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Optical design.

MSc Photonics
Paraxial project design
Name PABLO Delivery date
Surname BARGALLO BALLESTEROS Report nº 1 of 4
Sheet nº 1of 5

Watch your food has asked to design a device to check food quality by a continuous survey of the bacterial
growth in a Petri’s disk with specific requirements presented in the Introduction section of this report.

Then, this project is going to be presented in 4 reports: calculating the paraxial design (PAXD); from
paraxial design to a real lens (PAXD to PD) employing OSLO; studying the Image Quality of the system, and
finally, showing the final design (FD) of the set-up. In each case, the criteria to choose parameters and the
design will be exposed to the knowledge of the reader.

In this report, I have presented the process to design the device shown in Figure 1 following the
requirements of the company and I have summarized the results in Table 2 in Conclusions section.



This project aims to reproduce a device to check food quality by a continuous survey of the bacterial
growth in a Petri dish (bottom) with a specific requirements following structure presented in ¡Error! No
se encuentra el origen de la referencia.. Some parameters are fixed as the FOV, while others can be
modified as the distance from the camera to the samples.

Figure 1. Schematic device of the desired prototype demanded by Watch your food company, presenting
some requirements.

The CCD receives the image from the Petri’s disk (object), which has a length of 90 mm and can be
misaligned ±25 mm (FOV), through a system we are going to design, comparing the number of lenses we
need and containing the requirements of the company presented in Table 1.
Optical design. MSc Photonics
Paraxial project design
Name PABLO Delivery date
Surname BARGALLO BALLESTEROS Report nº 1 of 4
Sheet nº 2of 5

Table 1. Requirements of the company to the optical designers.

Model UI-5580RE-C-HQ
Resolution 2560 x 1920 pixel
Optical size (x’, y’) 5.632 x 4.224 mm
Pixel size 2.2 um
C-Mount 17.526 mm
Field of view (FOV) 140 mm
Smaller size detected 0.5 mm
F# 5.6
Contrast Given by the system
Depth field (DOF) 12 mm
CCD distance 320 – 380 mm

And all the results are going to be collected in a Table at the Conclusions paragraph as solution of the
system calculated.


The following steps are the order I am going to calculate the specifications of the system:

➢ Find effective focal length (EFL).

- Calculation of magnification (m).
- Decisions about splitting elements.
- Check if 2 lenses are doing the required job.
➢ Determine Aperture stop (AS).
- Try lens 1 if it does not work.
- Try lens 2.
➢ Calculate diameters, set the AS, Entrance Pupil (EnP) and Exit Pupil (ExP).
➢ Check if F/N are acceptable.
➢ Perform a general layout.
- Calculate paraxial elements (H, H’ F, F’).
- Position of all elements
➢ Resolution


I am going to present the equations employed in general and I am going to refer them when I use them
to calculate any distance or component and, when I take some decisions, I am going to explain it.

𝑦′ 𝑓′ Eq. 1)
𝑚 = =
𝑦 𝑧

𝑧𝑧′ = − 𝑓′2 Eq. 2)

These equations (1 and 2) refer to: the first one to the magnification of the system, and the second one
to the position of the objects depending on the focal length.

First, I must choose a distance to put the first optical element and design our system depending on that,
which is 350 mm in this case. Then, I calculate the magnification of the system employing the FOV distance
(y = 140 mm) and the minor optical (y’ = 4.22 mm rounded to 4 mm to take a safe smaller value)
Optical design. MSc Photonics
Paraxial project design
Name PABLO Delivery date
Surname BARGALLO BALLESTEROS Report nº 1 of 4
Sheet nº 3of 5

The result of the magnification is m = -0.03, where the negative value means the inversion of the image
as m<0. The distance from the camera to the Petri’s dish is the same that the distance from the object
focal point of the camera to the Petri’s dish. (350+EFL from the lens), then the focal length employing Eq.
1 is for z = -350 mm, f’0 = 10.5 mm, and the position of the detector is z’ = 0.32 mm.

As the flange distance (17.53 mm) of the camera is greater than 10.82 mm, we must change the approach
from one lens to two lenses splitting the magnification.

Then I split them as: m1 = -0,05 and m2 = -0,6. And employing both Eq. 1 and Eq. 2, we calculate each
distance and each focal position.

