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1 Party logo


Party Logo
The party logo, which is a weighing scale with
two equal weights at both the ends is a
powerful symbol that conveys the principle of
justice and equality. It communicates a clear
message of fairness, equality, and balance,
which are fundamental principles in building
a just and thriving society.
Contesting Candidates
Karman Singh Bindra-XII F XII
Rohan Yadav- XII-F XI
Devansh Sharma- XII-F X
Sehej Singh Harish- XII -D IX
Party President: Co-President:
Karman Singh Bindra Devansh sharma
Party Members
Yuvraj Singh Pranav Pasricha
Riyank Ahuja Vinay
Kartavya Sharma Rishabh
Eklavya Ahuja Parth Makhija
Bindra Justice & liberty party, as the name suggests
stands for principles deeply rooted in fairness, social
justice, individual freedom and inclusive governance.
Here are some potential party agendas aligned with our
party's core values

Legal Reforms for Justice and Equality: Advocate for

legal reforms that ensure equal access to justice for all
citizens, regardless of socio-economic status or
background. This includes measures to streamline
legal procedures, provide legal aid to marginalized
communities, and address systemic biases within the
judicial system.
Social Welfare Programs for Equity: Develop
comprehensive social welfare programs aimed at
reducing poverty, improving healthcare, and
enhancing education opportunities for marginalized
communities. Prioritize initiatives that empower
Dalits, Adivasis, minorities, and women, ensuring
equitable access to essential services and
Protection of Civil Liberties and Human Rights:
Uphold civil liberties and human rights by advocating
for freedom of expression, assembly, and association.
Combat discrimination and intolerance based on caste,
religion, gender, or ethnicity, and promote a culture of
inclusivity, diversity, and tolerance.
Environmental Conservation and Sustainable
Development: Promote environmentally sustainable
policies that prioritize conservation, mitigate climate
change impacts, and promote sustainable development
practices. Ensure that development projects prioritize
environmental protection and take into account the
rights and interests of local communities, especially
indigenous peoples and forest dwellers.
Empowerment of Women and Gender Equality:
Champion gender equality initiatives, including
measures to address violence against women, promote
women's participation in politics and decision-making
processes, and ensure equal rights and opportunities in
all spheres of life. Implement affirmative action policies
to bridge gender gaps in education, employment, and
leadership positions.
Economic Empowerment and Inclusive Growth:
Advocate for inclusive economic growth policies that
prioritize job creation, entrepreneurship development,
and skill-building programs. Ensure equitable
distribution of resources and opportunities, with a
focus on uplifting marginalized communities and
reducing income inequality.
Preservation of Individual Liberty and Privacy: Protect
individual liberty and privacy rights by advocating for
robust data protection laws, safeguarding against
government surveillance, and ensuring transparency
and accountability in the use of technology and
personal data.
Ethical Governance and Anti-Corruption Measures:
Implement measures to combat corruption at all levels
of government and promote transparency and
accountability in governance. Support the
establishment of independent anti-corruption bodies
and whistleblower protection mechanisms to
strengthen institutional integrity and ethical
Education and Empowerment: Prioritize education as a
key tool for empowerment and social mobility.
Advocate for reforms that ensure quality education for
all, including initiatives to improve school
infrastructure, teacher training, and curriculum
development. Promote access to higher education and
vocational training opportunities, particularly for
marginalized communities.
Peace and Social Harmony: Promote peace-building
initiatives and inter-community dialogue to foster
social harmony and cohesion. Advocate for policies that
address inter-community tensions and promote
understanding, tolerance, and respect for diversity.
However, the primary aim of the party will be
providing justice and equality to all the citizens along
with ensuring their equal representation in the society

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