Wild Animals

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Topic: Nowadays, a large number of wild animals are under the threat of

extinction. What are the reasons for this? What can be done to solve this problem?

It is a fact that the large number of wild animals are under the threat of extinct. For
our sake, people need to figure some solutions to improve the situation.
Currently, there are many wild animals being captured and traded by humans. This
is due to the fact that many people are destroying buildings and factories serving
development. For example, many people use ivory tusks and tiger skin to decorate
and use rare snakes to soak wine. Moreover, climate change is also a reason that
threatens the survival of wild animals. That leads to forest fires and air pollution
causing many wild animals to die and gradually become extinct. For example,
forest fires in hawaii have killed some wild animals and become a huge disaster.
On the other hand, we need to take some steps to mitigate this problem. The
goverment should impose penalties for hunting wild animals and should invest in
companies that protect those animals. People need to speak up and protest the act
of hunting wild animals.
In conclusion, we need to stop using objects made of animals skin and the
goverment should also take responsibity in protecting them.

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