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Preamble This by law will consist all the necessary
terms and references on how our NGO will
be run

Name Plant a tree for posterity

Applicable laws We are a local NGO under local and natural

and legal status laws

Spec of activities We will undertake the activities of planting

trees in order to alleviate poverty the rural
areas and reforestation of trees and protect
our water sources and mitigate climate
change in our activities

Local durative We are on plot 891/892 p.o box 360007

kafue east for an limited time

Aims visions and To aim is to alleviate poverty in the rural

mission areas through programs such as planting of
trees. Women and youths will be our target
groups as they work with ⅔ of the rural
population wealth through sustainable and
practical activities. The mission for the NGO
is to plant 1000,000 trees by year 2025

Article 1 We have members such as

.Executive and General members

1. Executive

Chairperson of the board

Vice chairperson
Secretary and Vice secretary
Treasurer and Vice treasurer
committee members

Article 2 Environmentalists: to
Qualifications Educationist: to educate the rural community
on the values and mission of the NGO
Advocators: to advocate for the NGO in the
media as well as the rural people on the

Article 3 Members will be invited best on their

attributes towards the environment and
achievements in society to selfless efforts in
the past towards the betterment of the
society and environment
Application also will be welcome with the
above credentials

Article 4 Members will have to toll the NGO lines in

terms of vision and mission statement, they
will be required to be present in all
deliberations in order to enhance a smooth
running of the NGO

Article 5 Consensus building all decisions will be put

to a vote and a third of members present
will be our bench mark

Article 6 All correspondents of will will be to address

Resignation to the secretariat and resignation will be
equally addressed to the secretariat and
communicated to the board any member
holding any executive position will be
required to surrender all legal documents
pertaining to the NGO to the executive

Article 7 expulsion Any member who does not feel any sense of
suspension belongings to the NGO are free to resign
and pursue other goals in life and financial
misconduct will lid to the expulsion of the

Article 8 The organisation shall be headed by the CEO

Organisation who will be the head of administration. And
structure secretariat day to day of the affairs of the
NGO and finance department together with
the drivers

General assembly General assembly will be required to get

procedures different views on the running of the
organization and voting of new office
boards. Paid up members are eligible to vote
and minutes circulated to the general

Article 9 scope Scope of works to arrange for the meetings,

venue, circulate minutes before meetings
and publish minutes after the general
assembly to the members. Call for
extraordinary meetings when required by

Article 10 decision Decisions by general assembly will be

making presented to the executive members as
resolutions by the general assembly and
tabled at the executive members by the
secretary to the general assembly

Article 11 Quorum A third of the of the total general paid up

membership will be required to constitute a
forum in order for a desist to be taken

Article 12 board The board will consult of

of directors .1Board Chairperson
consultation .2Vice board chairperson
.3Secretary and Vice secretary
.4Treasurer and Vice treasurer
.5trustees (3)

Article 13 .1No criminal recode will be pre requisite to

eligibility be on the board

Article 14 The individuals shall be identified by their

Selection and contribution to society and academic
appointments achievements
letters will be written to and acceptance
received by the NGO.

Article 15 term of 2 years term of office and a maximum of 2

office terms

Article 16 Vacancies will be by the advertised intently

vacancies on the general membership forum and if not
desired results come up we will advertise to
the local community in kafue

Article 17 duties To oversee the running of the NGO and give

and functions of guidance when necessary. A board member
the board should be above board and exemplary in
Article 18 Decision Just like the general assembly a third of the
making members should be present to vote and 2/3
of the vote will be taken as a binding
decision on the board.

Article 19 press Will be issued after a board resolution has

statement been taken by a 2/3 of the board members.

Article 20 To look at the affairs of the NGO and make

recommendations, the secretariat shall call
for a meeting 2/3 of the total membership

Article 21 If a board member wishes to resign from his

or her position, he/she will have to put it in
writing to the board secretary.

Article 22 Bringing the name of the NGO in to

Removal disputes, dishonest behaviour and other
misdiminious activities, can appeal to the
executive for redress or hearing

Article 23 Funding committee


Article 24 running Media committee ,strategic /policy project

development committee will be put up to
enhance operation

Article 25 To enhance operation and offer changes and

responsibility’s balances in the operation of the NGO
pending will source for funding
Media will create platforms for interpretation
and public metrical on the NGO vision
mission and goals

Article 26 During general meetings the committees will

be net and members in good attending and
professional in their field will be elected

Article 27 Duties 1. The funding committee will source for

and funding from funder and grants to run the
Responsibilities organisation smoothly
2. Media will publish ateliers on the project
being undertaken and will be undertaken in
files .Set up websites and twitter and
whatsapp groups for easy communication
3.Strategy plover project development they
will formulate the strategy plan for the NGO
the term of office will be the same as the
other committee. The board will decide on
the duties and responsibilities and how they
can be modified

Article 28 Administration and

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