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Course & Year: BEEd 2-Main

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the pupils CAN:
a. differentiate the changes that materials undergo due to oxygen and heat;
b. evaluate the importance of changes that materials undergo due to oxygen and heat;and
c. Label the changes that materials undergo due to oxygen and heat.
II. Subject Matter / Content:
Content Standard: The learner's demonstrate understanding of material undergo changes due to
oxygen and heat.
Performance Standard: The learner uses local, recyclable solid and/or liquid materials in making useful
Learning Competency: Investigate changes that happen in materials under the presence or lack of
oxygen and application of heat.
Code: S5MT- IC-D-2
Materials:powerpoint presentation, printed pictures, cartolina, pilot pen, construction paper, scissor,
glue, tape.
Reference/s: Teachers guide
Lesson 3 page 72

III. Procedures:
Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Good morning class! Good morning teachers!

I am teacher _____ your teacher for this ( The students stand up)
afternoon. But before we start class please stand
up for our prayer.

2. Prayer The name of the father and the son

and the holy spirit amen.
The name of the father and the son and the holy OH GOD.
spirit amen

3. Drill

Before you take your seats let's sing a song first

Ready for the song in one, or two, or
I am going to sing first, and after that let's do it three then sit properly science is ready
together. lessons are all new all you have to do...
Listen to your tea...cher to learn
Ready for the song in one, or two, or three then sit something new. Hey, SCIENCE time
properly science is ready lessons are all new all you have to
SCIENCE time oh, it's science time
do... Listen to your tea...cher to learn something new. Hey,
SCIENCE time SCIENCE time oh, it's science time

Am i clear? ( Yes teacher)

Okay very good (Sing together)

So class, please pick-up pieces of paper under your

chair and put it on your bag and sit properly.

( Everyone will do)

4. Attendance
Is there any absent today? (None teacher)
Very good! 100% of the class are all present let's give
ourselves a barangay clap for having a perfect attendance (clap, clap, clap)
5. Review

Do you have any clarification/question regarding

our topic last meeting ( None teacher)

6. Engagement

Class let's have our first activity. But before that i

will grouo you first into 3. So This activity is called "guess me".
You will guess the picture i will give to you and paste it on the
Group 1.


Group 2


Group 3


B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation
• differentiate the changes that
Class our lesson for today is all about changes materials undergo due to oxygen and
that materials undergo due to oxygen and heat heat;
• evaluate the importance of changes
And here are our lesson objectives that materials undergo due to oxygen
and heat;and
• label the changes that materials
a. Setting of standards undergo due to oxygen and heat.
Before we formally start our discussion, there
are rules we must follow.

Everybody read our classroom rules Classroom rules:

1. Sit properly
2. Raise your right hand if you want to
Is it clear class? answer
3. Listen to the teacher

For you to be motivated, i have here an

incentive chart entitled " whose group got
more points" that will serve as the basis of
your score. You will be given points with your

2. Exploration:

3. Explanation:
"Alright, let's learn about the changes in matter
due to the presence of oxygen and application of
heat. So chemical change is a change in matter
that results in the formation of one or more new
substance . The new material has a different
composition when compared with the original
material. Just like the possible suggestions to be
done on a piece of paper to change it is by
burning. Burning can transform the paper into
ashes and water entirely different from the
original materials. Oxygen is a part of the air that
surrounds us. It has effects on different material.
The presence of oxygen in the air can cause
chemical on materials.

4. Elaboration:
At this point class, let's have another activity.
All you have to do is guess the picture that i will
show to you.


Combustion is a process of burning

Now let's talk about the Absence of

oxygen or anaerobic. Now suppose that oxygen
will be removed from fire triangle, what do you
think will happen?

: Now, let's do an experiment.

This expenment is called "Fire Out"

You will need. 3 jars, 3 candles, and timer

What to do:

1. Light 1 candle.

2. Cover it with the smallest jar.

3. Using a timer, measure how many seconds it

takes the flame out
4. Repeat the procedure using the next jar up to
the last jar.

What do you think why the candle burn off?

Yes very good!

: In the experiment, the candle needs oxygen from the air

to continue burning. If there is absence of oxygen, the candle Because there is no oxygen
will not continue to burn.
" Now let's talk about the Presence of Oxygen or aerobic.

Have you noticed that when your mother cuts fruits and
vegetables. some of them change in color?.

For example, When an apple is cut. the fleshy part of the

fruit changes in color into brown.

why do you think the color of an apple changes

into color brown?

Because of oxygen
This is because the oxygen present in the air
reacts with chemical present in the fleshy part of
the apple. And because of Presence of Oxygen it
will become brown.

Now let's talk about the changes in matter

through Application of Heat.

-Heat is the quality of being hot and it is

described as how high temperature

-Heat can bring about Physical changes in


For example, is a melting ice when it is placed out

of the refrigerator. The ice absorbs heat from the
surroundings. which melt after a few minutes.

C. Concluding Activities
1. Generalization: Yes ma'am
Did you understand our lesson today?

Again, what is combustion? Process of burning something.

What will happen when we light up the candle The candle will not continue to burn.
and cover it with jar or glass? The fleshy part of the apple changes
What will happen when to the fleshy part of the color into brown.
apple when we cut it?

I am glad that all of you learned our lesson today.

2. Application:
I will give you an activity entitled "identify me"

1. It is the process of burning something Combustion

2. It is part of the air that surrounds us Oxygen

3. Quality of being hot Heat

4. The elements of fire triangle Oxygen, heat and fuel

5. Why is it the color of an apple changes into Because of oxygen

color brown?
Melting of ice
6. Physical change caused by heat

3. Valuing:

So class, why is it important to know about this

changes that the materials undergo due to
oxygen and application of heat?

IV. Evaluation:
There are sets of questions that you are going to
answer. Write the letter of the correct answer in
your answer sheet.
1.____ is a process of burning.
a. flammable
b. combustion
c. rusting
d. oxygen
2. Combustion occur if there are three elements
present, we call it ____Triangle.
a. Fire
b. Heat
c. Three
d. Thermal
3. The elements of Fire Triangle
Includes_____,______and _____.
a. oxygen, heat and fuel
b. oxygen, carbon dioxide, and fuel
c. heat, fuel and paper
d. heat, fuel and gas
4. Presence of oxygen with regards to changes of
matter is also known as___
a. aerobic
b. anaerobic
c. earobic
d. anaerobic
5. When an apple is cut, the fleshy part of the
fruit changes in color into brown after an hour.
Why is this so?
a. The apple is dirty.
b. The apple is rotten.
c. The apple is expose to oxygen.
d. The apple is expose to sun.
6. Where do we get our supply of oxygen?
a. oxygen tank
b. hospitals
c. plants & trees d. animals
7. Why plants and trees are important?
a. It gives us oxygen.
b. It is an element to produce fire.
C. It gives us food and shelter
d. all of the above
8._____is the quality of
being hot and it is described as how high
temperature is.
a. sun
b. hot
c. warm
d. heat
9. This is an example of physical change caused
by heat.
a. melting of ice
b. cooking fried egg
c. rusting
d. rotting of food
10. This is an example of chemical caused by
a. melting of ice
b. cooking fried egg
c. cutting paper
d. folding paper
V. Assignment:
List down the affects of presence and absence of
oxygen in the exposed fruit fresh in a similar diagram.

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