- For m1 we obtain a focal length of 17.5 mm, and the formation of the image (z’ 1)
from the lens 1 is at 0.875 mm. And, as the system is with two lenses, we still need
to add the second one nevertheless the value is greater than 18 mm. And the
intermediate image size is -7 mm.

- For m2 we can choose a focal distance at least at a greater distance than 18 mm to

hold the camera lens, in this case f’2 = 20 mm, and z2 = -33.33 mm, and z’2 = 12.5
mm. And the result of the object size (equal to image 1 size) is 4.2 mm, near to the
limit of the optical size.

After the calculation of each component distance of the set-up, we need to check the system and finally,
characterize the aperture stop (AS). For the first part we need to calculate the total focal distance (f’ T) of
the system employing Eq. 3, compare with the initial focal length with only one lens, and then, the
principal planes (HH’) with Eq. 4 and Eq. 5.

𝑓′1 𝑓′2 Eq. 3)

𝑓′ 𝑇 = ,
𝑓′1 + 𝑓′2 − 𝑒

where “e” refers to the distance between lenses.

𝑓′ ∗ 𝑒 Eq. 4)
𝐻1 𝐻 =

𝑓′ ∗ 𝑒 Eq. 5)
𝐻′2 𝐻′ = −

And I obtain for the EFL a value of -10.23 mm, which is near to the system with only one lens (f’0 = 10.5

For 𝐻1 𝐻 I have obtained a value of -36.68 mm and 41.93 mm for 𝐻′2 𝐻′ which are well design.

The structure up to this point with each value is presented in Figure 2.

Optical design. MSc Photonics
Paraxial project design
Name PABLO Delivery date
Surname BARGALLO BALLESTEROS Report nº 1 of 4
Sheet nº 4of 5

Figure 2. Structure of the calculated system employing two lenses of m1= -0.05 and m2=-0.6.

The next part is to calculate the AS with Eq. 6 and employing the F# given previously 5.6.
𝑓′ Eq. 6)
𝐹# = ,

where “D” refers to the diameter of the EnP.

We need to know in which lens it is located the AS, then we try with the first lens by trigonometry knowing
that it is direct in this case as Figure 3 shows.

Figure 3. Trigonometry calculation to know diameter of lens 2. D1=1.25 mm. Image size = 8 mm.

And we obtain that D2 is 31.17 mm and the new F# = 0.64.

Now, we are going to try creating the antiimage in the object space of L2 with Eq. 7, then, I calculate the
diameter of L2, and after that, Eq. 6 again.
1 1 1 Eq. 7)
− + = ,
𝑎 𝑒 𝑓′

where “a” is the position of the EnP, and f’ the value of L1.

The result obtained for the position is -11.93 mm from L1, and the diameter solving Eq. 1 for y = EnP and
y’ = D2, I obtained D2=7.51 mm. Hence, F# = 2.66, which is a good value for the system and defining L2 as
the AS. But the minimum diameter of L1 must be checked by trigonometry, obtaining a value of 10.76 mm
and F# = 1.63, then, both lenses have each f-number greater than 1.

For lateral resolution of 0,5 mm is needed 280 points in the FOV, from sensor’s specs: 1880 useful points
in the designed FOV (around 4 pixels for each point), then, those requirements are covered by the
paraxial approach.
Optical design. MSc Photonics
Paraxial project design
Name PABLO Delivery date
Surname BARGALLO BALLESTEROS Report nº 1 of 4
Sheet nº 5of 5

And finally, I am presenting the ray tracing for my system with Zeemax in Figure 4.

Figure 4. Ray tracing of the system with the parameters of the system and scalated.


I have presented the process to design the device shown in Figure 1 following the requirements of the
company and I summarize the results in Table 2 to the easy knowledge of the reader.

Table 2. Parameters of the system

System Lens 1 Lens 2
m -0.03 m1 -0.05 m2 -0.6
EFL 10.23 EFL 1 17.50 EFL 2 33.33
F# 5.6 F# 1.63 F# 2.66
D EnP 1.25 D1 10.76 D2 7.51
H1H -36.68 z1 -350 z1 -33.30
H’2H’ 41.93 z‘1 0.88 z‘2 12.50
a’1 18.40 a2 -53.33
a‘2 22.50

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