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NIM : F41220061


The front gate of the mosque is different from mosques in general. Because the gate resembles a
place of worship for Hindus or Buddhists. Some people call the shape of the gate a shutter/screen,
where if someone wants to enter the mosque courtyard they have to turn right. The mosque yard is
still quite wide. On the front terrace of the mosque there is a small fish pond. If you enter the main
room of the mosque, you will really feel how ancient and historical this mosque is. A building
resembling a joglo and supporting pillars made of teak wood is one of them. Then the priest's pulpit
also has a classic impression. There is also a charity box that has a cute shape like a mock-up or
replica of a mosque. To the left of the mosque building, there is an entrance to the tomb. The
entrance door is also a shutter/screen. With walls that also have ancient architectural designs. The
Kotagede Mosque was built during the Mataram Kingdom era in 1586 by Panembahan Senapati
together with local people who were generally Hindu and Buddhist. Entering the mosque yard there
is an old banyan tree that is hundreds of years old. Around the banyan tree there is a moat that
surrounds the mosque. In the past, the ditch was used as a place for ablution, but now it is used as a

From the results of this research it can be concluded that: Driving factorstourists visiting the mosque:

1) Relaxation, tourists feel more relaxed and calm when visiting destinations that are not noisy and
busy with activities worship becomes better

2) Visiting new places, like tourists become a mosque as a photography spot in an ancient building,
so it becomes more aesthetic

3) Learning and experiencing new things, tourists visit because become a destination where there is
education in the fields of history and religion and culture

4) Increasing spiritual values, tourists visit mosques become stronger in worship by looking at the
history of the kingdom's struggles in the past and see the relics of his kingdom

5) try the challenge and adventure, some tourists who visit the mosque complex feel challenged
with a strong mentality when visiting the tomb located in mosque area, with an area that is
considered sacred and has sufficient rules strict.

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