she be waiting on the street?

Acciones que habrán terminado
- Afirmativa: sujeto + Will have + p.participle + complemento
She will have started to sing by 5 o’clock

- Negativa: sujeto+won´t have+ vb participio+complemento

I'll not have cleaned the house by Saturday.
- Interrogativa:Will+ Sujeto + have + verbo en participio + complemento + ?
Will she have paid a lot of money by the end of the season


●WHO- persona
●WHEN- tiempo
●WHERE- lugar
●WHICH- cosas si hay que elegir
●WHY- razón
●WHAT- objetos
○be like- personalidad
○look like- físico
●WHOSE- posesión
●HOW- modo
●HOW MUCH/MANY- cantidad
●HOW LONG- duración
●HOW + ADJETIVO- adjetivo
●HOW OFTEN- frecuencia
1. PAST SIMPLE- Deseo presente
2. PAST PERFECT- Arrepentimiento
3. WOULD + VERB- Cambio en otros
DS Imperative---RS To+ infinitive

DS negative Imperative---RS Not to+ infinitive

DS Would you like…?--- RS S + invite + CI + to infinitive

DS Can/May/Shall…?--- RS S+ offer+ CI + to infinitive

DS I´m sorry..--- RS S + apologise + for + v-ing

DS Should/ ought to/ If I were you/ had better/… --- RS S + advise +
CI + to infinitive

DS Remember to…/ Don´t forget to/..
RS S + remind+ CI +

DS Let 's../We could../ Why don't we../ How about../What about..

DS You should/ you have to/ I highly recommend/ I really think
you'd/ make sure you..
●SIN CI- S + recommend+ V-ing
●CON CI- S + recommend + that + S2 +should/past/subjunctive
a) After adjectives: They were happy to hear the news.

b) After question words:He told me what to do.

c) After too/enough
too/enough for + noun: This dress is too long for me.
Too/enough to + infinitive: This exercise is too difficult to do.
Too/enough for Noun to infinitive: This exercise is too difficult for my students

d) To explain purpose
a.1) To/in order to/ so as to + infinitive = Para: I came here to tell you I’m sorry.
a.2) So that / for + Noun to +infinitive = Para que: I came here so that you
couldsee my new dress / I came here for you to see my new dress.
a.3) For + gerundio= para (expresa la utilidad de un objeto): This is a special
machine for chopping meat.

e) After certain verbsafford claim learn promiseagree dare manage

refuseappear decide need seemask (=pedir) demand offer wantbeg expect plan
warncare fail prepare wishchoose hope pretend

f) Verb + Object + To infinitive (Usually translated as a que- clause)

advise command invite request
allow encourage need teach
ask forbid order tell
beg force permit want
convince help persuade warn


a) After modal verbs
He can swim very well.

b) After see/ hear

I saw her cross the Street

c) After let/make/help
My mother made me tidy up my bedroom before going out.

d) After I’d rather (=preferiría)

I’d rather stay at home. I’m very tired.


a) After modal verbs
He can swim very well.
b) After see/ hear
I saw her cross the Street

c) After let/make/help
My mother made me tidy up my bedroom before going out.

d) After I’d rather (=preferiría)I’d rather stay at home. I’m very tired

a) After prepositions
She is excited about going to Canada.
By + v-ing= Indica manera: I am trying to lose weight by exercising every day.

b) As subject of a sentence (¡¡¡En español es infinitivo!!!)

Driving too fast is dangerous.

c) After some collocations:be used to feel like be worth

get used to can’t help can’t stand
it’s no use look forward to don’t mind / would you mind spend/waste
time or money have fun/trouble/a good time

d) After go + activities:
go windsurfing go camping go window-shopping go shopping
go sight-seeing go sailing
go bowling go bungee-jumping
go scuba-diving go skating
go jogging go shopping

e) After certain verbs:

e.1) Like/hate group: love, like, prefer, dislike, detest, enjoy
Love, like, prefer pueden ir seguidos de infinitive sin alterar el significado. Si
estos verbos van en condicional, tienen que ir seguidos obligatoriamente de
infintivo con to
e.2) Begin/stop group:
begin, start, continue, go on, keep, keep on, finish, giveup
Begin, start, continue pueden ir seguidos de infinitive sin alterar el significado,
independientemente del tiempo en el que vayan conjugados.
e.3) Avoid group: put off, delay, deny, postpone, avoid, miss
e.4) Miscellanea: consider, recommend, suggest, permit, risk,understand,
admit, practice, mention, imagine
Phrasal verbs
Infinitive passive

Pasiva impersonal

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