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1. What are the key steps in the communication process?

 The key steps in the communication process, as identified in the Kellogg's case study, are as
Sender: Kellogg's acts as the sender of the message, initiating the communication process.
Encoding: Kellogg's formulates the message to be communicated, ensuring it is clear, concise, and
aligned with their objectives.
Message/Media: Kellogg's selects various media platforms, including television, social media, and print
media, to convey their message effectively to the target audience.
Decoding: The target audience receives and interprets the message, understanding the information
conveyed by Kellogg's.
Receiver: The target audience, which includes schools, parents, and the public, receives the message
from Kellogg's.
Response: The target audience reacts or responds to the message, which can include actions such as
participating in breakfast clubs or sharing the message with others.
Feedback: Kellogg's receives feedback from the target audience, allowing them to assess the
effectiveness of their communication efforts and make any necessary adjustments.

In summary, the communication process in the Kellogg's case study involves several key steps. It
begins with Kellogg's as the sender formulating the message and selecting appropriate media platforms
to convey it. The message is then received and interpreted by the target audience, who may respond
and provide feedback to Kellogg's.
2. Explain the two benefits of Kellogg's using its multi-platform campaign to communicate its
 Two benefits of Kellogg's using its multi-platform campaign to communicate its messages
 Increased reach: By utilizing a combination of television, social media, and print media,
Kellogg's can reach a wider and more diverse audience. For example, the case study blog
mentions that Kellogg's used television advertisements during family-oriented programs to
target parents and online platforms like Facebook and Instagram to engage with younger
 Targeted messaging: Kellogg's can tailor their messages to specific audiences using different
media platforms. For instance, they can use television advertisements to reach a broad
audience, while utilizing online parenting forums or blogs to specifically target parents. The
case study blog highlights Kellogg's use of targeted emails and brochures distributed during
educational conferences to effectively communicate with schools.
3. Choose two audiences of Kellogg's campaign shown in the case study and identify which
media you think would be particularly effective tip for getting the messages across to them.
Explain why.
 Two audiences targeted by Kellogg's campaign, as shown in the case study, are schools and
 For schools: The case study blog suggests that targeted emails or newsletters sent directly to
school administrators, as well as informative brochures or pamphlets distributed during
educational conferences or events, would be particularly effective in getting the messages
across to them. This approach ensures that schools receive relevant information about the
benefits of breakfast clubs and encourages their participation.
 For parents: The case study blog mentions that television advertisements during family-
oriented programs, online parenting forums or blogs, and direct mail campaigns were used
to effectively reach and engage with this audience. These media channels allow Kellogg's to
directly communicate the advantages of breakfast clubs to parents, raising awareness and
encouraging their support.
4. How far do you think the Kellogg's campaign will go in changing the press and public opinion
about breakfast clubs? Justify your opinion.
 The potential impact of the Kellogg's campaign on changing press and public opinion about
breakfast clubs is subjective and dependent on various factors. However, considering the
comprehensive communication plan and the use of multiple media platforms, it is likely that
the campaign will have a significant impact. By consistently promoting the benefits of
breakfast clubs and targeting key stakeholders, Kellogg's can generate awareness and
positive sentiment. This can potentially lead to a shift in public opinion and increased
support for breakfast clubs, as the messages are disseminated through various media
channels and effectively reach the intended audience.

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