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Light – a way of transferring energy

Light sources – they are luminous(give out light)
Light does not require a medium to travel through
Energy is transferred from the Sun to the Earth through light waves

Dark areas where an object blocks out light(object is opaque)
Formed because light travels in straight lines and does not bend around corners
Shadow edges are sharp – umbra(full shadow) and small light source
Shadow edges are fuzzy – penumbra(partial shadow) and big light source

The splitting of white light into separate colours through transparent objects which have
different speeds of light
These colours are known as the light spectrum:
Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Indigo Violet

White light Red refracts the least

Violet refracts the most

All colours of light can be made with three primary colours:
Red Green Blue
Combining two primary colours create a secondary colour
Mixing all three primary colours creates white light
It is not possible to make white light with any other colour combinations

Filters – Colour Subtraction

Filter – absorbs some colours from white light and transmits others

Red Filter

Red Light

Red Filter Green Filter

No Colour

Red Light Transmit

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