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Number :04 /CLI/A-a/II/2019 M Campus 9, 3rd of February 2019 M

Enc. :-

at -
Campus 9
‫بسم الله ال ّر حمن ال ّر حيم‬
‫ال ّس الم عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته‬
The Central Language Improvement at Darussalam Gontor Modern Islamic Institution
Campus 9 on Year 2019, request your kindness to permit us To Leave Week Meeting For Class
Five For preparing our agenda.
The names are mentioned on the enclosure
1. Ashfa Fikriy Salsabilassyafi’ie 5B
2. Muhammad Al Imron 5B

Thus and thanks for your kindness.

‫وال ّس الم عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته‬

Known by,

_____________________ ______________________
Chief LAC Staff
Aproved by,

______________________ _____________________
Guidande Staff Pusdac Staff

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