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PART – 1
1. Liquidation of Companies

2. Banking Companies

3. Non-Banking Finance Companies

4. AS 19 - Leases

5. AS 20 – Earnings per Share

6. AS 22 – Accounting for Taxes on Income

7. AS 24 – Discontinuing Operations


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Question 1
X Ltd. went into voluntary liquidation on 31st Dec, 2010 when their Balance Sheet read as


Liabilities ₹

Issued and Subscribed Capital :

5,000 10% Cumulative Preference Shares of ₹ 100 each, fully paid 5,00,000

2,500 Equity Shares of ₹ 100 each, ₹ 75 paid 1,87,500

7,500 Equity Shares of ₹ 100 each, ₹ 60 paid 4,50,000

15% Debentures secured by a floating charge 2,50,000

Interest outstanding on Debentures 37,500

Creditors 3,18,750

Total 17,43,750


Land & Building 2,50,000

Machinery & Plant 6,25,000

Patents 1,00,000

Stock 1,37,500

Trade Receivables 2,75,000

Cash at Bank 75,000

Profit & Loss Account 2,81,250

Total 17,43,750

Preference dividends were in arrears for 2 years and the creditors included Preferential Creditors

of ₹ 38,000.

The assets realized as follows :

Land and Building ₹ 3,00,000; Machinery and Plant ₹ 5,00,000; Patents ₹ 75,000; Stock ₹

1,50,000; Trade receivables ₹ 2,00,000.

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The expenses of liquidation amounted to ₹ 27,250. The liquidator is entitled to a commission of

3% on assets realized except cash.

Assuming the final payments including those on debentures is made on 30th June, 2011 show the

Liquidator’s Statement of Account.

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CA Rahul Garg Gold Medalist All India Rankholder in CA, CS, CMA (incl. Rank 1)
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CA Rahul Garg Gold Medalist All India Rankholder in CA, CS, CMA (incl. Rank 1)
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Question 2
The following is an extract from Trial Balance of overseas Bank as at 31st March, 2014.

₹ ₹

Bills discounted 12,64,000

Rebate on bills discounted not due on March 31st, 2013 22,160

Discount received 1,05,708

An analysis of the bills discounted is as follows :

Amount Due Date 2014 Rate of Discount (%)

(i) 1,40,000 June 5 14

(ii) 4,36,000 June 12 14

(iii) 2,82,000 June 25 14

(iv) 4,06,000 July 6 16

Calculate Rebate on Bills Discounted as on 31-3-2014 and show necessary journal entries.

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CA Rahul Garg Gold Medalist All India Rankholder in CA, CS, CMA (incl. Rank 1)
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CA Rahul Garg Gold Medalist All India Rankholder in CA, CS, CMA (incl. Rank 1)
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Question 3
From the following information, calculate the amount of Provisions and Contingencies and prepare

Profit and Loss Account of Zed Bank Ltd. for the year ended 31.3.2011.

(₹ in ‘000)

Interest and Discount (Includes interest accrued on investments) 8,860

Other Income 220

Interest expended 2,720

Operating expenses 2,830

Interest accrued on Investments 10

Additional Information :

a. Rebate on bills discounted to be provided for 30

b. Classification of Advances :

Standard assets 4,000

Sub-standard assets 2,240

Doubtful assets − (fully unsecured) 390

Doubtful assets – covered fully by security

Less than 1 year 100

More than 1 year, but less than 3 years 600

More than 3 years 600

Loss Assets 376

c. Provide 35% of the profit towards provision for taxation.

d. Transfer 25% of the profit to Statutory Reserve.

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CA Rahul Garg Gold Medalist All India Rankholder in CA, CS, CMA (incl. Rank 1)
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CA Rahul Garg Gold Medalist All India Rankholder in CA, CS, CMA (incl. Rank 1)
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CA Rahul Garg Gold Medalist All India Rankholder in CA, CS, CMA (incl. Rank 1)
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Question 4
Lokraj Financiers Ltd. is an NBFC providing Hire Purchase Solutions for acquiring consumer

durables. The following information is extracted from its books for the year ended 31st March,


Asset Funded Interest Overdue but recognized in Profit & loss A/c Net Book Value of

Period Overdue Interest Amount Assets outstanding

(₹ in crore) (₹ in crore)

Washing Machines Upto 12 months 450.00 20,550.00

Air Conditioners For 24 months 25.25 675.00

Music systems For 30 months 15.25 225.00

Refrigerators For 21 months 60.15 1,050.00

Air purifiers Upto 12 months 18.25 980.00

LCD Televisions For 45 months 420.00 21,200.00

You are required to calculate the amount of additional provision to be made.

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CA Rahul Garg Gold Medalist All India Rankholder in CA, CS, CMA (incl. Rank 1)
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Question 5
Jet Carriers Ltd. has initiated a lease for four years in respect of a vehicle costing ₹ 20,00,000

with expected useful life of 5 years. The asset would revert to the company under the lease


The other information available in respect of lease agreement is :

a. The unguaranteed residual value of the equipment after the expiry of the lease term is

estimated at ₹ 2,50,000.

b. The implicit rate of interest is 10%.

c. The annual payments have been determined in such a way that the present value of the lease

payment plus the residual value is equal to the cost of asset.

Ascertain in the hand of Jet Carriers Ltd.

a. The annual lease payment.

b. The unearned finance income.

c. The segregation of finance income.

PV Residual value for 4 years @ 10% is 0.683. (b) PV Factor for 4 years @ 10% is 3.16987.

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CA Rahul Garg Gold Medalist All India Rankholder in CA, CS, CMA (incl. Rank 1)
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CA Rahul Garg Gold Medalist All India Rankholder in CA, CS, CMA (incl. Rank 1)
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Question 6

Net profit for the year 2012 ₹ 11,00,000

Net profit for the year 2013 ₹ 15,00,000

No. of shares outstanding prior to rights issue 5,00,000 shares

Rights issue price ₹ 15

Last date to exercise rights 1st April, 2013

Rights issue is one new share for each five outstanding. Fair value of one equity share immediately

prior to exercise of rights on 1st April 2013 was ₹ 21.

Compute Basic Earnings Per Share.

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CA Rahul Garg Gold Medalist All India Rankholder in CA, CS, CMA (incl. Rank 1)
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Question 7
Ultra Ltd. has provided the following information.

Depreciation as per accounting records = ₹ 4,00,000

Depreciation as per tax records = ₹ 10,00,000

Unamortised preliminary expenses as per tax record = ₹ 30,000

There is adequate evidence of future profit sufficiency.

How much deferred tax asset/liability should be recognised as transition adjustment when the tax

rate is 50%?

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CA Rahul Garg Gold Medalist All India Rankholder in CA, CS, CMA (incl. Rank 1)
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Question 8
What is the meaning of Discontinuing Operation as per AS 24?

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A discontinuing operation is a component of an enterprise:

a. That the enterprise, pursuant to a single plan, is:

▪ Disposing of substantially in its entirety, such as by selling the component in a

single transaction or by demerger or spin-off of ownership of the component to

the enterprise's shareholders or

▪ Disposing of piecemeal, such as by selling off the component's assets and

settling its liabilities individually or

▪ Terminating through abandonment and

b. That represents a separate major line of business or geographical area of


c. That can be distinguished operationally and for financial reporting purposes.

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